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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

"Tab you shouldn't talk seriously you should drink the water it might help." He said will sitting down next to her still worried and it was clearly shown on his face 'I can't help but feel like I have to do something to make her feel better but what?' He thought to himself. Cicero never actually tried to help someone before he never even thought about it even if he seen someone hurt he would must likely steal from them and walk off leaving them their he never felt anything for those people sadness,sorrow,empathy nothing...but these people were different Tab was different
"Oh, you're done? Enjoy your little spinny roller-coaster ride, Rambo?" Though nobody could tell; Michael was smiling like a fool, that normal guy just threatened him with a knife, AND proceeded to jump on his back. "Woohoo, then. You're lucky I didn't trip backwards champ, wouldn't have been a pretty sight. I'm really quite fat you see, about 1236lbs overweight." Michael paused for a moment, noticing the house lingering in the back. Judging by the stance of the man across from him, he was protecting it. The suit analyzed the house in seconds, and Michael learnt all he needed to know. General number of bedrooms, how fortified the exterior was. Though nothing about the general inside.

"Anyway! Now I have your undivided attention, Rambo, what I tried saying before you so rudely tried throttling me to death, was I believe this may be a slight - okay, a severe misunderstanding." Michael examined all present, the suit picking up what it could; yet they wouldn't know that.

Then, an unrecognizable voice spoke; identifying his armor, even if he actually got the issue wrong, it was identical to the 79AB, but the CA01 was superior in almost all ways, just the general look remained the same... But Sir-Know-It-All didn't need to know that. "Ah! Einstein, is it? Right, well yes, this is an early release of armor, thank you for noticing! And by the way you carry yourself, and the glasses... You're a..." Michael hesitated, before looking about the others. Finally, it all clicked in place, Fugitives, escapists, from the experiments... Are these the ones he freed? His eyes lingered on the new arrival, understanding what he was; but Michael wasn't sure the others knew, so he remained quiet for a moment.

"Where was I? Oh! Yes! Misunderstanding! I am 79AB Battle-Suit at your sevice!" He bowed for dramatic effect, "Now, care to tell me who you guys actually are?" He asked, fully knowing the answer.
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Nate looks toward Matt his gaze stern. Almost a type of warning, telling him to be calm, without saying a word. "I'm Nathan. Nate for short." He says gently, slightly cautious, yet not hostileNate glances back toward Mat, almost admiringly. His deep, brown eyes hesitating his soon-to-be-leader. Nate smiles slightly, showing off the deep dimples in his cheeks. He then turns his gaze serious, staring at this robot man.
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Calvin said nothing, so Naomi answered for him. "I'm Naomi, and the smarty-pants next to me is Cal..vin." She paused for a moment, but quickly fixed the mistake of almost introducing Calvin by his nickname--anyone else went calling the man 'Cal' without his permission, then he'd probably beat the crap out of them. Or maybe not, depending on if he was in a good mood.

"I have him wrapped around my finger, in case you haven't noticed," the girl continued in a mock-evil tone, giggling. Calvin rolled his eyes.

"Figures.." he muttered.
Ooc: Wow, the one time I wasn't given any RP alerts...


Matthew did his best not to glare at the machine-man, but not because he was trying to restrain his emotions. Instead, it was because the sun was shining off of the man's armor. Usually the young man would've gave the guy a black eye right now, but he knew that would only end in unnecessary bloodshed, and with this guy being as bulky as he was, chances were that more of Matt's blood would be spilled. "Tell us why you're out in the forest and we'll go our separate ways." he commanded arrogantly, but just from the look in the older man's eyes, he knew that this man had figured them out. How could he not? Even most robbers wouldn't have the courage to ram into him or jump on top of him. It didn't matter what he was though. Matt was planning to take Tabitha and move to Las Vegas soon anyway, but with this hulk of a machine learning about their location now, Matt was absolutely certain he wouldn't stay here long, even if the guy didn't rat them out. Calvin's cabin was way too easy to find- heck, the sewers of this big city were a better option than here.

