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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Matthew shrugged, deciding it'd be easier to learn about this guy if he acted casual and smooth. He didn't want to guess, but from the way he blushed Matthew was getting the sneaking suspicion this guy wasn't entirely straight. "I'm just admiring your skill- is there something wrong with that?" He knew his first mission was to find out why this guy was here, but it was fun just figuring out his reactions to different things- When was the last time Matt met somebody like this? "Hm, it looks good, but is that supposed to be there?" Matt asked innocently, leaning forward to tuck a strand of hair behind the boy's ears, (not so) accidentally getting his face close to the taller boy's in the process. He stayed there for a few seconds, pretending to fix the boy's hair here and there, before moving away and acting as if nothing had happened. Even Matt was surprised at how good he was at this. "So, what do you want to do?" he asked in a bored but happy tone, acting casual as always but secretly examining every move the boy made.

"How about... that person?" Tabitha said, pointing toward a rich-looking, and rather overweight man who was sitting on a bench and smoking. Tabitha didn't consider herself a hero, but she had picked him because walking away from him was a crying young woman- a woman he made cry. Stealing was stealing, but wasn't it more fun to choose somebody who you didn't pity at the same time?​
"Good eye Tab how do you wanna steal off of him and what do you wanna steal." He said while looking at the man with his cat eyes 'Even if the soon to be poor man catches us stealing from him he actually has to get up and catch us which means running for him this should be easy.' He thought to himself smiling at Tab's choice "I think we should mess with him first that will be more fun especially if he was to get up and chase someone." He said while smiling an evil smiling thinking about the possibility of how to mess with the man and how to steal from him

Tabitha smiled at his suggestion, before nudging him slightly with her elbow. "You're devious, aren't you?" she said, more as a comment than an actual question. She had to admit- even she had a dark, thieving side to her... but mischief? She hadn't before, but she was eager to try it out. Turning to Cicero, she had an idea. "Can you distract him? Just make sure he can't see you- I have an idea..." With that being said, she ran off quickly. If she wanted to do this plan correctly, she'd need to be quick.

Ooc: Tabby is 5'9 too btw :P Told you she was tall for a chick! ...Wait, so even Tabitha is taller than Matt X_X That's sad, to say the least...​
Ooc: Can't your character like, jump high and run away quickly and stuff? X_X Just like... idk, tap his shoulder than run away or something! I figured you'd get where I was going with this lol.
"N-no, there is not..." He mumbles, eyes half-lidded as he shifts his gaze to the floor. (He can never seem to look at Matthew long enough!) "Hey! I know how to do my own hai-!!!" Soon Vladimor doesn't have the courage to speak when the other is so incredibly close. He trembled slightly, his entire face flushing all the way to the tips of his ears. Vladimor, believe it or not, has flirted with enough people to not pass this off as innocence, but something different from that. Matthew was messing with him. The boy regains himself quickly shaking his head. When he asks, he responds with a simple, 'you.' His usually docile and soft expression was now slightly more controlling and had a more seductive hint. He moves closer to him, looking at him with big blue eyes, pale pink lips parted in just the slightest way, corners upturned in a quirky way. "I don't get tempted...I tempt, Matthew."

Cicero grabbed a whole bunch of rocks but before he did that he ran up to the guy tapped his shoulder and ran away into an ally way where he jumped onto a roof and threw a rock at him and onto a different building and repeated this process until he ran out of rocks 'Hope that's enough but just to make sure.' He jumped into an ally way and tapped the guys shoulder again only to run into the nearest ally way and hop back onto the building "Now its all up to Tab...this will be fun to see." He said while he sat down on the edge on the building letting his feet dangle off the roof he didn't know the last time he had this much fun stealing stuff but he was glad he was stealing again and this time with his girlfriend Tab

The last thing Matthew expected was for the seemingly shy boy to advance toward him, but somehow, that was what he was doing. "What are you thinking?" were the words Matt wanted to ask him. His mind could barely comprehend the fact the boy's personality had shifted in a matter of seconds. Instead of asking that however, he merely found himself looking away this time! This game had gotten a lot more serious than he ever guessed it would. "I don't know what you're talking about..." he mumbled, concentrating his eyes of the ceiling. Did this guy even know what he was saying?! It wasn't like Matthew denied the fact he was gay, but there were so many people around- and he didn't even mean for the joke to get so serious to begin with. Still, he dared himself to look back at the boy, if only for a second, and found himself thinking of this as more than some sort of game like he had only minutes ago.

