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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

"It's not as fabulous as it seems," Hunt mumbled. Sure, it was cool, but it was exhausting. Just moving the coffee pot had drained her. It was another thing the scientists hadn't quite had the time to perfect. She could remember when they first began working with her on the telekinesis.

"Good God, girl. All you have to do is move the damn pencil to the white line!" the scientist shouted. They had been going at it for almost three hours now and Hunter was exhausted. The pencil, which had been placed at one end of a table and the white line drawn at the other, had barely moved a centimeter from the starting point. Nate stood at the door in wolf form, the security guard holding him tight on a leash. At least she had him. He was her only company in this hell hole. A sudden shock pulsed through her tiny five foot four body and she forced herself to focus back on moving the pencil. All she had to do was move it to the white line. She could do it. Of course she could. If only she wasn't so tired all ready. Another shock pulsed through her body as the man in the white lab coat became more and more impatient with her. She closed her eyes, willing the pencil to move, just a little further. Another shock. And another. And another. Wave after wave of electrical pain, and yet the damn piece of wood still wouldn't move. A final shockwave of pain everything went black.

Hunter pulled herself back from the daydream. She shook of the memory, shivers coursing through her tiny body. She could still feel the electricity coursing through her body, the current shocking every nerve into obedience. "Trust me. I'd much rather be an animal than be stuck with this."

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Leon listened to Hunter,"Honestly you don't...trust me." While Leon didn't dislike his powers, the painful tests...it was horrible. Leon then had a small flashback of his own.

"You're going to have to wear this around your neck." said a male scientist as he fashioned some kind of collar around Leon's neck. "Now," said the scientist with a grin as he took out some kind of remote "Let's see a rabbit!" at first Leon refused but out of no where Leon felt a intense wave of electricity hit him as he fell to the floor from the high voltage. "Rabbit I said!" shouted the scientist as Leon quickly changed into a rabbit, the collar was still around his neck however as the mad scientist continued,"Okay, let's see a wolf now!" Leon shifted back to a human but was already tired after the shift. The same horrible burst of electricity sent Leon onto the floor again as he desperately pulled at the collar in a futile attempt to be freed from its horrid grasp.

Leon finally snapped out of the horrible memory and had both hands around his throat as if the collar was still there. Leon quickly dropped his arms,"Trust me, it was horrible."

Hunter, despite her attempts to push herself out of the flash black, was pushed into the memory. The stainless steel and florescent lights flooded her eyes again and she pulled on the sleeves of her sweater. The whole idea of being anywhere near this place again, dream or not, was horrible. She watched, horrified, as the scientists did their tests on Leon. The scene was familiar. She had watched them do things like this to Nate before, although usually it was after he had done something wrong. She hadn't been around when they had first experimented on Nate, she didn't know the boy before the lab. He had been there for her though, from day one. He had been there every time she had almost died and every time she had to go through trial after trial. It appeared that the experimenters had favored electric torture over any other. She shuddered at the though, "I think we all went through some horrible things back there."

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"Y-yeah..." said Leon as he tried to repress the memory of the horrible torture. Leon couldn't say much more, knowing that Hunter may have read his mind, Leon only said,"Sorry you had to hear that...or see it...or however it works."

Naomi eventually wandered into the kitchen, her eyes latching onto the newcomer. She waved happily. "Hi! I didn't know there was so many of us in one place. What's your name?" The girl seemed normal enough, if it wasn't for the slightly haunted look creeping into her eyes in anticipation of her treatment coming tonight. So much pain..

The girl nearly cursed--despite her age--as memories tried to push into the front of her mind, and a frown shoved its way onto her face as she fought them back.

Lights everywhere.. She told herself to keep pushing against it.

Everything tinted green..

She didn't want to see- too late.

As flashbacks took over her vision, the girl dropped to the ground, arms wrapped around herself as her eyes widened in terror.

Cryx happened to walk into the kitchen, and backed out at that very moment.

