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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

TromboneGeek said:
Calvin frowned as the employee ran off. 'More trouble than he's worth.' He focused his attention back to the Hawaiian woman. "I get that I'm some random stranger and crap, but really, we should go before the-" Calvin was rudely interrupted by a heavily-armored policeman who had busted his way into the shop and aimed a large gun right at the back of the ex-scientist's head. "I suppose Naomi had to help someone.." he murmured, not moving just as the officer had commanded.
"As you can see, we really should get going," Calvin murmured to the woman, raising his hands slowly.

(This next part depends on whether Ali'ikai reacts offensively (or in any way, really) or not):

Calvin quickly moved to swat the officer aside with an arm that had turned into the wing of a bird, moving to the outside of the shop.
"This is way too much trouble for a simple fake robbery. They knew we were here," he growled, noticing the guns were aimed carefully at him mostly, with a few aimed at the Hawaiian as well. He took a step forwards, testing his boundaries, and noticed fingers tightening on triggers. "Can you tell me why you're aiming guns at civilians?" he asked calmly, but before they could answer, Naomi rocketed out of the woods as a bundle of destruction, ramming into cars (again, something she seemed to make a hobby of) and crushing many policemen in the process. However, she also managed to take several bullets; that coupled with the strain on her energy sent her to her knees. "You've gotta be kidding me.." she said, although it was more of a pained gasp with words stuffed in as her body tried to push the bullets out and heal. Calvin took the opportunity to rush over to the girl, standing over her defensively. "Any one of you touch her and I'll show you the real meaning of hell," he stated p

ainly, only a tad bit of hostility existing to darken his voice.
((Oml, Naomi is so cute, i love her cx

" Um, uh, Cashier Boy! " Ali'ikai called after him, tempted to run.

A soft sigh escaped and she returned her attention to the scientist looking man.

She opened her mouth to say something, but she was cut off as a policeman barged in, gun aimed at the back of the mans head.

She had no clue how to react, but numbly follow.

Guns. Guns everywhere. Pointed at her and the scientist.

She began to inwardly panic, unsure what to do.

Thats when a young girl rushed in and it was slight chaos.

Ali'ikai couldn't take it anymore, every near fire hydrant exploding and water spewing out, some washing away or stunning some officers.

What the hell

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"To be honest I don't think about where i'm going I just get up and move and stay in one spot until I have everything shiny from that place and that's how I've been living even before the scientist took me away." He said looking at Matthew ...Oh yea by the way when you go in the house there might be a chance Tab is sleeping so just a heads up on that." He said looking back at the sky before getting up and he started walking back to the cabin eating a cookie on the way back.
Hunter flinched as Nate's grabbed tightly onto her tiny wrist. She knew Nate was strong, but didn't know if he could control himself in this state. She felt tears spring to her eyes as he crushed her wrist, coming close to breaking it.

And then there was recognition in those beautiful dark brown eyes, and regret. He didn't know it was her. He couldn't have. He had been stuck in a drug-induced hallucination. He thought he was back. But he wasn't. He was here, with her. The only thing she could do now was make sure he felt safe. This wasn't the time, or the place, to ask about what she had seen.

So she smiled down lovingly at the boy, brushing away stray brown hairs. She murmured soothing things, like a mother to her child.

"You're okay, shhh. I would never, ever let them take you back there."

She climbed up onto the bed, sitting criss cross beside him. She adjusted the cool cloth on his forehead, wiping away more of the sticky sweat. She could do this, take care of him, for as long as was needed. Who knew what drugs they used, or how long they would last.

As she gently whispered things to Nate, her thoughts wandered back to the things she had seen. Dreams were always harder to interpret than thoughts, simply because they were less straight forward. Did Nate like her, or just think of her as a good friend? Was she his safe haven, or just someone who took care of him? None of these could be answered without Nate being fully coherent, which obviously wasn't going to happen anytime soon. Maybe if she...