Tabitha, seeing Cicero had sat down, finally took a sip of the water before setting it down again. She wanted to talk- it was important she said this, but the words were too hard to say. If she wasn't so sick, she was certain her blush would've been obvious. "St..." she tried to say the words but ended up mouthing them at first. Finally, she said in a voice slightly quieter than her already whispery one. "Stay with me..." she kept one of her hands on his, but it was evident she was weak, and- after taking a few shallow breaths- she was asleep again.​
"Uh...yea ok." He said to the already sleeping Tab 'Maybe she wasn't going to laugh at me after all...WAIT WHY AREN'T THE OTHERS INSIDE THE CABIN ALREADY DID THAT TIN HEAD GET THE BEST OF THEM?' He thought "No their just wondering what to do with him because they beat him." He told himself sitting down and eventually falling asleep
Michael completely ignored Rambo's words, paying no attention to the individual and offering his hand to Shuzo, "I'm Michael, a pleasure to meet you Shuzo! Pretty impressive, that little stunt you pulled back there." He gave the timid boy a knowing wink, an indication of his knowledge about Shuzo's power. Though it was tempting; Michael couldn't bare to give the boy a nickname, he seemed so broken as it was. Like a child needing to be guarded, even more vulnerable than Naomi.

"And you! Naomi, was it? Aren't you a tough little nut? You had me worried back there, I thought you were about to break me in half on the spot! You would have done, if Nathan and Rambo over there didn't save me. Tell ya what, you, can call me Mike! Hmm?" Naomi was just a child, Michael wasn't about to treat her like an adult. She seemed like a lovely little girl too, the thought of almost blasting her with a high-powered laser was quite disturbing.

"Einstein! It's nice to know Naomi has such a smart servant! Keep up the good work, that look is a brilliant method of intimidation." Michael just tapped Calvin on the shoulder, remembering the whole Scientist thing, wondering if the rest knew for a moment. His words weren't meant as an insult for the man though, more a compliment to the little girl. Apart from the look part, that was a slight jab at his bored demeanor.

"Ah, Nathan; Nate? Moondog? Moondog! Thanks for tearing Rambo off of me, another moment longer and he may have crushed my windpipe. Just look at him; a terrifying specimen." Michael gave Nathan a friendly pat on the back. The nickname was fitting; because Nathan wasn't a werewolf. Oh the logic Michael had sometimes.

With a deliberately slow pace, Michael then approached Rambo, and stopped a few inches away from his face. "Do we have a first name Rambo? Or is your intellect as limited as your tact?" Michael awaited a response, not answering the earlier question..
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"I told you before- I don't know where you're getting that name from." was Matthew's only reply. His gaze locked with the other man's, and while Matthew personally found the few inches of space between them more uncomfortable than anything else, he didn't dare move away. If he did, he'd lose the game- whatever sort of game this was. Sticking out his hand with mock politeness, Matthew flashed his teeth in a forced grin to the machine. "Care to shake it, or are you going to crush it robo-man?" the boy taunted, though it was so low-key that perhaps innocent minds like Shuzo would mistake it for a friendly joke. He doubted it however. Whatever this man was, it was clear he had more than one "ability" though all of them seemed tied together in the giant scrap of metal he wore.

Naomi grinned. "Alright then, Mike!" She seemed happy at Mike's words, but Calvin scowled, although he kept his mouth shut.

"Also, please don't call Cal my servant, he really isn't. If anything, I do most of the fighting and stuff." This made the scientist sigh in annoyance and turn away.

"Since we're all buddy-ing up now, why don't we decide whether Michael here is going to be friend or foe?" he suggested, wanting nothing more than to get this over with so he could get some sleep. He noticed Naomi cough once but didn't move, figuring the girl could go a bit longer and be fine; if Naomi needed something, she'd usually tell him.
"There's no way he's a friend, and we don't have that many rooms, so he'll have to keep his distance." Matthew argued, silently glancing at Calvin to back him up, though he was uncertain if the man would. After all, it wasn't like the scientist was his friend, but Matt secretly hoped the other boy disliked this guy as much as he did. Maybe it was just arrogance, maybe he wanted to protect Tabby from untrustworthy people, or maybe it was both- Matt didn't have time to speculate. All he knew was that if this guy stayed here, he'd be heading out the next day. He didn't think anyone would stop him anyway- except for Tabby. The boy felt bad, knowing how much the girl cared for his company, but he figured she'd be happier with her newfound boyfriend than stealing watches and drugs with him.

Michael flashed a friendly grin to Shuzo, "Don't mention it!" Before turning his attention back on the other man, "Rambo, it's a character in a movie genius, hey another interesting fact about it? The movie's called Rambo." He smirked at the analytical results of the suit; from what limited emotion it could tell, the other boy must have felt somewhat uncomfortable. That was Michael's aim of moving so close.

