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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Calvin's focus slowly slid back to Michael, and his eyes narrowed for a moment, as if he would go on and attack anything, but he shut his eyes tight and sighed.

"Damn it all, this again.." he murmured, releasing Cryx who watched with a now neutral expression as she rubbed her bruised neck.

"Let's go, then. Don't threaten me next time, that's not the way to calm me down."

Not waiting for a response, Calvin brushed past Michael and up the stairs, and eventually outside, ignoring Matt and a random person. He stood there, rubbing at his furiously pounding head, and would've fallen to the ground out of sheer stress just so he could let go for once if it weren't for the man likely following behind him.

He could feel himself slowly calming down, and his eyes stopped their angry glow and calmed, although without his glasses they remained green.

Naomi had eventually woken up to the yelling, walking out of her room in time to see Calvin heading upstairs, obviously pissed. She then saw what was most likely the source of his anger.
That little bitch came here?!

Naomi didn't speak her thoughts, though, and wandered up to Cryx with a false smile, although her eyes told a different story.

"So, what made you come back?"

"I just wandered here, and it so happened that you and your fa-- caretaker was here."

"Huh. Is it comfy enough? You can have a room if you want!" Might as well get all the help we can get, even if Cal hates her guts.

"I don't think I'm welcome here."

"It'll be fine! I'll figure something out to help Cal, don't you worry!"

"..Alright, Naomi. Thanks, kiddie!" Cryx leaned down and hugged the child, who barely managed to keep herself from seriously harming the girl.

"I hate you, remember that," the girl hissed into Cryx's ear, and the woman smirked.

"Don't you worry; I'll behave."
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Nate pushed past the new comer and Matt, his chest gently brushed Matt's arm, and Nate was close enough that Matt could feel his breath. He walked into the livingroom and grunts softly, "we can go to the room in a bit, or I can meet you there." His voice is soft, gentle toward her. Yet toward others, his voice was rouged and rude.
"oh, uh...hey. I didn't come here to steal or anything." He said while trying to think of a better excuse. "so, are you Tabby. Cicero talks about you sometimes, nice to finally meet you. So, I heard other voices, did I miss something?"

Ooc: Oops. Then let's erase 'familiar face' and change to 'familiar voice', ahaha.

Vladimor, laughed a little sheepishly, averting his gaze to the floor in between them. He shrugs, not actually wanting to be a burden. "Sorta." He tugs at his collar lightly. "I'm running and I'm hiding...But I do not...exactly know where to go, I have nowhere to run to, honestly." The young noble tucks his hair behind his ears, a lost look in his eyes. "If I do not become trouble, and if it is acceptable, would you allow me to stay?" He is slightly startled when someone pushes past him, but he doesn't move him to find elsewhere. "You seem nice enough, and I just need to stay until I find somewhere else to go." He admits, showing a small, awkward smile that asks for hope. "I can...perhaps help?"

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Tabitha studied the boy for a second while he spoke. From the way he talked, it seemed like he was their age, but the fact that he was so shorter made her question that. "There's been a lot going on." she stated, before realizing that wasn't a very good explanation and went into more detail. "My friend Matthew had a bad dream I think, and I think our host just headed upstairs." She gave a smile that seemed to say "oh well" before turning back to Cicero. "Maybe we should discuss this later." she suggested, even though she was a little disappointed. It was a nice night, and it wouldn't be unusual for most couples to head out now, but considering all that was happening, the chances of them doing that was highly unlikely.

Matthew couldn't help but give a crooked smile when the boy said he looked "nice". Even Tabitha thought he looked scary, and those who didn't find him intimidating were either too stupid or too arrogant to realize it. "You can come in, but you'll have to ask our host if you can stay." Matthew relented, stepping aside to let the boy in- but not before Nathan brushed past him, practically up against him as he did. "Wow, doesn't that guy know personal space?!" Matt thought, a little caught off guard, but when he looked back at the boy, he was cooing over his girlfriend again. The boy tried to make it seem like he didn't mind, but the pang of jealously hit his heart- if only for a second.​
"No I think we can explain to him when we get back is that a deal little thief boy." He said to the boy while smiling "If you agree i'll make sure to "buy" you come cake on our way back deal." He said putting his hand on the boys head and messing his hair smiling 'Really hope this kid knows better then to steal from here.' He thought to himself
'He's offering me cake, but what type of cake?' 'actually i don't think I matters' "Okay, it's a deal! Only if I get my cake". 'I just really want a cake.'
He sighs softly in relief, stepping in. Never once did Vladimor take his eyes of the other, though, and he bows once again. "I thank you for being so kind, but may I ask who and where your host is?" When he stands straight, he notices the other's attention was elsewhere, and he looks over to see what he was looking at. What was it, the girl? Vladimor tries to gain his attention, "Uhm! Your name! I did not get it..." He says quickly, but then thinking he sound pretty stupid and cringed at himself.

