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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

This was the first time Tabitha found herself really wanting to punch somebody. Sure, she might've wanted to if she hadn't been so drugged during her experiments, but it was a fact she hadn't felt the desire to hit them regardless. Her rage was so intense that she entirely ignored what Cicero said. "We're all stupid fucking animals here, alright?!" she yelled, being so close to Vlad that if he wasn't so tall, they'd be face to face. As it were, Tabitha, who stood at a good 5'9, glared up at him as if he were her size or even smaller. "Matthew injured himself because of you! I don't know what happened between you two, but if Matt ran after you like he did, he's either really sorry or it was your fault!" Tabby took a deep breath, not meaning to yell like she did, but not regretting it all the same. When Vlad started yelling however, Tabitha found that even her ear muffs couldn't cover up how loud his words were. Falling down once again, Tabitha shook tremendously. Her whole body felt numb... Why was it so easy to hurt her?!

Calvin's eyes flashed to each tentacle, and then to Cicero. He yanked the knife from the boy, growling lowly, and threw the knife into the woods.

"All you're doing is causing trouble, now get the fuck away from him because if you really cared, you wouldn't be pointing a knife at him!"

Calvin then turned to Vlad, trying to calm the storm building up between all of them.

"I suggest you calm your ass down, so I can calm down, so Cicero can have less of a reason to be a fucking idiot, and so Tabitha doesn't die. Can we do that?" While his voice still hinted at rage, it was a lot calmer than before. "I apologize for the way I approached you, but I honestly dislike the fact of one of our group leaving because it's easier if we have more people. Besides, you'd be a great help." He seemed to have a grudge against apologies and compliments as he spoke, but the feathers had lessened in numbers which was a good sign. Calvin hoped that he could still remain somewhat in control while at the same time not being the bossy ass he usually seemed to be.
"Hey my knife I worked hard stealing that." He said before looking at Tab "Tab are you ok?" He said while running up to her and picking her up "Its ok Tab i'v got you."I guess we can't fight now but if you keep yelling at Tab your definitely a dead man...hey i'm not an idiot no fair." He said looking back at Calvin complaining 'How come everyone calls me that its not fair.' He thought to himself
When he glances in between the three, he lowers his defense considerably, sighing in exhaustion. "I'm one of you," He places his hand over one of the shadows, running his fingers over the cold, yet welcoming surface. His softened expression grows hard and cold once more as he looks at Calvin, "But I am not, one of you." The shadows descend back into a singular mass that made out Vladimor's shape once more. He closes his eyes, taking a deep breath to calm himself. "However, I do owe both you and Matthew one. So I'll tag along for some time. I'll leave once I am sure that you aren't in need of my services. Vladimor turns sharply and heads back to the cabin, not saying another word to them as he begins smoothing his hair down once again.

Calvin watched as Vladimor left, happy now that the trouble was done and over with. He brushed off Vlad's words, shoving them into the back of his mind, as he waited for the feathers to stop appearing. When they did, he walked inside, leaving Tabitha and Cicero to their own devices. Her peeked into Matt's doorway as a quick check up, hoping the boy was okay, and then into Naomi's room to find her asleep. He eventually retreated to his own room, but still didn't sleep.

Tabitha gave the best smile she could manage right now, in her weak state. No longer feeling the need to hang unto the consciousness she was fighting to keep, she let her eyes close and promptly fell asleep in Cicero's arms, one of her hands resting on his chest as she did so. She felt victorious, knowing she had just managed to keep the group together, if only for a little longer. She still wasn't sure if Matthew would stay or leave, or where they were headed, but none of that mattered now. Instead, what mattered was that she get some rest, since she just used all of her energy arguing with a man she didn't hate but barely knew.

