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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

There's was a small whimper coming from Vlad when he was hit, and he sluggishly propping himself up on his elbow, rubbing at his eyes to see Matthew angrily standing by the couch. "I..." He yawns, sitting upright. "Didn't wanna be alone...yaknow?" He said, words tiredly slurring together before he stands, stretching out and popping his back. "But I think I'll just stay up, now...I apologize for my rudeness again." He bows deeply. "It's still dark outside, but I think it's already time for me to leave." He decides. "I'm tired of being such a bother to such a nice person. I owe you one in the future if we meet up again." He mutters, beginning his was out the door.


Ooc: Nevermind- it's fine.

Bic: The second Cicero and the employees were out the door, Tabitha grabbed the cake and ran. Alarms that Tabitha didn't notice before went off, but she just kept running, knowing that at this rate they'd never be able to catch her- at least not if she kept running. She ran for what seemed like an eternity, before finally stopping in an alley and looking behind her- there was nobody in pursuit of her anymore. "Can you carry this?" she asked, not really looking at anything in particular since she didn't know where he was right now- she knew he could probably hear her though, but even with her ears, she didn't hear any footsteps...

Matthew was still angry at him, but he wasn't a murderer- he already guessed what the boy was running from, after all. "It's the cops, right?" he demanded to know, grabbing the boy's arm to keep him from leaving. Matt gave his usual crooked smile. "We're running from them too- everyone here is. Call us bandits, if you will." he gave a grand bow out of mock courtesy, before half-pulling, half-dragging the taller boy inside. Even if he thought they were criminals he'd stay, and that was good enough for Matt. "I'm going to check on something- you stay here or I'll chase after you myself." he warned the other boy, before going downstairs. He wasn't sure if he'd find Nathan there or not, but he wanted to know why a boy who had helped him before was now glaring at him.

Calvin eventually wandered back inside, only stopping to gaze at another newcomer. He sighed. "If you're going to stay, then I might as well show you where the rooms are," he grumbled, motioning for Vlad to come with him down into the basement so he could show the boy the rooms. Calvin was thankful that the lab's curtain was pulled over; he didn't feel like dealing with another scared kid today. He barely waited for an answer before heading down himself.

Cryx had settled down in a room; Calvin noticed as he wandered into the hallway. Naomi had decided it wouldn't hurt to let the blasted woman stay, and she knew Calvin better than anyone else, so he supposed it wouldn't hurt, so long as Cryx didn't try anything again. He pointed to an empty room, hardly noticing if the boy had followed or not, distracted by his own thoughts.
Cicero told the cashier that he seen her put the money on the table and said he'll go check where she went when he ally way "Good job Tab." He said the the girl smiling "But now to make sure we actually get away...and your going to hate this but we have to get on the roof and jump some until were safe enough way from the bakery." He said peeking around the corner to see if the person was following them
Tabitha pouted- why did escape plans always involve heights?! "Okay, but you're to blame if I drop the cake." she warned, holding unto it tightly and coming closer so that he could basically rocket them up in the sky. She didn't know how much confidence he had in his abilities, but she found herself slightly scared that one day they may not work. After all, nobody knew if their abilities were temporary or not, and even if they were- how temporary? Tabitha could still have to deal with her hearing for years, if not forever. It was frightening to think about, so the girl pushed it to the farthest corner of her mind- she trusted him didn't she? He'd never let her fall.

Vladimor's brow furrowed, and he huffs at the boy's stubbornness. Yes, he wanted to say, But I'm not running because I'm running as a criminal, it's something harder than that. Though he stayed silent on it, but he barely resisted when he was pulled along. "B-bandits you say? I don't know about that, though....Bandits sound dangerous...I could get hurt here." He falsely reasoned, knowing he probably stood a chance against at least most of the people here. "I-I-..." He tried to oppose, but then when someone who he presumed was the host, Calvin, told he'd show him, he just followed obediently. "Uh, thank you very much for letting me stay...uh..Sir..." He looks around nervously, stopping when he did and bowing. "I'll try my best not to get in anyone's way."

