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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Leon sat down for a while before watching Hunter enter the bathroom. It was good to see that she was doing better, but Leon still got up and knocked on the door,"Hunter? Are you alright in there. I just wanted to make sure that you'll be fine."

Hunter was startled by the knock on the bathroom door. She picked up her wet things and threw them in the hamper before pulling open the door, a nervous smile stretching across her face as she leaned against the door frame, head upturned to meet Leon's eyesy. "Yep. Yeah. I-I'm good." She striaghtened up and scoffed, "I'm a big girl you know. I mean, I can take care of myself."

It was obvious Hunter was trying way too hard to sell herself off as ok.. But that was what she did. She overexaggerated to make herself seem believable. It was what worked for her.

Leon wasn't buying it. Hunter was acting like nothing had happened when both her and Leon knew that something was wrong. Leon shook his head,"I don't believe you, if there's something wrong you know you can talk to me. I might be new here, but I don't have to be here long to tell that you're not telling me something."

"Honestly. It's nothing. I'm fine, really." Hunter smiled and tucked a loose lock of blonde hair behind her ear. She looked away, refusing to meet his eyes. The fact that he saw through her so easily scared her. The only other person she knew that could do that was Nate. And...well, Nate was a special case. It was still unclear what they were, what they would ever be. "It's not anything I can't handle alone."
"Look me in the eyes and say that." Leon said as he shook his head. The second he heard the "not anything I can't handle alone" bit Leon sighed,"Yeah but it's better to have someone there to help you. Trust me, I know."

"Maybe you do, but I doubt it," she muttered. Her head tilted up and she looked him the eyes, studying his face. "When was the last time you looked at someone and could hear every thought in their head? When was the last time you were in a room full of people and couldn't distinguish your own thoughts from six other people's? When was the last time someone had a dream, or a flashback, and you got dragged into it? You say you know. But I don't think you do. Half the time, I don't know if what I hear in my head is me or someone else. I can look in your eyes and catalog your entire history like that." She snapped her fingers for emphasis. "There's nothing I don't see, nothing I don't hear. And I can't do shit about it."

"You're right, I don't know what that's like. I really don't, but I can't stand to see you or anyone else for that matter, like this. Honestly, I just wanted to try and help. But I guess you don't need it." Leon said as he silently turned around and walked back to the kitchen to pour himself another cup of coffee to help him forget what he had just said. Leon got the feeling that maybe he shouldn't have said anything at all.

Calvin banked gently back towards the house as he felt and saw the sun set. The air temperature dropped quickly, and Calvin sped up, pulling his wings in slightly to cut through the air. Eventually he was speeding like a missile, having forgotten how exhilarating flying was. With a loud boom, his wings snapped open, and he landed behind the house, not quite in the mood to fully reveal his ability. While a few hints had been unwillingly dropped, with the feathers and all, he didn't want to deal with people.

Feathers were still drifting from his shoulders when he walked in, and with a quiet half-groan of annoyance he got to picking them up and unceremoniously dumping them into the trash can. He then headed down into the basement, waiting not-so-patiently for everyone to-

"CALVIN!" A sputter of choking coughs followed that terrified voice. He turned from his path to the lab and took off to Naomi's room, noting how the girl was having another coughing fit, and so soon. He picked her up, ignoring anybody in his path and shoving anyone in his way aside rather forcefully, disappearing into the lab but not opening the curtain for all to see.

His first job was to stop the coughing fit, which he did; the second was to treat her whether anyone saw or heard or not. It had been too long, and he couldn't afford to wait unless he wanted Naomi to get worse.

He pulled the metal restraints on the table in the center of the lab into view, laid Naomi gently on the table, and locked her in. With a somewhat stressed sigh, Calvin hurried to finish the treatment he'd been working on before leaving for his flight. He did his work quickly but carefully, knowing one wrong thing could kill--or worse-- the girl.

His little girl.

No time for these thoughts, you thrice-blasted fool, he growled mentally to himself, and he continued his work.

He eventually finished, during the course of minutes that had seemed like hours, and approached Naomi with the needle, eyes dark with regret at what he had caused.