Matthew's eyes fluttered open about a half and hour later. Normally, Matt would've sat up instantly. Instead, he just laid there. "So they're going to Las Vegas..." he thought, half-amused and half-melancholy over the idea. He really did want to be alone- to start over his life without worrying about others. It seemed his selfish dreams had to be put on hold however. He should have seen it coming though. After all, Calvin seemed to match his personality too well at times, so wasn't it rational to assume they'd decide upon the same location? Calvin... Calvin was another boy Matt didn't want to think about. It seemed no matter what happened, Matthew found a way of getting too close to the guys here. He was tempted to just avoid conversation with the other young man, but after what happened with Vlad, he realized that probably wasn't a good idea. "I hate being me..." the boy muttered, closing his eyes again and pulling the covers to his chest. He was sure he looked pitiful, but what else could he do? In order to control his emotions, he had to learn how to let them out... but was he willing to let others see the parts of him he had kept bottled up for years?​
"Well this sucks i'm going to find my knife you can go back inside the cabin if you want." He said trying to find an area around where the knife fell 'Dang it Calvin why did you have to throw my knife I could have just put it away.' He thought to himself before walking in the direction where he thought the knife was "ok i'm already bored...hey wait Tab want to play the game like we said were before the whole incident with ogre...but I still don't know where Naomi's room is so we can't get the games dang it." He said while looking down at Tab to see her sleeping he smiled and looked at the stars "Guess the hero of the day is tired can't blame her." He told himself while walking to the cabin and putting her in her bed before sleeping on the couch
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The noble boy throws himself onto the couch in the mainroom, kicking off his boots onto the floor. He didn't actually want to sleep in the room that was chosen for him, because if he slept there, it'd make him feel as if he'd lost another piece of his freedom. With a heavy heart, he takes out his piercings all 11 of his piercings (Most of them are just in his ears, otherwise he doesn't have that many!), removes both his T-shirt and long sleeved shirt, and the multitudes of rings on his fingers. He folds the shirts up neatly, placing them on the coffee table, the small metallic object underneath so they wouldn't fall and get lost. He leans back against the armrest, crossing his arms. He was much too stressed to sleep.

Calvin checked on Matt about half an hour later, finding the boy awake. He decided now was as good a time as any to try and fix things.

"I'm sorry about earlier." While it wasn't much, he hoped it was enough.

"Do I.. scare you?" Calvin didn't ask this to belittle Matt, that was obvious. Although, knowing Matt, he would probably get fiercely defensive or offended. Calvin didn't care what he did, he just wanted an honest answer.
Matthew kept himself looking calm when Calvin walked into his room. However, the boy's heart seemed to race just from seeing the guy, and Matthew couldn't help but wonder- what was he doing here? He had expected pretty much every sort of comment from the other boy, except for the one he received. He was sorry? Matt almost wanted to say there was nothing to be sorry about, but he couldn't get the words out. In a way, there was, but he shouldn't be the one apologizing. It was surprising to see the arrogant scientist lower himself like this... Was that all he wanted to say though? Of course it wasn't. Immediately after his apology, the scientist asked him a question. "Do I... scare you?" he asked Matt, and for a second, the boy didn't know how to answer. Was it fear he felt? He wasn't quite sure if that was the right word, but he knew Calvin was studying his every move. Taking a deep breath, he answered slowly, not looking him in the eye. "I'm not sure I can trust you, but fear's not the word I'd use- I don't think it's close to that." Matt replied, confused with his own response but not spending any time to think about what he said before he continued. "I just... I think I'll have a difficult time working alongside you from now on." With that, Matt got up off the bed, planning to leave the room.

Calvin nearly wanted to stop Matt from leaving, to see if maybe he could find a distraction from his restless sleep.

He's not some tool to help me escape, Calvin growled mentally, so he just decided to strike up any sort of non-awkward conversation.

"Looks like we're all having trouble figuring things out," he stated with a small chuckle.

