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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

"He seems nice it looks like you have made a friend Mickie." One of the voices said "Kind of disappointed that you didn't kill anything though." His other voice replied.

"Thank yo..." His sentence was cut short as he noticed someone watching him and the other guy he turned around to see someone else "So do you know her over there?" He questioned

@amybri18 @Ldybug123

Mneme Signý Kanti Danaë

Mneme stepped back slightly as the guy approached her. "I'm Mnene, or Nia,"

Matthew's attention eventually turned from those in his room to the sound of talking downstairs. Without saying anymore to Cicero or Calvin, the boy grabbed a hoodie from his backpack and put it on. His first thought when he walked out of the room was "Thank God Cicero didn't ask any questions." For a straight guy, Cicero wasn't very stuck up or grossed out by Matt's habits... Not that there was anything to be grossed out about. A boy could hang out in another boy's room without doing anything right? All he and Calvin had been doing was talking...

"More refugees, Shuzo?" Matt asked, eyeing the two newcomers. Neither of them looked as safe as any of the people who first arrived. If anything, the two reminded him of Cryx: Rather cold-looking and troubled. He didn't think much of it though. After all, who wasn't a little fucked up in the head around here?​
"Yay more people to kill I guess you could say oh what should we do impale them...no to easy or how about we drain them of all there blood oh how I love to do that!"

"Ha made you scream out lou..." His voice was cut off by his other one "No don't say anything else Mickie is right you are a psychotic bastard!"

This time ignoring his voices Mickie answered Shuzo.

"No trust me I am ok I just um... sort of no I'm ok I just need something to eat I'll be fine." Mickie said as he made his way to the kitchen.
Despite the fact that Leon was upstairs in a room he could hear the yelling of a new voice. They had a new visitor,"Hey! Sorry I can't come out to introduce myself, I'm hurt so I probably won't be able to do much for a while." Leon shouted so he could be heard. He was still in his room with all of his bandages still wrapped around his side and leg and the bruises on his face and stomach were slowly healing.

Sitting down at a table Mickie closed his eyes and tried his hardest to block out the voices but it didn't work he sighed in defeat and got up to look n the fridge and all he could see way some butter and a loaf of bread which for some reason was in there.

Matthew's suspicions were slowing waning when it came to the girl, but the boy's scream confirmed something: The new guy was a psychopath! "Hey, rule one in this house- no screaming." Matt said, following the new boy to the kitchen as he spoke. On the way there, he noticed Vladimor was on the couch, but decided not to say anything to him. He was sure the taller male was still pissed at him, and Matt knew he had every right to be. Inside though, he was secretly wishing Vlad wouldn't notice the bruises Matthew had gained from his failed chase earlier. It was already embarrassing to admit he followed after somebody so mindlessly.

Once in the kitchen, he watched Mickie closely. "If you scream again, you'll lose the ability to." he warned. He leaned against the nearby wall and crossed his arms, waiting to see the usual response- a fist or words of ridicule thrown at him. Matt was so used to it by now that he didn't even bat an eye at the thought.​
Calvin looked at Matt strangely when he revealed his ability, but the corners of his lips curled up in amusement. "That's an interesting ability."

He turned to Cicero as the cat-boy barged in, waving silently to the kid and watching as Matt stood. Calvin bowed his head to hide his laughter at Matt's care for his public image.

"Let him at least see if she is awake," Calvin urged Cicero. "If not, then he should come back and get some rest. We all should. I have a feeling that tomorrow will be a busy day." With a rather tired mind, Calvin moved to his own room, glad that he had managed to stay awake for long enough to get a proper rest. He fell into his bed, and slept.
"Hay you got told!"

Mickie noticed Matthews death stare at him and inwardly sighed at the fact he shouted "Sorry it's just that I um sort of umm you know how when you just..." Mickie stood up on the last part only to collapse seconds later
Derrick travels Louisville, following the tracker that he may, or may not have placed inside of Vladimor at some point in their lives- That wasn't the point. When the tracker began to show a location just outside of the city, his brow furrowed as he looked into the trees. "No way," He says quietly, the cloud of warm breath contrasting visibly against the cold. The little servant begins running, keeping his eyes on a clear direction and the tracker. Closer, closer..Soon enough, the tracker was squared with a cabin. "Here?" He eyed the place cautiously, hesitantly walking up to the door as he placed the tracker away. He gave a firm knock, biting his lip.

Stubbornly, Vladimor doesn't even care to move for the door, shouting for someone else to get it. It's been so long, Vladimor's voice had changed, and Derrick couldn't recognize it.

Matthew sighed, not at all caring that the boy collapsed. Walking out of the kitchen, Matt watched as another scene unfolded before his eyes: Vladimor was still there, looking grumpy as he sat on the couch, while Shuzo had opened the door to yet again reveal another stranger. "Who are you?" Matthew asked, coming over to stand behind Shuzo, blocking the way into the house. He was tired of all the people that arrived to this house, but if Calvin told Matt to be hospitable, he'd obey like he had been these past few days.

Derrick was somewhat discouraged when some other boy answered the door, and not his dear Vladimor. Though he has to be here, he knows it. "I'm Derrick, a servant of the King household, I'm here to see if Vladimor is here?" He mutters quietly, chewing on his lip nervously.
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Shuzo nodded and walked over to Vladimor. "H-hey V-Vladimor. S-Someone's h-here a-and t-they're l-looking f-for y-you. H-He s-says h-his n-name i-is D-Derrick." He said. @King Anthony
He wasn't entirely sure why, but when the young man mentioned Vlad, Matt suddenly felt a little on edge. "So, you're his brother or something?" the boy asked, avoiding the question and instead stepping to the side slightly to block the view of the couch. He wasn't sure who this guy was, but he'd have to explain himself before Matthew would let him come inside and talk to him. Still, he wasn't happy at all when his interrogation was ended by Shuzo's naïve kindness. "Will you shut up for once?!" he barked at the boy, a little upset he just told this "Derrick" guy that Vlad was here. "I shouldn't care." he reminded himself in his head, but the fact that he did wouldn't just disappear.


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