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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

"Yea I got you and here these should help if you have a headache." He said while picking her up and giving her the bottle of headache medicine "Also do you want me to get some towels or something to clean the blood off of your ears and do you want to go back to sleep or look at the stars?" He asked while smiling and walking up to the the stairs and picking up his bottle of water "This should help wash the pills down." He told her while picking it up
Ella wasn't certain how to respond to that since pleasantries had never really featured in her conversations with the scientists. So she decided to try asking a question of her own. "Why are you so scared?" she asked Shuzo, genuinely curious as to why he could barely even speak. @Ldybug123

Ooc: Ella thinks Tabitha is messed up?

:( Poor Tabby, being judged before anyone even gets to know her...

Bic: Tabitha took the pills and water bottle from Cicero, ignoring Shuzo's talking and Ella's seemingly quizzical stare. "Thanks, but I think I'll stay up- why don't we all play a game?" she decided cheerfully, before swallowing the pills that would hopefully help her deal with the pain she felt. She tried to act brave, but everyday seemed like a struggle for the girl. At times, she thought Matt wanted to leave her not just for his and her safety, but because he didn't want to be there if she never woke up. "I won't die." she mentally told herself, but she wasn't as confident in that as she wanted to believe. Maybe that was why she liked Naomi: The little girl seemed to struggle too, and while Tabby felt bad for her, there was something comforting in knowing she wasn't struggling alone. She didn't like to make Cicero struggle however, so she'd try her best to act strong.​
Leon finally woke up after hearing all of the commotion and began to tap on the floor with his foot while keeping the injured one on the bed,"The sun isn't even out yet! Quiet down over there!" Leon just wanted some sleep, was that too much to ask for?

@everyone making noise in the cabin
Calvin sat on Matthew's bed, next to the boy, and pulled him into a sort of side-hug and let the boy cry.

"I know how it feels," he murmured quietly. When Matt apologized, however, Calvin quietly growled.

"Unless you have a damn good reason, you're not leaving." Calvin sent a firm and commanding glare in Matt's direction, although the effect was kind of ruined by the fact that the scientist-who-was-supposed-to-be-a-jerk was hugging the other jerk in the group.

The fact that Naomi, in her midnight wanderings, appeared in the doorway and
winked at Calvin didn't help one bit. For God's sake, the girl was twelve!

With a nearly silent, resigned sigh, Calvin sat there, hoping he was at least somewhat of a comforting person when he tried to be.
Ooc: Ella thinks everyone else is messed up because she's messed up so differently to them and thinks she's normal :'(

Ella turned her attention to Tabitha, forgetting she had asked Shuzo a question. "A game?" she raised an eyebrow slightly. The scientists had played games with her, or at least that had been what they'd called them. "We can't play games here... can we?" she asked, confusion furrowing her brows slightly
"Yea sure a game seems like fun what do you have in mind?" He asked her excited about anything that involved actually having fun which has pretty easy for Cicero to do his whole life has been fun ever since the lab blew up and he loved seeing it in flames every second of it until he ran away and found stuff to steal but he still remembers the explosion and people yelling he even seen a scientist and he walked over to him the guy asked her help Cicero just stared at him and laughed pulling out some cat food he put in his pocket he opened and shoved in the scientist mouth and laughed but he was brought back to his senses when he realized he was still in the cabin "that fire was really cool looking." He muttered to himself before smiling again and Tab hoping she wouldn't ask why he said that because he didn't even know himself

Perhaps it was due to how caught off-guard Matt was by it, but when the scientist pulled the boy into a side-hug, Matt found his tears slowly lessening. What was this? The last time Matt had been given any sign of affection like this... He couldn't remember. He didn't ask the scientist why he was being kind, even though the question was obviously important. After all, last time the two had actually talked Matt had been cussed out. Calvin's reasons became apparent the second Matt heard his response however. "I- I have to leave." the boy stated. He had been repeating those words over and over again, as if he was some sort of broken recorder that couldn't stop replaying. He needed- no, he wanted to leave. If he wasn't alone, he couldn't think. If he wasn't alone, he'd have to learn to look at the past and be responsible for others... How could he do that? Still shaken, he tried weakly to pull away from the scientist. He didn't want to watch anyone else die, not if he knew anything about who they were and what they had gone through.