"We'll have to find some trust excersizes for the lot of us. A group cant function unless the members trust each other. Any ideas? You seem to be full of them."
Matthew sighed, putting his hand down at his side again. It had been reaching for the doorknob, but this guy seemed desperate to keep Matt here, so he figured he'd play along for now. "I think I'd rather not trust you- you might try to lay on me again." he responded, only half-jokingly. Going over to sit back down on the bed, it was only then that he realized how sore his legs were. For a minute or so, he merely sat there, looking at the walls, the décor- anything except Calvin's face. He wanted to avoid the other boy's face, afraid of what expression he might see plastered unto it, but eventually he knew he had to bite the bullet, and- rather unwillingly- he turned his face to look directly at the scientist who helped bring him and Tabitha here in the first place. "So, you never told me about yourself- you have abilities too, right?" Matthew asked, half-tempted to mimic the boy's voice just to show off part of his own, but honestly the after effects weren't worth it. When he spoke to this guy, at least right now, he'd rather be able to speak clearly, rather than slurring every "s" or "r" found in whatever sentence he decided to say. This conversation had no clear direction. Instead, it was just two horrible young men, discussing how to survive together... That's all Matt wanted it to be. If it was more than that, he'd be running out of this room just like before.

Calvin chuckled, just barely, at Matt's comment. "Sometimes I find it tempting," he said to himself, not exactly willing to completely squish what little trust he had from the boy. When asked about his ability, he held out a hand and willed a tan feather into existence. He then held it towards Matt, as sort of a gift or something. "You'd think the feathers would make it obvious," he said with amusement. "They can be a bit of a pain when I'm under emotional stress, but they're quite harmless. Except maybe for suffocation underneath them, I think I almost had that happen once." When Matt looked up at him, there was no false expression, just a content expression, more relaxed than usual. It was true; Calvin was usually happy with hiding himself between rude and arrogant behavior, and he did have confidence in his abilities, but he also liked showing who he really was, if only in front of those he trusted not to use it against him. So, yes, he trusted Matt, if only because he knew the boy was like him.

Yet he's not, Calvin thought, feeling those memories surge forwards, but he refused to get all sad and depressed and cliche. Yuck.
"So... you're a bird?" Matthew said, staring at the tan feather like it was some sort of weapon. The scientist seemed to trust Matt, but the boy couldn't do the same. At least, not enough to give him a sincere smile. "Do you want to see my talent?" Matt asked in an all-too-serious tone, but within seconds that tone was changed: Changed to Calvin's voice. "Ughh, I'm a depressed scientist who takes care of an intelligent but pure evil girl!" Matthew used Calvin's own voice to not make fun of him really, but rather tease him. If there was any way Matthew knew how to lighten the mood, if was to ridicule the things that brought them down- why he mentioned Calvin's depression. Usually, the boy would've been a little more restrained with his humor, but he was sure the scientist would understand his joke. "Ssorry." Matt mumbled after his speech, ignoring the way his mouth slurred the "s". Matthew knew he couldn't make fun of anyone's sob stories or depression- he had too many of his own. Closing his eyes and leaning back unto the bed, Matt felt relaxed for once in his life. Sure, he wasn't sure he could trust the scientist- especially after Naomi's stunt- but if this was the closest he had to friendship, so be it.


Mneme Signý Kanti Danaë

Running, running, running. For a while that's all Mnene had been doing. And it had been hard. But this new power - it was scaring her. All around her she could feel people suffering. She knew what had happened in the past, but couldn't reverse it in any way. It was torture. Still, she had to keep moving. She could block it out if she wanted to, but she was still coming to grips with the experience. Just get out of the city, she kept telling herself. Find a place to hide... Find a place to hide... "Find a place to hide..." she muttered, as she turned a corner. The woods was a few footsteps away, but it would take a million heartbeats to get there. She could see it, but she wasn't getting any closer. It was just - there. Nothing could change the fact that she would never make it there in time. Because people had noticed her, and everything had only just begin...

