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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

"We don't have time to play cops and robbers or what ever it is your doing right now so leave us alone can't you see our friend needs our help or is that bucket on your head making you blind?" He said to the guy not in the mood to play games 'Why does that guy have a bucket on his head and a trashcan on his body?' He asked himself he didn't get a good feeling from this guy but he didn't know if he should use his powers to get out of this situation and risk exposing everyone at the cabin 'DANG IT WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS!' He screamed in his mind getting read to run
Shuzo hears Micheal's yell and falls to the ground in shock. He looks up at Micheal. "W-We d-didn't d-do a-anything t-to h-her. I-I p-promise." He says trembling a little. @Archon
Matt woke up screaming into his pillow. He had walked home earlier in his drunken state, finally tired of yelling at deer enough to take a nap. Awake now and at least somewhat sober, he was just walking downstairs when he heard Shuzo and Cicero's panicked voices approaching the house. He wanted to see what it was, but decided to walk slowly... He was wise to do so. He was barely seven feet from the house when he spotted them- Tabitha was in Cicero's arms, and though it was impossible to tell from the distance, he guessed she was unconscious. Beside Cicero was the frail boy Tabitha had helped earlier- Shuzo, was it? Behind them was...a military officer? Cursing quietly, Matt hid behind the nearest tree, waiting to see what this guy was going to do. Matt didn't want to, but if he had to he'd step in. After all, Tabitha was in danger.

Naomi's head sprung up from its resting place on her pillow. She felt energy coming this way. 'Tab.. Cicero.. Shuzo.. I can feel Matt's potential energy.. Something heavy? Not good.'

The girl got up from her desk chair, sprinting up the stairs and out the door, past Matt. She noted that her senses had been correct, and unfortunately that included her last guess. There was a military officer's suit.. Cicero was leading him right to the house. That idiot! Ignoring the sticks and rocks digging into her bare feet, and the tearing of the pajamas she had put back on in anticipation of a lazy day, Naomi took off at a sprint towards the armor suit, slowly building speed..

Should she hit, she would surprisingly knock it back several feet, if not more, and hopefully he wouldn't be able to see the house anymore, and hopefully he would be more focused on Naomi and wouldn't waste his time going after Cicero and the rest.
"Easy there wolf-boy, let's not do anything stupid. It'd be shame to have to muzzle you." This was a very serious situation, and yet seriously, Michael couldn't help not play the 'soldier' role. After all he was wearing a highly-militarized-combat-battle-suit. Realistically, he meant them no harm... IF they hadn't injured the girl.

An eyebrow arched up towards the cowering boy, "I never said you did anything. Maybe you're telling me you didn't do anything out of guilt?" He glared at them, the suits readings were certainly accurate. And from what he could tell, there was no other current explanation. Yet it was still a suspicious situation nonetheless, were they powered?

So, why are you in such a rush eh? From the emotional readings I detect high-levels of panic, stress, concern and fear. All muddled up, The emotions could mean manslaughter... Did you accidently kill her? Critically injure her? From what I gather; there isn't a hospital in the direction your running for another 26 miles." Holy crap, this suit was awesome! It was like wearing a lower-powered version of the internet.

@Cicero @TromboneGeek (I'll react to your sudden attack after a another post from the above three.
:P )
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"N-no r-really. W-We d-didn't d-do a-anything. I-I p-promise." Shuzo says before dissapearing into some nearby shadows out of fear. @Archon

Matt understand what Naomi was doing and immediately jumped in himself. Running through the dense trees, he took a knife out of his pocket to pretend he was a robber. "What's with the suit, robo-man?" the boy asked, pointing the knife at him. He glanced back at Cicero and Shuzo, but said nothing. They needed to run soon, before things got even more intense than they were. He didn't care what happened to Naomi or the two boys he was helping, but he and Tabby were going to survive this.

Ooc: Btw @Archon Shuzo is a guy lol.​
"I'M NOT A...i'm not a wolf you stupid bucket head are you sure that tinfoil you using for eyes is working?" He asked the guy as he looked for Shuzo 'Good he must of used his powers to get away now I don't have to worry.' He said to himself "We didn't kill her she just fell unconscious shes one of my only close friends." He tried to explain to the guy still trying to hold the urge to run or set tab down and fight the guy "Can you just let me go I really need to take care of her so just go on your way before I get some water and make you rust in your crappy wanna be robo cop outfit." He said to the guy losing patience and getting more worried by how long it takes to talk to this guy is losing his changes to safe Tab's life 'Dang it man just leave why is that so hard for you to understand.' He thought to himself
As they argued, Tabitha was only getting worse by the minute. She was pale and feverish, but even worse- it had gotten to the point where she was shaking. Even in her sleep, her weak hands were clinging to Cicero, as if she knew who her life was depending on right now.

