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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Vladimor had ended up outside, sitting out back as he watched the sky. There was no need for him to eat, he thought(This is a lie.), and there was no one he actually needed to bother. It disgusted him at the thought that he'd be someone's problem if here were to stay inside any longer than he needed to, so he decided to wait out and make himself scarce. The boy hums a soft tune, one which he doesn't remember's origin, but was familiar enough to him. While it was easy to find peace in solitude, it is also easy to find loneliness, something of which Vladimor was not fond of. There's a sort of longing when he looks at birds, squirrels and other animals about, all together in pairs or trios. A small, sad smile crosses his face, as he is sure that there's no way he could stay here for too long- The police will find this place soon, especially with how crowded it is, even if they don't, he has no place here. Vladimor is an experiment, and nothing will change that, no matter how much he tries to erase it all away. They will look for him, for he is property. Government property. He will run, and they will try to find him and that is how it will be. Vladimor has no problem with that, but he dares not to burden the others with himself.

So be it.

OOC: Someone REALLY should mention that he is among other experiments, aha​
Leon shook his head,"Nope, haven't seem 'em anywhere to be honest. I just got here not too long ago." Leon then put his empty cup into the sink and finally answered Matthew's original question,"I can shapeshift into any animal I want. And I don't remember the facility I got locked away in." Leon then turned around and exited the kitchen before heading back out to check on Hunter. Leon walked out in the freezing cold and noticed someone in the back. Leon walked over and saw a boy sitting on the ground, seemingly upset. Leon sat down beside him and asked,"Hey, you alright there?"

@King Anthony @iiimee
"Shape-shifter huh? I figured you'd be more dangerous..." the words entered Matt's head, but he didn't dare say them out loud. He watched the boy leave the kitchen, and for a second, Matthew was tempted to follow him. That wouldn't be smart however- he had seen some of the other cough, Tabitha included, and if there was one sure way to catch whatever they had, it was so go outside and freeze his ass off. He went upstairs quickly to grab a book (or what remained of one) from the backpack he always carried around. It was an Agatha Christie book- old English and extremely dull, but somehow Matthew found each page exciting, despite the fact there was usually little to no climax within the story, and all endings were pretty predictable. Before being an experiment, Matthew always remained at the top of his class in English and constantly read up on classics like Shakespeare and C.S Lewis. These days he merely read a few pages here and there from public libraries, and instead of using blank sheets of paper for stories, he used them to get phone numbers or take inventory. Going downstairs, he sat on the couch and put one of his feet on his knee as he began to immerse himself into the world of long ago...

When Vladimor noticed a voice directed to him, he looks at them tilting his head. "Mhmm," He manages, combing his fingers through his hair, once again reminding himself to cut it. It was beginning to be a pain, and adding on to the femininity that he was cursed with. "The cold doesn't bother me." The noble boy smiles at the other, waving. "On the other hand, you should get inside. You could catch something, and I'd be the one to blame." He chuckles, gesturing back to the warmth of indoors.

"Eh I'll live," said Leon as he adjusted his seating on the cold snow "Besides, shouldn't you be in there with everyone else? I can handle it out here, I get the odd feeling that the same might not be able to be said for you." Leon honestly had no idea why this boy was out in the cold on his own. There had to be some reason, right?

@King Anthony

With a soft laugh, Vladimor shakes his head. "I don't feel that I belong in there honestly. Either way, I'll be leaving soon enough, so being outside in the cold for such little time won't bother me. Have you ever been to Eastern Europe? It's much colder there than it is here." He explains, looking at the snow, reminiscing about the times he had at home. "I handle myself much better than most. I always have and always will." He closes his eyes for a brief second, breathing in the hard cold air. It wasn't all that cold if he thought about it.

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Leon raised a eyebrow,"You don't belong? And why might that be? And no I haven't been to Eastern Europe before, but let's focus more on why you think you don't belong." Now Leon's curiosity was sparked, he wanted to know why this boy had that odd feeling. Surely Leon could help him, he knew he could.

