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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

(Ooc: I'll be online later tonight, personal problems accused yesterday. After school I'll reply. Someone please send me a DM or whats going on, thanks.)
Ely bit his lip hard as he turned to walk away. It wasn't his style to back down but he also didn't want to pick a fight. And then the kid had to comment on the 'doll face' thing. A tight lipped smile crossed Ely's face as he turned back around to face the boy.

He crossed over and knelt down in front of him, not caring that his eyes were closed. "Well, you see, doll face, there's a little something called being gay. Do you have a problem with that?"

It wouldn't have been the first time Ely had dealt with a bunch of homophobes, and he doubted it would be his last. He was used to it and knew how to handle it. Sarcasm was what he considered to be his greatest weapon.

((Sorry about last night. I crashed.))
Cicero said:
Taken back by the action and surprised "Yea no problem i'm Cicero nice to officially meet you without trying to steal from each other...but more or less its bound to happen." He said smiling offering to shake hands and a towel in the other "Here I don't know how this will help just seemed like a good idea to bring it." He said smiling
Sakura nodded and took the towel. "Thanks." She usually slept in alleyways without disturbing anyone with her dreams. She could get a full night's sleep out there, alone. She didn't know why she followed these people. She didn't even like any of them. Why was Cicero being nice to her when she was so rude to him? "Where is everyone else?" She asked.
There was a loud crashing upstairs as the officials began flinging stuff around in an attempt to find anything hidden. When they threw the wardrobe aside, it came off extremely easy and revealed.. nothing. With an annoyed yell, the captain could be heard saying to retreat and that they would search more later on, and the steps retreated.

"Just barely finished it all on time," Calvin murmured.

"Now," he began, but he paused and tossed some earmuffs to Tabitha so she wouldn't have exploding ears should something happen. He continued, "They're gone, and I think we should all rest, and in the morning we'll start planning. If you want me to help you find a cure, you should let me know either right now or later if you're self-conscious for some stupid reason. As long as you all calm down, we'll be fine, I suppose."

"I can show you guys where the rooms are and you guys can pick one for yourself, just no fighting over any. They're all relatively the same," Naomi piped up.
"Oh their all down stairs but I think they might be coming up to sleep so if you have any nightmares just find my room and tell me I will be glad to help." He said smiling and then he turned back and headed down the stairs 'Well I guess its to you can make friends if your nice to people and not trying to steal everything they own.' He said while he but the earmuff's on her ear so she didn't have to hear everything and can tolerate him yelling a little more and he couldn't help but smile with her here he might be able to tolerate Doggy boy long enough he won't try to kill him "Ok girl can you show me where the beds are." He said while picking Tab up so she could sleep on an actual bed and not have to use him as a pillow even though he didn't mind

Matthew looked at Cicero for a second like he was crazy. "What do you want with a street rat like her?" were the words he initially thought of saying, but then realized Cicero was just as much one as she was. After thinking for a while, he finally thought of something. "Something couples-" he stopped talking at the sound of Calvin's voice. He was going to say "Something that couples do together." but the sound of the last soldiers clearing away, and Calvin's murmuring were all too much for the hyper-alert Matthew to not notice.

"I'll sleep on the floor." Matthew decided, figuring that there wouldn't be enough beds for everyone and not really caring if there were. He had been up since the early, early morning- not seven o'clock like his partner Tabitha. He didn't always, but sometimes he stole drugs under the veil of night, to sell the next. He guessed that didn't even come close to what some of the people around him have done, but at least they felt regret. Whenever Matt saw a lost and barely alive drug addict wobbling toward him, all he could think about was how desperate this person would be- and how much money that would bring him.

Tabitha was muttering things in her sleep, along with making some really over exaggerated expressions. "Needle..." was the first word she said, quietly but clearly. Her face looked troubled, as if she was a child and the doctor had just come in to see her. For a while, she was silent- before mumbling something about a fire- it was hard to tell what else she was saying due to how poorly she pronounced it in her unconscious state. "Cee... ro." were the last sounds she made before going silent and probably, falling into a deeper sleep.

