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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

"Do you like being this close to a woman?"

Cryx had made a habit of teasing her victims before their death, even if it was a bit cruel. But this man was a rapist, and deserved no mercy.

"Don't worry, dear, I won't..." She paused to let the man come to the conclusion that she wouldn't kill him. "...let you live." She felt him tense up in terror once more as her sword cut through his windpipe, and she let him down gently so that the cops sweeping through the woods wouldn't notice her. She wiped his blood off of of her weapon by wiping it on his clothes before sheathing the blade on her thigh. She quickly climbed into a tree, watching as one officer found the body and many others flocked to the place.

"Now, to investigate that house.." the girl murmured, sticking to the trees. She took note of a few men looking ready to fight just as she was swinging out of one tree, and instead let the movement carry her back into the leaves as she stopped any light from reflecting from her, hiding her in all areas except for the shaded areas. (So where the light pokes through there's pretty much nothing, but where there's shadows she can be seen if one has night vision. Does that make sense? xD ) She watched the two men, actually hoping for a fight, if only for some entertainment. "Wonder if they're some of the experiments I've heard of that have taken to hiding around here," the woman mused to herself, watching them with curiosity.
Ely smirked. Of course he wanted to know what his power was. It only made sense. He was the 'leader', he needed to know who may or may not be a threat. Ely had no need to hurt anyone, although he could if he wanted. The fact that he could melt the boy with a single touch was always a thought at the back of his mind.

"That's for me to know, and you to find out, honey." Ely winked and pushed himself of the rough tree bark, making his way back to the entrance of the cabin. He was tired of the back and forth chatter of the boy. It appeared he was looking for a fight, which wasn't something Ely was interested at the moment. He could feel the heat of Matt's eyes on him as he walked away. The kid sure had some pent up anger, that was for sure.


Tabitha simply nodded, not looking at Cicero or Shuzo. The poor girl felt like the girl from every story she ever read- the light blush on her cheeks, the overly-caring boyfriend, and being caught just after they found out how they really felt about each other. If any moment in her life fit this cliché, it would be right now. Once Cicero left, Tabitha turned to face the boy, whom was always kind to everyone. He had no reason to be mad at them, but for some reason she expected Shuzo, whom she'd like to consider a friend, to yell at her right now. "So..." Tabby started, trying to think of what to say to make the conversation go smoothly. Finally, she realized she would just have to be open about it. "Don't tell Matthew about us okay?" her quiet voice sounded worried, not because she felt like he'd be angry, but her friend already had enough to deal with. 'What's Matthew doing anywhere?' she wondered. 'Even he wouldn't stay out late, and it's getting dark...'

Matthew wasn't sure what he felt when the other boy walked away- maybe stupid. How did he expect the conversation to go anyway? It wasn't like the boy would just tell him that sort of information, even if he was hot-headed. Something about him leaving made Matt sad however- without anyone to talk to, or even to fight with, he felt... empty. At first, he was going to walk inside, but after that incident, Matt's pride wouldn't let him enter the house: If he entered that cabin, everyone would be there to stare at him, or otherwise find a way to get to him again. Matthew couldn't let anyone get to him anymore. If he did, who knows what he'd let happen? The world was cruel, and Matt knew that more than anyone. If they wanted to take a bite out of him, that was fine, but he'd bite back.

Snow was still falling by the time the sun set, and by this time Matthew was still outside. Curled up, his eyes were closed tightly against the cold winter winds which seemed to try everything to cause him discomfort. "Go inside." nature practically begged him, but Matthew refused. Night and day were only words to him, at least while he was out here. If he froze to death, that was fine- at least then, the boy wouldn't be able to think.​
Cicero was going to get the three of them drinks when he looked out the window he seen snow 'Cool i'll tell Shuzo and Tab its snowing.' He said wanting to get a better look he looked out the window and seen Matt outside he walked out into the snow "You know you'll freeze to death if you stay out here." He said it more like a joke then anything because he know Matt must likely had a lot more common sense then him "Anyway Tab is feeling better but she still can't get out of bed without getting hurt so if you wanna see her shes talking to Shuzo now." He said while looking at the snow

Matt wasn't listening. Somehow, despite freezing his ass off and nearly being blown away by the winds, the boy had fallen asleep. "I'll kill you..." he whispered, his sleeping face looking more than just a little troubled as he kicked at something that wasn't there. He may not be conscious of it, but his body seemed to understand in what condition he was in. When he wasn't mumbling, his teeth chattered, and his hands looked like they might fall off from the cold.

