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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Cicero only had seconds to react he move his head out of the way but he still got hit on the cheek but he didn't look like he was hurt instead he ran and Matt jumping off the walls and on the ground until he was in Matt's face trying to punch in while his tail grabbed Matt's leg and pulled him down that's when Cicero jumped on him pinning his hands to the ground "Aiming...never heard of it to be honest." He said glaring at Matt laughing a little "So do you think you can get out or do you wanna call it quits for today?" He asked Matt still glaring at him with his cat eyes still in his insane world
Shuzo wakes up and walks into the room where Matt and Cicero are fighting. His eyes widen. "U-um w-what's g-going o-on?" @Cicero @iiimee
For a second, a look of fear flickered in Matt's eyes. The feeling of being strapped down... it was all too familiar. Out of pure instinct, Matt kicked his foot up, managing to kick Cicero... between the legs. Twisting around, he scrambled up and was ready to face his opponent again in seconds. It had taken him those small seconds to understand what he had done, but once he realized it, he wasn't sorry. "Do you want to continue?" he turned the question around on the boy. Matt may have only had his strength, but it seemed like enough to pull him through.

Shuzo notices the flicker of fear in Matt's eyes, but then he realizes Matt kicked Cicero between the legs. "U-um C-Cicero a-are y-you o-ok?" @Cicero
Cicero fell to his knees in pure pain "No...I think you win this turn even cheap shots can save your life." He said smiling getting up and putting his hat back on and his eyes turning human again that's when he noticed Shuzo "Oh hey I'm fine...but now I think I gonna go try Tab's cooking so yea good match Matthew hope we can spar again sometime." He said smiling while walking up the stairs to where Tab was really hoping she forgave him for being that open about his feelings "Please forgive me please forgive me." He whispered to himself like a silent plead
"Uhh...her names Tabitha I just like to call her Tab and shes amazing and funny but you can't yell or do anything loud because she has really better hearing then us." He said answering Shuzo's question while they climbed the stairs

"I can hear you, y'know." Tab's quiet voice seemed to ring clear in the kitchen, due to how silent the place had become. She, feeling a little mischievous, had decided before he even started walking up here that she'd play a trick on him. She did her best to hide her smile, but it was difficult. "You've come to apologize right?" she said slowly, somehow, just barely, being able to keep the smile off her lips. She had already set down the plate of food she had made for (mostly) him and quickly pulled out the chair for him. Crossing her arms, she avoided looking at him for fear her plan would be ruined. 'Wow, I can't even help it... I'm blushing! Hopefully he won't notice.' she thought. Her attention went to Shuzo for a second, remembering how she had defended the boy's right to stay here the first night, though she said nothing to him now. She would've actually preferred it if she and Cicero were alone, but the chances of having privacy for even a conversation in this house was slim.

Matt's heart was beating abnormally fast. He had acted cool after hurting Cicero, but right now he was remembering it again. The silver-haired doctor who had worked on him countless times... He had taken especially good care in torturing Matt, but why? And why did merely being pinned down make him think of that? Seeing that nobody was around, Matthew sat down on the ground and ran a hand through his hair, freaking out in silence. 'Don't think of anything.' he begged his brain. Phantom pain shot through his legs as he remembered the feeling of his arms being cut, his blood even being stolen by that doctor. What he wanted it for, Matthew had no clue.

Ooc: Wow, Shuzo can't even remember the name of the person who defended him night one! :P
'Yea I figured she wouldn't have forgave me that easy.' He told himself "Uhh Tab I know I already said this but I really am sorry I didn't mean to embarrass you like that please forgive me." He said moving to her line of sight with a sincere look on his face he was never been this sorry before in his life he was wondering if he could feel sorry for someone until he meet Tab and every time he made her mad or sad he promised himself he would always say sorry to her 'I knew she must be mad at me but enough to not even look at me...wait is she blushing...she was something planned well if it will make her feel better I might as well play along.' He thought with a sigh he sat down in the chair she pulled out for him "Thank you." He said to her while he pushed himself in 'Now to play the waiting game.' He told himself
Naomi suddenly poofed into Matt's sight, dressed in clothes instead of pajamas, sitting down and looking at him with concern. "You okay? I know that everything hurt then, but it's okay. You can stop thinking about it, because it's not going to happen again, ever." Naomi wasn't exactly the best at cheering people up, but it was a honest effort. "If it helps any, I could spar with you; someone who has the power to move themselves by an inch to avoid injury should prove challenging enough, so you can be even quicker and beat the crap out of cat-boy." While Naomi knew Matt probably just wanted to rest, she felt that taking out is anger--if he had any at that moment--would help; if not, the spar would prove a distraction from his memories. (Wow, I had nothing to type. Well then.)
Notice: A posting order has been added. Please check the RP Thread's starting post for more info. Since @TromboneGeek just posted, it will be @Cyber Wolf 's turn now. If you guys would rather make it an hour or 2-hour rule instead of until midnight, please tell me. The majority of people in this RP are now in favor of the posting order, so it'll be around for as long as the majority wants it. I think it'll help slow down the RP, but also give us time to work and create quality posts. Thank you!