"Nate, what were you dreaming about? You seemed so scared and then you just...relaxed."

She left out the part where he had almost crushed her wrist, she could already tell he felt awful about it. There was no need to deepen the wound any further.

@Cyber Wolf
Sakura had followed everyone, but hadn't been a part of the group. She never got to eat breakfast. She never had a full conversation with the guy who started questioning her in the coffee shop. She never got her nickle or cookie back. She never got to meet the familiar girl. ((IDK WHERE THEY ARE!!!))
Ely wandered the forest in his camo, which he hated. It was terribly ugly, but useful for hunting. He had lost his group and his gun earlier, not long after they had shot down a wolf, which later disappeared. In his search for it, he had wandered away and now was stuck in the middle of these god-forsaken woods.

There a sudden crashing and sounds of voices nearby. People running from...something. Ely, the curious creature he is, decided to check it out. As he followed the sound of voices, he arrived at a small little cabin in the woods. How quaint, he thought. He'd never seen the place before though. His hand fumbled on the knob as he pushed the front door open and was shocked as to the scene before him.

There was a small group of people gathered together in the front room. One of which had ears...and a tail too apparently. His eyes were wide, despite the fact that this was something he'd seen before. Back in the lab in Nashville, there had been tens of people like these. All of them lost now. Gone in an explosion, not unlike the one at the labourer recently.

"I- um, hi?"

Ely was at a loss for words, something rare for the witty boy. He removed his cap and stared at the group, open mouthed.

"Look. Before you go all psycho on me, my name's Ely. And I'm like you. Or at least I think I am. You guys are from a lab right? Where they experimented the shit out of you? Yeah, well, I'm from one of those too."

"Uh, in the famous words of the aliens, I come in peace."

@Cicero @iiimee @anyone else who's with them?
Nate swallowed hard, his head was pounding and aching as if something was digging in his brain. He sighs heavilu, everything was hurting, especially the spot on his lower back, and ribs. Getting run over wasn't his idea of fun. I did it for her.. If they hurt her.. he quickly silences his thoughts, as he can feel his blood quickly becoming bubbly with anger. His skin was seething hot, yet he felt almost cold. Shock? Possibly. Did he care? Nope. He swallows, and slowly closes his eyes. Even blinking hurt, as it felt as if he had sandpaper for eyelids.

He looked toward her. "Just my memories.. good.. good memories.. the ones that you sometimes day dream about, you know? The ones you wish you could relive? Where there was no pain, or hurt... or people running you over and shooting shit into you." His shoulder was bare, the wound was swollen and hot to the touch, yet he paid little attention to it. His gaze was fixated on Hunter. He swallows hard. "I dreamt of times where I felt like nothing could hurt me.. times when I didn't feel so alone." The last came in a small whisper, as if he was truly frightened of someone hearing him. He shifted his gaze to the white sheets that were smeared with his blood below them. He chews his lower lip gently, willing himself to remain quiet. Swallowing the sobs that would have engulfed the past Nate. The Nate before the experiences. Now he knew better. Weakness meant death.. and he wasn't dying any them soon.

Sakura took the boy's actions as an invitation to do the same. She followed him inside and stood there with a glare. She knew she wouldn't like hanging out with these people, but they might have money.... and food. So it was her best option. She ignored what the boy said and sat down on the floor.

@Xx\-Katherine\-xX @everyone else.... :/
Teeth dug into Hunter's bottom lip, forcing tears back from her eyes, as she listed to Nate. She cupped his face, gently stroking his jawline with her thumb. She could hear every thought. Including the one about her. He shouldn't have done it for me, that was never the plan.

"Nate, when we swore to protect each other...I never meant like this."

Hunt was strong, smart, it was rare that she let herself cry in front of people, but Nate was the only person left that she trusted. So she let a few tears roll down her pale cheeks, quickly swiping them away from her baby blue eyes. She took a deep breath, gaining her bearings again.

