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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

"No, I'm perfectly fine, but thank you! I'll be taking care of Leon, unless he doesn't need me anymore." Tabitha responded to Vladimor's question so polite and elegantly. It was hard for people to see why Matthew and Tabitha were even friends, especially when she gave people that big smile she always liked wearing, or did something knew with her hair. Unlike Matt, she was always changing, and everybody could see it. Matt, on the other hand, was as constant as death in the world: Most people didn't want to see him, but he was always there, and eventually they'd have to confront him. This point was established even more firmly when she saw Cicero walk in. Unsure whether to tell him to leave or stay, the girl meekly tilted her head down, focusing her gaze on her hands which were clasped together. What would Leon say to him? It wasn't like she could defend Cicero's actions, but she hoped the wolf-boy found it in his heart to figure him.

Speaking of death, the boy felt like he was dying inside. "ten, eleven, twelve..." The boy counted the spare pennies in his pockets, having counted all the items in the backpack. He didn't know why, but the constant repetition of counting was helping him to keep calm. "Why did I have to say that?!" he internally screamed at himself. He wanted to rip his hair out. Was he stupid?! When he looked back on what he said, he realized it didn't help stifle Tabby's rumor at all! Running a hand through his hair, he took a deep breath. It didn't matter what she said if it wasn't true, right? Still, the more Matt thought about it, the more he worried Vladimor would mess with him, now that he probably thought this lie was true... Matthew would die before he said he liked somebody as emotional and naïve as that guy!​
"Hm...well a magic potion that'd instantly heal my leg would be fine. Fine, I just need something to eat." Joked Leon to Valdimor as he laid back against the bed. Leon then turned to Tabitha,"Wait, Matthew's just gonna leave you here? Why doesn't he just stay here with you if he's so concerned about your well-being." Just then, Leon watched as Cicero entered his room, Leon didn't even bother making eye contact with him. Leon just grabbed the covers and threw them over himself to avoid even looking at the stupid cat. Leon was about to jump off the bed and strangle to S.O.B like his leg and upper side was fine and the bruises on his face and stomach were gone.

@Cicero @iiimee
"Hey Tab whats this talk about Matthew leaving its a joke right...right?" He asked confused there was no way Matthew would Leave Tab they have been together longer then anyone here 'What is wrong with Matthew all of a sudden?' He asked himself "Hey i'm going to go find him be right back..." He said as he trailed trying to find Matthew. When he finally found him "Whats wrong with you are you serious an idiot?" He asked him while walking up to him not caring
Hunter had fallen asleep not long after she had climbed in bed, less from physical exhaustion and more from mental exersion. When she awoke though, she could hear plenty of rushing about in the room down the hall. Untangling herself from the sheets, she found her way to the edge of the bed, swinging her little legs over the side.

She stood and padded her way into the room, shocked at what she saw. There was Leon, wrapped in bandages, in obvious pain. That much could be seen, but was further validated by the thoughts she could hear. Regret filled her for the things she had said earlier. She had been crude, more out of emotional turmoil than anything. It was still completely unjustifiable.

She pushed her way past people gathered there and found herself at his bedside. A sad smile pulled up the corners of her pink tinted lips. "Well, you really shouldn't have gotten yourself so worked up. If you were that upset, you should've just told me and then maybe all this could've been avoided," she joked halfheartedly. "Really though, I'm sorry. I was awful earlier. You were trying to help and I was just...well, a bitch, to be frank. Forgive me? At least until you're well enough to beat me up?"

@Isune @iiimee @whoever else is crowding this precious injured child
"Now why would I beat you up?" Leon said semi-weakly with a warm smile. He couldn't help but chuckle,"Trust me, if I were going after you, you'd know. I'm just happy that you care enough to show up." Leon then tried to sit up but even with the pain meds, Leon could still feel tearing in his side which made him drop back down. That didn't stop Leon from looking at Hunter with forgiving eyes,"I probably should have come to you. Oh well, too late to change the past."

Hunter gave a startled look as Leon tried to sit up, relieved when he lowered himself again. She had plenty experience with nursing wounds. She had to be, especially with Nate. He was constantly hurt or bleeding or dying. That boy would be the death of her, that much she knew.

"The past is long gone. All we have is here and now," Hunter murmured. She looked over his body at the multiple wounds scoring his skin. "God...who did this to you?" She mumbled. It appeared they had done their best to bandage him up but some of these cuts would need stitches if they were ever going to heal.

Leon sighed,"I was outside as a wolf...sleeping. Then cat boy over there gets the best idea to kick my stomach which resulted in these." Leon then lifted up his shirt to show the multiple bruises along his stomach. Leon continued,"After all those kicks I got mad and decided to take a bite out of his leg. Send him running. But then, the asshole pulls a knife and stabs my hind paw which just so happens to be my left leg, over and over again that knife got me. I'm pretty sure it went clean through my leg at least once. To make it better, he starts punching my face which is why I have bruises here. Oh and did I mention the fact that during our struggle he sliced my side open?" Just describing everything made Leon want to kill that boy. Leon then pointed to Cicero,"That's the one who pulled a damn butcher knife on me!"