Ooc: ^_^
Shuzo makes it down into the basement and walks into the room everyone else is in. He notices all the people sleeping. "S-sorry i-if I-I'm w-waking a-anyone u-up, b-but I-I n-needed a-a p-place t-to s-stay a-and s-someone l-let m-me i-in. He said timidly. @Cicero @TromboneGeek @Xx\-Katherine\-xX @Cyber Wolf
Ooc:Who's Ceero is he a character I missed cause if so I some how missed his post completely ; )

"Something couples what Matthew you there." He said to him while still making sure Tab was asleep before hearing Ceero. 'Was she trying to say Cicero or does she know someone called Ceero...and I thought my name was the weirdest name possible.' He thought while looking at Tab then he heard someone talk it sounded like a boy "Uh hello my name's Cicero whats yours?" He asked the boy smiling still trying not to make any movement to wake the sleeping Tab
((Ldybug, I'm gonna pretend you just took forever to show yourself, since the doorway to the passage/stairs is sealed.) "You're down here, you might as well stay," Calvin replied crossly.

Naomi shook her head when Matt spoke up. "There's plenty of rooms, and sleeping on this floor will have you wake up sore and freezing. Trust me on that." She turned towards a hallway that had several rooms on each side, more than enough for the experiments. "When Calvin began planning this rebellion deal, which was long before I was born, he built this place. He made a lot of rooms with the excuse for housing his personal experiments, but really figured he would need help if he ever tried anything." She began to walk into it, leading the way.

Most of the rooms we the same: a plain bed with a thick, dark blue-gray blanket; a desk with a lamp sitting on it and three drawers; a dresser with a mirror; and they had carpet, keeping the stone floor from freezing one's feet off. The only difference was Calvin's room, whose desk was littered with papers, and there was a board on one wall with more paper; and Naomi's room, which had books upon books all around, stacked on the desk, or placed carefully in a bookshelf. Both were at the end of the hallway.

"Choose a room, and it belongs to you so you get to do whatever you want with it! Just don't keep it looking like Calvin's." The child giggled, watching as people went to pick their rooms.
"M-my n-name i-is S-Shuzo. N-nice t-to m-meet y-you C-Cicero." Shuzo replies to Cicero's question. @Cicero
"Nice to meet you too Shuzo." He said smiling and then picked up Tab and walked to a room. "Shuzo you might wanna pick a room." He said to the boy while he walk in a room and laid her in the bed. He then walked back over to Matthew "So as you were saying Something couples what?" He asked his face getting warm with just the though of hanging out with Tab 'At least he didn't laugh so I guess that's a good thing?' He told himself even though it was more like a question
TromboneGeek said:
((Ldybug, I'm gonna pretend you just took forever to show yourself, since the doorway to the passage/stairs is sealed.) "You're down here, you might as well stay," Calvin replied crossly.
Naomi shook her head when Matt spoke up. "There's plenty of rooms, and sleeping on this floor will have you wake up sore and freezing. Trust me on that." She turned towards a hallway that had several rooms on each side, more than enough for the experiments. "When Calvin began planning this rebellion deal, which was long before I was born, he built this place. He made a lot of rooms with the excuse for housing his personal experiments, but really figured he would need help if he ever tried anything." She began to walk into it, leading the way.

Most of the rooms we the same: a plain bed with a thick, dark blue-gray blanket; a desk with a lamp sitting on it and three drawers; a dresser with a mirror; and they had carpet, keeping the stone floor from freezing one's feet off. The only difference was Calvin's room, whose desk was littered with papers, and there was a board on one wall with
more paper; and Naomi's room, which had books upon books all around, stacked on the desk, or placed carefully in a bookshelf. Both were at the end of the hallway.