'Dang it Tab just hold on.' He thought "Can you guys talk to robo cop wanna be i'll take care of Tab." He said while running into the cabin and setting her on her bed and getting towels to clean her ears along with a bowl of cold water and placed another towel on her head hoping that will work "Please wake up Tab please...I love you so please wake up." He pleaded while holding her hand not knowing if it help but he tried all that he knew
"Who-o-ho-ho, hostility? I tell ya, your emotions are through the roof. A little angsty are we? Tell-ya-what, you put her down, you let me examine her health in this 'Robo-Cop' outfit, and then MAYBE I let you go if you're telling the truth? Sound good? Well, if it doesn't Too bad. From my perspective, you ay very well be her attackers." Michael scanned about briefly, noticing how the other by had slipped off into the shadows, trying t remain hidden; too bad Robo-Cop here had environmental scanning systems.

Hastily, he began to pace towards the angry teenager, alas life was never simple... He stared at the new appearance for who burst through the trees so suddenly for a few moments, a guy waving a knife about at him. "A kn - knife? Ahahahahahah! Oh... man... a knife?! My lungs!" Michael continued to laugh, unable to hold back tears at the ridiculous challenge. "Hey, look buddy. I don't know if you think you're Rambo or wh- Umphhh!"

His monologue was cut off, something, or someone hit him; and hit him with a LOT of force. Yet the reflective nature of the suit allowed him to react in a split second, pulling the attacker back with him, grappling all the while. After a violent crash-landing, he rose to his feet and glared at the person who had just charged him. "Alright kiddo, no more games. You and your little gang of powered criminals are going down. Starting with you, Rhino-Girl!" Michael's tone took on a serious edge, and he took a battle stance; before charging the hand-cannon, in 2 seconds, a large laser bean would fire towards her, though not overtly powerful. At close range, it was enough to easily incapacitate.

@Cicero @TromboneGeek
Naomi's eyes narrowed, and she forced officer down and slipped out of his grasp using her small size. She ended up behind him, kicking him in the back with hopes of at least making him stagger. Being trained to be a super-soldier like she was, despite her age, Naomi would be hard to defeat; and if she had to, she'd start moving herself, although that could prove fatal.

Calvin was watching from a distance, not wanting to reveal himself unless he had no choice. The suit reminded him of one of the tests he had heard about, an earlier try for the whole super-soldier deal. Naomi, though, was only a child, and while she could take a lot, her power was exhausting to use.

For now, Calvin decided, he would watch, and if he had to he would tear that suit to shreds to protect Naomi.
Shuzo watches from the shadows. "I feel bad just watching though." He say to himself before stepping out of the shadows. "H-Hey! L-leave h-her a-alone!" Shuzo yells at Micheal. @Archon
Nate had been watching the situation, he looked to Hunter. "Stay." He orders. Before shifting into his wolf form. He charges the unsuspecting military man quickly from behind, before lunging from the trees. He opens his jaws wide, his ivory teeth glint. He snaps his jaws around the man's shoulder, inches from his throat. With a mighty toss, he flings the man away from the group memberso behind him. The massive black wolf narrows his gaze onto the man, his fur bristling and his massive fangs bared. He stands his ground, not flinching, or attacking any further. He glances toward Matt, and the others for a moment, noticing Tab, he whines softly. He then turns back onto the military man, and growls loudly. The sound was blood-chilling, deep, and monster-like. You're not going to touch them. The growl filled the man's head, it was Nate'stood voice. Back off.
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Ooc: Ok, I just thought you said a male and a female in the woods earlier...

Bic: Matthew's eyes dashed toward Cicero the second he saw the boy run off with Tabitha. Part A of his plan was complete- now he just had to give them some time- something that would be easy to get. Holding his knife firmly, Matthew actually jumped unto the man! He tried to find a dent in the armour, something that his knife could pierce through, but unfortunately there was nothing. Realizing his position, Matt knew what he had to do. It felt childish, but without hesitation the boy wrapped his arms around the man's neck in an attempt to suffocate him. He didn't plan on killing the guy, despite how tempting the idea was. All he had to do was hang on for long enough, and Tabitha could safely hide away.

