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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

"I can help you with the dishes if you want." He told Tab 'Might as well be nice to her even though i'm going to get laughed at later.' He thought to himself while getting up and starting to help wash the plates even though he had zero clue what to do "Uhh how do I was dishes heh?" He asked laughing a little 'Dang it why do I have to find more reasons for her to laugh at me.' He screamed to himself

Tabitha nodded toward Shuzo, before turning to the cat-boy. "First, you should roll up your sleeves." she ordered, standing next to him and doing what she just told him to do. "Next, grab a washcloth." she instructed, trying desperately to hide her smile. By now, it should've been obvious she was teasing him as she slowly showed him step by step what to do. She glanced at Shuzo from time to time, but without realizing it she was basically glancing at Cicero every five seconds.

Matthew sat in the middle of the forest, breathing in the cool winter air. Out here, there was nobody to bother him. "Mama, just killed a man..." he sang the lyrics to "Bohemian Rhapsody" out of boredom... and partial drunkenness. He hadn't told anyone, but when Tabitha wasn't looking he had taken a bottle of beer. He didn't even like the taste, but after what just happened while he practiced fighting, he needed to let loose just a little.​
Cicero knew he was begin tricked he just really wants Tab to be happy so hes playing along but he decide to mess around with her also "Hey Tab I don't really know how to wash the dishes even after I did what you said...why are you staring at me did I do something wrong?" He asked her looking confused 'Lets see how she deals with someone who learned to lie.' He said still not smiling but keeping his confused look on his face
"...Are you stupid? Here, let me." she mumbled weakly, taking his plate from him and beginning to wash it with vigor. She concentrated hard on her task to avoid looking at him, but even though she avoided eye contact she could practically feel him staring at her. "Shuzo, let's go." she said once they had finished up, washing off her hands first before waiting for Shuzo to. She decided it might be a good idea to avoid doing anything with Cicero today- after all, she'd already have to face him tonight.

When they left he tried to laugh as quietly as possible 'I was going to help she could of just told me how to do it.' He though while laughing he was on the ground laughing "That was to good." He told himself giving himself a high five but now hes bored out of his mind and most likely Tab will have nothing to do with him and Matt's being Matt what ever it is hes doing "what to do what to do until tonight.' He though to himself while pulling out a cookie and eating it while on the floor

Tabitha grabbed Shuzo's hand, leading the boy outside before he could protest. "What am I going to do..?" she sighed, taking out her ponytail and running her hands through her hair. She glanced at the boy. Did he have any idea what she should do regarding these sort of things? Deciding it would be better not to ask him, she marched off, looking for her source of all knowledge: Matthew.

"Damn you jerks!" the "source of all knowledge" yelled at nobody in particular. He was typically a lot more chill when he was drunk- nice, actually, but right now he was having a fit. Nothing had been going his way this week- first the cashier at the café was growing smarter, then the freaks came into his territory... and now he was stuck with them, at least until they all went their separate ways. "I hate you!" he yelled at a deer which was passing by. Seeing the boy, it ran away as quickly as possible, maybe sensing it wasn't welcome here.​
Cicero gets bored of waiting he never been patience so he got up and walked outside hoping to find Matt so he can bug him and try to find a way not to get punched "Where could that guy be?" He asked himself "Maybe if I climb the tree I can find him better." He told himself while he started to climb it and jumping from tree to tree trying to find Matt until he looses he footing and falls making a lot noise "Dang it i'm half cat and I still can't land on my feet like they do." He said while getting up and brushing himself off 'Well I hope no one heard that.' he said while he continued his search for Matt
Tabitha didn't answer Shuzo. Instead, she kept looking for Matt, but after an hour of unsuccessful searching, it seemed like he was nowhere to be seen. "Sorry for dragging you out here." Tabitha finally apologized to Shuzo, before slowly walking back. She was half-way home when she heard the sound of something landing heavily on the ground near her. "Cee-ciro?" Tabitha called out, only to recoil immediately after doing so. 'Why is my gift a curse?' she cried out within her mind. She bit her lip, trying to prevent herself from whimpering. Was that noise actually Cicero? If so, what was he doing out here? Her body shook just a little, out of fear as she considered the possibility of it being somebody other than those who were currently staying at the house.

