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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Hunter crossed her own arms, narrowed her eyes. "No. You're going to wait at least three days, and then we'll see if you've healed enough to walk. And if not, then you're stuck back in bed." Despite her easy manner, she could be incredibly stubborn herself.

Leon sighed,"Fine Hunter, three days. Ya happy now?" Leon then looked at his empty bottle of water looked back at Hunter,"Would you mind filling that back up for me? I think the antibiotics are making me thirsty."

Hunter rolled her eyes at Leon, "Sounds good to me, cripple." When he asked her to refill his water bottle, she complied, hurrying to the kitchen and back with a now full water bottle. She placed it on the stand beside the bed before plopping down into a nearby chair. She was tired again, which was saying something considering all the time she had spent asleep the past few days. Being around so many people and so many minds was exhausting though. Especially with all the flashbacks people kept having.

"Thanks honey." Leon said as he unscrewed the cap and drank a small bit of water before closing the lid and relaxing. Poor Leon couldn't do anything was he was in bed. Nothing to do and his new girlfriend looking like she was about to pass out. Yep, Leon had his whole day cut out for him.


It was the dead of night when Tabitha woke up. She didn't know how, but somehow between talking and taking care of Leon she had passed out at the foot of the boy's bed. "My head..." the girl mumbled, slowly standing up, only to wobble and nearly fall over the second she did so. It took her a few seconds, but finally she managed to stand straight and walk out of the room. Her head was throbbing. She needed fresh air. Feeling feverish, she grabbed a blanket off the couch before taking a few steps outside to sit on the cabin porch. Finally, she could breathe. After cooling down a bit, she looked around at her surroundings. It was so quiet... was Cicero inside? She wanted his company, but didn't feel rushed. Instead, she found herself adjusting the blanket around her and gazing up at the stars. She didn't know any of their names except for one. "Sirius," she whispered. "Will you guide me home? You always seemed so lively, right above my mother's house..."

Matthew had listened to what Cicero said, but didn't respond. He knew how passionately the other boy cared for Tabby, but it wouldn't change his mind. He was leaving... even if he couldn't tell the others. If he reminded them again, he'd just break Tabitha's heart, and the boy couldn't do that to the girl who had been like his sister these past months. The other things Cicero said hurt. Matt knew he was an experiment, so why did the boy rub it in his face? None of them were human, and when they lost their humanity, Matthew was sure they didn't deserve the hospitality unsuspecting humans gave them. They didn't know Matt was an experiment. If they did, he'd be sent back immediately- so wasn't he lying when he pretended to be one? The boy shivered. He had been lying about so many things over the years that simply the knowledge he had a be to sleep on made his skin crawl. A guy like him deserved nothing except solitude. When they first started injecting him, Matt should've known his rights were gone: He was an animal. Sometime between all of these thoughts, he fell asleep, but when he woke up the feeling of humanity still hadn't returned. He didn't even try to get up. If he got up and faced somebody now, he wasn't sure how he'd treat them. All he knew was that Cicero had left his room a long time ago, he was alone, and his face felt moist... had he been crying? Between his transitions between conscious and unconscious, he couldn't be sure.​
Cicero was asleep on the floor in the basement with a cookie in his hand he woke up and scratched his back and went into the kitchen to get something to drink "I hate waking up in the middle of the night...it always sucks going back to bed." He said while yawning and accidently grabbing the ketchup instead of water and drinking it before spitting it back out into the sink and dropping the bottle "Dang it not again." He muttered to himself this time grabbing a water bottle and drinking all of it "And here I thought ketchup was supposed to be good...well I guess now i'm fully awake I can go on the roof and look at the moon and the stars." He told himself while opening the door to see Tab outside "Hey Tab why are you outside?" He asked her walking up smiling
((Time to make Calvin bug Matt in a different way, since the first time I tried was ignored ;- ;) )

Calvin wasn't able to sleep, so he decided that, even this late, he would go bother Matt about leaving and try to make sure he didn't. As much as Calvin hated to admit (think?) it, Matt would be a really valuable person to have with the group.

When Calvin peered into Matthew's room, he noticed the boy's shoulders were shaking gently. Crying? So he quietly entered the room, placing a hand on Matt's shoulder and shaking him gently.

It was the middle of each night where Calvin's dick-like behavior tended to fade, probably out of a habit made by Naomi's old nightmares. So he wasn't a jerk, didn't make fun of Matt, or anything, and didn't even bring up the whole deal with leaving, not yet.