"We need to get you cleaned up."

There was a bottle of peroxide and some bandages in a first aid kit on the dresser of the bedroom. She poured some of the acidic liquid onto a cotton pad. "I'm so sorry, dear," she whispered as she began to clean his wounds, one by one. She was sure she was cringing a lot more than he was. Maybe it was because she could hear every thought of the pain he didn't dare to show.

@Cyber Wolf
Cicero noticed the girl that he stole the nickle and his cookie from walk in "Well if it isn't the petty thief how has your day been going you know before you lost your only source of food if you haven't already ate?" He asked her laughing and he started eating a cookie just to see if he can mess with her. 'I wonder how she will respond is she going to punch me in the face or give me a dirty look this will be fun.' He thought to himself. He doesn't know why but he loves picking on thieves that are worse then him by letting them pickpocket him only for them to lose everything else and that's what he did to her
I watched you.. I watched you every day I had the chance.. while they were saying you were weak.. that you couldn't pull through, I knew you could. They hoped you wouldn't. They saw the chaos the flowed through your veins like it did mine. They knew you'd be trouble. That's we'd be trouble. When I swore to protect you. I swore to protect you, until my death.. you're not dying on my watch, blondie.

Nate used to call Hunter 'Blondie' when he finally got to train with her. Until she snapped at him and told her, the name she went by. Nate still called her 'blondie' despite her varies threats and protests.

Her touch made his heart light, and bubbly as if it was able to gush the silky pink liquid he felt inside him.. or maybe what he thought it would look like if it was a liquid.

He laid on his back while she began to clean his wounds, he could feel the alcohol based liquid seep into his wounds. He growls under his breath, his abdominal muscles flexing. He closes his eyes. You're soo lucky you're cute, and that I trust you.. He growled in his mind. Had you been anyone else, I'd have torn you apart. He sighs and looks at Hunter out of the corner of his eyes.

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Sakura glared into the eyes of the thief boy. She made an Illusion of herself standing up. The Illusion punched the thief in the face. The boy should feel pain, but when she decided to get rid of the Illusion, he would not be harmed. She smiled and the Illusion punched the boy again. @Cicero
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Hunter fought a smile as Nate's thoughts penetrated her mind. This was all the proof she needed. But that couldn't be her focus. She needed to clean him up for now, then they could talk about everything else.

Once she had disinfected everything, she bandaged up the bleeding spots. She smiled down at him, pushing his dark hair back, a stark contrast to her own blonde shade. She laid down next to him, the bed large enough to accommodate both their bodies, which wasn't as big of a deal as it seemed. Hunt was a lot smaller than her counterpart.

She stared up at him from her spot, searching into his eyes, listening to his thoughts. It was now or never, although the stakes were a lot higher now. She didn't want him to be angry with her for seeing his dreams, or reading his thoughts. It wasn't like she had learned to control it. She had barely gotten the hang of being able to focus on one specific person's thoughts before they had left the facility.

"Nate...don't be mad at me ok? But when I came in here...well, your dreams...they were really strong and I got dragged into them. I know what you dreamt about. I saw it. The scene in the lab." Tears prickled again at the corners of her eyes. "I can't believe you saw that. But...I also saw the other part. And I heard everything since I came in."

She hurried her face into the comforter, mumbling an apology into the covers. She felt awful. She always did, especially when thoughts she wasn't meant to hear pushed their way into her pretty blonde head.

"I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to."

@Cyber Wolf
Nate became flushed, his usual tan face now scarlet. He averts his dark eyes from her light ones, and stares at the ceiling. He's quiet for a moment, unsure of how to react. The feeling in his stomach wasn't anger, he knew she couldn't control it. He had been with her in the compound many times during training. He understood the struggle she was facing. It took him awhile to master shifting, and it still hurts him, no matter how often he feels it.

