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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Matthew ignored Shuzo's apology. He wasn't the nicest person (that should be obvious by now) and neither was he the most forgiving. If Shuzo wanted to make it up to Matt, he'd actually have to change and become less naïve. He didn't say that to the boy however. After all, there wasn't enough time in this world for change, not when it was everyone's job here to protect each other. Matt had slowly begun to realize that, but what he still hadn't realized was that he was changing, whether he liked it or not.

Shuzo looked up and into the kitchen. He saw that Mickie had collapsed. He ran over and knelt down next to him. "H-hey M-Mickie. A-are y-you o-ok?" He asked, gently shaking him. @FalseUser12

Vladimor was somewhat surprised when Shuzo mentioned Derrick was looking for him. It's been years, no way. The curious possibility though began biting him in the ass as he looks towards the doorway though it was blocked by the ever so bitter Matthew. He gets up, not too much caring to put his neither of his shirts back on. He stood behind Matthew, over towering him easily, seeing a slightly bigger version than he'd last seen of Derrick.

"Brother? No...I'm his serv-" he was cut off by the shock of seeing Vladimor behind the guy inquiring of who he was. "Vladimor!" He shouts, rudely running past the boy in the doorway to tackle the taller boy(which was amazing for him only being 5'7''!) Vladimor seemed just as happy, even when his back hits the floor. He didn't care, it was Derrick! He didn't say anything but hugged him tight, and Derrick did the same before pulling back with a scared look. " Have you been eating? Sleeping? Brushing your teeth?! You need to cut your hair, it's getting too long! Are you healthy? How do you feel, are you-" He's cut off by another hug from Vladimor. He let's everything slide and just enjoys the fact that they're both here together.​
Ella watched them with a vacant expression, like she was waiting for something. A part of her knew she should probably be interacting with the others but she didn't feel compelled to do much of anything. She leant back against the wall and exhaled softly. What's the point of all this?, she wondered, What do they want?
Matthew watched the two for a bit, before finally looking away. This... bothered him, but he didn't know why. "How do they know each other?" Matt wondered. He didn't hear what the other boy said Vlad was to him before he embraced him, but he did hear they weren't brothers. This was starting to make him curious, and he didn't want to be. Hadn't he insulted Vladimor several times already? The guy surely had to hate his guts by now. "So, will you be staying here?" Matt asked Derrick, surprising himself by how quiet and polite his voice sounded- or maybe it wasn't polite. No, instead his voice only sounded hoarse, like he had suddenly became sick. "If you are, the rooms are downstairs mostly. I sleep upstairs, so please be quiet when you're up there at night." he explained everything in a neutral tone, but his eyes were glued to the floor. "Also, no yelling: My friend Tabitha has sensitive ears." Having said all that was procedure, Matthew half-walked, half-ran up the stairs, not looking at them. He needed to be alone. He didn't know what this was, but this was the reason he wanted to leave. "I can't stand people..." he thought miserably, walking into Tabitha's room to just breathe. The girl was still asleep in her bed, and for once Matt was grateful she was. If she was awake, surely she'd be interrogating Matthew to see what was wrong.

Ella watched Matthew leave the room. She wasn't exactly sure why she started to follow him, but it felt like something she should be doing. She paused at the bottom of the stairs, suddenly unsure of herself. It seemed like he was in charge, she thought and so walked up the stairs after him. She paused again, in the doorway of Tabitha's room this time and fell silent as she saw that the girl was lying asleep there.
Matthew at first didn't notice the girl that followed him, but when he did he was pissed. Turning around to face her, he pointed a finger to the hallway behind her. "I'd prefer if you leave me alone." he warned, rather coldly. He didn't want to fight- it was the last thing on his mind. But if this lady asked for a fight, he'd let her. Right now, he'd be okay with his face being kicked in. These past few days had been Hell on Earth for him, and he didn't know how long he could last before he couldn't stand it any longer. Since day one he wanted to pack up and head to Las Vegas, to live a new life, but he had stayed because of Tabitha... would she forgive him if he left now? He was sure she would, but he knew it wasn't the right thing to do. Did anyone depend on him anymore? Maybe, but if they did they were fools. For the first time in ages, he was starting to feel bothered by everything around him, and with this new rush of emotions came disturbing thoughts. These thoughts included questions like "How would she feel if I did this?" or "What do I feel for him?" or even things as petty as "What's their favorite colour?" After being cold for so long, Matthew didn't know what to do. "I can't show my emotions, even if I'm just now experiencing them." he realized. If he acted like a damsel in distress he'd be eaten alive. For now, he just needed to find ways to block out his emotions, before the others around him started to get to him.