"We can play games here, and we shall." Tabitha answered Ella, before considering Cicero's questions. What games could they play? With her hands on her hips, Tabby looked around the room. "Does anyone have a deck of cards, or a board game? This cabin may not be old, but Calvin has a twelve year old here, so there has to be something!"​
"Come one lets ask him or Naomi one of them have to know where the games are." He said while running around trying to find one of them until he some how ran into a wall while he wasn't looking "I don't think their this way..." He said while getting up and rubbing his head "Wait isn't Naomi in her room lets go check." He said looking in all the room that he never been in before saying Naomi's name every time he opened the door
"You have to? Or you want to? Tabitha's heart will be broken if you leave. Are you thinking of others, or just yourself?" Calvin kept his voice calm and quiet, and somehow it required no effort. When Matt tried to pull away, Calvin was tempted to just pull him closer and not let him go, and nearly did; his arm jerked the boy to him for just a moment. But he realized how controlling that would seem, so he pulled his arm away and stood, looking down at Matt.

"If you're afraid about death, whether for yourself or others, just know that we'll all be safer if we have more numbers, more people willing to protect us. We can all protect each other; that's the easiest way to survive."

Tabitha shook her head in both disbelief and amusement and Cicero's persistence to find the little girl. Eventually however, she joined in the chase, when he couldn't find her after a few rooms. "Where is she?" Tabby thought, going upstairs to check. "Naomi?" she called in the loudest voice she could without hurting herself.

Matthew felt his heart skip a beat when Calvin refused to let go of him at first. Eventually, the other boy seemed to understand what he was doing and let go of Matt, but the effects of his demanding grip still stuck with the boy, and he found himself feeling rather unsafe near Calvin. Safety was exactly what Calvin was preaching to him, however. "More people will die if we're in a huge group like this." was Matt's immediate response, but after seeing the look on Calvin's face he wanted to take the words back- not that he could. The words were practically facts, and it wasn't like Matt to lie, not if it wasn't for business. A silence seemed to be building in the room, so thick it was almost tangible. In order to prevent this, Matt asked the most important question there was. "Where would we be going? I was waiting to talk to you since yesterday morning, you know. We should decide soon, before we're caught." Matt's gaze turned from flustered and confused to one with a little more purpose. It felt desperate, but if that question was answered the boy felt like he would be able to regain some of his sanity. He didn't know for how long, but at least with that question answered he'd be able to walk and do what he had to without looking like he was in a daze- or however he looked right now.​
Calvin cast his eyes to the ground when the fear he'd felt from Matt caught up to him, but he looked back up when the boy asked a question.

"Big cities, as much as I hate them, make for excellent hiding places. I don't know where exactly would we go, but I'm thinking maybe somewhere near or in Las Vegas." To provide himself with some sense of security and confidence--which he had completely lost when he had jerked Matt closer--Calvin crossed his arms, and although he wasn't watching the ground like it was some new and unknown species, he wasn't looking at Matt either.

"Damn awkwardness to hell," he muttered crossly to himself, eyes widening as that little brat appeared out of nowhere and shoved him forwards before following the calls of her name. Unfortunately, and rather cliche-ly, Calvin tumbled into Matt and fell back onto the bed. He scrambled away, staring at the wall and glaring as if it were Naomi herself.

Naomi was giggling madly as she rushed off before Calvin could retaliate, and almost ran right into Cicero.
"You called me?" she asked in the most innocent voice ever known to mankind.

Cryx was wandering, unable to sleep because of all the damn commotion, and was about to ask Matt where Calvin had gone in order to see if the man had any plans for the group. Since she had walked in right before Calvin had managed to get away from Matt, she caught a rather
interesting sight. A single eyebrow rose, and, with the completely wrong idea, she turned right around, shut the door, somehow got ahold of a "Do Not Disturb" sign that hung on one's doorknob, shoved it onto the door of Matt's room, and walked away to her room, flopping onto the bed with a confused and slightly disgusted expression.


Maybe being barefoot in the snow wasn't such a smart idea. With his now perfectly groomed hair(Though it makes him look a lot less like a 'he'...), he stands, walking back into the cabin. He takes a minute to regain enough feeling in his toes and fingers before his slips his boots on. He eyes the empty room he's in, smiling. 'I can go.' With that thought, he cups his hands around his mouth to pronounce his final words to the inhabitants of this cabin. "GOODBYE I'M LEAVING!" He yells, quickly making his way to the door before adding a quick "FOREVER!" And begins outwards, a pep in his step as he tries to get a far away as he could away from all these people. With some sort of regret, though, since he didn't ever get to even himself with Matthew for inviting him for somewhere safe to sleep for the night.

