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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Ooc: I think I can jump in... I wrote some of this before I went to bed, but I can edit it to make it work. Cicero better run to continue his nagging once he's back on! >_>


Tabitha sighed. She knew Matthew and her were going to go their separate ways from day one, but the thought of losing a friend still upset her. "It's his choice." she told Leon understandingly, trying to hide the sadness in her voice. Cicero however, didn't seem to rationalize things as well as her. He seemed pissed simply at the thought of Matt leaving her, and while Tabitha reached out a hand to try to stop him, Cicero was already out the door before she could do anything. Feeling helpless, Tabitha sat on the edge of the bed. "What does he think he's doing..." Tabby wanted to know, but nothing answered that question which was buzzing around in her head. She guessed she'd just have to wait and see how this turned out.

"I'm an idiot..." Matt thought, having finally given up on counting and was instead laying on the bed, staring at the ceiling. His words were echoed by Cicero's. "So what if I am?" the boy huffed, turning on his side so he was facing away from the intruding cat-boy. Matt just wanted to be alone, to collect his thoughts, but even that seemed like too much in a place like this. The only person he wasn't angry at here was Tabitha, and he really should've been, but despite his childish attempts, he couldn't let himself feel any hate for the young lady. He understood why she said what she had, but the rumor upset him nonetheless. Why though? Plenty of lies had been spread about him before. Maybe it was because he was just beginning to care about his reputation for once, or maybe he just didn't want to be seen as childish. When Matthew was in his room curled up like this however, that was exactly what he was.​
Calvin eventually decided that it wouldn't help to spend the night away from the house, seeing as that was more running away from crap than anything. So he circled back, spying Cicero jumping through the trees with keen eyes and wondering what had happened, as the boy seemed a tad downcast. Still not in the mood to deal with people, Calvin landed behind the house, once more, and with an explosion of feathers was himself again. He made sure that he brushed all of them off of himself and waited for them to stop appearing before finally walking to the front of the cabin. Kicking his feet on the ground to get the snow off, Calvin finally got to walking inside, ignoring everyone as is his wont, and headed towards his room.

Unfortunately, once more, for poor Calvin, he had to walk past Matthew's room to get to his at the end of the hallway. He heard the boy grumbling angrily to himself, and for some thrice-blasted reason stopped, and changed to head to his room instead, leaning on the doorway.

"Throwing a hissy fit, princess?" the man grumbled, half annoyed at the world and half annoyed at himself for stopping in the first place. If he walked away now, it'd just leave a really weird impression, so he stayed and threw out an insult as a way of keeping up the image that he was a complete dick to everyone.

Of course, he did this out of reasons nobody would
ever understand, like thinking in a cliche manner--and he knew it was so, but just wouldn't admit it--that he too much to deserve anyone. Poor Calvin.
"So what your leaving Tab when she trust you more then anyone you and her have been together longer then any of us and now you might leave because you don't want to be around experiments hate to break it to you but your always going to be around one experiment yourself you can never get away from yourself no matter how hard you try so stop being a child because that's my job and just stop complaining about every small thing we do we bug you boo hoo just say leave me alone and we will most likely leave but nope you have to make a comment and think your smart...just accept the fact dude your staying.....wherever you like it or not because I will gladly stop you." He said leaning on the door frame looking at him
Hunter chuckled at Leon's comment. "Wow. So, you're saying my company isn't good enough for you then?" She was just teasing of course. She would never be quite so serious about something like that. Being stuck in a bed sucked, the least she could was try to lighten the mood a little bit. Or at least distract him from all the drama that was happening in the other room.

She smiled gently at Tabitha. She didn't know the girl well but it was obvious, from her face and her thoughts, that she was rather troubled by everything. She hoped this wasn't the make it or break it point of their group. They had only been together for a few days after all. Who knew what would happen if all of them split and went their separate ways?

@Isune @iiimee
Leon rolled his eyes,"What are you worried you might have to leave my side? God your clingy." Leon was joking of course as he laid back in bed. Leon got bored and decided to search his pocket. All the boy had were a few crumpled up dollar bills, two sticks of gum he was saving, pocket change, and of course pocket lint. Leon put his few belongings onto the nightstand as he pointed to the gum,"Both of you can have one, ONE."

