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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Cicero walked trying to find the cabin which he finally did "about time." He mumbled to himself while walking up to the cabin and seeing Matthew outside the door "Hey why aren't you inside did something happen?"He asked scared that Tabatha might have run off for some reason 'I can't help but feel like i'm about to see his worse side right now knowing Tab isn't around him as far as I can see.'He though waiting to be yelled at by the boy in front of him 'What would be a good nickname for this guy...I can't think of one unless I know his power so I guess i'm stuck calling him Matthew.' He thought to himself
Hunter rushed into the cabin, tears trickling her eyes. She frantically ran through, opening and closing doors searching for Nate. She shouldn't have stayed behind. She should have stayed with him. Damnit, damnit, damnit.

She pushed opened the last door on the bottom floor and there he was, laying on the bed. He was pale, his skin shone with heavy sweat. Poor, poor Nate. Hunt's instinct brought her to his side, and she gently reached to wipe sweat from his face.

Suddenly, she wasn't in the room anymore. She was back in that God awful room. The fluorescent lights were so bright. She looked to her left and there was Nate, in wolf form, a collar around his neck. To her right there was...her. Unconscious, but it was unmistakably her. The scientists were struggling to keep her alive. She remembered this. Vaguely. She remembered being in so much pain, it felt like there was fire in her veins. She had wanted to die, wished they would stop trying and just let her heart stop beat. Wished they would quit shocking her with the paddles, over and over and over. Hunt shuddered and turned back to Nate. "Nate?" No response. It was obvious he wasn't aware of her presence here. Of her watching him see her for the first time ever.

And then suddenly they were back at the scene from this morning. She was standing in the middle of the road, watching the scene before her. Him limping forward, blood gushing from his shoulder, the whole scene highlighted with the red of blood. And then there she was, jogging toward him and the red tinge went away, a rosy gold emanating from her worried face. Hunt felt a blush cross her face. Was this how he saw her? All the time?

@Cyber Wolf
Glaring at the upstart who had just barged in, Eddy tersley replied, "The fuck would I come with you. The only reason any of this is happening is that one of us freaks felt like fucking with me, now you just want me to follow you? What, on your righteous fucking quest? You're slaughtering innocent policemen, they probably have family and loved ones." Clenching his fist, Eddy ripped off his apron and threw it to the floor. Staring down at floor, fists shaking in anger, Eddy mutters to himself in barely a whisper, "I just want to get home." Turning around, Eddy sprints outside the shop, running from the freaks and the policemen.

Cicero had to move out of the way just so he won't get knocked down by Hunter's frantic rush to get to Nate "Well...any way i'm just going to make myself at home."He said to Matthew while walking into the cabin and looking around. 'Cool place surprised they actually let us stay here' He said then he looked over at doggy boy and Hunter '...Guess I should find a way to help...only to make doggy boy have to own me no other reason.' He thought to himself while trying to find a bowl and some towels once he found them he filled the bowl with cold water and walked up to Hunter and Doggy boy. "Here this should help with the fever if he has one placing the bowel next to her and dipping a towel in and putting it on Doggy boy's head 'I really don't wanna do this but I still wanna know why i'm doing it in the first place?'He thought to himself and he stood and started walking out the door. "You might wanna change the towel every hour or something like that." He stated as he took the cookie he was eating in the woods out of his pocket and started eating it again.
Nate felt her touch and his eyes opened, slowly, and a small flutter. The cool towel on his burning forehead ached, yet felt wondrous. He exhaled heavily and growled deep in his chest. His fight or flight instinct kicking in, as he began to think he had been caught. I'm not going back. He suddenly grabs Hunter's wrist tightly, not the gentle embrace he had before. This was different. He growled again, his gaze struggling to focus as the drug quickly began to ware off, dissolving in his blood. He roughly brings her down to his level, his dark eyes dangerous, frighteningly aggressive. He slowly begins to adjust to the lighting, and his gaze refocused slowly. He wasn't in the labs, or surrounded by scientists. He was in a room, with Hunter. He stares at her for a moment, his face was close to hers, and his breath was hot, terrified. He released her wrist quickly and laid on his back, as if ashamed he had grabbed her in such a way. His eyes gentle again, and far less hostile. He sighs. "I... I though I was back.. i-in.." His voice trembles, never has he felt to weak, shocked, and afraid. He cursed himself mentally for showing weakness in front of Hunter, and he watches her for a moment. Unaware she had spied into his thoughts.

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Cicero couldn't help but laugh that Doggy boy went crazy as he walked out of the room "Man that just made my day." He said not trying to hide the fact that he was laughing "Ok I guess i'll leave you two lover birds." He said laughing at his joke as he closed the door and started looking around the house some more. 'How come they don't have anything shiny or at least some cookies I could steal?' He thought to himself. Cicero explored the inside of the house getting bored he explored the outside of it and jumped on the roof to see if he could fine anything interesting to do to pass time he eventually decided to lay down on the roof and look at the sky he eventually fell asleep with his dream being filled of cookies and shiny objects.
Ooc:Your the host you can make this shorta stuff you just have to but it in really easy words for me to understand
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Ooc: I'd only do a posting order if everyone's in favor of it, just because it can be restraining to some members. Basically a posting order is just an order of who goes first. X_X There is a large number of people on this RP however, so it would make the RP go slower if everyone's not active, but at the same time it would give everyone in it a chance to develop their characters. Let's have a vote in the chat.

Calvin frowned as the employee ran off. 'More trouble than he's worth.' He focused his attention back to the Hawaiian woman. "I get that I'm some random stranger and crap, but really, we should go before the-" Calvin was rudely interrupted by a heavily-armored policeman who had busted his way into the shop and aimed a large gun right at the back of the ex-scientist's head. "I suppose Naomi had to help someone.." he murmured, not moving just as the officer had commanded.