"You're a monster, aren't you?" the boy said, clearly amused by what he had found. Matt glared at him- why did he care? He didn't say anything however- the boy had a knife against his throat. If Matt spoke now, it would be the last word he'd ever say. "You're lucky I like you kid, or you'd be a goner." Taking the guns from Matt's coat pockets, the thief and his crew ran off, stealing some old lady's car to get away. Matt fell to his knees- the cold air bit at his face and any other exposed skin, but he didn't move. He had just checked his pockets- the thief had taken his cross too. The damn cross had never meant anything to Matt, not until now. It was the cross his aunt had forced him to wear- the one that represented a God he didn't believe in. Why had be stolen it back before he left the facility? It was a miracle he had even found it, but it was so difficult to get- now it was gone, once again, only this time he was sure it was for good. "I'll kill you." he whispered, knowing nobody could hear him, but regardless he said it again and again. "I'll kill you..."
Cryx gently fell out of her tree, landing lightly on her feet with a quiet crunch. She walked over, ignoring Cicero, and looked down at Matt, prodding him with a foot and moving on to kick him if he didn't wake up.

"Hun, I really think you should get inside. You ain't the emo type that lets everythin' get to 'im, are ya? I mean, jeez, some people do care about ya, I'm sure, and if they don't now they will later; that's how things work. Now both of ya, get your arses in there so I have someone to introduce good ol' Cryx," she said, pointing at herself.

Naomi had eventually wandered out of her room and into Calvin's, seeing the man scribbling and writing and erasing on his desk, which was covered in crumpled papers that hadn't been there before.

"Cal.. Tonight's as good a night as any."

The scientist looked up at Naomi, paused as if in thought, and nodded.

"Tonight, then. I'll try to make it quick, then, so you don't have to suffer too much."

Naomi didn't reply, only walked back to her room to get rest in preparation for a sleepless night; she didn't even argue with Calvin, knowing the man probably felt worse than Naomi after one of her routine all-night treatments. Naomi only felt free.

She sighed. None of them would be free, ever, until Calvin could find a cure.
"Uhh well hey i'm Cicero and this sleeping death wish guy is Matthew nice to meet you Cryx." He said while picking Matthew up and putting him over his shoulder as he walked inside "I guess you can come in and meet everyone here but I don't think Matthew will like the idea of another one of us here." He said while picking up the drinks for Shuzo and Tab 'I think I made a mistake on inviting her in...oh well the scientist dude can handle it.' He thought while he put Matt in his bed and walked back into Tab's room "Here are you drinks guys." He said while handing the drinks to Shuzo and Tab "Oh yea its snowing outside and I found Matthew outside sleeping for some reason so I put him in his bed before he froze to death." He said deciding to leave the part about Cryx out so they didn't worry

Matthew barely even noticed when he was prodded or even picked up by Cicero. Everything the boy did seemed intense, and dreaming was no exception.

"Matthew was outside? I thought he hated the cold..." was Tabitha's reply as she accepted the gift. She knew Cicero wasn't saying everything, of course. She had heard him walk outside and converse with somebody outside, but she decided not to question him. Whoever it was didn't matter, at least not with the amount of people in the house... right? She'd like to think that, but she knew not everyone's powers were equal, so who knew how dangerous the newcomer was. "Hopefully it'll snow tomorrow- I'd love to go outside when it does." Tabby said cheerfully, before taking a sip out of the drink. It wasn't true: She'd rather read a book on days like these, but why would she say something like that and ruin the mood? Things were already tense as it is- the last thing she wanted to do was make things worse.​
"I could always take you outside now I can give you my jacket and carry you if you want or do you wanna stay inside and rest?" He asked while sitting down and eating a cookie 'Should I tell her about the girl outiside...it couldn't hurt could it heck might as well.' He told himself "Oh yea their was also another person out there a girl and she was trying to wake up Matthew by nudging him with her foot her name is Crynx I didn't tell her about anyone's power and I don't know if she is like us." He said in between bites of his cookie finally he just laid flat on the floor and looked up at the ceiling 'I'm bored...maybe I should actually read some of the books I stole.' He thought to himself while pulling one of the books out and opened it up and started reading
Cryx slowly stepped into the cabin after shaking her boots free of snow. She tugged her hood down to reveal her red hair as she studied the area around her, and eventually ended up in the basement. She didn't cringe at the sight of the lab, but looked around, wandering into the hallway with all the rooms. She heard the voice of the boy from earlier mention-- and mispronounce-- her name, so she decided to step in and correct him.