"Choose a room, and it belongs to you so you get to do whatever you want with it! Just don't keep it looking like Calvin's." The child giggled, watching as people went to pick their rooms.
Ooc: Why am I sad you didn't at least make it only five bedrooms, so people will be forced to share a room? xD Lol I'm a sadistic individual sorry!

Bic: Matthew ignored what both of them said- he hated sleeping in a bed for too long. The softness of them alone made him feel like he was sinking. "Thanks." he told the 12-year old and her stupid scientist friend before closing the door- or at least he planned to, before a noisy Cicero came barging in. Sighing, the boy sat on the edge of the bed in order to talk to him more comfortably- he wouldn't admit it, but he had been running all day so his legs were tired. "Tabitha likes doing stuff that couples do together." he explained, running a tired hand through his hair. He glanced at this Cicero guy- what did Tabitha see in him? He knew both of them were pretending there was nothing there, but Matt found himself all too good at reading people. He was sure though, that the others could at least sense the feelings between the two of them also. "You've had a relationship before right?" he asked. It wasn't like he had, at least not a romantic one, but at least he understood how to have one. Both Tabitha and Cicero were too oblivious for their own good. Even though he'd never admit it, this made him worry for his girl companion. "Some things couples do are simple, like going on dates." he suggested. "Some other things... are more complicated." With an amused expression on his face, he grabbed Cicero's chin to hold him in place, before gently putting his lips against the boys. He wasn't being serious of course, but he knew it'd keep the guy from bothering him again. Pulling away, Matt's face looked serious and almost even angry. "Don't come in my room again." he growled, pushing the boy away from him. He hated people- was that not obvious already?


Ooc: I'm... I'm just sorry Cicero! Lol

:P Matt is a lot of things, but nice isn't one of them.​
Ooc: Its fine thats why theres a pause and the start of my character hes stunned that matt kissed him

"...But I kinda never had a relationship before I had to live on the streets when I was little until I was but in the lab sooo I know i'm bothering you but I really do need your help your the only one thats been around Tab since we all escaped the lab so please just help me and i'll leave you alone." He more or less was pleading at this point he doesn't know why but he couldn't help being like this if it involved Tab or himself being happy
Now it was time for Matt to be surprised. How persistent was this guy?! Realizing he wasn't going to get any sleep until he helped this poor soul "woo" his lover, or whatever word he wanted to use. "Fine." he said, raising his hands up in defeat. He was still a little pissed that this guy wasn't in the least bothered by him, at least right now, with thoughts of Tabitha rooted so strongly in his mind. Standing up from the bed, he turned to Cicero and pointed to him as if he expected the boy to salute of something. "To impress a girl, especially one like Tabitha, you just need to learn what couples do- and table manners. I mean, I know the girl's not the best, but I highly doubt you can even pick up a fork properly." He said that as if the very idea of holding utensils in a different way than most people was absolutely dreadful. He thought for a few moments, before asking "Have you ever been on a date? The place doesn't have to expensive, but definitely make sure you're doing something that'll require you two to spend time together. Tabs can't roller-skate though it's a low-risk activity, so that would be a good first option... or a park, if you're a boring person who goes on dates with smokers, like me." Matt grinned, remembering his so-called "date". It had really just been a meeting with another drug addict, a customer of higher value, but toward the end of it Matt somehow ended up making out with the guy- he was fairly young, though the fact he smoked so much had aged him. Surprisingly, his teeth were beautiful however- it was only a week later that Matt learned the guy got shot and that he was a rich kid from a family of oral pathologists. "So, any ideas for a "date?"" Matt asked, having a bad feeling about whatever he chose. He was kind, so he was sure Tabitha would be okay with him... but the fact he seemed so hopelessly oblivious didn't bode well for either of them.