@Xx-Katherine-xX @iiimee
"No. I'm just good nurse. I mean, unless you want me to let Cicero watch over you? Cause that's not a problem at all," Hunter joked back. This was the kind of back and forth she had always enjoyed. The constant teasing and sarcasm. It felt good to smile again. It had been a long time since she had genuinely smiled and laughed.

She took one of the sticks of gum he offered, carefully unwrapping the mint stick. She split it in half, handing it off to Leon, "Here, cripple." She popped the other half into her mouth, savoring the sweet mint flavor. It had been so long since she had had a good piece of gum, the good Spearmint stuff, not the crappy off brand stuff she could barely afford. The kind she usually had to steal, and even then it wasn't worth it usually.

Leon rolled his eyes when Hunter said she'd get Cicero to be his nurse. Leon took the gum and responded,"Thank you nurse girlfriend." obviously trying to get back at Hunter for trying to call him a cripple.

Hunter fought the urge to pop in the arm for his 'Nurse Girlfriend' comment. She honestly couldn't tell if he was trying to flirt or if he was just joking around. Either way she felt her cheeks flush, something the would easily be noticed on her pale porcelain features.

"You know, Nurse Girlfriend, is actually going to get you some water for her crippled paitient," she said and hurried out of the room. She found her way to the kitchen and snagged three bottles of water from the fridge. She came back and handed off water to Tab and Leon before opening her own and taking a sip. The cool, clean liquid slid down her throat and she was happy to have found a place with real food and drinks. Now she would never have to worry about starving or dehydration. Things could relax maybe now. Doubtful, but a girl could hope, right?

Leon couldn't help but laugh as Hunter's check turned a nice red. Once she came back, Leon took his water bottle and smiled,"Thanks girlfriend." Leon then suddenly blushed when he forgot to add on the nurse part. "Nurse girlfriend, I meant to say nurse girlfriend!"

"Bet you did, cripple," she said, glad to regain her confidence. She had let her guard fall for a moment, but it was back up now. Hunter managed a giggle at his blush, which was almost a noticable as her own. She rumaged through the first aid kit, hoping to find some antibiotics, the kind that would help fight off any infections. She found some in one of the little tear-open packages and quickly ripped the pack open, dropping the white tablets on the night stand. "Take these. At least before you go to bed. No need for me to stitch all that up and then it get infected, now is there, cripple?"

Cicero got bored of Matt being a child so he went back into the room with everyone "Hey guys i'm going into town you guys want me to steal anything for you when I get there?" He asked peeking his head in and looked around then tried not to laugh when he seen Leon's face red "Maybe I should get something for Leon's fever that's on his cheeks right now." He said while trying to laugh 'Man don't think that help with this guy forgiving me...oh well couldn't help it.' He told himself while getting a cookie out and eating it
Leon ignored Cicero, but tries to think of a witty comeback. He got it! "Man for being nurse girlfriend you're not exactly what I envisioned. I was thinking something more along the lines of 'Darling I'll make sure your in peak physical condition before you leave this bed' or something like that." Leon began to chuckle as he grabbed his water and began to drink it to hurry up and get the antibiotics working.

Hunter turned to Cicero, a slightly disapproving look on her face. "Number one, do you really think it's the best idea to go into town right now? I'm pretty sure we all qualify as wanted fugitives at this point. Number two, if you are stealing things, at least be careful about it. Don't get caught this time." With that, she waved him off. Currently, she didn't need anything and even if she did, she wouldn't have asked him to steal it for her.

She turned back to Leon, rolling her eyes at his comment. "Sorry, dear, but this is real life. Not a porno." She sipped her own water, sneaking a couple of aspirin with it to ease the headache that had come on.