"Ok that's one building only...i say two more to go and we can go back on the ground sound good to you?" He asked her expecting to get smacked in the face 'Maybe I should only use buildings when i'm stealing by myself so Tab doesn't have to be scared.' He thought to himself while smiling a reassuring smile to the girl "Everything's going to be ok don't worry." He said to her trying to convince her everything was going to be ok
"Don't worry about it. I have enough people to put up with, what's one more? And you seem nice enough, so it's not like it really matters," Cavlin replied, crossing his arms. "This room is yours now, decorate it however you want or whatever but don't trash it." Saying nothing else, Calvin walked back the way they had come, slipping through a heavy curtain.

Once in his lab, Calvin began to set up the things he would need; getting the formula for Naomi's treatment ready, pulling the restraints on the table into view, and so on. When he was finished, Calvin wandered back to the living room and flopped onto the couch, waiting for everyone to go to sleep so he could do his work undisturbed.

Matthew barely glanced at Calvin and Vlad, who were both going downstairs too. "Where is he?" Matt wondered, looking for Nathan- before realizing that Vladimor would see the lab down here. "I hope he doesn't get the wrong idea." Matt thought silently as he continued his search. Eventually, he found him, in the same room as his sleeping girlfriend. "Hey, what was that for?" Matt asked, getting straight to the point. This guy had been glaring at him all night, but wouldn't talk to him- what was with that? "If you have a problem, I'd like to know now." Crossing his arms, Matt waited for an answer from the much taller and physically stronger male.

Tabitha only nodded, too scared to speak. She would've smacked him, if it didn't take two hands to hold the box which contained his younger brother's cake. Instead, she simply kept herself as close to the boy as possible, silently screaming every time they were in the air. Her name may have reminded others of a cat, but Tabby was far from one- she absolutely hated heights. "Thanks again... for tonight." she said, once they were on the ground and she had caught her breath. She didn't really enjoy the last part of the night- jumping along roofs- but besides that it was perfect. With a smile on her face, she twirled around playfully, acting as if she was careless, though with the cake that took so much effort to steal, she was far from it.​
"Yea anytime Tab."He said laughing while she twirled around stopping her he pulled her in for a hug and kissed her forehead "Race you back to the cabin or do you wanna ride because if I can remember you said that's all I was good for." He said smiling and laughing a little 'Well now that we have to cake and were done stealing from people the last thing to do is go home and go to sleep.' He said to himself making him yawn without knowing

He said another thanks before he looked at his room. Simple enough, but not at all him. Shadows crawled and slithered over the walls, making intricate designs and swirls in a solid black color. He didn't need to sleep, anymore, as he second wake up had kinda done it for him. Vladimor sighs as he sits on the bed that he guesses that he'll be calling his for a while. 'What's behind the curtain?' His brow twitched when he thought of the possibilities. Bandits for real!? He groans, falling back, and pinching the bridge of his nose. Though he wasn't really one to talk; he had his fair share of drugs before.

OOC: He think it's a meth lab, lol.​
Nathan didn't jump when Mat came up behind him, instead his skin crawled slightly, like his mind told him to get afraid, yet his body overpowered that instinct. A hiss escaped his mouth, from between gritted teeth. It than became apparent that it wasn't a hiss, it was a 'shhhh' just more rouged and deep.

Nate looked toward Mat, his eyes dark and mysterious. He then turned to him, they were face to face, despite Nate having to look down at Mat. Nate slowly pushed Mat out of the room, before closing the door behind them, to allow Hunter to sleep.

Nate met Mat's gaze cooly. "What are you talking about?" His voice was similar to a growl, yet held no hostility. "I have no problem, it's just my face." Nate scoffed, as if the question had hurt his feelings, before smiling slightly, showing his slightly sharper, pearly teeth.