"Calvin, dear, it's happening again!" she called down into the basement towards the scientist, who walked up the steps and into the kitchen, kneeling in front of Naomi.

"Child, come on," he said in a quiet and calm voice. The moment Naomi focused her eyes on him, though..

"Leave me alone! I don't want this! I want to be normal!" Her yelling became whimpering, and she rose up on her hands and knees just barely to scuttle away from Calvin, who sighed, stood, and walked back to his lab.

"Where are you going? Help her!"

"I can't do anything right now. She'll calm down on her own," Calvin answered in a tired voice, and left.

Naomi eventually calmed down, though after that dramatic display she didn't talk to anyone; she had gone down to her room and stayed there.

(I caved. Gah.)
Leon watched the entire scene unfold in front if him. After the other girl left to her room Leon didn't bother to ask what happened. Leon knew he could always do that later, the girl just needed some time and Leon was more than willing to give it to her. Leon then turned back to Hunter and in a attempt to lighten up the mood said,"Well now that you know what I can do. Do I have any requests?"

Hunt watched as Naomi entered the room, obviously not in her right mind. She recognized the girl from earlier, when they had been in town and she urged them to come with her and Cal. Only to lead them to a lab, of course.

Suddenly, she was on the floor and Hunt's stomach turned at the things she saw in the girl's mind. Without even meaning to, she retched into the sink and nearly dropped her coffee mug. The visions in that girls mind...well, they were things Hunt had only seen one other time. She was so much younger than the rest of them too, making it even worse.

Hunt pulled her knees to her chest as she watched Cal and the other girl enter. She waited patiently for their little conversation to end before letting a sigh of relief out as they left and Naomi returned to her room. Ghastly things were in that girl's mind. It was terrifying.

She bit hard on her lip as her attention was returned to Leon. He was asking her something. Hunt coulf barely focus. Suddenly, it was too hot in the house. She needed outside. Now.

"I- I'm really sorry. Uh, just give me a, um, minute."

Hunt pushed herself off the counter, leaving her half empty mug beside where she had sat. She rushed to the ladder leading outside, swiftly pulling herself up each rung. She was glad to be outside. Cold air filled her lungs and snowflakes tickled her face, landing on her eyelashes. She found herself sitting in the cold white stuff, bare legs going numb in the pair of shorts she had found in the drawers of the bedroom she had been in. The cold shocked her away from the visions in Naomi's head and led her back to reality, one she was happy to be in this time.

The moment hunter ran to the ladder Leon followed closely behind. He wanted to make sure that she would be okay. Once Leon made it outside he saw the snow and could already feel the drop in temperature. Leon had heavy clothes on like his sweatpants and shirt but his jacket was thin and seemed to be offering little to no comfort from the cold. Leon sat down next to Hunter,"Are you okay? If there's something wrong you can tell me you know." despite all Leon had been through and what Hunter had seen, Leon was happy. It wasn't some deep cover up, Leon was actually happy.

Cicero got bored off looking "Dang it guess I won't be eating anymore cookies for a while." He told himself sadly and he walked around trying to find people to talk to to stop the boredom when he seen Naomi come down stairs and walk into her room 'She seems more grouch then her usual self.' He thought to himself walking upstairs "Hey coffee cool." He said getting a cup and pouring himself a cup when he noticed a half filled cup "Who's cup is this...what a waste more for me." He told himself happy as he went outside and seen Hunter and the new guy "Hey guys do you know who's coffee this is I was going to drink it but I already got a cup." He said look at the half empty cup and drinking his "Also have you seen my jacket I really want a cookie but I can't find it anywhere." He said looking at the snow falling from the sky and catching snowflakes on his tongue something he hasn't done ever since he was locked up in the lab or torture in hell
Leon hovered his finger above Hunter's head,"It's her's. She forgot to grab it on the way out. I'll go get it. And also, I don't think I've seen your jacket anywhere." Leon then stood up and walked back inside. He managed to find his way to the kitchen again and grabbed the mug before exiting once again and sitting right next to Hunter again,"Here, we don't need you freezing to death out here. I mean, you are wearing shorts while it's snowing."