Then, under the mask, Michael frowned at the mock handshake. Rambo was smarter than he looked at this sort of thing it seemed, a little game of dominance was being played, the rest of the group as witnesses. Their glorious leader, Rambo. And him, the challenger. Michael took the handshake, and the mask that hid his face retracted; so the two were really face-to-face. "Crush it? Why would I do that, Rambo?" Needless to say, Michael did indeed induce a little more pressure than necessary in the handshake. "Now, if you're quite done playing bad cop, Rambo?"

Michael ended the handshake, pulling his hand back and twisting on his heels; Facing Naomi, and kneeling down before her "Don't worry Princess, I figured you to be his protector. I was just being polite to you, see?" Michael smiled at Naomi, before standing on two feet again, and giving an almost annoyed look to Calvin. If he didn't know any better, this man was going to be sour company indeed, and he didn't know any better. "Wooah, their Cowboy; hold your horses. If I was a 'foe' why is this conversation even happening?" Michael questioned. Taking a moment to look at them all individually - all except Rambo. Who had just accused him of being anything but, a friend.

@Cyber Wolf @TromboneGeek
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"U-um I-I w-was w-wondering i-if y-you w-were a-able t-to t-take o-off t-the a-armor o-or d-do y-you h-have t-to k-keep i-it o-on?" Shuzo asks Micheal. @Archon
Michael arched an eyebrow at Shuzo, of course he'd broke the relatively awkward silence; as they all likely thought on whether they agreed with him, or Rambo. Yet the question was a good one. "I can, in fact. Luckily however, this armor is coded to my DNA. So I won't be getting suitjacked by Rambo here." Michael gave pause for a moment, deciding on the potentially disastrous attack that could happen should he remove it. But, he took the leap of faith.

"Here, let me show you." With some rapid taps upon a tiny, built-in computer screen, unnoticeable on the surface of his arm; the suit powered down, and opened outward, each major limb splitting in two; allowing him to squeeze out of it. "See? Just a human. Not a robot, nor an alien." Michael smirked, still full of bravado; and gave Rambo a look, a look that said 'I could still kick your ass' but nobody else caught up on that.
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Despite Matt's typically indifferent or aggressive personality, he had to do all he could to keep himself from laughing when the man revealed his face- it almost looked like the poor soul was about to kiss him, not that he expected him, or anyone to for that matter. The boy returned the handshake with an equally strong grip, but let go just as quickly. Crossing his arms, Mr. Wise noticed everything the man did when he interacted with the others. He bowed to the brat but acted arrogant in front of their host? Maybe the cyborg didn't know Calvin was the owner of this property, but regardless it was clear he was already on thin ice. Matt's smile turned into a frown as he listened to Shuzo's question. It was a good one, that was for sure. Was he an actual experiment, or just a guard using outdated equipment? A gust of cold winter air blew toward them, causing Matt to cross his arms. 'So, you think you're going to fight me?' were Matt's silent words. He didn't care to hide it- he openly disliked this guy, whom just as he was thinking this was giving him an evil look while he stepped out of the metal outfit. To him, this was all very funny- why was this guy so persistent on fighting him? He didn't mind of course- he'd been secretly looking for a challenge these past weeks, and now, among all these people he didn't care call friends, he managed to find a few. He still didn't know everyone's powers, and nobody really seemed to know his, except for maybe the scientist, but it didn't matter- Nobody here was invincible, so even if he was only going to stay here for anywhere between a few hours to a few days, he was excited to see what happened without that span of time.

Calvin sighed again but said nothing. Naomi was still grinning, looking rather pleased.

"Actually, we do have enough rooms," she piped up in response to Matt's question, and went on; "He seems rather nice to me, Cal, and he hasn't tried to snap anyone's neck while we've been talking." Something strange seemed to overtake the girl as her eyes blazed a sudden acid-green color, which made the warning look she sent to the man quite threatening coming from a small child. "He wouldn't survive long if he tried." However, the moment was broken by a line of hacking coughs, which caused Calvin to immediately scoop Naomi into his arms and race off towards the cabin with no explanation.

"Naomi, we can't keep going like this."

"I know.." Coughing again. "There's no way to keep me restrained on that crap, though!"

Calvin nearly snarled his next words. "I don't care. They'll have to figure something out!"

Naomi looked ready to argue but was once again coughing as Calvin rushed down the stairs and to his lab. The same process as before, with the needles and mako, and Naomi's drifting off into calm sleep. Calvin didn't go back to explain, nor did he plan to; he just slumped against the wall, pulling the band out of his hair and running a hand through it to show his stress.