"Thanks, but I'll walk." Tabitha answered him, only to feel slightly guilty when he mentioned what she had said before. "He still remembers that?" she thought, a faint blush appearing on her face, though it was so cold that she could just say it was just her face freezing and thawing again, using the same lie so many girls before her had. Carrying the cake with one hand against her hip and holding his jacket around her with the other, she walked ahead of him for a bit, before turning back to face him for a second. "You can take your jacket back, if you're cold." she offered, even though they were almost at the house anyway.

"Your face looks different now than it did before- sure you weren't glaring at me? Even if you weren't, why were you staring at me? We don't have a problem, do we?" Matt asked the last question with an equally slow pace, emphasizing the question as if to confirm or deny the apparent fact there was an issue here. He had seen the guy before, and while he still acted confident, it felt a lot more masked- more fake- than it did before. Matthew waited for an answer a little impatiently, hoping to resolve whatever it was quickly.​
"No i'm fine thanks for the offer though." He said smiling at her "Do you want the hat back now that we aren't in the city." He asked taking off the hat exposing his ears only for them to perk up from not being under the hat anymore 'Good times only good for a ride that was a good one.' He thought to himself remembering how they first met and she yelled at him for carrying her and jumping off the building he couldn't help but laugh as the continued walking to the cabin
Nate furrowed his brow, and a light growl emerged in his throat. "So what if he do." Nate stood straight now, his eyes serious and not portraying anything but dare. Daring Mat. He growls again. "I have no problem with you, kid." There way Nate spoke, was as if a warning, like a parent would warn a child. "Yet, dont come looking for it." There snarl cut through his chest deeply, a rumble that wasn't loud enough for others to hear, only Mat. "I'd like to get back to Hunter now. Nice talk." Without waiting for a response, Nate turned and opened the door of the room to slip inside.


"We're going inside- I don't need a hat." Tabitha reminded him as they walked. It seemed like as soon as she said that, they were at the front door of the cabin. Opening it, she walked inside without waiting for him and instantly look her shoes off. She was exhausted! After running her hands through her long hair, she practically threw herself on the couch. "Thank god it's the end of the day." she murmured, putting a tired hand to her chest to feel her heartbeat. It was steady, but a lot faster than usual.

This guy was really getting on Matt's nerves. "If he doesn't have a problem, why is he so pissed off?" Matt wanted to know. "Hey, your girlfriend can wait right now- tell me what's wrong." he said, grabbing one of Nate's wrists to prevent him from leaving. The words themselves sounded nice, but anyone with half a brain knew better- Matthew wasn't nice. He just wanted answers, and if he was curious enough, a boy like him would do nearly anything to get them.​
Nate furrowed his brow again, "she's not my girlfriend." Yet. He didn't say the last part, he felt it wasn't any of Mat's business anyways. "Nothing is wrong. I'm tired, and I wasn't staring at you." Nate snapped, "I was admiring you." The words tumbled out and Nate flushed, "y-you handled that new kid, great. If I had been you, I wouldn't have been so nice. I was simply admiring you generosity." Nate fibbed, yet that wasn't important, he's not gonna tell the kid the truth, he didn't have to. "Now can I please go to sleep? Encase you hadn't noticed, I haven't gotten to sleep much, and I need rest if I want my shoulder to heal." There wound wasn't covered anymore, and was crusted over, yet Nates constant movement not only pained him, yet kept reopening certain parts of the injury.
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Matthew didn't know what he expected, but it wasn't that. It took a second for him to even respond, but when he did he decided to play it cool as always- this guy didn't know about him anyway, which was quite fortunate right now. "I'm not generous- don't admire me." he finally managed to say firmly, before turning his gaze toward the boy's injury. "Where'd you get tha-" Matthew stopped himself from asking after seeing how the young man was looking at him. To him, Matt surely seemed like a child right now, asking annoying questions all for the sake of being friends. Matthew turned his gaze downward. He forgot for a second that he didn't need any of those. "Feel free to rest. I won't bother you again tonight." he said, though the words came out slightly louder than Matthew would've liked. Turning away from the boy, he marched upstairs, planning to go to his room to rest for the remainder of the night, but in his mind he was thinking of what the boy had said. "Why's he hang around her, if she's not his girlfriend?" He wanted to know, but he had enough adventures for the night.