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Nate glances toward Matt when he notices him looking. Nate's cheeks flush soflty, and he quickly guides Hunter to the room. He then goes into the kitchen to grab another water. He sighs, and cannot seem to tear hai eyes off of Matt and the other guy.

Tabitha observed the brothers for a few seconds, before founding herself covering her mouth to stifle her laughter. She couldn't help it- his younger brother was exactly like him! Eventually finding herself able to stop the onslaught of giggles, she put a hand on Cicero's shoulder to steady herself. "I'm sorry, it's just-" She had been walking like a drunkard after her fit of laughter due to her lack of balance, but she never expected to land on Cicero in the process! Tripping over him, the small girl ended up knocking him down, landing on Cicero in such a way that their faces were inches apart... After a moment of hesitation, Tabitha quickly untangled herself from him and faced his younger brother. "Sorry!" she said pathetically, still more than a little fazed by what just happened. In fact, she was blushing furiously. She stood up and dusted herself off. It was one thing to trip over somebody she loved, but in front of his brother? She not only felt embarrassed, but also indecent. Despite him being her age, she kept thinking of the younger brother as a little kid.

"The host's name is Calvin and he's upstairs. My name's Matthew- call me Matt if you want to die." The boy said, not realizing how much the other boy was staring at him. He extended a hand in greeting like he did with all guys, but before they could shake hands he started speaking again. "What's your name, and do you have some sort of condition?" he asked, referring to how the boy had bowed so many times. He was interested in getting to know this boy- the boy who called him nice, or at least nice-looking- but he couldn't help but feel like somebody was staring at him. He turned around, only to notice the guy from earlier. 'Why's he just staring?' Matt wondered silently, not suspecting a guy like him would be interested in other guys. Feeling a little uneasy, Matt suggested that he and the new kid sit down on the couch, just because it was a more casual place- the boy wouldn't have to bow all the time- and it gave others room if they wanted to join in the conversation.​
"oh it's fine. You shouldn't be apologizing to me, you tripped over Cicero. Apologize to your boyfriend." why did she apologize to me anyway, she did nothing to me?' 'But i should find a way to leave soon, I'm hungry and want a cake. I wonder if the bakery has any i can borrow'
Vladimor smiles softly, shaking his hand, "Nice to meet you then, Matthew. My name is Vladimor King." When he asked about a condition he sort of just tilted his head awkwardly and shrugged, twiddling his fingers. Though he did agree to the couch since he was sort of exhausted from running around all day. He goes to sit, crossing his ankle over his opposite knee with a sigh. "Again, Matthew," He began, looking down with a sort of nervousness. "I am very thankful, that you let me in. I owe you one, and the host too- if he lets me stay." He began combing through his hair with his fingers. It was starting to pass his mid back, and he was thinking on trimming it. "Speaking of staying here...How many people are there total here? This place sounds sort of busy."

-random person: YEAH IIIMEE!-

Ooc: HYPOCRITE- Also... *turns into 5 year old* YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME!
"Naw its fine are you ok?" He asked her while getting up 'Boyfriend how did that little fiend fined out that easy?' He thought to himself "well anyway see ya Ocean you better behave your I will smack you and make sure you don't have cake for a week." He said while he took Tab's hand again and walked out the front door ignoring Matthew and the new guy he just tilted his head to say hello then he was gone "So what do you wanna do?" He asked her

Matthew leaned back against the couch, enjoying the feeling of relaxation he got from doing so. Between fighting in the morning- twice, arguing all afternoon, resting in snow until nightfall, and having a nightmare soon after that, it wasn't hard to see why Matt was tired. "Too many." was his response at first, but seeing how strangely professional this boy seemed, he quickly went on "I think there's... thirteen people here?" he guessed, counting the number of people he'd at least seen on his fingers. "There could be more, but I don't know." he shrugged, hoping that his answer at least satisfied Vlad's curiosity a little bit. "So, why are you here?" he finally asked, glancing at the boy with a sort of "I can see right through you." look. No matter what the boy said, Matt was pretty certain a kid like this was on the run from the cops. Sure, he looked kind- but he was exactly what everyone wanted. Naïve enough to get into drugs, weak enough to be taken by the government- was there anything this boy wasn't a good victim for?