Note Update: To compromise, I've now decided that we automatically will skip over whoever is offline, though following the posting order is still required for those who are online and planning on RPing.

Ooc: I looked at the posting order and forgot it already all i know is i'm third iimee is first Katherine is second and yea thats all I got

Ooc: My turn I think, since Ashestoashes seems to be inactive atm...

Bic: "You're welcome." Tabitha kindly said to Shuzo, all the while sitting down at the table besides them. She was trying to be just a little mean, but she wasn't sure what to do. Sure, she had stolen and helped Matt sell illegal items before, but how could she be cruel? She finally thought of something. "Cee-ciro..." Tabby said in her best stern voice, all the while fumbling over how to pronounce his name. "Can we talk later?" In her head the words sounded mean, but once she said them out loud they merely sounded like a request to hang out. Feeling ashamed of her inability to scold him, Tabitha kept her gaze focused on her hands in order to control her facial expressions.

"I don't need your help." Matt growled- and he meant it. Rising from where he had been sitting, Matt marched up the stairs, planning to go out on a walk. He knew they were people searching for them, but he had an sneaking suspicion they weren't in the area, at least at this moment. Once he ran upstairs and grabbed a hoodie from his backpack, he put it on and went outside. Outside, he could breathe fresh air- or any air for that matter. It just felt great to be alone for once.​

3rd Post Update: The posting order is being removed... This is my personal choice. Sorry to not take the votes into consideration, but I want to keep all my roleplayers! @Cyber Wolf

"Uhhh yea sure Tab." He said confused more then answering 'She most likely will do your whisper scream telling me how much of an idiot I am for confessing my feelings and laugh in my face.' He though making him choke on his food a little then he noticed Matt go outside so he goes and gets a drink of water before saying "Why did Matthew go outside?" He asked already knowing they didn't have the answer
Tabitha merely shook her head. She didn't know exactly what happened, but she had an idea. "Let's talk tonight." she decided, still keeping her voice a sort of mumble, which was funny, considering how she usually whispered anyway. She turned to Shuzo, not wanting to reveal her plan until then. "So, how are you enjoying things so far?" she asked politely, walking away from the food to correct her ponytail as she did so. She was naïve usually, but Tabitha was smart enough to be careful when it came to whatever she did- she wasn't like so many foolish men and women she'd met, who never trim their nails or get hair in their food. If she was being honest, sometimes those things would bother her, but for the most part it was just that she had a habit of keeping things neat.

Nate stood motionless, police. No not police. Thesee enforcers were larger. Meaner looking. Nate looked toward the group, and then to a door of a building they were crouched beside. He shoves Hunt toward the door, watching as the group opens it quietly, and begins to file up the stairs of the building. It was an old, abandoned apartment.

Suddenly, one of the armored men sees Nate, and yells out an order. Nate hurries inside, after a bullet grazes his scarred shoulder. "Fuck" He curses, before running up the stairs. "Keep going! Hurry!" He knew that enforcers were close. He makes it to the front of the group, before making it to the top floor of the building. He leads them into a room, before barricading the door shut behind them. Gasping for breath, he can hear the enforcers getting close. He pushes open the door of the balcony and sees a latter that it attached somewhat firmly to the next bulding. "Hurry, everyone go!" He rushes them to jump from the balcony, grab the latter, and climb to the next roof. Hunter is last. Sobbing of how she won't leave without him, attempting to grip his bloody shoulder like she did the first day they found one and other again. "I'm right behind you, blondie." He reassuringly cooes. He watches her jump and climb to the roof.

Nate climbs onto the balcony ledge, when the door behind him flings open with a mighty kick. Bullets spray at him as he jumps and grabs the latter. A bullet hit the bolts holding the latter to the building, and Nate's weight breaks the latter free. His eyes widen as he feels himself plummet toward the ground far below. Rusty rebarb is sticking out of the ground, just as Hunter had pointed before he was spotted. Nate feels the metal push through his back, slicing through his organs, and coming out of his stomach. He stares at the group from below, his eyes quickly clouding, blood seeping from his mouth. He coughs a few times, spraying his crimson blood over his light blue shirt, as he tilts his head back to lie it in the dirt below him. His clothes quickly become drenched in his crimson blood, as life slips out of him, in one last sigh. 'Finally.. peace.. no more running.. no more pain.. just.. peace..'

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Tabitha gave the boy a sincere smile, despite how tense the atmosphere in the room seemed to be- she knew Cicero was worried, and she even felt a little guilt for tricking him like this, even if she plans to tell him later. "Do you stutter a lot?" she teased the boy, but before she could answer she picked up the empty plates to wash them. Despite how much she made, it was still morning and all the eggs had been eaten!


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