Nate swallows for a second, before nodding. "Alright." He sounded small for a fraction of a second. His eyes weren't hostile, and neither was his touch as he gently glides his hand down her back, reassuringly. "Hold on, one second. Okay?" He didn't wait for an answer, before standing, a tad bit on the wobbly side. He slowly pushes his way out of the room. Someone new was here, yet he was far to shaky to confront them.

He opened several doors before finally finding a bathroom. He shut the door, and stared at himself. He noticed how his complexion was spotted and smeared with dirt and blood. He turned on the hot water of the sink, and washed his hands, arms, and face. He carefully glided his fingers through his silky brown hair, and sighs. He notices how long it's gotten, and makes a mental note to cut it soon.

He opens the bathroom door and heads out into the living room, before noticing Ely standing there. Something seemed off. Nate goes to the fridge and gets a water, his throat sore and scratchy. He looks over Ely for a moment, "why are you wearing camouflage?" Nate asks the newcomer. Only hunters wear camo around here, and Nate didn't applicate hunters at the moment.

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Hunt peered up at him, glad he wasn't angry. He didn't seem to be affected by it either though. As he got up and left the room, Hunt sat up, her head filling with anxiety. He needed to rest to heal, not get up and wander around.


But he was already gone. Hunt sentenced herself to the bedroom, waiting patiently. She knew if he left, it was for good reason. She knew he could take care of himself, even if it sometimes did mean he did stupid shit like today.


Ely glanced up as the boy walked in from a back room. His brow furrowed as he noticed the bandages covering the other boy's tan skin. He left quickly though, making Ely wonder what exactly he was doing.

When the boy returned, his hair was wet and his face much less dirty than before. Ely was startled by the question. It should've been obvious what he was, although maybe it was just a question.

"I've been out hunting today. I think the better question though is what the hell happened to you?"

Ely had slowly regained his cocky confidence, his sarcasm and wit coming back to him. He cocked his head to the side as he stared at the boy. Ely's first impression was that he was attractive, although not really E's type. But that was the least of his concerns.

He was more interested in what happened to the boy. He did notice that he happened to have what seemed like a bullet wound in his shoulder...the same should Ely had shot the wolf in. He shook it off though. There was no way that this guy was that wolf. Sure, he was an experiment, but there had been few successful transformer experiments in the Nashville lab, he doubted it was different anywhere else.

@Cyber Wolf
Calvin watched the ensuing chaos quietly, lifting Naomi into his arms. "Come on, woman, we haven't got long and Naomi needs treatment! We can find your friend later." Calvin was actually a bit ruffled for once as he raced towards his cabin, not even waiting to see if the Hawaiian had followed. (I just noticed this, and I gotta clarify something: going past the wardrobe leads to the huge underground area, which is where Naomi told Matt to lead you guys to. Don't worry about it, it was my fault but I got a fix for it.) Calvin eventually reached the cabin, bursting in past everyone with a trail of tan-brown feathers settling gently on the ground that made his path, a testimony to bis current agitation. He knocked three times, cursing under his breath and muttering about a changed password--which would explain why no one was in the cavern--and trying a different pattern (for anyone curious, it's a dotted quarter note followed by a half-note-tird-to-an-eighth-note and then a quarter note. Yay, band skillz.) that made the wardrobe's back slide open to create the doorway for a line of spiraling stairs. Calvin rushed down them, emerging in a large cavern. In one area, there was an obvious lab, open for all to see. Calvin didn't care; he laid the now coughing Naomi on a couch, rummaging around in a hurried manner before finding what her wanted: a vial of acid-green liquid. He poured it into a syringe, waiting impatiently for the air bubbles to rise, and stuck it into Naomi's forearm, watching closely for any negative effects; the girl's breathing slowed and became calm. There was a quiet clanking as bullets fell from her body onto the stone floor.

"Cal.. let me see.." Naomi requested quietly, and the scientist sighed.

