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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Ooc:He didnt make a character sheet he's just here for some reason

Matthew wasn't easily fazed, but he did find himself a little surprised to hear the girl cuss, even if it was only for a moment. "I'm out of here in a week." he reminded them, and even despite being cussed out, a smirk rose on his face again. These people weren't as strong as they appeared, and he knew they'd have to physically sedate him just to keep him there- using supplies he was sure this runaway scientist couldn't afford to lose. He went to the kitchen to find an apple- no luck. By the time he came back however, two more things occurred. The first was that Mr. Scientist had gotten a headache. 'Poor baby...' the boy thought cheerfully, before turning to look at the other interesting scene. At first, it hadn't even striked him as interesting, but walking down the stairs and into the lab was a small but well-built blonde, who was carrying around the man from earlier. 'Who is he?' Matthew secretly wondered, before shaking the thought out of his mind. Whatever- he needed to focus on keeping Tabitha alive, not romance.

In the lab, Tabitha quickly ran up to the newcomers to greet them. "Who are you?" she whispered with a big grin on her face.

@Xx\-Katherine\-xX @TromboneGeek @Cicero​
((The reason there's no CS is because I'd like to make as little about him know as possible, part of this character is that he's made more and more clear as it goes))

"Me? Well, I guess you could say that."
BELL said:
((The reason there's no CS is because I'd like to make as little about him know as possible, part of this character is that he's made more and more clear as it goes))
"Me? Well, I guess you could say that."
Ooc: X_X I was just asking, not in RP lol sorry. Also, even if they're mysterious something should be known about them >_> I'm okay with a vague character form in the sign-ups but there needs to be one nonetheless. Also, I make occasional exceptions, but overall you need to be able to write at least 6 lines worth of words, so that the story actually goes somewhere. :/ You read the plot at least... right?
Hunter, woken from the shock of seeing the lab, by the girl - Tabby - swiveled her head around to face the girl. Her eyes scanned her face. She recognized this girl. She had been drugged a lot during their time in the lab, so she probably didn't remember much about her or Nate.

She smiled softly as she spoke, "I'm Hunter. That's Nate." She pointed across the room at the boy, who currently lay on the couch. His dark hair a mess across his face. She chuckled at his messy appearance before turning back to the girl.

She had always felt so sorry for Tabitha. She was always drugged and had almost died multiple times, a lot like Hunt when they had first begun experimenting on her. Her and Nate had always done their best to keep a close eye on her, just to make sure she was safe. They had never really spoken before though and Hunt was surprised by her soft spoken manner. She had known that they had always been doing tests on her ears, so there was a possibility that had something to do with it. She couldn't know for sure though.
"No fair I just wanted to look outside how about if I go on the roof is that fine away from the commotion and I should be able to see fine and if Tab goes she can hear whats going on and I can see so pplleeaassee I can be a lot more annoying and make your headache worse so you might as well agree." He said showing his stubborn side even thought it was just to see if the cops still making a big fuss about a robbery and he totally didn't want to be alone with Tab...Well if he was they would just talk and she would must likely hit him in the face but he couldn't help but smile even if it was to himself. He couldn't explain it but it was fun hanging around Tab even if she had to whisper he could still hear her fine 'Wait why am I think about this there's no way Tab likes me like that she probably is nice to make up for Matt's rudeness there's no way she could like someone like me...STOP THINKING ABOUT THAT ALREADY WILL YA!' He mentally yelled to himself but he kept a smile on his face hoping the ex-scientist will let him go to the roof

Tabitha first looked at Hunt, before her eyes slowly shifted toward the boy on the coach. 'Wow, a normal boy.' was her first thought, before scolding herself in her mind. 'Matt's normal... and Cicero too!' Even as she tried to convince herself of these things however, she knew it was a lie- Even if this boy and girl looked normal, they were freaks just like everyone else in this lab. Having enough of the mysterious boy and girl, Tabitha looked for something else to do. "Cicero, what are you doing?" she asked in her barely audible voice, walking over to where he was. (I don't know if he's up or downstairs, sorry.) She sat on the floor next to him, her emerald eyes scanning him with sudden interest. She had talked to him more than anyone here, but she still barely knew him.

@Cicero @Xx\-Katherine\-xX​
((You can make a CS, that'd be pretty cool. It's up to you, though we'd appreciate the company.))

Calvin turned his gaze back to Cicero. "No!" He sighed. "Come on, let's get downstairs. The government is close." He barely waited for an answer, not in the mood for complaints, shoving Cicero into the passage before entering himself with Naomi and closing up the wardrobe; it locked with a click, and was now undetectable. He went down the stairs, entering the room. "I see everyone's down here, now." There was a faint crash from upstairs as the cabin door's hinges broke and the door flew inwards, and the thumping of boots as military officials entered the room. Calvin turned and pulled a thick sheet of metal down over the entrance to the stairs, locking it into place.

"No yelling, understand? And try to be quiet."

Naomi punched Calvin lightly, and he sighed.

"I suppose you want to know why there's a lab down here," he began, a tad hesitant.
"Hey don't yell you idiot if your so called a scientist from the lab you would of know Tab has sensitive hearing so try and shut up will yea." He knew he was the one that need to shut up but for some reason he couldn't bring himself to see Tab in pain do to her hearing ability. 'That must be the worst to be able to hear better then everyone and having to deal with people yelling...I wonder if there's something I can do to make it up to her?' He thought to himself while still being shoved "Ok ok no need to shove i'm going ok...you know for you delicate experiments you don't really now how to treat them better do you." He said the Calvin while looking over his shoulder hoping that would trigger something
Ooc: I'll just pretend Matthew wasn't left behind just then... You better wise up, Matthew Wise. xD Sorry to everyone who gets my joke.