Tabitha had ran into the nearest store, and man did she find some good items for her plan! Stealing beauty products, eggs, and all sorts of things that she barely knew what they were she somehow ran out of the store undetected- mostly due to the fact the employees were sleeping at the cash registers. She ran out just in time to sneak up behind the guy, smearing glitter, nail polish, eggs, and different shampoos into his hair. He attempted to grab at the person behind him, but she quickly ducked, before running around to grab his wallet and something shiny that was in his purse. Yolk was dripping down in his eyes, so instead of looking for her he was rubbing it away with his hands, giving her just enough time to hide in a nearby alleyway. She couldn't help but smile at the work she achieved.​
Cicero seen what Tab did and he couldn't help but laugh "That if funny." He said while he jumped down the ally way she was in "So what did you get?" He asked her still laughing at what she did to the man 'Who would have thought Tab the beautiful and kind would have been able to think of that.' He thought to himself while he hugged her "Good job Tab." He said close her ear as quiet as possible so it wouldn't hurt her
Vladimor laughs when Matthew turns away, rather pleased with himself. He very quickly goes back to himself, beginning to undo his braids already. "I was wondering if I could turn the tables. You're such a tease." He smiles to himself, shaking out the last braid before leaning back and closing his eyes. "It's so late already," he yawned, putting his arm over his eyes. "If there's this many people, where does everyone sleep?" He asks, his breathing seeming to get a lot slower.

Tabby nearly dropped what she had in her hands when she felt his arms around her, whispering in her ear. Still, in seconds the moment was over and she was left to explain what she had gotten. However, she was a little distracted when he spoke, glancing at him every now and then to make sure he wouldn't surprise her with a sudden hug again. "Well, let's see- there's five hundred dollars in his wallet, which is just enough to get roughly twenty people to Las Vegas." she said, though it irritated her just a little bit that all of the money was in twenty dollar bills. Handing him the money, she looked at the next item. "This," she continued, showing him a tube of red lipstick and a bottle of pale purple nail polish. "Is for me." with that, she put it in her pocket. Finally, she showed him the last thing: a silver watch. "I want you to have this, since you love shiny things." she declared, quickly sliding it unto his wrist. It was slightly too big, but it looked good on him nonetheless. Tabitha was pleased with herself, but didn't want to end the night on just that note. "Do I get a reward...?" she asked slowly, a smile playing on her lips as she hoped he'd understand what she meant.

"There's plenty of rooms upstairs." Matthew muttered, still not meeting the boy's gaze. He didn't know how he felt right now. Was he disappointed that the boy wasn't as easy to mess with as he thought, or that he was? Regardless of his discomfort however, Matt leaned against the couch once more and closed his eyes- if the new guy was going upstairs, he'd rather just sleep on the couch. "Pick out your room." he advised, pointing a finger toward the stairs. "Call me a sore loser, but I hate being played." Matt thought, feeling a little hostile towards the boy with always changing personalities. Maybe it was because of how he spent all of his life, but nothing truly social could be found within the boy- at most, he seemed to know how to tell jokes and flirt... how was he supposed to interact to this man that was taunting him, and then said that he was the tease?

Ooc: Still don't get how Matthew is dislikeable :( He's just a little grumpy is all...​
Cicero face instantly went red "Uhh...yea." He said while pulling her into another hug only this time letting his lips meet hers 'I can't help but feel this is a reward for both of us.' He thought to himself with his face getting redder then he remembered he still he still had to steal a cake for Ocean but that could wait couldn't it he decide to let that thought slip his mind and just enjoy the moment at hand
With a final yawn, Vladimor tips over onto Matthew's lap, having already decided that he'd sleep wherever he would. "You sound so upset..." He says softly, already in and out of sleep. "Was it something...I said?" Sleep was getting the best of him, making his words sound nearly random and insincere. Lazily, he kicks his boots off onto the floor and turns the opposite way so he's facing the other boy's stomach. He exhaled deeply, a weak hum coming from his throat, tune, similar to that of a music box's.


Tabitha didn't know what she had expected, but to put things simply- she enjoyed it. She enjoyed the kiss quite a lot. His lips felt soft against hers, and for a second she felt as if they were practically merged together by the kiss, but finally the moment ended and they both pulled away. For a little while they just stood there close to each other, saying nothing, before finally Tabitha broke the silence. "I love you." she blurted out without thinking. She looked down, feeling ashamed of the fact she just said those words at such an unexpected time. She didn't regret it, however. Instead, she wrapped her arms around him, laying her head on his shoulder and just staying there for a second, content to be with the person whom just today she ended up calling her boyfriend. "Thank you... for tonight." she said, before kissing him on the cheek and pulling away. It was almost difficult to breathe- why did it feel so hot on this cool winter night? "Do you have anything else to do?" she asked, crossing her arms and avoiding his gaze.

Matthew wanted to yell at the boy to get off him, but before he could do anything the other boy had already turned over and kicked off his boots, pretty much declaring Matt his bed for the night. "Can you get off?" he asked, politely at first. No answer, except for Vladimor's hot breath on Matt's stomach, making the boy feel more than a little uncomfortable. Before, Matt was practically knocked out himself, but the extra weight on his legs made it impossible to do so now. "Fuck, why me?" he cursed, trying to gently push the much heavier boy off of him, but he wouldn't budge. Feeling hopeless, Matt desperately tried to rest, but already he was certain that it was going to be a sleepless night for him.