Writhing-stop-please-I don't want this- no please screaming. Calvin nearly lost his temper but he knew he couldn't do anything like that now, so he laid the needle gently on Naomi's arm, laid it gently on that tiny scar that was the exact place Naomi always received any needles.

He sunk the needle into her arm, and pushed him thumb down, and Naomi's eyes flashed open in a flurry of acid-green and uncontrolled rage.

Her scream wasn't pain, or fear, but the pure hatred and anger that her treatments caused, something Calvin would change one day, hopefully. He was distracted from his hopeful thoughts when Naomi began writhing and pulling on her restraints, which had already began snapping, and she lurched up out of them, tackling Calvin. If he hadn't let feathers cover himself, let his skeletal structure change, if he hadn't become a bird, he probably would've died. As it was, his left wing got bent back behind him when he slammed into the wall. With the one still-functional wing he had, he embraced Naomi and murmured calming words into her ear, only stopping when her hands closed around his throat.

His eyes stared into hers, now, and he was silent, and he was waiting, hoping she would stop; and he knew that if he died, then she'd never be helped, and so he plain out refused to die, even when the pain in his chest was unbearable.

Her hands lifted away, and curled into fists, and the now crying girl couldn't face Calvin, and she left, into her room, both feeling as light as air and like she was being crushed by the deepest of trenches.

Calvin's shift was slow this time, not its usual explosion of feathers; he winced as his arm healed itself through the help of the terrible things Calvin had corrupted himself and so many others with. As he took in ragged and pained breaths, he reached for his glasses that had fallen off in the whole event. His hand curled around them, and he was about to put them on. But, instead, he hurled them at one of the walls, and ignoring the mess of crushed glass all around him, he buried his face in his hands, and sat there, somehow still unable to cry.

Leon was sitting in the kitchen like he was moments before he started to hear screams followed by some other noises that caught Leon's attention. He quickly stood up and ran to where he heard the noises. He saw a curtain blocking the way and quickly pulled it open,"Is everything okay in here? I heard screaming."

@Trombone Geek
Calvin looked up, and he stared blankly at Leon for a moment. His eyes, without his glasses, were usually a bright acid green, but now it was dulled down to more of a forest-y color.

"In this room, all but one thing is okay," he replied, not specifying that he was the one who felt like crap. He didn't move from his spot, but stared past Leon, looking rather exhausted and probably in a bit of pain, not to mention the mass of regret reflected within his eyes.

Calvin decided that he would clean the mess up later, when his head was clear; right now, he felt like screaming, escaping, never returning, but he couldn't exactly do that. People were relying on him, especially Naomi.

She probably won't talk to me for a few days, he thought bitterly. After all he's done, it wouldn't be a surprise. Sometimes he thought Naomi was just mad at herself for reacting so violently, but he would always brush that thought away. Calvin had done too much wrong.

Cryx lingered near the stairway, peering into the lab. Instead of going to help Calvin, she stayed back, knowing her presence would make things worse. The tension between the two was unbelievable.

Instead, she called out to Leon.
"Is he okay?"
Hunter let out a sigh of relief as Leon left. She had been mean but she couldn't help it. She was so sick of everyone treating her like some fragile, delicate thing. She could handle herself. She didn't need anyone else to hold her up.

The sudden sound of screams in the distant parts of the house forced Hunt to retreat back to her room. She curled up into a ball on the bed, cocooning herself in blankets. Hot tears fell from her eyes and she grimaced. This wasn't the time for crying, she needed to get over this. The lab was in the past, there was no need to dredge up memories that made her stomach turn. But the screams were so familiar and so real.
Leon was a bit startled by the sudden appearance of Cryx but once he heard her, Leon nodded his head,"Yeah, he looks a bit shaken up but otherwise I think he's fine." Leon then turned to Calvin and said in a slightly awkward manor,"Well, if you need me I'll be outside. Uh...I talk to you later once everything is a bit more cleared up." Leon then turned around and walked all the way to the door and went out into the freezing cold. Leon really couldn't think of a better place to go since he honestly just wanted some time to himself. Leon shifted to a large wolf and laid down in the snow. With his winter coat, Leon would be fine for a while before he would have to head back in to warm up. But for now, Leon was just relaxing in the cold snow.