"I can hold a fork see I got one in my pocket...I think its right...here." He said digging though his pockets and holding it like he was going to stab someone"And for table manners...it can't be that hard to learn...right?" He asked Matt some what smiling because he doesn't have a single clue about table manners "But anyway see told you I know how to hold a fork." He said putting it back in his pockets"and as for a date....well no I've actually never been on one in my life...but how about a....scary movie or something is that a good idea?" He asked Matt while taking a cookie out of his pocket and started to eat it "Wait can we sneak in or do I actually have to pay cause if so i'm going to have to make a 'withdraw' from the bank?" He said while sitting down on the floor

Matt did his best not to glare at Cicero, but it was hard. First this guy couldn't hold a fork, and then he asks if he should rob a bank or not?" He sighed. Tabby was going to have a hard time with this one. "You will not rob a bank in a city like this," he warned. "And this," he instructed, taking the fork from the boy's pocket. "Is how you hold a fork properly." He gave the fork back to the boy so he could practice doing what Matthew just showed him. "Scary movies are actually a good idea, but I'd rather pay for the tickets myself than have you draw more attention to us, especially if you're bringing Tabitha along with you to your robbery." For Matt to say he'd pay for it was actually rather generous. "However," he said, giving Cicero a look that said he meant business. "No movies involving needles, drugs, surgeries, or singing women. Understand?" It limited their options quite a bit, but Tabitha had seen enough of the first three, he was sure. As for the last one... well, Tabitha could tell him about that when she was ready. Yawning, Matt actually considered sleeping on the bed for once due to the way his body ached- he could practically hear a pop! sound every time he moved one of his legs or shoulders. "If you'd let me sleep," he muttered. "I'll tell you what else a good boyfriend does in the morning. Remember, think 'gentleman.'" he advised.

'Think gentleman' Cicero couldn't help but laugh even if it was a little to loud to wake people up he just couldn't help it "Matthew you funny your asking the one guy on the world who's the complete opposite to act gentleman." He said laughing "But ok fine if its for Tab I guess i'll try and I guess practice with the fork so its no like your going to stab someone but like this?" He asked holding the fork like Matthew said 'This might be harder then it looks to get use to.' He thought will looking at the fork like its some sort of disease

Matthew didn't laugh. He was actually thinking of how ungentlemanly he was at the moment, but it wasn't like he'd tell Cicero that. "If you've ever eaten some good pasta, you should know it's impossible to just stab it, like you're trying to do right now." He really just wanted to be left alone, but it seemed like that was impossible these days. "Now get out. If you're not careful, I'll... I don't know, unleash my gayness on you or whatever." he half-heartedly warned as he wrapped the bed's blanket around here. It was so warm... the heat was almost suffocating. Without even realizing it, Matt was smiling- he could definitely get used to this, not that he had any intention to.

Ooc: Nobody allow Matt to get sleep! ^_^ Hehe, I love torturing my characters, even though I consider them my children basically lol... Nobody ever let me reproduce, not that I have the intention to ofc.​
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Ely, who had basically been ignored by the kid, Matt, he had learned, had followed quietly behind him and the cat boy. He stood silently beside the door, keeping an ear out, listening in to the conversation. He couldn't help but snicker a little. The fact that this guy was giving cat boy dating tips was highly amusing to him.

'...I might have to unleash my gayness on you.'

Ely's eyebrows shot up to the heavens. So the kid was gay? He had assumed so, but, well, he did his best not to judge based on the way people acted. Sure, Matt was your average gay kid, but when you were gay you always could find your...kind. Ely smirked, this was as good of an opportunity to slip in as any.

"So you can force your gay on a straight boy but I can't call you doll face? That's a pretty good philosophy isn't it, doll face?"

Ely leaned against the door frame, dark brown eyes staring straight into Matt's. He knew he shouldn't be quite so forward, but it was awful funny to see the kid's reaction. The way he got this almost determined look on his face was really quite adorable to Ely. Determination had always been a quality he admired.


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