Ooc: Poor Matt! :P
"I love you too." He said to her "No I don't have anything else planned other then stealing a cake for Ocean so he won't flip out on us but after that I got nothing unless there's something you wanna do." He said laughing "But is there any bakery's near by that sell cake?" He asked peeking around the corner to check if he could see any he used his cat eyes and he finally found one "Found one so same plan or do you want me to distract and you steal the cake?" He asked her with his cat eyes staring into her eyes and his tail becoming free again "Dang it stupid tail can you listen to me for once stay in the shirt." He said while he hid his tail under his shirt again
"I'll steal it!" she said confidently, though in her mind she was snickering at him for the fact he couldn't control his own tail. Pushing the thought aside and instead focusing on her task, she let him guide her to the store before walking in. "Casual." she remembered Matthew, the boy who was like her brother always instructing her. "If you're not casual, you'll surely mess up, and then we'll be sent back." His words used to frighten her a lot when she had only recently broke out of the facility, but overtime she's grown used to them, even started to admire the way he said them so strict and eloquently, as if he was some sort of college professor. She looked at the cakes- which would be easiest to grab? The wedding cake was too heavy... so was the German chocolate... but right at the centerpiece of the store was a red velvet cake- surely that'd be okay? She pretending she was still looking at the cakes, but in reality she was waiting for Cicero's signal.

Cicero walked into the store talking to the cashier "I'm here to pick up an order you guys said it would be in the back I wanted to know if I could get help getting it to my car?" He asked the person pretending not to notice Tab keeping his face straight 'Please don't tell me you have to ask for a name.' He thought to himself not knowing what he could say if they did ask for a name
Nate raises an eyebrow as the boy sits in Mat's lap. The tinge if jealousy flowed through Nate. He growled quietly at himself, scolding himself for even thinking in such a way. He stands straight, giving Mat only a small glance, yet not too friendly of one. The large teen slowly walks out the front door, closing it behind him. Nate sits near the door, on the small wooden porch. He watches the small snow flakes float to the ground, as he pulls out a cigarette, lighting it, and inhaling sharply, feeling the small tickle of the smoke in his throat.
Vladimor just so happened to move around in his sleep until his actually rolled off of Matthew and hit the floor. "Wah!" He whined out, rolling on the floor to cling to his foot, not quite wanted to separate from the other. While it did hurt, he was still sort of sleepy, but he didn't have the energy to get back up, and Matthew probably didn't want him there either. Either way, he was content at his feet, very much like a dog and it's owner.


Matthew watched as Nathan sat up and walked to the door, after staring at him for what seemed like several minutes. "Hey, do you want to talk?" he called out to the boy- just before he left the house. Just then, the giant lump of human that was Vladimor rolled off him, hitting the floor... before grabbing unto his feet. "If you can do that, I know you're awake." he growled, trying to move his feet away from the boy unsuccessfully. "This guy's seriously weird..." he thought. He finally attempted to jump up and move- only to find himself tripping over the boy and hitting his head on the carpeted floor. Usually this would've been nothing- Matt had taken thousands of punches in his life, in nearly every part of his body he could think of. But somehow, his exhaustion took hold in a matter of seconds, and finally being able to lay down- he fell asleep.

Ooc: This is a great art scene if you need inspiration @King Anthony lol!​

Vladimor perked up quickly when he tripped, sitting up with a concerned expression, but as he realized that he just went to sleep already. The young noble smiles triumphantly, crawling to move up closer to him. He sat with his legs crisscrossed and he watched Matthew sleep. He couldn't help but to pet his hair, looking down on him with a soft smile. "I can't thank you enough, again for showing me kindness. While I sit here and invade your personal space, and make you fall, and will only much later become your biggest burden..." He whispers softly, laying down and curling up by his side, falling asleep alongside him.

OOC: Yes it would, ehehe! Totally going to make this a thing.​
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Nate slowly finished his cigarette, and stompped it out. He walks back into the house, only to see Matt and Vlad on the floor, he shuts the door, a tad bit louder than before. He growls quietly, Get a room. He thinks to himself, yet he knew had it been anyone else he would have laughed. He slowly walks away, down the stairs, and toward the room where hever had left hunter. His eyes on the floor as if he tires to rid the thought of Matt from his mind.

(Ooc: @King Anthony You should add Nate too!!
It was nearly midnight when Matthew awoke, not opening his eyes immediately. "Mmmm... eh?" Matthew had tried to stretch his arms, but instead of having the room to do so, something solid blocked on of his arms from doing so. He opened his eyes, but then was shocked by what he found- his hand was against Vladimor's chest! It took several seconds of blushing before he was able to turn around and regain his straight-faced expression. He got up quickly, taking one of the pillows off of the couch and throwing it at the guy. "Hey!" he said, standing there with his hands on his sides and looking rather angry. "There are beds upstairs, you know!" he reminded him, but Matt didn't sound nearly as angry as he normally would. He was still angry of course, but thoughts of what happened a few hours ago were still messing with him. He couldn't believe that just a few hours ago, he had been used as a pillow by this new kid, AND became... enemies with Nathan? Was that even the right word? All the boy did was glare at him... Regardless, he was tired of being a pillow.


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