It didn't matter now.​
"Naomi awesome does this place have any sort of games like cards or game board?" He asked her jumping up and down and barely containing his excitement of finally playing some sort of game then he attempted to do a flip and fell on his back "Does that count as a flip...I think it should although it hurt a lot." He said laying on the floor and staying at the ceiling and looking at Naomi to see if she was laughing at him or disgusted with his to be honest he just wanted an answer he was already bored just trying to find her
Matthew didn't know what just happened, but he was scared. First, Naomi the devil-child came up behind Calvin, and in seconds the other boy was on top of him. He quickly moved away, but the boy's heart was beating like crazy. He didn't even see the devil-child leave, or Cryx open and close the door. Instead, he was just focused on the mental picture of the scientist above him. No matter what he did, the image wouldn't go away. He immediately sat up, his eyes wide as he put a hand to his chest. Even if he took a thousand deep breaths, he knew his heart wouldn't calm down anytime soon. It took him a while, but eventually he built up the nerve to glare at the boy- was he as messed up as Matt was right now? It didn't seem that way. Instead, it seemed like he was merely angry, glaring at the wall with such rage that almost made Matt believe Calvin could melt it if he wanted to. "I... can't be in this room!" were Matthew's only thoughts. Getting up and dashing toward the bedroom door, he made it out into the hallway, in front of the stairs, only to see Vladimor, and hear his booming voice practically shake the cabin. When Matthew finally understood what the taller male said, more guilt was added on top to the list of things he already felt bad for. "You can't lea-!" Matt's words were cut off by him tripping down the stairs, hurting himself rather badly but luckily only receiving a few bruises on his legs and one on his forehead.

Leon heard all the commotion. Vladimor's yelling, and the sound of someone falling down the stairs. Leon would have gone to help, but due to his injuries he was incapable of doing so. For now, Leon would just have to sit in his room...alone. Hunter had long since retired to her room and Leon just had to sit and listen to all the chaos.
Calvin often got annoyed at Naomi--living with a 12 year old was grating on anyone's nerves--but this was the last straw. Unwilling to say or do anything, afraid that he might screw up again, Calvin just leaned against the wall and sighed, watching from the corner of his eyes as Matt flew the room, and hearing the loud thunk as the boy tripped trying to do something. He was tempted to move and help him, but knew it would probably be a bad idea.

Naomi looked up at Cicero, head tilted. "There should be a bunch on the top shelves in my closet," she directed, but the padding of feet distracted her before she could show them. She turned to see Matt running out of his room, and facepalmed. She left the rest of the group, peeking timidly into the room to see Calvin leaning against the wall.

"Hey, Cal.. Sorry that didn't work out.. It was a lot different in my head.."

Calvin immediately stood, seeming to tower over Naomi as he walked towards her.

"Tell me, dear child, how old are you?"


"And just what were you imagining?"


"Go to your room. No books, no T.V., no games, no anything unless I say otherwise."

"B-But Cal! It's Cryx's fault!"

That set Calvin off. Fortunately for Tabitha, he stormed over and shoved a pair of earmuffs into her hands, and had the grace to move out of the hallway.


"Son of a bitch.."
"Ok great thanks...but where is your room again I never knew where it was to begin with." He said smiling while laughing a little while getting up and dusting himself off and he seen Calvin but earmuffs into Tab's hands and then yell at Cryx and he couldn't help but laugh "Are the two love birds fighting again?" He whispered to Naomi sarcastically while laughing
Tabitha pressed down on the earmuffs Calvin gave her, but even she wanted to have a say in this. Turning to Naomi, Tabby did something completely unexpected: She glared at the little girl. "Matt may seem tough, but he struggles everyday with just keeping me alive- I don't want you adding more drama to his life." She said this to the little girl before she ran off toward Matthew. "Matty, are you okay?" Tabitha asked worriedly to the boy, placing a hand near the bruise on his forehead, but the boy shook her off. "Tell Vladimor he can't leave, and Calvin... Tell Calvin..." The boy seemed to hesitate, unsure of what he wanted to say to the scientist. During this time of uncertainty however, he faded into unconsciousness. Weak and sore all over, the boy mumbled words so quiet that even Tabitha wasn't sure what they were. Something changed in Tabitha's expression- now, her anger wasn't restrained. She was clearly upset. "You better stay!" she ordered rather loudly to Vladimor, coming closer so that she was right in front of him, her fists shaking at her sides. Luckily, she had lost control when she had earmuffs on, so she wasn't hurting herself nearly as much as she usually would.