@Xx\-Katherine\-xX @Cicero
"Yea most likely the smarties idea Hunter seems like something I do are you coming down with the case of Ciceroitis?" He asked joking while he took a sip of his coffee watching snowflakes fall into the coffee and melt thinking about random things but every time he did he only came back to the lab 'DANG IT STOP THINKING OF THE STUPID PLACE!' He mentally yelled to himself while the thought of the test he was forced to do and the beating his took before he learned not to steal from the scientist he just know noticed Hunter again when he looked down and seen her hoping she wasn't reading my thought "Uhh yea anyone thanks tell me if you find it i'm going back in and try to find something so Hunter doesn't freeze I don't want to explain to Doggy Boy why Hunter froze to death and I kinda wanna keep living don't know about you guys but yea i'll be right back as he went back in the cabin and pulled the blanket from his bed and walked back out and gave it to Hunter "Here so you don't freeze don't know if it will help but worth a shot." He said looking back at the snowflakes falling
Leon took the blanket and tossed it over Hunter, he seemed to be doing okay himself but just to keep himself from getting sick he shifted into a wolf and laid down in front if Hunter. Leon was sure she could read a wolf's mind so there wasn't really a need for him to shift back. Frankly, he was in his wolf form just for the sake of being warmer than he was with his thin jacket.

Ooc: What happened? Where should I jump in? I came back and everybody is posting actual paragraphs now?! X_X

Ooc: Well, Vladimor is still looking for his little favorite ahah,


Also even with his wandering about, he still doesn't understand that this place is filled with experiments (He's so slow...) Someone should break it to him.


Ooc: Sorry again! X_X Friend called, I was asleep for most of the day, and now I am deprived of a shower... *sigh*

Bic: Matthew had been out running all that morning, sneaking out when he thought the coast was clear. He half-expected to be immediately kicked out for his recklessness when he came back, but instead a different greeting awaited him.

Ooc: Somebody greet him. It is 8:33pm my time, and on weekdays I go to bed at 10pm. Just reminding you guys. Last week 'til break for me though so...​
Calvin had been about to head out to clear his head when he saw Matt returning from.. something. Probably a run, judging from his current look. Calvin wasn't exactly in the mood to be a dick that morning, so he simply asked the first question he had.

"You run?" It wasn't much, but Calvin had decided he might as well get used to this man if he was going to have to spend any amount of time with him.

Calvin nearly cringed when he imagined exactly what Naomi would say: Excuses, excuses, excuses.
Matthew didn't know who he expected to see: Tabitha, Cicero, Hunter, Vladimor- it could've been anyone. He knew exactly who he didn't want to see however: Calvin, the host and the person who he was relying on right now to keep him and his friend safe. he nearly took a step back out of cautiousness when Calvin asked him the question, but refrained from doing so. If he did, his uncertainty would be instantly revealed. "I try to get outside- even city air is healthier than none at all." he answered while watching Calvin closely- he didn't know the guy too well, but he seemed a lot more quiet and less snarky than usual... was something wrong? It wasn't like Matt could say much, but the observation was interesting nonetheless.

Leon stayed outside with Hunter until he watched someone enter. Leon got up from the snow and said in his mind, hoping that Hunter could hear it, I'll be right back, please don't freeze Leon then trotted over to the house in his wolf form and shifted back to his human form right as he entered. He looked at two people talking and slowly walked past both of them. He didn't want to get involved in this especially since he didn't know either person. Leon eventually found his way back into the kitchen and saw that there was still most of the coffee left over so Leon managed to find a cup, even though it wasn't a mug and poured some coffee in. Leon then grabbed some napkins and used them as a grip for the cup as he began to drink some coffee. He would go back out in a moment, but it had been forever since Leon had actually had coffee. Best to savor it while it was there.
Calvin shrugged. "If you let everyone know that they should stay in their rooms tonight after about 10:00, that would be great. And thank you for not starting any fights." If Matt said anything else, Calvin would stop and listen; if not, he would continue on his way out into the woods.

