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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Cicero woke up to see he fell asleep on the floor he got up and looked around 'Where'd everyone go?' He thought to himself walking around until he got to the kitchen "Another one?" He said a lot hoping that's what everyone else was thinking the same thing he was "So how did you fine our fine little cabin in the woods?" He asked the boy sarcastically knowing the story was going to get away from the people looking for him because he was an experiment like the rest of them his ears twitched and his cat tail wagged as he yawned "You know what one second thought I don't care i'm going to the roof see ya guys." He said moving pass everyone and jumped on the roof to stare at the sky 'Why does the sun have to be so bright?' He asked himself mentally covering his eyes with his hand eventually falling asleep again
Nate stepped aside when another guy tried to push through. "Have fun."he muttered. He trained his gaze back onto the young man at the door, he had stepped so Tabby would be seen also. "What can you do." Nate spoke clearly, his sense of smell was keen, and he knew exactly that this young man was no 'innocent teenager' he was an experiment, and Nate knew that.

Now sure that the others were experiments (mostly because of the person with the cat tail) Leon told the truth,"I can shapeshift into any animal I want. I'm sure I could be of some use here, right?" Leon was secretly hoping that he was right, but keep a cool look on his face as he continued his silent hope.

@Cyber Wolf @iiimee
Nate growls under his breath. He didn't like other shifters. He was the first they created, and it hurt him to see the others were successful, and he wasn't. He looks to Tabithia, "Go get Mat." He orders, and looks back to the teen. "That's not my choice." He steps inside, gesturing for him to enter the home.

@Isune @iiimee
Leon silently entered the cabin and sat down on a nearby sofa. Leon decided to ask,"So who's is it then? Is there just one leader who makes decisions for the group or is it more of a democracy?" Leon felt like he shouldn't have asked and didn't even consider asking the stranger what he could do. It didn't seem right to ask yet.

@Cyber Wolf
Calvin awoke to an angry and glaring Naomi.

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"My dear, you looked exhausted. I decided tonight would be a better night."

"The more tired I am, the less I fight!"

Calvin lifted a new pair of glasses to his face. "It's already morning, there's no use complaining about it."


Calvin sighed, standing and pushing past Naomi.. and almost ran into Cryx.

"Somebody's going to die today," Calvin growled under his breath, shoving the woman he hated out of his way and heading into the lab, disappearing behind the curtain. He'd decided he would spend today trying to find a more efficient formula for Naomi's stabilizing doses, and treat her tonight whether he could find anything or not (HINT HINT). If anyone interrupted him, they would be in for quite the scare, since a glare from an angry Calvin could send a dragon running.

He grumbled about all the people showing up as he worked, well aware of the new face that awaited upstairs.

"Too many damned people."
Leo came back into the cabin later on that day, with more than just a deer.

"I've got a few presents!" He called out to the rest of the cabin.

He then dragged the corpse to the kitchen and laid it on the counter. Then, he pulled a pile of wallets out from his pockets, each somewhat slashed or crumpled from the struggle (or lack thereof) of the petty theft.
Leon looked around at everyone and didn't really know what to say or do. He was kind of scared, but it wasn't showing on his face. While he was sitting around, Leon was just happy to be inside a home. Even if it may just be while he's waiting, Leon was just happy to roof over his head for once. For once, Leon actually looked forward to meeting this Mat, maybe it wouldn't end up with Leon bolting for cover while being assaulted with a broom.

Cicero woke up bored out of his mind 'I'M SO BORED!'He mentally screamed "What can I do?" He asked himself still looking at the sky and reaching for his hoodie pocket only to not feel it 'Wheres my jacket?' He asked himself before remembering Tab was still wearing it after their date and that's where he had his cookies at so he lazily jumped off the roof and walked back into the cabin and decided to take a shower and after he was done he but his old clothes on and left only to get something to drink and walk downstairs and fall asleep on the couch again
Vladimor hadn't slept since the second time he'd been woken up, but instead sat there drifting to clouds of thought; nothing special. He could here the pace of the house began to pick up again, and even another knock at the door. The boy stretches, taking a deep breath to remind himself that it's his time to be 'awake'. Sitting on the edge of his bed, he takes another moment or two to regain himself, taking in the soft bustle around the house. He gives another silent thanks for both Calvin and Matthew offering and letting him stay with the current circumstances, then stands, ready to head out. Vladimor realized that all he really only knew Matthew and became sort of nervous as he walked upstairs to search for him regardless if he was still sleeping or not.

Leon continued to mindlessly sit around, out of boredom Leon stood up and walked over to the kitchen because he heard something slam on something else. He walked in and saw a dead deer on the counter. Leon was surprised and looked at the person there and asked,"Do you guys have a steady hunting?" Leon really was curious, he may be able to help with hunting if he were to be accepted into the group. For now though, Leon thought that he may as well ask.

@Surprise Meteors
Isune said:
Leon continued to mindlessly sit around, out of boredom Leon stood up and walked over to the kitchen because he heard something slam on something else. He walked in and saw a dead deer on the counter. Leon was surprised and looked at the person there and asked,"Do you guys have a steady hunting?" Leon really was curious, he may be able to help with hunting if he were to be accepted into the group. For now though, Leon thought that he may as well ask.
@Surprise Meteors
"I hunt when I feel like it, but I wouldn't mind having a partner once in a while." Leo started to automatically chop up a bit of muscle from the hind leg and wash it under the sink.