Through the night, Hunt had somehow ended up on the couch with Nate. Her tiny little body fit easily into the nooks and crannies of his, so what normally would've been a highly uncomfortable sleeping situation was actually quite feasible. She had drifted in and out of his dreams and her own, but the last dream he had was the one that currently had her in quiet tears, clinging to him to be sure he was still here and wasn't dead.

Once sure Nate was still alive and real, she lay there, calming herself and thinking over the things she had just seen.

There she was, crouched beside Nate, fingers tight around his wrist. They were coming for them. She couldn't tell who. Military officers? Police? That was the least of her worries though. Suddenly, Nate was shoving her through a door and they were running. Hunt's dream-self, as she had taken to calling it, walked along side them, watching. This was the worst part. The anticipation. The not knowing.

They were climbing stairs. Up and up and up they went until finally they were in a room. Nate did his best to barricade the door, but everyone knew that it wouldn't hold long. He was trying to get them to leave. But she wouldn't leave him, she couldn't. She refused. She was desparately grasping for him, not daring to let him out of this alone.

'I can fight this with you! I won't let you sacrifice yourself again, Nate!' She sobbed in spite of herself. She couldn't let him give his life away for theirs. She just couldn't. The promise of him being right behind her was barely enough to make her go onto the roof, but not nearly enough to leave him behind.

She was on the roof, cold wind whipping blonde hair against her face. And there he was, just below her on the balcony of the apartment he had just forced her out of. Bang! Bang! Bang! Bullet after bullet was fired. Someone was screaming. Not someone. Her. She was screaming bloody murder. And then the metal balcony was collapsing. The last thing she saw was the blood. There was much blood. Red splattered everywhere. She knew this would be the last thing she saw of him. Nate lying there, rusty pieces of metal pierced through him. Blood pouring for his mouth, him gurgling for air, coughing blood all over the blue shirt she had given him for Christmas. There was nothing left but the dark red of blood and the sounds of her screams.

Hunt had woken moments later in a cold sweat, tears streaming her face. This, by far, was the worst dream she had ever been apart of. She would never forget it. Not the sound of bullets ricoching off metal, nor the sound of his last words, and certainly not the sound of rhubarb pushing through his body. The sickening noise almost made her want to puke. If this was their future....then she didn't know what to make of it. All she knew was that she needed to make what she could of they time they would have.

So she curled herself against him and calmed herself. Praying that it was just a dream and not a fortelling of what was to come.

@Cyber Wolf
Cicero was walking through the woods stepping on any stick he seen on the ground for fun like it was a game he even started humming random words like it was actually a song "Ok I give up on finding him." He said admitting defeat as he started walking trying to find the way back to the cabin 'maybe I should of stayed on the ground.' He told himself "Great lost in the woods...guess I could see better if I change my eyes." He said while his eyes turned into cat eyes and he started looking around "STILL SEE NOTHING HOW DENSE IS THIS STUPID FOREST!?" He screamed turning his eyes back to normal
Nate was shoved from his dream, forced out as of he wasn't allowed to see more. Before he closed his eyes, he had seen the gun pointed at his head, then a bang and the dream was over. His stomach ached and churned with discomfort, as if he had been peirced. Terror set in for a few moments, before he realized Hunter was curled up by his side. He gently ran his fingers through her blonde, slightly tangled hair. He slowly sits up, groaning. His shoulder was sore, as well as his abdomen that was black and blue from getting ran over. He sighs quietly. "I'll be right back, blondie." He says softly, as he pulls himself away from her. After untangling his body from her, he looks around for a shirt. Unable to find one, he decides to find a bathroom. After climbing the staircase and leaving the room, he slips into the bathroom. There he starts a hit shower, undressing himself, and taking off his bandages. He grimaces as he feels the steamy water seem over his dirty, cold skin, washing him free of blood, and dirt.

After a bit more than twelve minutes, he gets out. He dries his body gently, careful not to injure his shoulder any further. He pulls on his bloody shorts, before gently resting the towel over the back of his neck.

He slowly steps out of the bathroom, and decides to look for the hunter. Not his lover, yet the one who shot him. He carefully walks to the kitchen, and grabs a water. He fumbles with the bottle in his grasp for a few moments, contemplating whether to search for his unknowing enemy, or if he should go back to Hunter.

((I just realized how ironic that is. Hunter and the hunter. Heh.))

Hunter felt warm fingers run through her messy hair and a small smile pulled up the corners of her lips. He was here with her. She was safe and he was alive. That was all she needed to know.