Ooc: Time-skip to morning soon?​
"Early morning...and still no where to sleep." muttered Leon as he began to walk through the woods. There had to be somewhere for him to sleep. He couldn't make enough money to get a apartment, nor could he live with anyone since he couldn't find anyone willing to let him live in their home. It was irritating to say the least. It was clear Leon was tired by the rings around his eyes, he had been trying to find shelter for the past two days but no luck. Once Leon made it into the woods he chose to shift into a wolf so he wouldn't draw much suspicion to himself. He was a standard wolf with grey fur, really nothing out of the ordinary. That's when he picked up a scent, people! Leon thought up a quick plan and quickly shifted back to his normal form once he got near a cabin. There had to be people there, maybe they were even willing to let him stay in the cabin! Leon quickly hurried to the door before knocking on the door. This time it would be different, Leon could feel it for sure!
Nate had been in the kitchen, drinking a cup of coffee when the sporadic knocking reached his ears. He huffed. Just what we need. He looked around, Mat wasn't around, so Nate decided to deal with it.

He swings open the front door, still not wearing a shirt. He was tall, and his muscles were very prominent. The wound on his shoulder looked gruesome, yet was healing slowly. He looks down at the seemingly young teen, with his dark, mysterious, judgmental eyes. "Can I help you?" Nate questioned. His voice was deep, almost a growl. Anyone who didn't know him, met see it as him having an attitude problem, or being rude, yet it was simply how he spoke.

His eyes slid over the young man, taking in his appearance and his body language. He didn't seem threatening, yet that didn't mean much in the world today.

Just like the morning before, Matthew didn't budge at all. With all that the boy had to go through yesterday, it was easy to tell why he was so exhausted. Tabitha however, who had fallen asleep on the couch, was buzzing with energy in the morning. "I'll get it." she said quietly, but before she could Nathan was at the door, opening it quite unceremoniously to reveal a young man roughly there age. "Another one?" she thought miserably. Even Tabby was started to get tired of how often experiments were at their doorsteps, but being the friendliest person here, she decided that she'd have to be kind with them, if nobody else would. Walking up behind Nathan, she waved to the boy, who seemed rather tired. "Hey, I'm Tabby!" she introduced herself with a fake smile on her face. It wasn't like she disliked the boy, but she was getting tired of this repeated routine.

Leon looked at the massive man who opened the door and smiled,"Real sorry to bother you sir, but I need a place to stay and I saw you absolutely beautiful cabin and thought 'I'm sure the person here is a very understanding individual who would be more than happy to lend a hand to a eighteen year old wondering the streets alone at night'. So if it wouldn't be much of a burden to you, I'd like to ask you if I could stay in your cabin?" Just by the way Leon spoke, it sounded like he had done this whole bit at least twenty times by now. Leon didn't seem overly intimidated by the man, but then again he was ready to run like he had to a couple of times before. He then saw a girl around his age pop up behind the massive person and introduced herself as Tabby. Leon waved back but remained silent, keeping his eyes trained on the man in case he had to make a break for it.

@Cyber Wolf
Waking up at the kitchen after briefly meeting Shuzo, he turned to the front door to leave, and possibly hunt only to bump into a large group of people buzzing around like bees, primed to sting.

"I'm going to hunt. Be back at sunset."

He pushed past the 3 at the door, branding them with multiple scratches from his mere touch. A gift of sorts to bestow upon those whom he ever came into contact with.

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