"My name is Cryx, dear, not Crinx or whatever it was you said," she said in an amused tone as she continued observing everything. "This is a cozy little place," she commented, smiling at the people in the room. She would mention her abilities, if she could be sure that everyone had them. Although, the cat-boy had.. well, cat features; one seemed to have shadows licking at his feet, practically; and one seemed especially sensitive to loud noises. The man from before would have been able to see Cicero's features clearly, which meant he shouldn't be too much danger.

Just then, Calvin stepped into the doorway, after hearing a new voice. His expression immediately darkened to something akin to either anger or hatred.

"Cicero, where did you find this woman?" he asked in a low tone, which caught Cryx's attention immediately; she turned to catch sight of the scientist who was glaring at her.

"Well, well, well, look who it is! And, my dear, can you tell me how you gathered all these wonderful specimens? Are you that bored? Did you want to augment them more? You selfish, selfish man."

Calvin's fists curled into a tight ball. "Don't talk to me like you know who I am."

"Oh, but I do! I thought change was impossible for your kind.. Could you actually prove me wrong? Or are you still 'helping' that little girl?"

This got quite the reaction out of Calvin; his arm twitched, as if he were going to punch the woman, but he quickly decided against it. It would only make things worse.

"Hit a nerve, did I?"

"Say another word and I won't restrain myself," Calvin growled, a crack splitting through his glasses.

"Lonely, are we?"

Calvin stopped caring; his hands were around the woman's throat in an instant, although she didn't hardly react; she let him slam her against the doorway.

"You might get yourself killed," Calvin warned in a low voice that was disconnected from the tension in his body. The frames of his glasses seemed to melt and it all fell to the floor, showing green eyes blazing with anger.

(Naomi's asleep, so she can't exactly calm Calvin down. Good luck :3)
"She landed on the ground and walked up to us and tried to wake up Matthew and I told her she could come in because she must have the same thing we do if she managed to be fine falling from a tree and landing on her feet without getting hurt." He said like nothing was wrong even when Calvin has strangling the woman "Why whats wrong?" He asked confused and he was still reading his book and not even looking at Calvin he looked at Tab with a look asking if he did something wrong 'Calvin seems good at making friends.' He thought to himself while snickering at the stupid joke he made in his head "What are you guy past lovers or something?" He asked dropping his book and laughing completely clueless
With a great stretch of his sore, tired muscles; Michael finally found the strength to regain footing, he didn't know whether he's slept for dys, or for minutes. He was just a little disoriented, and that was putting it mildly. Regardless, he intended to head downstairs to make sure the girl from before was still alive. He never did get around to checking on her, tiredly, and with great difficulty, he dragged his feet along the wooden floor, before pushing through the door which led out onto the hallway. It was only then, the sounds of anger, and argument reached his ears. following the voices - and obviously the actual way to the stairs - Michael sighed as he noticed what appeared to be Xena Warrior Princess standing in the doorway. And it appeared Xena had managed to greatly anger Calvin - huh, well that was one positive reason to like her already.

"Heyheyhey hey, Calvy! you look a little stressed, buddy. Cat got your tongue?" Michael joked, climbing into his suit and giving a curious look to the situation. Holy moley... Calvin's anger rating is through the roof... With a concerned glance to Calvin, and an understanding of the now not-so-funny situation, Michael's sensible kicked in for the first time since he got here.

"Hey, lady, I think you took a wrong turn, ComiCon is that way." Michael said, whilst pointing away from the house. Sure, he joked. But she was clearly responsible for the Calvinplosion just building up. So moving onto the more urgent matter at and, he walked over to Calvin, and casually threw his arm over the furious man's shoulder and attempted to guide him outside. "Me and you need some fresh air, Einstein. C'mon." Then leaning in a little closer, he whispered so only Calvin could hear him. "...Come with me before you do something you seriously regret."