Nia awoke with a start. She looked around in caution, checking that no one was around. It was only a dream, a nightmare that changed almost every detail of what had actually happened the day before. She had managed to get to the forest just before sunset, and had spent the night next to a campfire which she had made. The flame had now gone, leaving nothing but ashes. Leaves were tangled up in her silky black hair, and her dress was covered in mud. Quite obviously she had had a rough night, and now she just had to keep on moving. She stood up and began to walk deeper into the forest, away from the city. Maybe she could find more outcasts, more people who no longer lived with civilization. What else could she do? Just sit around and wait for this all to blow over? Heck no! She would continue to walk round the forest until she found a place to stay, a new place to call home.
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Cicero woke up and walked around "Who can I bug.....Naomi will most likely beat the crap out of me....Tab is asleep and Leon wants to kill me....that leaves Cryx,Calvin,and Matthew." He told himself walking around until he came up on Matthew room he peeked in to see Calvin and Matthew talking 'Should I wait or barge in?' He asked himself "Aww screw it...Hey guys whats up?" He asked them while barging in hoping to ruin their conversation or what ever 'Get ready to get punched and yelled at in 3....2....1" He thought while bracing himself for any sort of attack
Matthew opened one eye to look at the cat-boy. "Why are you in here...?" he asked slowly, putting a hand to his bruised forehead in annoyance. At first, that's all Matt did- until he realized how weird it would look for him and Calvin to be just hanging out in the same room. Quickly standing up, Matthew didn't even dare look at the scientist before continuing. "Where's Tabby? I need to speak to her." he asked Cicero. It seemed like they were going to Las Vegas after all, but it wasn't like he'd tell the cat-boy that. Not yet. Still, he didn't want to leave Tabitha uniformed about where his departure would leave him, regardless of if he went with or without them.

"Oh she fell unconscious after the incident with Ogre so now she's sleeping in her bed she was really tired and must have a serious headache from all the yelling going on...so I think you should let her rest." He told him confused at why he suddenly wanted to talk to Tab after saying he was leaving. 'Why did I think this was a good idea...' His thoughts trailed off "Oh yea I think we need some more ketchup some idiot used it all....totally wasn't me.......ok it was me sorry." He said looking down like he was sorry but started laughing "and it was really bad."

Ooc:I gotta go
Mickie had been on the run for a while now well a while being like two or so years give or take a few months but still it wasn't his fault he was actually like this anyway it was the damn government it had gone to hell abducting people experimenting on them "You know you secretly enjoy your new life don't you" A voice said in the back of his head he had to admit there were benefits but there were also problems and the problems seemed to outweigh the benefits "Don't listen to him Mickie you know what he is like don't you he was the reason that you..."

"Shut Up I didn't ask for you two to constantly be in the back of my mind I hate you both!" Mickie screamed at the voices in his head making them shut up "Great now that they're gone and I finally have some peace."

Mickie just continued to walk until he noticed a cabin just out there in the woods randomly "I suggest we kill everything inside of it." One of the voices said in his head "No it is quite possibly a shelter that we can inhabit and if there are people there maybe we can help them and then they can help us."

Mickie had to go with the second voices option although the first voices option did interest him it was quite clearly the voices own manipulation on his mind...So Mickie decided to knock on the cabin door.
"Oh so there are people then quick lets impale the maybe they have something valuable on them dammit were hungry." One of the voices said in his head "I would advise against what he is saying although the hungry bit I agree with I am famished."

Once again ignoring the voices in his head Mickie just spoke to the person at the door.

"My name is Mickie and I am hoping that you would be able to help me you see I have been wandering around in these woods for a few hours now and I need something to eat." Of course this was a lie he couldn't just tell everyone that he was a freak with a split personality one of his personality's wanting to kill everything. @Ldybug123

Mneme Signý Kanti Danaë

Mnene continued to walk through the forest, until she found a cabin. There was one person standing in the doorway, and another standing outside. Maybe these people could help? She walked up to them, not saying anything but rather just seeing if thy notice her.
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