"Uhhh....I guess i'll bring bruised back to his room." He said picking up Matt and putting him inside his bed and closed the door before walking outside to see Tab and Vlad "sooooo Vlad what do you think your doing?" He asked while walking up to him "If I were you I'd listen to Tab or of course I can always show you how I make people listen...but that involves blood and maybe a few broken bones...of course this if your choice after all chose wisely." He said while gripping a knife and pulling it out and smiling at the boy evilly

Vladimor could here the short-lived plea from Matthew, and for the briefest moment, he wanted to turn back, especially when he heard a hard 'thunk', but he finds himself remembering the words he had said, "I can't have anyone, even an experiment, dead because of our... disagreements." Matthew said. Matthew didn't actually care if Vladimor left or not. He only says something because Vladimor, as an experiment, is a fucking responsibility. He shakes his head aggressively, huffing as he sings out an extremebly relatable string of lyrics, "I left behind all that I used to be, but this time...I did it for me. And you were everything I needed...to set me free," He smiles at the last big, running his fingers through neat, straight hair. Although he did set himself as his own person once again, he found himself lonely...Once again. Though that wasn't going to stop him.

When he heard Tabitha's familiar voice, he kept walking, but now with a straighter face. When she was in front of him he stopped, crossing his arms. "Stay? I better stay?!" Vladimor began to laugh, going into hysterics. "No! I refuse. I really must thank you for the night, but it's my own time now. I'm not going to stay and be your fuckin' runaway lab rat. I'm tired of people keeping me tied to them like....like I'm some sort of pet! A fucking pet, that you fucking neglect even though it tries it's best to show it's fucking gratitude." He barks, not at all phased by her hostility. He cracks his neck, displeased that they sent some little girl to fetch him. Next was Cicero. He shook his head in disbelief, once again laughing at them. "Touch me and I'll fucking break you, kid."

Naomi flinched, looking away and at the ground when Tabitha glared at her. She nodded meekly in response to the woman's words.

"Sorry.." she murmurs, retreating to her room. Sliding a few board games and card decks out into the hallway, the child shuts the door, flopping onto her bed.

When Tabitha rushed upstairs, Calvin followed, watching as Cicero took Matt back to his room. Unsure what to do for once, Calvin finds himself back in Matts room. Checking to make sure Matt was okay, and finding nothing severe, Calvin leaves, and heads back upstairs.

And then he finds Vladimor threatening the other members of the group. Calvin's pissy level went even higher, and he came up behind Vlad, towering with his usual quiet rage.

"Do you want to tell me what you think you're doing? First, you try to leave, and then you threaten others?"

There was practically a pile of feathers around Calvin's feet after only a few seconds of standing there, and was it wrong to say that his hair seemed to be a bit more wild as well?
He laughed with Vlad "Try me I could care less if I fight you plus I could use a practice and you'll make the perfect test dummy...in case I ever need to fight an ogre or something cause you have both attributes of one height and pure ugliness." He said smiling while pulling out a second knife before Calvin came up behind Vlad "Oh hey Calvin whats up." He said while looking up and Vlad and smiling "Hey Tab you can go if you want i'll take care of the ogre here I promise." He said
Vladimor's brow furrows and his eyes narrow at Calvin. "Am I not allowed to have free will? I go where I please!!! Yes I will fucking threaten someone if they threaten me with a knife." He points at Cicero, barring his teeth. Shadows began to grow in rise from him own, each one like a tentacle, seemingly slow moving and to revolve around him. His expression seemed crazed once Cicero spoke again. "You fucking want me to stay, but you fucking INSULT ME AT THE SAME TIME?!" Vladimor roars out, covering his face for a second in blind rage as his tries to deny his own ears and eyes. "The fuck is WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!?"

"Oh to be honest I could care less if you stay or not...but Matthew for some odd reason wants you to stay so I guess I'm going to help out." He said raising his knifes and getting ready to dodge if needed "Well I guess ladies first even if they look like ogres." He said smirking a little finally he threw his hat to Tab "Do you mind taking that for me?" He asked her before looking back at Vlad and smiling "Well i'm waiting and i'm not a very patient person." He said

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