"I will never understand how you find the color remotely calming, child," he responded as he slid his glasses away from his face. His eyes' normal brown color seeped away, swallowed by that acidic jade, a result of Calvin's mutations.

"I grew up around it, Cal. It might not have been a good time in my life, but it still helps.." her voice trailed off as Naomi fell asleep.
Nate narrows his dark gaze, his brown eyes portraying no emotion. He slowly opens the water as the young man spoke, he took a drink, swallowing slowly as to savor the chilled liquid. He glances toward Ely. "I was shot." He spoke in a rouged tone. His voice deep, and rough like a growl of an animal. Nate walks toward Ely, his dark eyes fixated on his, before he just barely grazes his shoulder against Ely's. It wasn't in a threatening way.. more.. suspicious.

Nate heads for the hall where the room him and Hunter were in. Before stopping, looking back at Ely. "Did you see anything... suspicious? Different?"

Wolves weren't common around here, especially not wolves of Nate's size when he was shifted. Canis Dirus was large, larger than a gray wolf. Being an experiment didn't help Nate with his shifted size either, he was quite a massive wolf.
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Ely's eyes narrowed. This kid sure had a lot of questions for just being curious. The fact that he had been shot was even more strange. As the boys shoulder grazed against his, Ely shuddered. His touch wasn't normal. It was different. And not in a good way.

"Suspicious? Nah. It was just one big ass wolf was all."

Ely shrugged it off as he watched the guy walk off down the hall. There was no way that he was the wolf. It was just impossible. Well, not impossible, but highly unlikely.

Suddenly, Ely was startled by another guy rushing in, this time carrying a smaller, blonde girl. He frowned, worried, as the guy, who was currently getting feathers everywhere, tapped his way into a secret passage. This was...odd. But Ely wasn't going to go wandering down into dark spaces. And certainly not with a dude who just left feathers all over the place.

@Cyber Wolf @TromboneGeek
Nate could feel anger bubbling in his blood. He swung open the door of the room before shutting it tightly. That fucker shot me.. he growls in his mind. He growls under his breath, he could feel his fangs aching to enlargen, and his bones screaming the shift. He inhales deeply, and exhales loudly. His hands shaking and his eyes dark, almost wild. I can't let him shoot anyone else..
Hunter's eyes flew up at the presence of Nate. She frowned, worried. She knew the look in his eyes all too well, accompanied with his frenzied thoughts that she barely understand...something had happened. He was too close to shifting. Something that couldn't happen now, not while he was in this state.

She swung her legs over the side of the bed, finding footing on the cool hardwood and making her way over to the tall boy. She took one of his hands in both of her tiny ones, and looked up at him with worried blue eyes. "Nate? Nate what's going on?"

Her immediate thought was that this was her thought. He was angry with her because of what she had seen. He had played it off well, but now, in this moment, he was angry about something. She couldn't tell what though. She had never been able to read his thoughts when he was like this. He was too in between wolf and human at this point.

"Nate. I can't understand what you're thinking right now, so I need you to talk to me please."

He couldn't shift in here. There would be no where near enough room. Things would be broken, they'd be out of a home. Again. She reached up and stroked his face, tiptoeing up to be able to do so. Hear me, Nate. Please.

@Cyber Wolf
Nate's eyes were large, and dark. They looked like they belonged to a wild animal. He growled and huffed softly under his breath. "This morning. I killed thtee hunting dogs, before being shot." He spoke quickly, and his hands tightly held hers, yet gentle as he tried not to harm her. "T-The hunter.. he's an experiment.. he's out there.. he shot me blondie!" He growled, his teeth were growing now. Sharpening and causing him pain, yet he swallowed the pain and growled. "He's gonna pay, Hunt. He could have killed me." He snaps, his voice deeper, more growl and animal like.