@Cicero @Xx\-Katherine\-xX
"Shhh...mijo please. There's no need for the yelling," Hunter softly murmured. Getting worked up would only make things worse. As for the description of what happened...well, she knew there was a reason she didn't like Cicero. The fact that he had done this made her pissed beyond belief, and that was when her Mexican side tended to come out. "Hey, gato. Since you seem to be oh so okay with hurting everyone I'm sure you won't mind helping me stitch his side up?"

She walked over to the dresser in the room. It appeared a rather heavy duty first aid kit had been placed in each room. She opened the box and handed it to Cicero before sitting on the edge of the bed. She snapped her fingers, indicating the cat boy to come to her. "Alright, Leon. This is probably going to hurt. Like a lot. But it'll be worth it in the end."

"What I just thought you where some wolf that wanted to sleep in front of the cabin...and to be honest its a good thing you shifted back or I might have actually killed you then we could have had wolf for a while." He said before Hunter gave him some sort of box "Do you really trust me with...what ever this is...oh well if I get to hurt him for since I apparently like hurting people don't mind if I do just tell me what do do." He said pulling random things out of the box and looking at them until he got to the needles he just starred at it 'Ok you stupid cat since you can't land on your feet like we asked you get something that will help with that. The scientist said while strapping the dazed Cicero to a table "WHAT NO SCREW OFF GET THAT AWAY FROM MY ARM NOW!" He screamed trying to move his arms or any part of his body but to no success instead he got the needle in his arm and heard the scientist laughing as they watched him struggle.' He instantly threw the needle behind him and grabbed for something else anything that seemed useful "ok Hunter you win what do I need?" He finally asked still looking at the stuff inside the box confused
Isune said:
"Hm...well a magic potion that'd instantly heal my leg would be fine. Fine, I just need something to eat." Joked Leon to Valdimor as he laid back against the bed. Leon then turned to Tabitha,"Wait, Matthew's just gonna leave you here? Why doesn't he just stay here with you if he's so concerned about your well-being." Just then, Leon watched as Cicero entered his room, Leon didn't even bother making eye contact with him. Leon just grabbed the covers and threw them over himself to avoid even looking at the stupid cat. Leon was about to jump off the bed and strangle to S.O.B like his leg and upper side was fine and the bruises on his face and stomach were gone.
@Cicero @iiimee
Leo slid over to the nearest lifeform with the lowest quality of cell stability, which happened to be Leon.

"Hey, assholes. I made burgers."

He looked left and right in the infirmary. Taking note of the people hovering over the lone figure lying still, screaming very, very loudly at the people around him.

"Oh. It's you guys again. I made burgers. You shitlords want some? I added extra jalapeno to them." Leo spat these remarks at them from the side of his mouth as he showed the fresh burgers to the entities there.
Hunter clenched her teeth as she was dragged into Cicero's flashblack. Dear God, she was getting sick of this. Once it was over though, she exhaled and gave a nervous smile to Leon, hoping it didn't translate as nervousness over what she was about to do.

"There should be a curved needle, almost like one you'd sew with. And a roll of string, should be kind of blue and translucent. Get that out and ready. I need the peroxide and gauze first though."

With that taken care of, she turned back to Leon. This was the hard part. "Alright, we have to turn you so I can get to your side better. Can you do it alone or do you need help?"

Her attention was divulged however when someone - some thing? - entered the room. Something about burgers and jalapenos. Both of which sounded delicious but were currently the last thing they needed. "I - uh. I think we're okay for now? Maybe in a bit. Stitching up some wounds at the moment, you know?"

@Cicero @Surprise Meteors
"But I want one."He said while getting up and grabbing one "Thanks whats your name by the way." He said taking a bite out of the hamburger 'BEST BURGER EVER!' He thought "Please make these burgers more often please these are delicious." He said while eating the burger until he didn't have one "Dang it I already ate mine can I have another one?" He asked almost drooling while looking at the burger 'Cicero wants one NOW!' He mentally shouted
Cicero said:
"But I want one."He said while getting up and grabbing one "Thanks whats your name by the way." He said taking a bite out Hamburger 'BEST BURGER EVER!' He thought "Please make these burgers more often please these are delicious." He said while eating the burger until he didn't have one "Dang it I already ate mine can I have another one?" He asked almost drooling while looking at the burger 'Cicero wants one NOW!' He mentally shouted
"I would like to be known only as..." He paused for a moment, thinking out his new name. "Clark. Just call me Clark from now on, and things will sail smoothly asshole. Capeesh?"
Leon slowly managed to turn, letting out groans of pain as he did so. Leon then dug his face into a pillow and in a muffled voice said,"Just do what you have to and get it over with!" Leon was anticipating the pain and was hoping it'd be over quickly.