She was broken from her little happy daydream by Nate pulling himself off the couch. She sat up, biting her lip, worried about whether he would be able to handle the strain of physical activity. She knew, however, he could take care of himself, no matter how much she wished he didn't feel the need to be so independent.

She watched him carefully as he wandered off to the bathroom before picking herself up off the couch to find some kind of sustenance. She wasn't sure how long it had been since she had eaten an actual meal. Certainly it had to have been a few days or so. Who was keeping track though? She could barely separate her own thoughts from the thoughts of others. She wandered through the rooms for a good while, before finally finding the kitchen.

She dug through the fridge before settling on a small yogurt cup. She devoured the thing in moments, she was so hungry. She threw the container away and grabbed a water from the case nearby. Twisting off the lid, she climbed into one of the swiveling chairs that sat in the kitchen. She swayed back and forth, highly amused by the thing, as she sipped the filtered water. It tasted so much better than the stream water she had been living off of for a while now.

Her blue eyes roamed the area as she sat. There were cabinets, filled with food or dishes presumably. A fridge, stove and microwave. A lovely set of knives and a pretty white sink to clean them in. This place, though she hated to admit it, was nice. She could only hope the people who owned it were as nice as their home.

Her eyes fell on Nate as he entered the room, wet brown hair hanging loosely around his forehead. She smiled at his goofiness. His hair had always been messy, but after he showered it always seemed to be worse.

"Good grief, could someone please get the wet dog out of here? No one wants to smell that," she joked. She knew he didn't smell like a dog, he never had. He was only a wolf in his wolf form, although occasionally traits would come out here and there. It was never anything she had considered serious though.

@Cyber Wolf
Nate raised one of his eyes before smirking "oh yeah? I bet you do!" He scoffs as he approaches her. His abdomen was defined beautifully with muscles that were warm and damp from his shower. He smiles a bright smile, how was he able to keep his teeth this nice while being chased, the world may never know. Suddenly, he bends his head down and shakes violently, splattering her with water.

He laughs, his voice was rouged, exhausted, yet vibrant. His voice had always been deeper, and rough, like a growl. Others often found him harsh or frightening.

He gently puts his hand on her head, running his fingers through her hair. "How'd you sleep?" He asks, his dark chocolate eyes loving and gentle.

Hunter shrieked with giggles as she was splattered with tiny droplets of water. Her shirt was speckled with dark spots now and there were drops in her hair. She couldn't help but roll her eyes at him. It didn't bother her much that he had shook the water on her, only that it was cold.

She shuddered as his fingers ran through her blonde locks again. He always knew how to make her melt into a puddle. She smiled up at him, still quite a lot shorter than him, even sitting on the stool. His question took her aback though. She bit her lip and breathed out a little chuckle, rubbing the arches of her bare feet together. "Um, yeah. I slept pretty alright. How about you, doggy breath?"

@Cyber Wolf
Nate rolls his eyes and pinches her chin gently. "That's good." He says softly as he unscrew this waterbottle's cap. He takes a drink, savoring the icy liquid as it glides down his rough throat. He looks down at her, noting her visible uncomfortable posture. HE glances toward the door, "seen that Hunter around?" He asks, leaning against the island of the kitchen.
Eddy opened his eyes, wincing at the light shining into his sun starved eyes. Blinking in confusion, Eddy slowly glanced around before the weight of the past fell upon him. He was a freak, with no money, and far from home and friends. Eddy's shoulders slumped and he almost went back to sleep, not wanting to face the conscious world. But that wouldn't help get him home. Steeling his expression and clenching his teeth, Eddy stood up, stretching to work out the kinks you get from sleeping in a not fluffy, comfortable bed.

Patting his pants down after doing some stretches, Eddy found something missing. His eyes widening with horror, he furiously patted himself down more and more, frantically trying to find it, but nothing was there. Eddy practically tore apart the corner of the alley he slept in, looking for it, but all he found was rats and grime. Eddy's wallet was gone. Eddy's food money was gone. Eddy's bus money was gone. The picture of Eddy's family. Was gone.

Eddy felt himself tear up, it was too much for him. He'd lost his job, police were chasing him because he had called for them, and now his wallet with his only link to his family was gone. He had searched and searched and searched but it was gone. Clenching his head, Eddy squatted down, trying to not break down. Tears began to fall upon the pavement, but Eddy saw it nowhere. He couldn't see what was his.