Tabitha covered to ears to block the sounds of Calvin and the woman's loud arguing- just in time, it seemed, because at the moment a loud yell could be heard.

"NOO! PLEASE, NO NO NO!" Matt's screams practically shook the building. He thrashed around wildly on his bed, his hands scraping at the sides of it while his feet kicked wildly. The screaming went on for several minutes, before it slowly subsided into a long, painful whimper. In his mind, he was dreaming of what they did to him- what he did to him.

"The... object is ready to be injected sir." a young man's voice could be heard saying outside of Matthew's room. Matthew frowned. Today was Monday, or "Masochist Day" as he teasingly called it in his mind. Today, the black serum would be injected into his skin. He knew it before the silver-haired man even came in. Instead of the silver-haired man today however, he was greeted by a whole group of people, including photographers. He blinked as the flashes of the cameras blinded him- what were they doing? It blinded him so long that he didn't even notice the scientists until they drew lines on his head. Matt's eyes widened. Those markers were used for surgery... "What are you doing?!" he yelled, before a needle pierced, no- dug into his skin. "Anesthetic?" he wondered inside his mind, though as his body went limp, it soon became apparent to him that he was still awake- only his body couldn't move. It was this night that was the worst of all nights, even though the procedure only lasted a few minutes. He felt the way the foreign object drove into him- was it in his brain or empty space within his head? It was hard to tell. It hurt like Hell though, and even though he could've speak, screaming soon became the only thing he heard, even after the procedure. For hours, as he laid there seemingly unconscious, he'd scream. In the deepest part of his being, he was screaming. Nothing- not even the silver-haired man- could have conjured up this rare, truly horrible version of Hell he was trapped in.

Cicero noticed Tab was in pain so he reacted by gut instinct he pulled anything blunt out of his pocket and hit Calvin on the side of his head and covered the girls mouth with his had "Shut up."He silently yelled at her before removing his hand from her mouth and ran into Matthew's room and started shaking him until he woke up 'You stupid scientist you knew Tab had sensed hearing and you stilled yelled in her room and some for you Matthew...I can't blame you your asleep.' He thought "Wake up Matthew." He said still shaking him
Vladimor made his way through the forest, making sure he was quick and silent; he didn't want to be found, not here, not now. His fingers trembled slightly, as he looked left and right, behind him, above? He was paranoid to say the very least. He halted himself, listening to anything that mind stand out as unusual. It was particularly hard for him, due to the fact that all he could hear was his heart pounding in his ears, and his panting didn't help either. Despite this a particularly loud scream ripped through the air, making his heart jump in surprise. Could someone be in trouble, He thought, his brow furrowing as he stands straight, looking in the direction of the shout. One of us, maybe? Without a second thought, he began rushing towards the source of the shout, only hoping he was going the right way, and that he didn't run into any trouble. The boy was somewhat sure of his instincts when he was met with a cabin, but now he wasn't exactly sure on how to proceed. He could...knock? If there were something in there, he could put himself in danger...He could go straight in, but if there weren't any problem, he'd be the problem. Vladimor hesitantly decides the former and knocks.


Once the boy stopped screaming, the most pitiful thing happened: For a few seconds, he began to cry... but then he pushed Cicero off him and unto the hardwood flooring, his eyes opening quickly. His expression turned from terrified to confused, as he assessed where he was. Finally remembering, he sighed and pulled his hair back. Did this really have to happen now, of all the possible times?! He puthis other hand to his face, realizing there were a few tears on it. "Fucking Hell..." he muttered, getting from off the bed and looking at the two who had entered his room. "You." he said, pointing to Cicero. "I get you care about Tabby, but don't wake me up again. Ever." With that said, Matt walked from the room and started to head downstairs like it was no big deal- only to hear a knock at the door. Ignoring the fact Calvin was at some woman's throat, he opened the door. "Who are you?" he asked roughly. He wasn't a threat, that was for sure. A police officer wouldn't have even knocked, and despite him being taller, it was obvious Matthew was the more muscular one.