@King Anthony
Matthew soon finished his reading. It wasn't like he had much of the story- only thirty pages somewhere in the middle of the book. In it the butler had been chopped in half and all the remaining victims were freaking out. "Damn fools." he muttered, partly to the storybook characters and partly to the boy, who hadn't returned from the outside yet. Did he want to get everyone sick? Grabbing a blanket off the couch and wrapping it around his shoulders, the short young man marched his way over to the door, immediately shaking the second he felt the cold air seep into the room. He didn't need to go far though- Leon was sitting on the porch, next to the guy who had used Matthew as a pillow last night. "What are you two- never mind." Figuring he'd just learn things he didn't want to know, Matt sat down on the porch beside them, listening but not partaking in their conversation. All he shared with them was the fact they weren't human anyway, so what was the point in acting like they were his buddies?

He frowns, showing a sort of discomfort when he urges on the matter. "I just...Don't?" He looks at the boy next to him, then looks away with shifty eyes. "I never do...not in my own home, not somewhere else, not here. I want to find the place where I do belong. A place I'm happy, and wanted." He smiles at the thought. He is slightly startled when Matthew sits down next to them, but he waves. "Hey, Matthew...You should get him inside so he doesn't get sick." He tells the familiar boy as he glances back to the other.

@Isune @iiimee
Leon crossed his arms,"That's not the answer I was looking for." Leon knew that there was something more about this boy. If only he could put his finger on it. Regardless Leon persisted,"I know that's not why. There has to be some reason. The real reason, I might be able to help if you just tell me. I promise you won't regret it." Leon then noticed Matthew and didn't bother saying anything to him. Matthew was just too rude in his opinion.

@King Anthony @iiimee
"Sick? I already think I caught something from you." Matt replied with a snarky attitude, but didn't say anything else. Instead, he simply wrapped the blanket around him even tighter and tried not to shiver. It was cold, but he should've been used to it by now. He kept his gaze out toward the snowy forest, quietly looking for any signs of life. He swore he could've seen a deer, but when he looked closer he saw nothing again. "Maybe it ran off..." he thought, a little unnerved by his uncertainty. He scooted closer to Vladimor without thinking, obviously freezing but not wanting to admit it. He could already hear Tabitha now. "You should take care of your face, if nothing else." he mimicked the girl's voice, not realizing at first that he had just used his powers to sound exactly like her. When he did however, he jumped up and grabbed the knife out of his pocket, pointing it at Vlad. He knew the boy could be harmless, but now that the secret was out it would be impossible to let him stay here.

Ooc:Sorry i'm late

Cicero walked around until he found Matthew talking to people "Matthew have you seen Tab I can't find her any where and I need my jacket for my cookies." He said looking at his watch and smiled 'To think I actually got something out of the date I only thought I was going to be the one to be giving the gifts but surprised me.' He thought to himself looking back at Matthew "Oh yea and have you seen Ocean anywhere I need to give the little brat that cake I promised him." He said looking around hoping to see him or Tab

Matthew glanced at Cicero for a mere second. Was the boy blind to the fact Matthew had a knife pointed at somebody?! "She's been up all morning studying." Matt answered. He hadn't checked on her this morning, but just from experience he was sure that was what she was doing, probably in her room too, considering how she wasn't seen by anyway since super early in the morning.