"It's the strongest in public that are the weakest in private, hm?" he asked in a quiet and gentle voice, not trying to sound like he was teasing but making a simple statement.
Ella leant against the wall, silently watching the others. For the millionth time, she wished she had never left. A wish that the others could never know about. They wouldn't understand and she couldn't explain why, she didn't trust them enough to. Ella sighed and moved outside for some fresh air. She stretched out her arm and her snake tattoo glowed a hazy green. The glow moved upwards and solidified into a real snake which wrapped around her arm. With a tender finger, she stroked it's head before staring out into the shadows absent-mindedly. A moment's peace. It should have been peaceful. Ella just felt unsettled. She didn't know what she was doing here.
Leon was sound asleep in bed. Everything was exactly where he left, not a disturbance to be found. Leon just wanted to sleep away the pain. His cuts were slowly healing, but it might be another day or two before Leon was able to walk again. Leon's dreams were blank, just pitch black with nothing of interest going on. It was late, there was no reason why Leon needed by up yet.
Shuzo lay sleeping in his bed. He started moving around in his sleep, having a nightmare. Shuzo's eyes cracked open, a bright light shining into them. He shut his eyes quickly for a few seconds before opening them again. "Where... am I?" He thought to himself. He looked around the room. There was a table with lots of strange tools and equipment on it. He moved his head to the left, realizing he was strapped to a metal table. He started to panic. Then, a few men in white lab coats walked into the room. "W-who a-are y-you?" He called out. "L-Let m-me o-out o-of h-here." One of the men in the lab coats turned to him, a smirk on his face. That same man grabbed a syringe filled with a strange black liquid. He quickly approached Shuzo. "W-what a-are y-you d-doing? S-Stay a-away f-from m-me." The man pressed the needle to Shuzo's neck and inserted the liquid into his bloodstream. Shuzo screamed, his whole body felt like it was on fire. Then the scene changed. Shuzo was laying on a bed that kind of looked like the ones they had in hospitals, but this one was all metal. His arms and legs were strapped down to it. That same man came in, smirking once again. Shuzo's eyes widened as the man approached him. "P-please. G-go a-away." He said trembling. The man attached these sticky squares to Shuzo's body, which were attached to copper wires. The man went over and flicked a switch, sending electric currents through the wires and into Shuzo's body. He screamed, tears streaming down his face. This went on for hours. Shuzo's eyes suddenly fluttered open. He was half asleep though, and thought he was back in the lab. He screamed, thinking that man was torturing him again. @anyone who heard
Ella glanced back inside, having heard the scream. A part of her wondered, hoped even, that they'd been caught. That they'd just be taken back and this whole thing would be forgotten about. They'd understand that she hadn't had a choice. Ella moved back inside and towards the screaming. Her gaze fell on Shuzo and she sighed. A nightmare. Not the real thing. She considered just leaving him to it for a moment but then leant down and shook him awake instead. @Ldybug123

"Oh, just stargazing." Tabitha answered good naturedly and quickly made room so he could sit on the porch step next to her without blocking the way out, incase anyone decided to go on a stroll this late at night. She didn't ever mention it, but Tabitha was always a little surprised when he called her "Tab" instead of "Tabitha" or "Tabby" like Matt called her. Tab was a nickname she had once, but it had been ages since she heard it. "So, I heard what you sai-" Tabitha stopped talking the second an unfamiliar set of footsteps approached them. Looking up, Tabitha found herself staring at a beautiful but somehow eerie-looking young lady, not much older than her or Cicero. "Who are you?" she asked the girl, in a voice so much more quiet than usual. She wasn't intimidated or scared of the girl, but the way the girl looked around the place made Tabitha wonder if she even belonged here- or maybe her nervous expression just proved that she did. Standing up, Tabitha placed a hand on the girl's arm. "It's okay." she reassured her, the usual carefree face replaced by one showing a tender, almost motherly side to her. Turning back to Cicero, she shortened what she had meant to say earlier to just "Make sure you don't harass Matt okay? I could hear him crying the moment you left his room." Tabitha looked like she was about to do something- maybe hug him? But instead, a scream came from one of the rooms downstairs. Tabby fell to her knees in pain, only to get back up again, slowly limping to where the sound came from. She was tired of being weak. If she needed to, she'd fight the pain.