Tabitha had been covering her ears this entire time, trying to block out the screaming- only for it to suddenly stop. When it did, she had rushed to Matt's side, but instead of seeing a helpless and frail boy, Matt had just walked out of the room and walked downstairs. "What happened?" she asked Cicero, crossing her arms and scanning the room in confusion. She had been with Matthew for months, but she never remembered him screaming like that, and now he was answering the door without looking at who it was? Something had surely shaken her friend... but what was it?

Ooc: Now a few of the other characters should be realizing just who exactly Matt is, at least those who were in the same facility as him.​
"I didn't do anything I swear I came in here to wake him up to stop him from screaming so you wouldn't have to cover your ears anymore why did I do something wrong?" He asked while getting up from the floor 'Seriously telling me not to wake him up again if hes screaming why would I listen to him i never did before.' He thought to himself while taking a cookie out of his pocket and started eating it. Cicero didn't know why Matthew pushed him on the ground and stormed off but I don't think I should ask if I wanna continue breathing."Anyway do you wanna do anything Tab...I mean like...i don't know...a date?" He asked her "That's if your feeling better." He quickly corrected himself not knowing if she was any better 'She must have gotten better if she managed to get out of bed fine.' He thought
Nate looks back to Hunter, and chuckles. "I don't think you were trying to spy." He says softly, gently running his fingers through her hair. He notices her fidgeting and smiles, gently putting his hand in hers. "Calm down, Blondie." He says quietly, before looking into her eyes with his deep, chocolate brown ones. He grips her hand, and squeezes gently. Don't be so nervous, kid. You have me. He knew she could hear, yet he didn't mind. He looks toward the cabin, "let's get back."
When the door opens, he flinches slightly, but when it's just someone else he calms himself, but speaks cautiously. "Oh, uh, My name is Vladimor...Excuse me for my rudeness, but...I heard screaming and I was just wondering if everything was oka-..." He trails off, looking at them with a sort of shocked expression, but he just shakes his head denying the idea that the boy in front of him was a familiar face and got back to his concern. "Okay. Do you need any assistance here?" He asks, a brow raising as he looks down on the slightly shorter male, and just decided to stop. "Oh! And again, sorry for being so nosey..." He apologizes, bowing modestly.

Nate leads Hunter toward the house. He sees the new Male at the door, and growls. He makes eye contact with Matt, his gaze clearly cautious and protective. He growls, ensuring he stood in front of Hunter as he approached the door, and the unsuspecting other.
"Stupid brother leaving me on the roof." "He muttered to himself while coming into some window in a cabin hoping to steal something 'What can I steal?' He thought to himself while walking down stairs to find his brother talking to a girl

Ooc: Just forgot Tabitha was supposed to be feeling bad.

:P Lol, let's just say it's been a few hours so she's recovered. Also, @King Anthony , Matthew was isolated from the others during his stay at the facility, so if anything he can only be recognized by his voice.

Bic: "We don't need any assistance... do you?" Matthew asked the boy, noticing the way he looked. Sure, the place was busy, but he acted way too nervous to just be a little antisocial. Of course, Matt wasn't really offering to let the boy stay here, but at this point the house was already packed, so what harm would this guy do? He didn't know if the guy was a experiment or not, but just by his appearance he clearly looked homeless. He didn't even pay attention to the canine-man. If he wanted to act macho in front of his girl, that was fine, but it wouldn't interfere with Matt's evaluation of the guy.

"A date? S-sure, I'd love too!" was Tabitha's enthusiastic but softly spoken reply. She was a little nervous, and even knew the idea wasn't realistic. After all, they were on the run, but something about him offering made her giddy nonetheless. Brushing a strand of hair behind her ear, she suddenly watched him carefully. "Where would you like to go?" she asked, crossing her arms in obviously fake judgement. She'd love to go anywhere with him, but she got a slight thrill out of making him worry.​
"Uuhhhh....we can walk around the woods if you want or go back to the city and walk around it." He said not really thinking this whole idea through. Then he noticed someone come through the window he seemed familiar "Ocean...is that you?" He said grabbing Tab's hand and walking up to Ocean when he finally noticed it was him "Ocean hey whats up bro sorry I forgot to come get you on the roof but the police came and we ran into the woods so how have you been?" He asked the boy while still holding Tab's hand and smiling

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