"Ok your lost and of course I think its a good idea to go into town I did it before and no one recognized me I just need my hat and i'm fine." He said going into the room and opening drawer and pulled out his hat before closing it "Ok see ya guys and after hear what I just heard I think you should keep it PG or the scientist dude just might kick you out injured or not see ya." He said kinda not wanting to get hit my Hunter he left for the town and stole some gum, and another knife then he went back into the cabin and into his room and sitting in the corner looking at the knife "Hey guys I got an extra knife again I think that makes 5 or 10 I lost track to be honest with you." He said grinning while staring at the knife
Leon smiled at Hunter's comment. Then things took an odd turn as Leon looked away from Hunter before he started to talk,"Hunter, I like having you here...with me. You're one of the few people that actually cared about me in my lifetime. It really means a lot to me to have people like you here with me." Leon really had no other way to put things. Everything he said was true, and it didn't seem like he was messing around.

"I-" Hunter was blushing again. She really didn't know how to respond. The whole thing was really sudden. She hadn't been prepared for that. "Um, you're welcome, I guess? I mean, I totally understand what you mean, I'm just not good with words? Which is odd considering that that's all that ever fills my head." She chuckled awkwardly as she looked down and fiddled with the hem of her sweater. "But, uh, yeah. Anytime really. I enjoy spending time with you."

"Y-yeah...so am I." Leon said, not wanting to finish the rest of his thought. Millions of words were fly around in Leon's head right now. He had no idea what else to say. Words like "love" or "trust" were some of the many words flying around in Leon's head as he tried to figure out what he could say. A few sentences would form in his head like "You're one of the only people I trust...and I love you for it." but those would merely disappear as Leon saw them as unfit.

Hunter's already flushed face became darker as she heard his thoughts echoing in her head. She hated that she couldn't control what she heard. Did she want to know these things? Yes, of course. But she didn't want to hear them this way.

"Look. I'm totally not snooping. I just can't control but...what you're thinking...I, uh, feel the same way? It's ridiculous, we've only just met but I already feel this I can trust you, you know? And for me trust is hard thing to come by so, yeah..."

She bit her lip and glanced up at him, blue eyes peering up from beneath blonde lashes. She could only hope he wouldn't be angry with her for hearing his thoughts.

"So uh...I guess we're a thing now? Now you can officially be called nurse girlfriend." Leon said with a weak smile. He honestly didn't mind the fact that Hunter read his mind, Leon knew she couldn't control who's mind she listened to. Right now he was happy to not be rejected right off the bat.

"If you want to be," Hunter said with a soft smile. She couldn't wait to tell Nate. Nate. Shit. Nate, who had basically told her he loved her yesterday. Nate, who had been her best friend, hor only friend, in the lab. What was she going to tell him? That, despite her feelings for him, she had found someone else.

The fact was though, that with Leon she could be completely herself. Nate was always so serious, there was never any time to joke with him. But with Leon, well, in one day, he had already seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. And he didn't shy away from it, or ask her to change it. He was okay with it, with her. This wasn't the time to worry about Nate though. She had more important things to deal with.

"Well, you're still officially 'cripple'. I suppose you could be 'crippled boyfriend' though."

When Cicero heard that he couldn't help but chuckle at it "Congratulation you two i'll leave so you guys can be alone." He said while getting up and walking out of the room so they don't have to worry about anything but he couldn't help but snicker while he left making him forget his knife on the way out
"Oh hardy har har," said Leon as he relaxed on his bed "I'll be out of this soon, running and jumping with the best of 'em. Just you wait." Leon then drank some more water and saw the knife laying on a drawer near the door. Leon only sighed as he finished off the rest of the water.

"Not if I have anything to say about it," Hunter directed. "You're leaving this bed until I'm sure you aren't going to hurt yourself, cripple." She glanced at the knife Cicero had left on the dresser. Of course he would leave sharp objects just all over the place. No wonder everyone was getting cuts and scrapes all the time.

Leon rolled his eyes,"I'm only going to wait two days, then I'll start walking around again." Leon was about to take no for an answer and crossed his arms to show that his decision is final. Once Leon made his decision, it was like trying lead a horse to water to make it drink. Both were extremely stubborn.


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