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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

iiimee said:
but he was good at making deals and smooth-talking people when it had to be done
Ooc:Are you talking about Matt cause me confused?
Cicero said:
Ooc:Are you talking about Matt cause me confused?
Yep! ^_^ All the while she's using Cicero as a pillow, she's praising her friend in her mind lol. Poor innocent Tabitha doesn't realize what she's doing to people.
Ely's gaze twisted from the boy who had brought them down to this God forsaken place to the one who just spoke. He was telling them to be quiet. Between that and the girl asking him to calm down, Ely's frustration was at an all time high. He wouldn't get angry though. If he did, things could get noisy and then they'd be caught. And if they were caught...well, he didn't want to think about that right now.

Ely's actions were simple and straight forward. He wouldn't yell, but he would get in this kid's face. His booted feet walked across the metal floors, closing the space between him and the guy. His face came inches away from the other boy's. The tension was palpable. Ely took a deep breath, running his tongue over his teeth.

"And who the hell are you to tell us what to do?"

Ely wasn't saying he wouldn't listen, but he did like to challenge people, in more ways than one.

Ooc:Wow lol ok

At this moment Cicero's faces was completely red and he doesn't think he can hide that so he just took his hood off hoping no one would she the red on his face "Uuuhh..hey Ta-Tab...wh-what are you doing ex-exactly?" He said stuttering confused by what Tab was doing and scared people would get the wrong idea about what's going on. I mean Cicero is gladly happy to help but she could of waited to answer and this is the first time he stuttered at anything 'Could I really like...no love her...Yea she's beautiful,nice,and fun to tease...but will she like me back if I ask...No I don't think I should she might say no and ruin our friendship if you can call it that.' He thought just smiling and becoming even more red then he thought was possible
[QUOTE="Xx-Katherine-xX]Ely's gaze twisted from the boy who had brought them down to this God forsaken place to the one who just spoke. He was telling them to be quiet. Between that and the girl asking him to calm down, Ely's frustration was at an all time high. He wouldn't get angry though. If he did, things could get noisy and then they'd be caught. And if they were caught...well, he didn't want to think about that right now.
Ely's actions were simple and straight forward. He wouldn't yell, but he would get in this kid's face. His booted feet walked across the metal floors, closing the space between him and the guy. His face came inches away from the other boy's. The tension was palpable. Ely took a deep breath, running his tongue over his teeth.

"And who the hell are you to tell us what to do?"

Ely wasn't saying he wouldn't listen, but he did like to challenge people, in more ways than one.

@Xx\-Katherine\-xX @Cicero [/center]

Calvin watched everything with narrowed eyes. He shoved his hands into the pocket to hide the shaking, but Naomi noticed.

"Guys.. Please calm down.." she called out in a loud-ish whisper, hoping she could get everyone's attention.

"That lab is not to do experiments with, only to keep me and Naomi alive; I have issues and Naomi can't function without a daily dose of mako, a drawback of leaving the labs early. I was also trying to find a cure. The things I have done to myself make things too complex, and Naomi is made of the shit, so we can't be helped. But if you are willing, I can try and find a cure for you bunch.

"BUT, our first priority is surviving."
Most probably wouldn't notice the sudden crack in Calvin's glasses. Naomi remained silent.

(I'm practically daring someone to attack Calvin xD )
"Uhh no its fine its just that...well I don't know what Matthew would approve of you laying in my lap or hugging my arm if you barely know me." He said even though that might have been the worse excuse ever even by him 'Should I just tell her I mean I can explain...Agh this it impossible...wait isn't there a girl that can read my mind where is she I could kinda use her help right now...well any way Hunter if your reading this please tell me what to do because I kinda like Tab but i don't know if I should tell her.' He asked her after a while he sighed "No its fine Tab if your tired you might wanna go to sleep i'll wake you up and explain it to you when its over." He said with his red face and a smile. Cicero knows he loves her but he just doesn't know how to tell her he wasn't talk to anyone in the lab or in the streets when he was little but he decide if he just act how hes been acting it should be fine
Ely, although shocked, wasn't phased much. He had seen plenty of people with the same marks, the same stories. He wouldn't let this shortie get to him. The fact that he was trying to use a sob story against him was utterly ridiculous.

"Guess what, drama queen, you aren't the only one with a sob story. I've seen hundreds of people go through what you went through and worse. And that was just in six months."

His whole spiel about Ely being a damsel in distress what really got to him though. He damn sure didn't need rescuing. And it certainly wasn't what he was looking for.

"Don't go around parading yourself as some knight in shining armor, doll face. I'm positive every person in this room is capable of taking care of themselves. We all made it out of those labs, didn't we? How many people here needed your help to do it, huh? You make yourself out to be some big, bad hero but guess what?" Ely stepped back towards him, bending down to stare into his eyes. He could smell his hot breath bouncing back off the guy's face, it smelled of winter green gum and a hint of dip, a habit he taken up after the lab escape. It helped calm him. "I think you're just afraid of being alone and the idea of everyone relying on you helps relieve that."

Hunter latched onto a thought suddenly. She had heard her name and usually that meant someone was thinking about - or in this case, to - her. She glanced around for the face to match the face.

Her blue eyes locked with Cicero's and she smiled. She had known it from the moment she had watched him and Tabby together that he liked her. She wasn't sure what kind of advice to give him though. She couldn't even piece together her own relationship. So she sent a thought back.

'Hell if I know, I can barely handle my relationship problems. What makes you think I can help you with yours?'

The crack on Calvin's glasses spread. He walked forwards, glaring at both Ely and Matt.

"If you want me to continue my hospitality, I suggest both of you shut the hell up," he growled. His voice was as cold as ice, and Naomi flinched as a shard of glass fell onto the floor, making the damage obvious now.