And of course Matthew was right. Going back between reading bits of Latin from a stolen textbook and writing it down, Tabitha slowly began to try to learn the language. It wasn't like she needed to learn all of it, but any bit would help her in her quest. She needed to learn what the note said, but even after all this time she hasn't been able to...​
"It's fine really usually the ones who end up helping me are the one's who regre-" He was confused to when he heard a third voice, one of a woman's. He turned to see no one else except for Matthew turning to an offensive stance with a knife. He couldn't process anything and it hadn't in the slightest made any sense to him, and he couldn't take the time to when there was a knife pointed his direction. Vladimor took a glance at Leon before standing slowly, moving cautiously to not make Matthew do anything he might (or might not?) regret. "Hey, Matt- I mean Matthew...I.." He trembled slightly, gaze flickering to the knife before returning to Matthew's eyes. "Who- What? Did I do something wrong? Was it something I said?" He was scared and confused, though unwilling to take any sort of defensive stance against Matthew. If he did, it'd only burden them all more.

@iiimee @Isune
"Ok...oh yea I forgot to ask why do you have a knife up to somebody...and you didn't invite me no fair." He said trying to pull out a knife from his pocket "...Oh yea ok have fun let i'm going to find Tab see ya." He said walking to Tab's room "Hey Tab whats up" He said while walking up and hugging her from behind looking at what she was doing "What are you doing?" He asked confused at what he was looking at 'Whats this...I'M SO CONFUSED!' He mentally screamed confused out of his mind
Leon watched everything unfold, the knife pulling, the random person talking to Matthew, but Leon was obviously more concerned about the knife. Leon quickly stood up and began to walk towards Matthew, both arms extended as he slowly reached for the knife,"Let's all just calm down. Just drop the knife, there's no need to stab anyone." Leon stopped about a few feet away from Matthew and continued,"Trust me, you really don't want to hurt someone. Just put the knife down and everything will be okay."

@iiimee @King Anthony

Matthew looked at Vladimor, then at Leon, quickly drawing the knife away when he saw Leon reach for it and realized Vlad had no clue why he was being threatened with one. "I'm calm." he said firmly, barely noticing how much his voice fluctuated when he spoke now. He didn't know why, but sometimes after he used his power his voice would shift, sometimes becoming a hiss, sometimes growing deeper, or even higher if he was really angry. Putting the knife away, he glared at Vladimor. "Why are you on the run anyway? You're not an experiment, are you?" He crossed his arms and waited. It was a test, and a cruel one at that. If he admitted to being one, he was either really stupid or lying and ready to turn them in- if it was the second one, Matt would kill him on the spot. If he denied it however... that meant he was all the more likely to either be one of hate them. No matter what he did, it would be hard to trust him. "Why is all of this so stressful?" he mentally screamed, running a hand through his air out of aggravation. Already he was sure that both of the boys thought he was nuts, but there was logic behind his madness.

"Hm? Oh... doctor stuff." Tabitha replied softly, just barely paying attention to his question. Instead, she was mouthing the latin words in silence, translating them from the book to the page and writing them down. "It's not this one either..." she thought, suddenly feeling a little depressed. She had checked through hundreds of files, but none of them were in English and all of them had names of drugs that Tabitha was lucky if she knew what they were. Finally exhausted, she leaned back against Cicero. "Why's everyone fighting...?" she mumbled, her eyes closed as she once again used her lover as a pillow, only this time she had recovered and wasn't actually physically tired. Instead, she head a headache, both from hearing Matt's annoying voice downstairs and from all the thinking she had just done.​
"I don't know Matthew I won't be surprised if its anything having to do with the other people in the room." He said while looking down like he could see the people fighting "Oh yea have you seen my jacket I kinda wants a cookie out of it sorry to disturb you about that you seem really busy but I really want a cookie." He said while trying to find his jacket in her room and finally decide to sit down and wait rocking back and forth whistling
Vladimor sighed as he put the knife down, relief washing over him. Though when he was asked the question, he realizes something. He's not stupid. Then he begins to laugh. He laughs for some time until he tears up, and they stream down his face, and he can't help but to go hug Matthew. His voice was familiar, and so many other's faces were familiar, the voice he just heard, why they were running from the cops, why he just had a knife pulled on him. "Why didn't you tell me!" He cried, letting go and covering his face in his hands. From his own, shadows slowly crawled along the snow and by both Leon's and Matthew's feet, coiling up and around their ankles as Vladimor wipes away his tears. "I thought you just didn't like me!" He admitted fearfully, glancing at the shadows he half manipulates, half of them just moving as if they had a mind of their own.