He felt something. Because of what they had done to him, how they had changed him. Several alleyways down, he felt the coins, the dollars. Standing up, Eddy calmed his trembling body. It was a long shot, but he had to try. Dashing out of the alleyway, Eddy frantically shoved his way through the crowds, ignoring any cries of outrage. The feeling felt stronger, he knew where it was.

Coming to the alleyway, Eddy slowed down, carefully observing the alleyway. "Where are you," he muttered to himself. It was hard to focus, the feeling was maddening. Slowly walking down the alleyway, he felt the feeling grow stronger. Stopping in front of a dumpster, the feeling intensified more. Here, he thought to himself, it must be here. Grabbing the lid of it, Eddy carefully but hastily raised it open. Among the muck of it all, he found the culprit. The one who had stolen it.

The homeless man looked middle aged, maybe even old from the look of his balding head. He obviously hadn't shaved in weeks, maybe even years, as his beard almost acted as a second blanket. He must feel awfully clever, stalking the streets and stealing from other poor people while they sleep. It made Eddy mad, real mad. But he had to get it back, there was no time for revenge. Carefully Eddy reached down, slowly reaching towards the source of the feeling. Slowly moving his hand into one of the many pockets in the homeless man's trench coat, Eddy felt his wallet and grabbed it, his face splitting with an ecstatic grin.

But the wallet wasn't the only thing grabbed. A hand covered in long, yellow nails snapped out and grabbed Eddy's hand forcefully. The homeless man's eyes snapped open and a deranged grin exposed rotten teeth, as he exclaimed, "So! Came ta get my fix money, eh? Wanting yours back, hmmm?" Cackling like a madman as Eddy tried to pull in a panic, the madman sat up and reached into his coat. Drawing out a knife, the man continued, "Well ya ain't getting shit, ya hear me?! AIN'T GETTING SHIT! Now I'm taking yer life just like I took yer money!" As the knife descended, memories flashed through Eddy's head. Memories of the lab...

Now Eddy, you've been hitting the center excellently! However you need to do more then hit the center, you have to make the penny penetrate! Now, try again deary. Right through the center. Don't you want the money for your dad? You have to perform well or we might have to cut funding...


Alright Eddy dearie, try again now. Straight through the center. Oh my god, you did it! You did it Eddy! It went straight through! This is phenomenal, I knew this path had combat potential! Now, do it again dearie. Do it again.


The memories faded away and Eddy snapped back to reality, his eyes focusing on the knife. But instead of the knife descending and killing him, something else happened. The knife fell out of the homeless man's hand and the hand that had before firmly held Eddy in placed, fell off of Eddy. The rest of the homeless man followed suit, slumping back down onto the dumpster. The reason was obvious, a small hole was in the mans head, going straight through brain and skull. And in front of Eddy's face innocently hovered the cause, a small coin, caked in blood. A coin Eddy was controlling through his freakish powers. That he had used to kill someone.

Eddy had killed someone

Eddy had killed someone

A blood curdling scream fills the dark alleyway.

Tabitha's own scream could probably be heard for miles. Her ears were bleeding furiously, and it took all of her efforts to crawl forward, just a little, before she collapsed on the forest floor. 'This will be the death of me...' she thought silently, moving her shaking hands to stare at them as she faded in and out of consciousness. She wanted to help- she really did, but what could she do? The man who just screamed had to be away, in the busy city they were just in. If he had only been a mile away, maybe it wouldn't have effected her at all, but it did, and now she was certain that without help, she'd surely die from this condition. Closing her eyes, Tabby curled her frail figure up and fell asleep under the dense forest trees.