@Trombone Geek

"What are you doing now?" Tabitha asked Cicero, but even she could barely stifle her laugh at the boy's attempt to... flirt? Maybe, or maybe he was just joking around with her. Regardless she played along and over exaggerated her movements- it wasn't like she could dance anyway, so why pretend and take the fun away from this not-so-serious mood? "You're actually a good dancer." Tabitha noticed, a little surprised. Suddenly she stopped to give him a wide careless smile. "That's the third thing you're good at." she jokingly noted, stepping forward to give him a quick kiss before stepping back, wanting to catch him off guard for once. "Should we go downstairs? Everyone's talking down there." she asked, forgetting the files, her book, and her papers completely.

Matthew stepped in nonchalantly, seemingly unaffected by sudden warmth of indoors. Taking his knife, he quickly looked for something to sharpen it with in the kitchen. He had stolen it from a restaurant during the time when he actually could afford one. That place had always kept their silverware sharp and clean, but now time had weighed down on the piece of metal, and it needed to be sharpened once again. "If it's not sharp, how will I cut through that guy's circuits, or give homo a haircut?" he thought, only half-serious. He knew that nobody here was to blame for the experiments, but regardless Matt couldn't bring himself to like any of them. None of them were humans. Even Tabby, who was always kind and carefree, was nothing more than a lab rat at her core, and a dangerous one at that. Matt didn't know exactly why such weapons were needed, but he knew for certain that he'd rather die than find out.​
Leon continued to lay in the snow until he realized how tired he was. Leon never expected to be so tired, but eventually fell asleep in the snow. Anyone who came across Leon would most likely just end up seeing just a normal wolf sleeping on the ground in front of the cabin. Leon would occasionally roll around in his sleep, but that was a normal thing. Right now, the wolf just wanted some sleep.
"Three things i'm good at I have to write these down so I can remember them." He said laughing before he was by Tab kissing him but he smiled "Yea sure lets go downstairs I kinda wanna see how long I can bug Matthew until he tries to punch me in the face...seems like a good idea." He said while picking up his jacket and cookie putting the jacket on and continued to eat the cookie he opened the door and made a dramatic sweep of his hand to the outside of the door "Ladies first." He said bowing a little and laughing at his own stupid joke

Ooc: Cicero I'm sorry but... your posts are so scatter-brained.

:P I feel like your character says everything they want to say in one giant jumbled-up sentence... anyone else want that to be canon?

Bic: Tabitha rolled her eyes at Cicero's joke even though a smile was trying to grow on her face when he said it. She stepped out elegantly- only to pretend to stub her toe. "I don't think I can count holding doors as one of your talents." she pouted, crossing her arms for a brief second before returning to normal. Not checking to see if he was following, she walked down the stairs. It was so quiet downstairs that for a second she wondered if anyone was still there, but the silence didn't last long. Instead, it was interrupted by the sound of a knife sharpening, probably on a block of wood or something cheap by the sound of it. "Matt?" she asked as she reached the final step. She was sure he wasn't the only one with a weapon, but it wouldn't surprise her if he was the only one who had a knife, much less sharpened one.​
iiimee said:
Cicero I'm sorry but... your posts are so scatter-brained. :P I feel like your character says everything they want to say in one giant jumbled-up sentence... anyone else want that to be canon?
Ooc:I don't get it but ok