"And if you wouldn't mind, take the wallets out of here so I can get a bit of workspace, the kitchen's gonna be a bloodied mess when I'm done."

Leo then proceeded to elongate a finger and slice the neck of the deer off, exactly where the vertebrae split off.

"I also wouldn't mind having you sort the credit card as well, the iron traces in it might disappear if I touch them."
Leon nodded,"I'm sure it'd be fun." he said as he grabbed the wallet and began to go through it. The most he found was a few dollars and two credit cards. Leon then chuckled,"Then again, I might eat the deer or whatever it is we're hunting before you get to it." This was true since if Leon shifted to a carnivore like a wolf he'd most likely take on whatever his prey was without a second thought and would try to eat it right then and there.

@Surprise Meteors
[QUsune, post: 4541175, member: 25358"]Leon nodded,"I'm sure it'd be fun." he said as he grabbed the wallet and began to go through it. The most he found was a few dollars and two credit cards. Leon then chuckled,"Then again, I might eat the deer or whatever it is we're hunting before you get to it." This was true since if Leon shifted to a carnivore like a wolf he'd most likely take on whatever his prey was without a second thought and would try to eat it right then and there.

@Surprise Meteors

"I really don't care if you eat it. Right now, all I need you to do is-" Leo ripped the tendons from the other hind leg in a quick stroke and replied, "Sort through other 32 wallets. I've been busy all morning for a reason."
Leon sighed as he stared at the other thirty-one wallets that he'd have to sort through. He complied as he grabbed each wallet one by one and put everything into three piles: cash, credit cards, and junk. the junk pile began to grow larger with the cash pile following not too far behind. Once Leon was done with the sorting he turned to the person and let out a sigh of relief,"Done, there's enough cash here to support yourselves for a few days. The rest is just stuff like business cards or phone numbers."

@Surprise Meteors
Isune said:
Leon sighed as he stared at the other thirty-one wallets that he'd have to sort through. He complied as he grabbed each wallet one by one and put everything into three piles: cash, credit cards, and junk. the junk pile began to grow larger with the cash pile following not too far behind. Once Leon was done with the sorting he turned to the person and let out a sigh of relief,"Done, there's enough cash here to support yourselves for a few days. The rest is just stuff like business cards or phone numbers."
@Surprise Meteors
"Good" Leo replied as he started salting the rest of the deer. 'Lasagna or burgers tonight, your choice."
Leon thought for a second before replying,"Hamburgers sound good, that is if Mat lets me stay. What's Mat like anyways? Is he like your leader or what's the deal?" Leon got the feeling that maybe he shouldn't have asked, but he really wanted to know.

@Surprise Meteors
The smell of coffee pulled Hunter out of sleep. It had been so long since she had had a good cup of joe. She knew it was horrible for her, but she couldn't help it. It was so good. Hunt stumbled out of a bed that she didn't even remember getting into. Nate had probably put her to bed. She had a tendency to drift off just about anywhere. She wandered into the kitchen, blue eyes sleepy and her blonde hair a tangled mess.

She pulled cabinets open, searching for a mug to put her coffee in, glad to finally find one after searching through all of them at least three times. She poured herself a cup of coffee and pulled herself up onto the counter, sitting criss cross on the granite. She sipped from the white mug, sweater sleeves pulled over her hands. Suddenly, she noticed the two others in the kitchen. In her bleary, sleep induced coffee hunger, she hadn't even bothered to say good morning to others in the little kitchen. She rubbed her eyes with her sleeve, a sleepy smile crossing her face, "G'morning," she mumbled, before divulging back into her coffee cup.

@Isune @Surprise Meteors
"Morning sleepy head." Leon remarked as he watched the girl enter into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. Leon then turned to the girl,"So, how long have you been here for?"

Hunter was slowly waking up officially. She was never fully awake until after her first cup of coffee, something that she hadn't been able to fully enjoy for a very long time. She had finished off her first cup and was currently pouring her second one when one of the boys spoke to her. She put the coffee pot down and tucked a lock of blonde hair behind her ear as she replied. "Um, just since yesterday actually. You?" She sipped from her cup again, "I'm Hunter, by the way."

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"I just got here not too long ago actually. Nice to meet you hunter, name's Leon. So what can you do? I can turn into any animal I want." Leon said as he took a seat on a nearby chair so he could continue his conversation in comfort. Leon was honestly curious as to what Hunter was capable of.

"Uh..." This had always been the part of conversations that made her nervous. She hated admitting what she could do. People were always a little freaked out by it and it tended to make them trust her less. Which didn't make much sense to her, she didn't pry unless absolutely necessary. It certainly wasn't like she was controlling the things she heard. The telekinesis part was a lot easier to control than the telepathy though. It wasn't like she was always floating things around in the air, although it did happen when she slept occasionally. "Well, I can, um, read minds and do...this." Hunt directed her thoughts toward the coffee pot and, biting down on her lower lip, floated it over to her, refilling her mug before returning it to the burner. "Mind stuff is kind of my speciality.

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Leon was amazed by the display of telekinesis,"Wow, that's pretty cool! If I had that power, I'd never have to lift a finger again!" Leon let out a sigh and joked,"But alas, I must be stuck with the power to become any animal. How unfortunate."


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