Hunt bit her lip. As much as she wanted to let Nate lay into this jerk who had almost killed him, she knew it was wrong. He couldn't have known. She became more and more worried though and Nate got more and more aggressive.

"Nate. Hey, look at me."

She pulled his chin toward her, forcing herself to stare into his wild eyes.

"Nate. It's me. It's Hunter. This isn't the time, okay? He's not worth it anyway. I know he hurt you. I know you're pissed - I am too. But you need to rest. You're already seriously injured. I don't want to have to see you suffer anymore, okay?"

His grip had tightened on her hands and she fought the urge to worm them out of his grasp. If it helped calm him, then she'd do whatever it took.

@Cyber Wolf
He growled again, loud. He pressed his back to the door as he listed to her talk to him. He swallows the urge to shift quickly, allowing her voice to sooth his seething nerves. He blinks a few times and look down down at her. "I'm exhausted, Hunt." He says softly. Shifting as many times as he has was taking a toll on his mental health and physical health. He ran his fingers in Hunter's blond hair and smiles, just barely. Beautiful. He looks toward the bed and can feel sleep beckoning him.
When Naomi had fallen asleep, Calvin rose and put his glasses back on. "They might as well know the truth, if they haven't figured it out already. One of them can sift through memories, but I'm sure I hid it well enough.." He said these words is a quiet voice, not sure if he wanted to face a band of angry mutants who could probably kill him and destroy all of his work. He trudged his way upstairs, entering the living room, where most everybody was. The tension was thick here, Calvin noted, not bothered by the feathers disintegrating as he calmed down. He spoke up to be heard. "I get that some of you already hate each other, and that squishing together might not be the best idea, but we really should get downstairs and cozy before the government finds this place. It isn't exactly hidden anymore." Calvin looked around. "Anyone who's close to the Hound and his friend had best get them, we don't want to risk a giant angry wolf at the moment." He said nothing else, leaning against the wall near the hidden passage and waiting for people to go down there, probably beat Calvin half to death when they saw his lab, and get nice and cozy. It was obvious he wouldn't tolerate any fights, though, from the way he focused stern eyes on those most likely to cause trouble. One fight, and he'd be likely to throw you out and feed you to the government. Cruel, but letting people down there in the first place was a stretch.
The growling made Hunt shudder although not as bad as she used to. She had become accustomed to it, even if it did still scare her sometimes. Her face softened as he spoke though. Of course he was tired. Shifting as many times as he had, plus the wounds...it was a wonder he wasn't in a coma.

"I know you are."

His fingers in her hair made her scalp tingle. She had always loved when people played with her hair, but Nate was always so gentle. It made it all the more pleasurable. 'Beautiful' Was that how he saw her? She certainly had never seen herself as beautiful, and definitely not after all the experiments.

Hunt led him back to the bed. She did her best to get him in it with the least amount of pain possible, which was hard enough with as many wounds he had. She sighed as she looked down at him. Despite all the bandages and the look of pain on his face, he was still handsome as ever.

@Cyber Wolf
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Ely looked up from his confused state as the bird-guy entered. He was talking fast, saying the government was going to come after them. Ely couldn't let that happen. He had escaped once, he refused to go back to another damn lab.

The six months he spent in there had been hell. They had poked and prodded and stuck a thousand needles in him, and when they were finally done with that, he had powers he couldn't control. He'd touch a glass of water and it would freeze. The second he tried to put a piece of jewellery on, it would melt in his hands. Once he finally learned how to control it, he booked it. He got out of there and got far enough from there. He changed his name, dyed his hair, whatever he could do to keep out of the hands of those people.

So this was his best possible option. He was going down there, with or without all the other people. He didn't care about them. He didn't have to. He pushed his was past bird boy and walked down the stairs that led to the downstairs.

His eyes widened in surprise and fear as he entered the room. There was the blondie, passed out on a couch, and across the room was a lab. A lab just like the ones in Nashville. What the hell was going on here?

"What the fuck is this?"


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