"Hmmm..." Tabitha thought for a second, taking a few steps forward as she did so. After thinking a bit, she turned to him and gave one of her angelic smiles. "Let's see who we can mess with in town." she decided in a voice that suggested that she was somehow innocent when she said that. She knew they weren't supposed to, but she knew Cicero was a kleptomaniac inside, and if they were careful it would be fun- after all, Louisville was a town buzzing with all sorts of entertainment. Grabbing his hand, she wrapped herself closer to him, hoping it would convince him.

Ooc: Tabby is becoming devious. :P
"Yea sure sounds like fun lets go." He said forgetting about the rule of how they can't go 'This will be fun.' He thought to himself while kissing Tab's forehead "you do know we have to get on a building to avoided being seen right?" He asked her laughing a little knowing she was afraid of heights 'When we get there I think I should let her choose who to pick on.' He thought while he put his arm around her should and started walking toward the city smiling at all the fun that was about to happen
Vladimor seems somewhat surprised. "I feel kind of bad now...If it's this many people I should leave by morning..." He said, feeling like he'd just be a huge burden. Were there even enough rooms? When he asks why he's here he turns to look the other way. "Oh, um..." He began to think of a way to avoid the subject. "I told you I was just running and needed a place to stay." He says vaguely, obviously uncomfortable with telling someone who is still a stranger that he's running from the cops, which can lead to a worse discussion. Why he's running from the cops. He started braiding his hair, a habit of his when he's feeling particularly shy, as he tries not to look at Matthew. The noble bites his lip over the piercing, a shifty look in his eye when he starts the second braid.


Tabitha smiled, closing her eyes and leaning into the kiss- only to look rather stressed out when he mentioned heights. "Do we havvee too?" she whined, even though she knew there was no way around it. Sighing because she knew his answer without him having to say it, she walked with her hand entwined with his, not even looking back at the cabin as they slowly made their way to the busy streets of Louisville.

"You don't need to leave." Matthew decided firmly. Unlike the others who marched in here and practically demanded a place to stay from Calvin, Matt was beginning to like this guy- he also wasn't being cussed out, called "doll face", or being stared at for the whole evening, which was refreshing. "Ah, so you hike a lot? I would never have guessed." he responded skeptically to Vlad's answer. He knew he was lying, but he let it slide for now- if he caught him off guard later, it'd be so much easier to figure out what he was doing here. It wasn't long however, before the young man had caught Matt's interest again. "What are you doing?" Matt asked, lifting one of the boy's braids closer to him while trying to hide a smirk. To say the least, this new guy was interesting.​
"Wait I kinda need my hat back or we will be caught in a second or less." He said while his ears perked up 'How did I forget she was wearing my hat?'He questioned himself mentally "Hey are you cold its snowing and you don't even have a jacket on?" He asked her "Plus we don't have to get on roof I don't think any locals will notice us only as a couple and if we see cops we can just avoided them so no need to jump on roofs." He said smiling while he took a cookie out of his pocket and started eating it

"Here's your hat back- and I'm not cold." Tabitha said, putting his hat back on his head, making sure to carefully cover his cat ears. It was a lot more difficult to put the hat on than it looked however, solely due to the way his ears twitched and moved under it. Letting go of his hand, she quickly ran ahead of him. "Race you there!" she challenged, forgetting for a split second that he had the speed of- well, of a cat.

Ooc: Location-skip to the streets of Louisville? Also, how tall is Cicero btw? Tabitha is actually pretty tall for a chick, which I think is cool- idk about you.​
Vladimor couldn't help but to look at Matthew when he made such a decision. His face flared up, and he his face with his sleeve until it cooled down. He agreed to the hiking thing without much thought, but in reality, he would have said no, because it'd probably bother his asthma too much with all that walking. Once he was done with the smaller braid he took the rest of his hair, deciding to finish it up into one last larger braid, looking over when Matthew touched his hair. "Braiding, obviously..." He mutters quietly, finishing with haste. He huff at the front of his hair, too short to fit into the braids, but still long enough to be a bot her. Whatever. "What are you doing?" He asks as he raises a brow.

Ooc: Got tired of waiting for Anthony's response lol- will respond to his post once he makes it however- guess I'll probably do separate posts for you guys, since Cicero posts faster.
"Here's my jacket so you don't freeze." He said handing her his jacket and putting his tail under his shirt "So who do you think is a good victim?"He asked in a quiet whisper that only Tab could hear 'CAN'T WAIT CAN'T WAIT CAN'T WAIT!!' He was mentally yelling its been so long since he stole something like for however long they were at the cabin

Ooc:idk how tall Cicero is so I guess i'll make him however tall i am in real life 5'9 but me could care less you can change it

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