"What am I ever going to do with you, child?"

Cicero woke up to see Tab still sleeping and he couldn't help but smile and that's when he got an idea. He walked out of the cabin "Hey guys hey Tin Head." He said passing them 'Gotta find some flowers but where could they be?' He thought to himself while he walked around the forest until he found some they were plain flowers but were a cool looking blue he picked them and walked back to the house.'Really hope she likes these.' He said to himself and he couldn't help but start running to the cabin passing everyone not even looking to see the looks on their faces when he passed when he was inside he got a bottle water and put the flowers inside and set them on Tab's counter

Everything else dropped from Matt's mind when he saw Cicero getting flowers for... Tabitha? His heart was racing. She wasn't dead, was she?! Without looking at robo-boy and pushed past Cicero and kneeled by Tabitha's side. She was so cold... she wasn't really dead was she? He put his head to her chest in order to feel her heartbeat- then feeling awkward when he realized that not only was she alive, but she had just started to wake up.

"Hmm...? Matty, why is your head on my-" Tabitha's tired mumbling was interrupted by Matt's profuse apologies. "I tripped." he finally lied once he had silenced her with his nonstop repetition of the words "I'm sorry." It was easy to tell the boy was beyond embarrassed as he walked away from where Tabitha was laying with her eyes closed and her hands through her hair, trying to wake up a little more before she tried to get up. She was still extremely weak, after all. "I hate you." Matt whispered into Cicero's ear while he shouldered past the boy, going back outside. He didn't care if Tabby heard him- right now he just needed to do something to regain what little dignity he had.

Ooc: Gtg soon guys! :( Don't go too far without me k?​
"Uhh?" Cicero was at a lost for words why did he do he was just trying to make Tab happy by getting her flowers 'Weird but oh well he'll get over it.' He told himself "Here Tab I got you some flowers." He said smiling at her and placing them down 'Should I ask what she wanted to talk about?' He questioned "Hey uh Tab what was it you wanted to talk about later ever since that incident when I was eating and some what helping clean dishes?" He asked her "But you don't have to answer until you get better if you want." He said in a hurry not wanting to make her suffer by speaking or laughing
Michael had looked at Naomi; surprised at her words, which must have annoyed Rambo to no end, but the man decided to make nothing more of it. Since for whatever reason, he rushed off with urgent speed, perhaps he was annoyed at Naomi? It didn't matter. Turning with a bright smile to the little girl, Michael flashed her a bright smile - and was just about to thank her, when all of a sudden she turned all evil on him, from flower to snake, in the blink of an eye. Whilst it was certainly a scary sight... For a child to be at the giving end of such a vicious threat, the man actually stood there for a few moments... More puzzled, than anything else. 'Okay, what the heck just happened?' were the immediate thoughts, that entered his now muddled mind.

Turning on his heel, he looked at Calvin carrying the girl away; and made a note to find out what exactly affected her, and what his deal was. After all, he was a Scientist. Someone who was apart of the experiments done to these people, or children - in Naomi's case. Turning his attention away from the duo, a quick scan of the surroundings revealed nothing really new, and Michael simply shrugged at both Nathan and Shuzo, "Well, fellers. Seems the party has retired for the night, let's join them. No?"

Without a word from either, or consultant from the rest off the group. Michael re-entered the suit; only to exit a few moments later, but leaving it at the side of the interior door-frame. On the way in however, a furious looking Rambo, marched past him. "Going to hunt some deer, with your fearsome knife, Rambo?" Michael called, more of a joke this time; than an insult. Yet not expecting a response, he decided to go and find his new room, there'd be time to get to know the rest of the group later, right now, Michael needed a rest. Three days, no food, no water, hardly any sleep... Even now, in the midst of strangers, whilst being mostly unwelcome: It seemed as good a time as any.
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Sputtering and coughing he came into this world, he had no idea where he was, or whose sink he was coming out of, but he did know that the people here would probably think his presence would be unwelcome, especially after the drain he came out of was retching and noisily clogging as he came out. Not knowing what to do, he knocked over all sorts of dishes and cups, watching them crash to the ground as he himself spattered on the ground with them.

Thinking he would be caught if he didn't look like he was part of the scene, he grabbed a glass off the ground, and filled it with the liquid metal of his own essence, and pretended to drink it for whomever was to enter the kitchen.

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