Tabitha rolled her eyes at his question, getting up and taking it out from one of the empty drawers that she had put a few of her things in. She doubted Calvin would mind anyway. "Here." she said, sitting down and handing it to him. She leaned back down on the bed lazily, enjoying the feeling both of the bed and somebody beside her. "This is so much different than the streets..." she thought, raising one of her arms up so that from her position she was looking up at her hand, making sure her nails weren't too long. Finally, she sat back up and grabbed one of Cicero's hands, observing it with sudden curiosity. "They're rougher than mine." she commented, before putting her own hand against his to see the difference. Compared to his, her hands were delicate, pale, and small- they almost looked like the hands of a doll's.

Matthew froze up instinctively as the boy fearlessly embraced him. Honestly, the boy's reaction shocked Matt so much that for a moment all he could do was stand there, until he heard the boy's laugh. "This isn't something to laugh about!" Matt protested, but even as he said it he noticed that shadows were creeping along their legs so thickly that the boy swore he could feel them. "Shadows, huh.." he murmured, looking down to watch the dark figures that almost seemed alive, despite Matthew knowing for a fact that they weren't. His speech was still slurred from using his power, but he figured nobody would really care- except Tabitha. He could hear her now, complaining about how annoying his voice was whenever he had to use it.

Ooc: I'm tired, I can make a post about hands and shadows if I want! ^_^
"Thanks Tab you really are the best." He said while he was digging in his pockets for his cookie and when he got it he started eating it but then Tab grabbed his hands "Uh thanks." He said confused but smiled while she put her hand up to her's and he started holding her hands and got her out of her bed and pretended to dance with her laughing a little leaving his jacket on the ground along with the cookie and he spun her around and smiled
Vladimor finishes up the rest of his giggles before gesturing them both to follow him as the shadows begin to fade away into light. "It's too cold outside, let's go in." He told them both, heading indoors where it's nice and warm. To be honest, his fingers were completely numb, and he couldn't feel his nose or lips that were beginning to blue, an odd contrast against his warm, reddened cheeks. With haste, he goes in hopping on the couch and curls up tightly into a ball, keeping hands tucked in as he attempts to warm up.

Leon smiled as he followed behind Vladimor inside. Leon rolled his eyes as he watched the boy throw himself onto the sofa and joked,"Come on it wasn't that bad. I wasn't even beginning to get cold yet. Then again, it may have something to do with my little gift." Leon then chuckled as he took a seat on a chair and smiled, waiting for Vladimor's curiosity to kick in.

@King Anthony
Hunter didn't know if she was shocked or disgusted. Maybe both? All she could do was sit there and replay those scenes over and over again. There was nothing but Naomi's memories. The sudden flutter of a blanket falling on her and Cicero's mind yelling brought her out of her stunned state.

She was shaking like a chihuahua, there was hardly any feeling her legs. It appeared both boys had long since given up on awaking Hunter from her reverie, and she soon found herself shakily wandering back inside. She wrapped the blanket around her shoulders and wandered back to her room. She was soaked from the snow, her socks were damp, her shorts a see through mess.

She dug through the drawers, searching for something that would fit her tiny body. She eventually came across a sweater and some jeans that, while a little baggy, would have to do. She changed quietly in the bathroom and peered into the mirror above the sink, staring into her own haunted blue eyes.

Purple bags hung under her eyes, fringed with eyelashes that hadn't seen a tube of mascara in years. Her cropped blonde hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail at the base of neck. She barely recognized herself. She used to be popular. She used to be smart, pretty. And now she was hiding out from the governent in a cabin in the middle of the damn woods. Where had things gone wrong?

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