Ella couldn't help but smile slightly, this was far more what she was used to when it came to others interacting with her. It made her feel more comfortable. "I'm sorry, sir, I didn't mean to intrude" Ella apologised and bowed to him, the scientists had made her do that a lot for fun and it had become a habit since with people who acted like they were in charge. Still, she lingered in the doorway, having not been expressly told to leave. She felt like he'd do so if he wanted her to go and it was generally better not to do something and be told to do it than to do something and be in trouble for it in her experience.

Derrick nods in response to the other boy, still looking at Vladimor. Vladimor, however, was more focused on Matthew's voice. His brows furrowed, and he was going to asks if he was alright, but he left before he could. 'Best not to bother him' The noble thought sadly.

"Lord Vladimor, are you alright?" The servant inquires, getting up off of the taller, standing. Vladimor nods, returning his attention back to him. "Of course," He says with a reassuring smile. Though honestly, he was sort of worried for Matthew. Whatever. "Take my room instead, I won't be using it. The room is painted in black swirls and stuff." Not paint, but shadows. So what. It's not like Derrick knew he was an experiment. He'd let him find out on his own time. Derrick nods in compliance, digging in the bag he brought along with him. "Here. Clean clothes, toothbrushes, snacks, essentials. All for you." He says, offering the bag. Vladimor thanks him and mentions that he'll make sure to shower and eat in the morning. (Even though he hasn't eaten in days. The experiments on his body allowed him a longer period of time to not need to eat or sleep) "Will do...Ya know...I've missed you. How are you? Is dad alright?" He asks, a stressed atmosphere around him. Derrick could tell. "I've missed you too. Your father is alright...Same old. I've seen better days, but that's going to change now that your here." Derrick smiles softly, playing with Vladimor's hair when he sits up.​
Matthew was relieved when she apologized and bowed, figuring she'd leave. She didn't however, and Matt found himself even more irritated than before. "Leave!" he barked the command, much louder than he wanted to. He glanced at Tabitha- had she woken up? A troubled look appeared on the girl's face, but all she did was turn to her side in the bed, so Matt assumed she was still asleep. Regardless, he was sure the people downstairs could've heard him. Feeling resigned to the idea that he wouldn't be left alone all evening, Matt repeated himself. "Leave." he said, much quieter than before. Since Calvin was in his room and he didn't want to run into anyone else, Matt would sleep on the floor here if he had to: He'd rather do that than run into either the scientist or the two apparent lovebirds downstairs. Taking off his hoodie, Matthew waited for the silent girl to leave before even daring to go to sleep.

Ella should have looked startled at his sudden outburst, but she just looked relieved. A calm washed over her as she obeyed without thought or hesitation and left the room. She hurried back down the stairs and smiled slightly as she reached the bottom. The feeling of being lost and without direction or purpose had left her for now. I like him, she decided. For the first time since she'd been forced to leave, she felt some semblance of safety.

"I know it's not perfect, but I thought you'd like it." Vladimor said, holding a silver cross necklace out to Matthew. Timidly, Matt asked Vladimor if he could put it on him. The silver cross... where had Matt seen it before? The cabin had been redecorated, the first floor not as empty as it used to be. Instead, Christmas lights and décor were everywhere, except for the couch, which remained the quiet haven it always seemed to be. Matt sat next to Vlad on the couch, letting the boy he was so fond of put the gift around his neck. Next to them were Cicero and Tabitha, who were looking so deeply into each other's eyes: It was clear they were in love with each other. Sitting down on the floor were Ocean, Shuzo, Naomi, and even Cryx. It seemed that somehow Ocean managed to make a story so entertaining that Cryx even started to listen, though every few minutes Naomi would interrupt the story to add to it. Calvin wasn't in the room, which made Matt a little sad- didn't he want to be apart of this happy gathering? Still, Matt didn't go look for him. Instead, Matt simply laid his head on Vlad, using him as a pillow in partial revenge for earlier. Closing his eyes and smiling, Matt felt like for once, he had a family...