Bic: Matt came down right along with the mad scientist, feeling more than a little uneasy about the situation. He said nothing in response to the other male's question. Instead, Matthew simply sat down on the sets and crossed his legs, ready to listen. "If you say we need more needles to survive or some shit, I'll kill you." he warned in a surprisingly well-mannered voice. Matthew wasn't happy with the situation, but he could be rational couldn't he? Having said all he wanted, he waited for the scientist to speak- all while carefully avoiding looking at what he knew would be a collection of surgical instruments, tubes, and all other painful monstrosities at the other side of the lab room.

Tabitha forgot what she had asked Cicero the second she heard the yelling, and while she vaguely remembered it for a second, all memories were wiped out at the sound of footsteps- and Cicero defending her. He was too loud in his defense ironically, but nonetheless it made Tabitha feel better. Grabbing unto the boy's arm, she looked up at Mr. Calvin, waiting to hear what he had to say.

@TromboneGeek @Xx\-Katherine\-xX @Cicero​
Ely, who had been silent the entire time people had been coming downstairs, especially when the wounded boy and petite blonde came down, turned suddenly to face Cal. He wanted to shove the boy against a wall. How could he not have said that he had a lab down here? Did he not realize what all of the people gathered here had been through.

He pushed himself off the wall as he spoke, taking a few steps forward. "Because we damn sure wouldn't be worried one bit about that fact that there's a fucking lab down here. One that just so happens to look exactly like the ones in the facilities."

Ely was pissed. No, pissed wasn't even a good word to describe it. He was enraged. This whole situation was horribly screwed up. The fact that this asshole would bring these people here, with promises of safety, and then lock them in a freaking lab? There was no way that it was just a coincidence.
Ooc: Trombone leaves at the worst time cause now we have to wait for her to get done practicing

Cicero noticed Tab was grabbed his arm and for some reason he felt happy about it and smiled 'Apparently I might have spoke to soon...or is she scared there's going to be more yelling and Matt doesn't like being touched?' He thought but he pushed those thought out of his head and enjoyed the moment he couldn't help but smile. But he also couldn't help but stare at her 'She's beautiful.' He told himself competently forgetting the fact that Hunter could read his mind but he couldn't help it it was the truth. He also knew he might get smacked or punched if she caught him staring at her but he really didn't care

"Calm down..." Tabitha tried to soothe the unknown boy from where she stood, though even as she did so her voice became quieter out of fear, and she quickly tried to shrink herself back, leaning into Cicero as she did so.

Matthew was starting to get annoyed- Didn't everyone here the military outside this basement?! "Be quiet now." he commanded the suddenly outspoken man with equally outspoken authority- only unlike him, Matthew could whisper. If people only saw that part of Matt, he'd actually look caring, but that was far from true. He didn't really care much about anyone here except for Tabitha, but even she wasn't as important as him saving his own neck. If this guy wouldn't shut up, the usually sarcastic and reserved Matthew would make him.

@Xx\-Katherine\-xX @Cicero

Ooc: Matt means business...​
Cicero was surprised to see Tab lean on him and he felt his face heat up so he put his hood on hopping no one would see the red on his face 'Why is my face getting red now of all times...is it because I could actually like her?'He thought to himself while looking at Tab and he just smiled "Its ok Tab there's no need to be scared." He said smiling still trying to hide the red even though it might not work. The very first moment Tab grabbed his arm he completely forgot everyone was in the room with them...and he might have ignored Matt because he had to open his mouth "Hey shut up army wanna be." He said trying to keep a whisper so Tab wouldn't get hurt
Sakura ignored almost everything that was happening. She left the thief boy alone, and watched other people do whatever they wanted to do. She wasn't even listening to any conversations. She eventually drifted to sleep, one hand on a weapon. She knew she'd have bad dreams and due to her Illusion magic, her dreams would probably prance around the room. If she dreamed about a pony, a pony would probably appear in the room. She couldn't control her powers when she was dreaming.

Scientists surrounded her, the sedative had worn off. She was struggling. She swung a punch and hit a scientist in the nose. They pinned her down and injected her with purple and clear liquids. A sedative, and an experimental liquid.
Hunt tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. She was worried. There was too much anger and nerves running through everyone. Thoughts crowded her head and she winced at the sound of multiple voices in her head.

She backed away, going back to the couch. She knelt down beside Nate and sat criss-cross. The other boy seemed to have taken charge, telling everyone to be quiet.

The sound of military boots sounded like thunder above them. Things could be heard thrown to the ground as they searched room after room. She grinded her teeth as she listened to the thoughts echoing above.

'Where are they?' 'The things I'll do when I get my hands on those mutant son of a bitches.'

She could feel a headache coming on. That plus the turning in her stomach from some of the things these officers were visualizing...Hunt just wanted to cry. She knew she couldn't do that in front of these people though. She had to tough it out. For now though, she could sit back here with Nate and keep to herself.

Tabitha was getting a headache as well, due to the noise all of the military soldiers were making upstairs. "Cicero, can I use you as a pillow?" she asked innocently, and, without waiting for an answer, wrapped one of his arms around her and put her head on his lap, instantly feeling more warm and secure than before. She trusted Matthew enough to defuse the situation, despite knowing his hot-tempered personality. There was no way she'd describe him as kind, unlike Cicero, but he was good at making deals and smooth-talking people when it had to be done.

@Cicero @Xx-Katherine-xX

Ooc: When are you ever going to post @Warb ? Just curious, though soon I'll have to get off anyway lol- it's 8:36pm, and I get off at 10pm​
Ooc: Yea bet your happy you ran away from the coffee shop instead of coming to the cabin

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