"Cal.." she called out quietly, in an attempt to get the man's attention, but she went ignored. She picked up one of the feathers that had started to appear around Calvin, running her fingers along its smooth edge in an attempt to focus and think of a better way to get Calvin to calm down.

Matthew frowned. Clearly this guy misunderstood him. Alone? The thought never even occurred to him, but now that he thought of it, he'd much rather be so. In fact, it made him smile.

"Whatever man." the boy said, raising his hands up in mock defeat and taking several steps back. Matt wasn't sure if this was the end, but he sure as Hell hoped it was- this guy seemed beyond paranoid, like Matt was trying to get pity out of him or something. 'What a joke.' the boy casually thought to himself as he went over to sit down by Cicero and a sleepy, cuddly Tabitha. He at first just wanted that to be the end of it, especially with an impatient scientist glaring at him, but the temptation was too great. "What man would call me a doll face?" he asked quietly, though he was sure that everyone in the room could hear it- just what he wanted. It was petty, but it seemed this guy thought of him as petty, so why not make it true? Done with embarrassing the male, Matt put his hands behind his head to lay down on the cold ground.

"She's innocent, y'know." Matt finally commented after a few minutes. Turning to Cicero, he gave the other boy a menacing look, as if he himself were the father of Tabitha. "Tabby may be nice, but you should watch it- be too forward and she'll realize your little secret." He closed his eyes again and pretended to be asleep, but really Matthew was listening to the sounds of soldiers moving. It was heavy, but the repetitiveness was relaxing nonetheless.

@Xx\-Katherine\-xX @Cicero @TromboneGeek​
dorkling said:




Happening O.o
They're all in Cal's basement-lab, Ely and Matt are fighting, Cicero and Tabby are cuddling, Sakura and Nate are asleep, and Hunter is just silently talking to Cicero I guess through mind-stuff idk...
Calvin sighed, rubbing his forehead. "I see we're all settling in nicely," he muttered sarcastically, sitting in a chair. He looked at the others in the group, thinking.

"It would probably be best if we all got organize and stuff before coming up with a plan. The government will be doing sweeps on this place probably for the next month, so we can't exactly leave with ease. Does anyone protest to this?"

Naomi, as Calvin was talking, had walked over to the lab area, grabbing hold of a large, dark, thick curtain and pulling it across to hide the lab from everyone's eyes, hoping it would make them feel better. She pulled the loop on the side over a hook to keep the curtain in place before moving to lean against Calvin's chair.
Shuzo walks around the cabin, looking for other people. He soon finds the basement and starts going down the stairs. @TromboneGeek
'I don't know it was just a thought...literally well thanks any way good luck with your relationship problems to be honest I think it would be better to just tell him.' He said to her "Uhh...Wh-what do you mea-mean?" He asked Matthew trying to see what he meant he was confused 'What was he talking about my little secret did he mean...How did no that can't be it...hopefully even if he does know hes not the type of person to blackmail someone is he I really hope not.' He told himself scared he might tell Tab he had feelings for her and that stare was what he was scared but he didn't get punched so that was a good thing right but his face was still beat red and he didn't want to wake up Tab to tell her how he feels and he looked back at Matt 'Hes the only one that really knows her I guess I can him to help me even though it will most likely be a no.' He thought "Hey Matthew I was wondering since you been with Tab the most if you can help me by telling me what she likes so I can get them for her as a gift." He whispered to him even though it was more like a plead

Ali'ikai was soon lost in all the chaos, but managed to arrive in a wooded area.

Way different compared to the forests/jungles in Koluakona..

Ali took deep breathes, her gaze flicking across the area, trying to figure out where the others went.

The Hawaiian female soon began to worry, the sun slowly sinking below the horizon.

If I can't find them soon... I might as well try to gather together a fire and temporary shelter until morning..

She ran a hand through her lengthy dark hair, sighing.​
"Sakura wake up its just a nightmare wake up." He said to her trying not to yell and shaking her trying to wake her up. 'Dang it why did it have to be scientist why not cookies or something else anything.' He yelled in his thoughts while trying to wake her up (I know it was way shorter then 6 lines but I have to go to bed soon so yea)
Sakura jolted awake. She was sweating and shaking from the dream. The illusions disappeared and she sat up. She realized the thief boy was touching her and her eyes widened. "Thanks" She muttered. "I never officially met you. I'm Sakura." She realized this was an awkward time for introductions, but she was tired of calling him "thief boy". @Cicero
Taken back by the action and surprised "Yea no problem i'm Cicero nice to officially meet you without trying to steal from each other...but more or less its bound to happen." He said smiling offering to shake hands and a towel in the other "Here I don't know how this will help just seemed like a good idea to bring it." He said smiling
Ooc: I have to go to bed now so good night everyone and Sakura try not to steal anything from my character no matter how tempting and will you be on tomorrow because I think we all will be on or at least some of us
((I actually can't be on at all tomorrow, please don't do too much without me. Night @Cicero I'm going to bed too.))
Eddy ran through a dark alleyway, his thoughts as panicked as he was. Stopping to catch his breath, Eddy slumped against the wall behind a dumpster. Bringing out his wallet, Eddy checked his money. Despite hopes to the contrary, more money hadn't magically appeared in Eddy's wallet. As his eyes found that particular disappointment, they caught on a picture of him and his family that he kept inside his wallet. His eyes teared up and Eddy flinched like he was hit. Drawing his legs into himself, Eddy hugged them as he calmly thought to himself, Only 65 more dollars. I'll probably get fired once the boss finds out I'm an experiment, I'll need a new job. Clenching his fists, Eddy wonders why he had to find other experiments as he drifts off to sleep.

@noone because Eddy is alone, in a damp, shitty alleyway
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