Tabitha was still incredibly weak, but she somehow managed to open her eyes, just barely. "Cee..." she wanted to try to pronounce his name again, but her voice was too weak to do so right now. She coughed twice. Why was she in so much pain? She could barely remember...​
"Its ok Tab don't try and talk here have some water." He said handing her a bottle of water "I'm so glad your ok I thought I...I mean everyone lost you." He said smiling and embarrassed at what he just said and for noticing he was still holding her hand 'Dang it make a fool out of your self some more Cicero.' He thought to himself "You should rest and take it easy." He said still smiling at her
Michael was about to throw his fist out; and then his eyes widened, "You're not even old enough to tie your own laces!?" Unfortunately, the little devil actually kept attacking him. she was also hitting with what had to be the force of a champion boxer. With grace, Michael utilized his speed to glide away from the child, and think of what the hell was going on. Did this group of powered criminals really have a child in their ranks?

Suddenly, someone approaches Michael from behind; it was the boy from earlier, the one who ran off, "Leave HER alone? I haven't touched the child! Yet she's trying to play with me like some oversized action-figure!"

With another glide Michael gazed in the distance of a structure, forgetting about the underaged female Mike Tyson, and the other guy. A house, reasonably large, and secluded. Did they live there? The man began to doubt the whole situation; they couldn't have been criminals... Or perhaps they were, but not the type he was originally going to battle. "Hey, I think there's been a misun-"

Then, a rather spectacularly one-sided ambush. First, a very, very oversized dog attempted to chew through his shoulder-plating, causing him to fall back under its massive weight, luckily he utilized the leap of the animal to throw its weight off of him, alas, before he could repeat what he just tried to say; another man hilariously leaped onto his back, what he was trying to do was beyond Michael's scope of knowledge. "
What on... earth are you doing?" Michael noticed the clothing; it was the same guy who threatened him with a knife... "You really do think your Rambo don't you?!" He asked with amusement. Not many people attempted to strangle Robo-Cop with their bare hands. Unfortunately, getting the man off his back was difficult without inflicting fatal injury; so Michael ended up flailing around, in an attempt to throw the guy off.
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Nate watches the others run, listens for a moment. He growls, before biting onto Mat's shirt, slightly cutting into his skin. "Get off!" Nate growls, before putting one massive paw on the robot-man's back and prying Matt off. "Just listen for a second!" He barks, showing his teeth at their leader. He shoves the new man away with his mighty paw. He shifts back into his human form. "What are you hear for? Just to terrorize us? We aren't going back, so you should leave, unless you want to die."

Tabitha took the bottle of water with one hand, but didn't drink. Instead, she grabbed unto his hand and put it to the side of her face. "Thank you." she whispered, closing her eyes and without even asking, using his hand as a pillow. This only lasted a few minutes however, before she thought of how uncomfortable it must be for him to just stand there. "Sit down next to me." she ordered, only to bring a hand to her throat a second later- it was still so sore, so talking was more difficult than usual.

"Rambo? I'm sorry, but I don't understand that." Matt answered, partly clinging unto the man for dear life and partly to help the others. It was dizzying, the way the man flailed about, but the fact he was flailing only made Matt more certain that his plan was working. Finally, being pried off by the guy who helped Matt earlier, he stood up and looked at the guy. Was he focused enough to stay away from the cabin, or would Matt have to scare him off once and for all? Despite how heavy-built he looked, this machine was clearly a man: A man who could be killed.

Ooc: Nobody's officially leader YET! :P But Matt will be, once the characters know each other better.​
Naomi watched with wary eyes, and Calvin revealed himself, uncaring whether the robot-suit-guy would recognize him or not. Naomi sat on the ground next to Calvin, who had taken to leaning tiredly against a tree. "Out with it, then," he said, waiting for the man's response. If he was a true threat, Calvin decided he would deal with the man personally. Otherwise, he would demand the group leave him be.

"He could be useful," Naomi murmured, shifting casually in her spot to cover her words up under the rustle and crackle of leaves and twigs. Calvin nodded, observing the armor the man wore.

"Combat Armor 79AB. Hm. Quite the early release compared to what they're making today," Calvin noted in a bored voice, adjusting his glasses. He used to motion to rub at his temples a bit, trying to quell that blasted headache.

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