@Cicero @Xx\-Katherine\-xX
"Ca whata...on second thought don't care as long as it means more burgers i'm fine with it." He said grabbing another one "Thanks Clark." He said while sitting down an looking at Hunter waiting to be bossed around again 'How has no one punched or slapped me yet?' He thought to himself before trying to not laugh at Leon having to roll over "Ok you caught me maybe i'm a little sadistic...nothing wrong with that right?" He asked still trying not to laugh
"Um? I didn't mean to offend you. Like, we'll totally eat them later but there's kind of a guy laying here bleeding out, uh," she paused. "Clark."

She hadn't meant in any way to anger him - it? - she just felt there were much more important matters at hand. Like stitching these wounds so they could heal properly with minimal infection. That was a good idea. Not burgers; even if they did sound amazing.

She rolled her eyes at Cicero and turned back to her work, picking up the first aid box Cicero had dumped on the floor for burgers. She pulled out the peroxide, pouring the clear liquid onto a gauze pad a running it down the wound. White bubbles formed along the cut and she bit her lip as she waited for them to simmer down. Once they were gone, she opened the sterile package containing the needle and thread she needed.

She threaded the needle and did her best to quickly stitch his wound. It was obvious that it hurt, especially with the muffled grunts of pain issued from Leon's mouth. Eventually they were done though and Hunter covered the stitched and cleaned wound with a bandage.

"All finished. You should heal with minimal to no scarring."

@Cicero @Suprise Meteors
"So that's how you stitch someone up...quick question how do you know that?" He asked before thinking of how Doggy boy was covered in blood "On second thought I think I already know anyways seeing how you look like you want to kill me I won't get help for this." He said pointing down at his foot the Leon bit '...Wait how come I never noticed it until I stopped moving on it...MEDICAL STUFF CONFUSES HEAD!' He mentally screamed before lying down on the floor and looking at the ceiling and about to take a bite out of the burger "Here Hunter you want this?" He asked lifting the burger in the air looking at it and then at Hunter "I guess you can say its a way of me saying thanks...for yea I guess stitching up Leon so I didn't have to." He said to her smiling and laughing a little
Leon let out grunts and groans of pain as the needle and thread closed up all his knife wounds. He managed to straighten himself out as he could only smile,"Thank you Hunter, for everything." Leon tried to stand on his foot but even before he could get fully off the bed, his leg felt like it was about to collapse on itself. "Well I'm too weak to walk on it, that's for sure. And I won't be able to shift either because of the sudden size change that can reopen my cuts. Oh well." Leon sighed as he laid back down in bed,"At least I got people here who can help me out if I need it."

"Nate is pretty accident prone, if you don't remember," she mumbled. Where that boy was, there was no telling. For now, she needed to foccus on the matter at hand. She was reminded of that as Cicero's mental screaming echoed in her tired brain.

He was trying to offer her a burger now. Something she had now lost all apetite for after stitching up poor Leon. "Honestly, the best thanks you could give me is to stop mentally screaming all the damn time."

She turned to Leon, a smile pulling at the corners of her mouth, "Of course, any time." She almost screamed though as he attempted to stand, shocked by the idea he thought he could walk already. "Leon, of course you're too weak to do anything yet. Good God. You're almost as bad as Nate."

@Cicero @Isune
"I'll keep that in mind." He said while looking at them and back at the burger "So you don't want the burger?" He asked drooling over the burger 'I wa..' He stopped himself from saying anything in his mind and keep his mind blank something he became really good "What to do what to do?" He asked himself before getting up "Ok Hunter if you want the burger i'll just leave it...here." He said setting it down and leaving but before he did "Oh yea sorry about stabbing you Leon my instincts kicked to stab you...maybe I should break that...anyway see ya guys get better Leon and I guess you guys can hate me wouldn't be the first time anyone hated me see ya guys." He said before walking out into the woods and walked around jumping on the trees
"I'm going to choose to take that as a compliment..." Leon said as he looked at hunter,"So how long will it be before I can actually walk again." as Leon watched Cicero leave he made sure to give him a special gesture with his finger before looking back at Hunter. Waiting for her diagnosis.

"Well, I'd say, given your age and such plus regeneration abilities, three to five days? That wouldn't be full mobility though. That'll take at least two weeks," Hunter said, a slight frown covering her face as she noticed Leon's finger. She quickly grabbed it, lowering it. "Hey now. Vulgarity is not appreciated. Besides, there's no use wasting time on him. He's a child, that's all he is."

Leon looked at Hunter and lowered his head slightly,"You're right, looks like I'm stuck in bed until I heal up. I can't think of any way to get around. It's not like we have a wheelchair handy." This was just peachy! Leon had to sit in bed for the next two or three days before he leg was healed enough to walk. What a perfect way to spend his first day.


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