Ooc: Will post about Matt is a sec- dinner sorry!​
Shuzo sat up quickly, trembling. His eyes were wide with fear as he looked at Ella. Tears were streaming down his cheeks, unknown to him. @Valkyre
Ella looked at the boy somewhat awkwardly, not really sure what to say to him or what to do. She looked around out of habit for someone to tell her what she was meant to do. When no one did, she looked at him rather lost for a moment before saying "It's okay, you're safe" as if that meant something.@Ldybug123
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"Fine...but I wasn't lying I will stop him even if I need to break his leg he won't be leaving." He said staring at the stars frowning before he seen Tab on her knees in pain "Tab are you ok?" He asked her while following her downstairs feeling stupid for asking that 'Hope I still have headache medicine in my pocket.' He thought to himself while fumbling around in his pockets trying to find the bottles he had until he found the headache medicine he opened to find only two pills left "Dang it...guess I have to steal more later." He whispered to himself while closing the bottle and putting it back in his pocket

Vladimor once again ends up in the cold, unforgiving snow, sitting just slightly further away from the cabin this time. Earlier he had found a brush to work through all the knots and tangles in his hair. So the poor but had just decided to sit there; his stare blank and a lost look on his soft features. The cold seeping into the metal of his piercing seemed not to bother him, nor did the numbness of his legs against the bitter, dry snow. "I'm not allowed to run..." He mutters softly past blueing lips, pale and chapped from the cold. "If I say I'm leaving it's not running...It's just going..." The corners of his lips turn up in the slightest, and he begins humming a tune once more. Old, and only vaguely familiar. "Was the during or before I became an experiment?'' He thinks, his gaze shifting to the bleached ground.

The young boy closes his eyes, shaking his head as he continues to bring the brush through his thick black hair. "No need for me to stress, I'll remember soon enough." He spoke softly, his words barely audible; nothing more than a faint hum in the frosted air.​
Lucky you. Ella thought but shook her head. "No. No you're not. We're still here". Wherever the hell that is, Ella added silently. She pulled away from the boy and stepped back, only noticing now that her snake had re-merged as her tattoo. She quickly became distracted by that, she hadn't bid it to leave. Perhaps she'd gotten too distracted to hold it. Maybe it was as lost as she was without clear direction. @Ldybug123
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Shuzo wiped the tears from his eyes. "T-Thank y-you." He said, yawning afterwards. He laid on his side, and covered himself with the blanket. @Valkyre
It took Ella several moments to realise she'd been spoken to. She blinked and looked back at the crying boy. "Oh... You're welcome, I guess" she said as she watched him lay back down. Why go back to sleep? Back to your nightmares? she wondered. The more important question to her was why he thought they were nightmares at all. Ella liked her tattoos and now she didn't know if she could get any more. Would any ink and artist do? Or only the ones they had used on her? Leaving had been a mistake, she was seeing that clearer and clearer but it was too late now. She didn't even know where she was. "What's your name?" she asked eventually. She might as well know the names of the people she was now trapped with. @Ldybug123
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Tabitha came rushing into the room Shuzo was in, not noticing the way her ears were bleeding. "Shuzo, are you alright?" she asked, rushing to his side. The girl's eyes were filled with concern, so much so that if she blinked, tears of concern might just drop from her pretty green eyes. It took her a moment to assess the scene, but when she did she figured the boy probably just had a nightmare. Closing her eyes, Tabby took a deep breath before speaking. Was she... angry? It was difficult to read the expression on her face. "Don't scare me like that." she warned the boy softly, before her legs gave out again. It was only then, while she was struggling to stand back up on her weak, cold legs that she realized her ears were bleeding. Covering them, she rushed out of the room only to bump into Cicero. "Sorry babe, but can you help me?" she asked pathetically, looking up at him with eyes full of shame. She didn't want to be helpless, but in these past few days she had proven herself to be worthless to the team's survival. This was why she understood Matthew's desire to leave her with a larger group of people: Out of them, he hoped one would at least be able to save Tabitha.

Matthew felt like he had almost got his emotions under control- until Calvin walked over toward him. Turning toward the scientist, Matt didn't know what to say. He didn't need to say anything though- Calvin's words were enough to explain the situation. Nevertheless, the boy opened his mouth in an attempt to speak, but instead of words leaving his mouth, liquid starting coming out of his eyes. The boy's shoulders shook, but in order to hide this Matt sat up, crossing his arms and looking down to hide his face. After several moments of quiet, restrained sobbing, the boy finally felt like he could speak. "I'm sorry. This won't happen again: I'm leaving in the morning." he said, the response surprising clear. Wiping tears from his face, he didn't have the nerve to face the scientist. If he did, he wasn't sure he could stop the neverending tears that were on the brink of falling down his face.​
"Ella" Ella replied simply and then fell silent. She was sure there must be more to making conversation than that. He was meant to ask her more questions or make her do something, wasn't he? Ella looked to Tabitha, wondering why everyone here seemed so messed up. Ella didn't feel all that messed up. But then they had wanted to leave whilst she had been content to just wait there, stay there. She considered helping Tabitha up, but the girl had asked the other guy to help her. Ella didn't want to intrude.

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