"Oh well I guess I can't be good at everything but I am good at eating cookies." He said while he followed her downstairs. "Hey Matthew guess what." He said running up to Matthew to see what he was doing and to bug him 'Don't think this will be worth it to see how long I can't get punched bug it will be fun to see.' He told himself mentally laughing at himself for being this stupid
"This is harder than it looks!" Matthew thought as he continued to try to sharpen the knife unsuccessfully. In reality, all he was doing was wearing it down. He had been in the middle of doing this for several minutes when Cicero came up behind him, making the boy nearly jump out of his skin and cut his finger in the process! "What?!" he asked, already exasperated. He quieted himself however, when he saw that Tabitha had entered the kitchen with him. Why was she following him around all the time? He raised an eyebrow to her, as if to ask, but the young lady only looked away from him, not wanting to meet his gaze. He couldn't help but notice her blushing though, and with that he received all the answers he needed. "So, you two are dating?" he inquired, turning back to the block of wood he had found that seemed like it had been used for sharpening knives before he came along. It was a question, but at the same time he didn't need to ask it. If anything, it was just to distract the other boy from his bleeding finger- not that Cicero was smart enough to notice it anyway. He cursed. He cut himself again?! Make that two bleeding fingers...

"Uhhhh...Anyway wanna spar I'm bored out of my mind and Ta...I mean yea I'm just bored." He said while his face but red 'DANG IT MATTHEW WHY DO YOU HAVE TO NOTICE THESE THINGS!' He mentally screamed at Matthew "Anyway if you don't want to spar how can I help." He said looking at the knife and his hand "Also you might want to get the ketchup off your hands I don't think that will help you sharpening the knife or what ever your doing." He said looking at his hand then back at the knife 'Why do I have a sudden crazing for ketchup all of a sudden?' He questioned himself while looking in the fridge for some ketchup and started drinking some instantly regretting the decision and put the ketchup back and spitting the ketchup in the sink "Worse deciding of my life." He said while drinking water

"How do you de-" Matt was about to ask Tabby how she dealt with somebody like him, but considering she was laughing at him gagging up ketchup, Matthew simply turned back to his knife. "Idiots in love!" he thought to himself- only to cut himself again. "Dammit!" he cursed out loud, wiping the blood off of his hands with some paper towels. He was so enraged by this tedious task that he didn't even pay any more attention to the two lovebird's stupidity until he felt Tabitha mess with his hair. "Do you want to die?" he demanded, but the girl only laughed. "Don't act so cold Matt- It isn't like you." She said it with such an innocent smile on her face, but already both of them were at war with each other in their minds like a brother and sister.

"You don't know what I'm like." Matthew thought angrily.

"You need to stop pretending you're serious- I know your not." Tabitha thought with confidence.​
"Come on Matthew even I know this isn't how you act...and I'm an idiot at most times...ok all the time." He said leaning against the fridge "Oh yea by the way don't eat ketchup it taste disgusting almost bad enough to make me want the la..." He stopped himself looking down and remembered what he went through regretting the decision to mention the lab even though he forgot about it 'YOU STUPID CAT IF YOU WANT THE FOOD YOU CAN HAVE THE CAT FOOD LIKE THE CAT YOU ARE!' He scientist yelled in his thought making him shiver "Well anyway Matthew how about sparring?" He asked hoping to forget about the cat food taste that came into his mouth making him eat three of his cookies until he got the taste out 'Jeez I hate that taste.' He said visible disgusted with the taste.
Tabitha looked over at Cicero in concern. Why did he seem so... shaken? She hadn't heard him almost mention the lab, so she was a little confused by his sudden change in personality? Matthew didn't seem to pay attention however, or maybe he just didn't care. "Sure, we can spar, if you want me to beat your ass again." The boy didn't even attempt to follow Cicero down to the basement. Instead, he continued his endless game of sharpening the knife. Clearly he didn't think the cat-boy was much of a threat.

"Give me the knife your to slow at sharping that." He said gesturing to the knife and block while walking down the stairs until he reached the bottom he took his jacket off and let his tail loose and waited for Matthew he also decided to try and fight without going insane to see if he can still fight better without it 'Let's see if those scientist actually put any fight in me or am I only the cat without the scratch or whatever.' He thought confused at what he just thought but decided to forget about it and sat down instead "Matthew why you slow i'm already bored." He said rolling around the floor while his ears kept twitching and his tail going around of him with him laughing a little going back to his normal self if you can call it that
Ooc:He told Matt to give him the knife while they were going downstairs and now he got bored so he started spinning

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