Naomi would've slept like she was supposed to, had nightmares not tried plaguing her. So she sat there, on her bed, knees pulled to her chest, hoping that everyone would leave her alone for once.

Cryx had taken to wandering aimlessly around, leaving the curtain untouched out of the little consideration she had for Calvin's feelings. She had been trying to see if he still felt, or if he had become devoid of emotion, on her first day there. Most would see that as an excuse, but Cryx didn't care. She knew Calvin and Naomi hated her, and she knew why, but she wasn't exactly determined to fix it; nothing needed fixing right then.

(Sorry it was so short
xD )

Matthew quietly nodded, watching Calvin walk out the door... Was that all he wanted to say? Shrugging, Matthew turned his gaze toward the boy who just then had walked into the kitchen. "Another one?" he thought, the antisocial side of him sick at the thought, but the curious, social side of him convinced him to follow after the boy. When he went into the kitchen, the boy was pouring coffee- something Matthew loved, but hadn't had since he left the big city areas of Louisville. "Is there still some left?" he asked, watching the boy take a sip of the warm beverage. Instinctively, Matt reached a hand up to his throat- how long had it been since he drank anything?

Ooc: Ugh, NOW I get a bath which I desperately need. X_X Night loves!​
Leon nodded,"Yeah, there's plenty left. Feel free to grab some." Leon grabbed his coffee and took another sip from it,"So how long have you been here? I just got here not that long ago." Leon smiled,"Oh and since this is our first time meeting, name's Leon. Don't wear it out."


Matthew poured himself a cup while he responded to the boy, apparently named "Leon". "What a stupid name." he thought in his mind, but he decided not to say it. "My name's Matthew- just that. Not 'Matt' or 'Matty.'" He drank his coffee quietly. It reminded him of the day Tabitha tried to add sugar to his- it was the day she was punched. Sure, they were still friends, but Matt should've "went easy on the girl" like so many guys before him have, but he knew that women, especially experiments, were still just as capable than men. "So... want to tell me what facility you were in, or your abilities?" Matt said it casually, as if the information didn't matter. In his mind however, he was being much more aggressive when asking for such info... he wasn't the patient type.

Ooc: Lame post sorry! Will be back at 3pm​
Calvin went far from the house where he could sit and let loose in peace. He eventually felt like he was far enough away, he slumped against a tree and just sat there. When he began to get cold, feathers engulfed him and replaced his form with that of a rather large tan-and-brown bird. And eventually, Calvin took off in flight, surveying the woods and picking out the faint lights of a search team. If they neared the cabin; he would take them out. If they stayed away, he would leave them be.

What am I ever going to do? I can't find anything to help her..

he firmly told himself. He was a genius. He would help Naomi, fix things. She would live a normal life, one of these days.

He flew, and he watched, and he hoped.
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Leon listened to Matthew, clearly hearing the hostile tone in his voice. Leon nodded at the introduction,"Okay, got it. Matthew and nothing else, understood." Leon didn't even bother responding to the whole "I know where and what they did to you" thing because he felt that was a bit odd for Leon to even respond to. Leon only remained silent, sipping his coffee to avoid Matthew getting any angrier than it already appeared he was.


((OOC:Sorry about such a weird post, I didn't know how Leon would react to that))
"Not going to talk huh?" Matt sighed, setting down his empty cup and stretching. He popped his neck, then his shoulders, then his back- the feeling felt good, but it made the boy realize how sore he was. After fighting and running nonstop, he was finally worn out. "No more running for me- I don't want to grow old early." he thought, though in reality he was probably a little more on the younger side than some of the people here- Michael, for example, had to at least have a good five years on him. "Anyway," he finally continued, barely even looking at the other boy in the kitchen when he spoke. "Where'd the mad scientist run off to? My day's here are nearly coming to an end, and so far no plans have been made. It's not my business, but I have to make sure I leave Tabby in hands that can manage her."


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