Matt was strapped down to the same hospital bed he'd been on for days. It was only days right? He often heard the sound of doctors- or at least they called themselves doctors- talking outside, but nobody seemed to mention anything outside of the facility, not near his room. Maybe they thought he'd forgotten he was human. A crooked, half-hearted smile appeared on his face as he played around with the thought of that- it disappeared the second he heard footsteps outside his door. He closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep. He didn't know what they injected into him, but he knew what it looked like. It was thick, black tar-like liquid, but unlike tar it had no scent. He didn't know how they even got it, but they did- and just as he was thinking of this they injected some more into the boy's veins. It burned. "AAGHH! Stop, please!" All thoughts began to grow focused on the feeling of the liquid seeping into him. He would've done anything to stop it. They never did tell him what it was, but some of the doctors laughed. One, a silver-haired doctor, made sure to always get the largest needle available when dealing with Matthew. The boy's cries filled the room, no, instead they filled the buildings, but crying never did him any good. He should've accepted his fate right then and there, but instead the fighting just continued, so much that he wasn't just isolated but strapped down after the first night he was there. He took all of the boy's pride- he was only given robes to wear, his head was shaved, and the cross he had from his aunt was taken from him. He looked like a cancer patient, but at least he couldn't be reminded of that- after all, not one of the doctors ever spoke directly to him.
Shuzo sees Tabitha collapse. "H-Hey T-Tabitha? A-are y-you o-ok?" He says shaking her. "C-Crap. I-I n-need t-to g-get y-you t-to C-Cicero o-ok?" He says before picking Tabitha up and running through the forest until he finds Cicero. "C-Cicero!" He says, breathing heavily. "I-It's T-Tabitha. I-I d-don't k-know w-what h-happened. S-She j-just c-collapsed a-and h-her e-ears s-started b-bleeding." @Cicero
Cicero continued to walk around the forest until he came up on a trail "Thank god i'm not as lost now." He told himself while walking the trail then he noticed Shuzo screaming something about Tab "What happened?" He said then he ran as fast as he could up to her and picked her up "Hey Tab...please wake up...haha ok jokes over now please wake up...please please please." He said crying 'Crying isn't going to help her I need to bring her to the cabin and stop the bleeding in her ears and find something for her headache she most likely has.' He told himself picking her up and running to the cabin "Shuzo lets get Tab back to the cabin...Tab if you can hear me hold on ok everything is going to be ok...trust me." He said smiling like she could see him he held her close to him while he ran even when he got tired he didn't stop running not even when he almost fell because his legs where about to give out he couldn't stop no matter what
"Stupid... hunk of... scrap. Great idea moron, 'I'll just free them, I said, 'right thing to do' I said... Now I'm stuck running from every government agency in the country, no food, no water, no friends, just... this... stupid... metal... scrap... suit! What the hell was I thinking?" With a rather audible sigh he decided to vent his anger by assaulting a nearby innocent tree. Unfortunately, after the poor wooden lifeform was reduced to multiple oversized branches on the scattered throughout the dirt, Michael was simply out of energy, and too tired to move. In an effort to regain some rest, he slumped down on the cold-hard ground. The suit had one thing going for it; it was actually quite comfortable.

For several moments, he enjoyed the tranquility of the forest, the way the leaves swayed gracefully in the wind, the technique of the suns rays as they bounced brilliantly off of the forest top. How the birds sung their beautiful songs... It was lovely...

Then a loud groan brought him to attention, as his stomach let out such a fierce growl he feared it was going to grow teeth and eat him from the inside-out. "Oookay, time to mo-o-ove." Michael uttered, as he brought himself upright once more. "Now... where was I going... again?" This, was a difficult question. One pondered for several minutes, however Michael settled on West... Confident in his decision, he began pacing hastily... to the East. "West it is..."

Then he paused; examining the surroundings, was that a scream he heard? It sounded like it. Unfortunately he couldn't gauge its location. But before he could start moving again, another, much louder, much closer scream. This one, he could follow; ironically, it was in the opposit direction, to his West. "I knew I should have gone East!" He breathed to himself, before setting off into a full sprint through the forest, he ran for a few minutes, and was astonished at the speed he was currently going at. Yet his mind was focused, now he was using his suits incredible analytical ability to follow a trail; of what appeared to be two people, one male one female. The male's burden was much heavier, indicating him carrying something of weight. Where they running from the scream, or responsible for it?

Immediately after analyzing a broken twig as evidence of their passing, Michael took an immediate right, having deduced that is where tey were running, it didn't take long; 10 seconds later, and he was there. "
Stop right there!" He yelled at the duo, who appeared to be running with an injured woman. He analyzed the situation, bleeding ears... Had they tortured her? "Put her down! Now!" His voice commanded, a robotic tone to it due to the militarized nature of the suit. After all, it was a government outfit. He expected them to obey, as for as they knew he was a high-level soldier. Who would ignore a high-level soldier?

@Cicero @iiimee


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