"What the fuck?!" Matthew said instinctively the second he woke up. It had been a dream. At first, Matt couldn't even move: He was shocked by what his mind had conjured up. He would have never wanted something so petty like that! "The cross..." Still half-asleep, Matt didn't realize the cross was gone until he put a hand toward his neck, feeling for the chain without thinking. It had been gone for a long time now- shouldn't he be over that? More than a little shaken, he woke up and checked the nearby clock. It was only five o'clock, so it was most likely safe to go downstairs. Going out of the room slowly, he had reached the bottom of the steps before he realized he wasn't wearing a shirt.​
Ella hadn't left the spot at the bottom of the stairs, she'd fallen asleep on the bottom step though. As Matthew walked down the stairs, she stirred and prized her eyes open. She pushed herself up, her side aching from the strange position she had fallen to sleep in. Groggy, she looked up at Matthew and smiled slightly at him before rubbing the sleep out of her eyes
As the night progressed, Derrick and Vladimor hadn't actually had much to say to each other and Derrick had been sent off to bed, finding room in the basement room that was designated for Vladimor, while Vladimor himself slept on the couch upstairs. A day and a half without sleep caught up to him quickly, and maybe he was more than fine that being in a house full of strangers who weren't all particularly the kindest. With his constant shifting and tossing, he ends up waking himself the same way he did the first time he tried to sleep here. Falling off the goddamned couch. When the clock read about 5-ish, he rolls his eyes but finds himself unable to sleep. However, he is still much too tired to get up so he lay there on the floor, on his back, just staring at the ceiling. "Thank you for a few fuckin' hours of sleep." He growled at the couch, not hearing anyone down the stairs and unaware of the girl sitting at the bottom of them.


Matthew took in the scene at the bottom of the steps. First off, there was the girl from earlier, smiling at him like he was some new shiny object. Then, to make things even more interesting, Vladimor was on the floor and staring at the ceiling, wide awake and looking angry. "Hey, so what's your name?" he asked the girl as he passed her, walking into the main room in order to hopefully strike up a conversation- one that Vladimor might join. It was pathetic, but Matt knew he wouldn't be able to get over the stress he felt unless he confronted the guy. That, of all things, was something he learned from Tabitha.

Speaking of Tabitha, she was waking up too. It took her a while, but eventually she sat up and got out of bed. With her cover around her, she started to walk over to where she could have sworn she heard Shuzo's voice- what was the boy doing up this early?​
Ella stood up and hurried after him, still rubbing one of her eyes to try and wake up faster. "Ella, sir" she told him. She paused and got up the courage to ask a question of her own. "What's your name?"
Vladimor watched Matthew for a moment before closing his eyes. It wasn't his business, quit it. The boy rolls onto his side, and huffs. it was too early in the morning, why are they all up?


Matthew raised an eyebrow as if to say "Why do you want to know?" but didn't hesitate to answer the question. "Matthew- don't call me Matt, or I'll maim you." he said, extending a hand toward her in greeting. He said it partly as a joke, even if being called Matt did annoy him. Maybe it was just because the girl seemed emotionless, or maybe it was because he was wanting to get somebody else's attention, but the whole conversation felt staged, as if they were actors in some fucked up play. Walking around Vladimor, Matthew sat on the couch. For a second, it seemed like he had gained the other boy's attention, but then that second was over and he closed his eyes again. A small sigh escaped Matthew but he kept his face free of any signs that he was troubled. He wouldn't give the already angry male the satisfaction of knowing how bothered he was by their lack of communication.

"What are you doing?" were the words that left Tabitha's lips. Entering the room, she looked at the person she didn't know in curiosity.​
Shuzo looked at Tabitha, a tired look in his eyes. "H-he c-came h-here e-earlier t-today. H-He w-was h-here f-for a-a l-little w-while b-before h-he j-just r-randomly c-collapsed. I-I've b-been s-sitting h-here s-since t-then w-waiting f-for h-him t-to w-wake u-up." He said, yawing after he did so. @iiimee
"Well Mickie passed out so I might as well cover for him." A male voice said as Mickies body woke up except something being different for one he looked completely different and he also sounded different looking at Shuzo "Thanks for looking after his Mickies body for us were greatful."
At first, Shuzo thought he was seeing things since he was so tired. He rubbed his eyes. "U-um, M-Mickie?" He asked, his head tilted to the side a little in confusion. @FalseUser12
"Where the hell do you run off to all day?" Vladimor says without thinking but quickly chastises himself for it. He bites his lip realizing that it was too damn late now, but it might've been fine if it really weren't any of his business and Mathew ignored him. The boy recalls his first day here, how he went on and on about not wanted to be a burden. Now, that they asked for him to be here, he might let his voice be heard more. He rolls back onto his back, sitting up to look at Matthew with a lazy smirk on his face.

Cicero finally woke up and walked upstairs "Good Morning new people and people I know." He said while walking to the refrigerator and grabbing some sort of liquid he drank it and spit it out the moment he tasted it "What the hell did I just drink...its worse then the ketchup." He said while spitting in the sink and washing out the taste by drinking from the faucet "Ok much better...anyways lets forget that i'm Cicero nice to meet you random people." He said while eating his cookies "Oh yea do you have any sort of cookies cause I want them." He stated and for once it wasn't a joke he was almost out of cookies when he felt his pocket it seemed like he had 6 at the very least

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