"As you can see, we really should get going," Calvin murmured to the woman, raising his hands slowly.

(This next part depends on whether Ali'ikai reacts offensively (or in any way, really) or not):

Calvin quickly moved to swat the officer aside with an arm that had turned into the wing of a bird, moving to the outside of the shop.
"This is way too much trouble for a simple fake robbery. They knew we were here," he growled, noticing the guns were aimed carefully at him mostly, with a few aimed at the Hawaiian as well. He took a step forwards, testing his boundaries, and noticed fingers tightening on triggers. "Can you tell me why you're aiming guns at civilians?" he asked calmly, but before they could answer, Naomi rocketed out of the woods as a bundle of destruction, ramming into cars (again, something she seemed to make a hobby of) and crushing many policemen in the process. However, she also managed to take several bullets; that coupled with the strain on her energy sent her to her knees. "You've gotta be kidding me.." she said, although it was more of a pained gasp with words stuffed in as her body tried to push the bullets out and heal. Calvin took the opportunity to rush over to the girl, standing over her defensively. "Any one of you touch her and I'll show you the real meaning of hell," he stated plainly, only a tad bit of hostility existing to darken his voice.
Two hours had practically gone by before Tabitha awoke, sitting up and gasping for breath. Matthew put a hand to her forehead- she was still sweating and feverish. "Are you okay?" he whispered softly, but the second she opened her mouth Matthew placed a pain pill in it. "Don't scare me like that again." he growled, but he didn't raise his voice. Instead, he gave her a wet towel. "I cleaned your ears earlier, but you might've bled while you were asleep." he explained, before getting up and walking toward the other people- or the other monsters, as he loved to call them. "So, why was today experiment moving day?" he asked them crossly, mostly directing his question at the thief-boy, since he was at the beginning of all this mess. Matthew didn't know how long Tabitha had until she recovered, but if it was more than a week, Matthew would be out of here regardless.

Cicero woke up and hear Matthew's question "Moving day no I still have a lot of stuff to steal in that town so i'm going back until there are no more shiny things or cookies then I move to the next city and repeat but to be honest I was surprised Tab managed to lie to the cashier good job."He said smiling and raising his hand for a high five like nothing was wrong. Cicero didn't see anything wrong hes just so use to having to hideout for a compel of days months even years until he stole again and he just kept getting better this is the first time he had to hide since he was free from the lab.

Tabitha raised her hand to accept the high five, but thought better of it once she saw Matthew's glare. The boy was far from happy, especially when he realized something. "Dammit!" he cursed, a little too loudly. Tabitha covered her ears with the towel- why were they bleeding so much?! The boy glanced at everyone around him, before putting his jacket hoodie over his head and leaving the room, then the house. He knew he couldn't go far, not with police still out there, but he needed space to breathe. Once he knew there was nobody in earshot besides Tabitha, he closed his eyes and breathed. "I want to die." he said quietly, looking up at whatever portion of the sky he could see through the densely packed trees.

@Cyber Wolf @Cicero @TromboneGeek​
"Was it something I said cause if so that's the first time someone showed how annoyed they at me." He said trying to lighten the mood but forgot he still need to treat the spots where the bullets grazed him he got up and went to find something to put on the spots to prevent infection since they stopped bleeding he even checked his pockets but found nothing but some pills for headache and some for a cough he didn't know if anyone need one of these so he went back to the room with everyone and asked "Hey does anyone need some headache pills or something for a cough?" He asked confused on why he would share stuff he stole fair and square.

"I'll trade you for the headache pills." Tabitha said in her quietest whisper yet, getting up from where she was sitting to walk over to him while she held a wet, bloodstained towel next to her ear. In her hand, she had half a bottle of pain pills. "I know it's not what you need, but it might help." she said giving him a half-smile. It was unclear what she was thinking, but at least she seemed a lot more relaxed than before, despite how sore and stiff her poor, frail body was.

Meanwhile, it was starting to rain outside.

@Cicero @TromboneGeek​
"Na you don't have to give me anything just make sure you get better that will be enough for me...Is it raining and Matthew is outside I guess i'm go get him you just stay here and rest ok." He said whispering and smiling he doesn't know why he didn't take half of the pain pill but he just chalked it up to not wanting to see her in pain 'Why am I being nice to her...well ok she did help me steal coffee even though the plan failed and I can't lie she is..." He then stopped think all together remembering Hunter could read his thoughts and so he walked out in the rain trying to find Matthew to get him inside
Ooc:What did you mean to say or im just stupid for not getting it
Cicero said:
Ooc:What did you mean to say or im just stupid for not getting it
Ooc: I said half a bottle of pills, not half a pill. xD She doesn't need half a bottle of pills for bleeding ears I hope, lol.

Matthew had been sitting under a tree when Cicero arrived. "What are you doing?" he asked coldly, a little annoyed he was being bothered. Even when alone, the boy didn't show much emotion- not that he didn't have any. He just found it better to keep quiet, since it was something so few people do. Despite his reserved appearance however, he was a natural-born leader, and wouldn't just go off on his own unless it was for his own survival- like it seemed to be lately. 'A good captain preserves his life.' he had always reminded himself. Self-sacrifice was overrated, and he had no plans to die anytime soon.

"I just wanted to let you know you might wanna head inside since its starting to rain and I don't think Tab will like the idea of you being sick also I had some headache pills in my pocket so I gave those to her and told her to rest so she should be fine after a couple of days."He told the guy completely ignoring the coldness in his voice and started eating a cookie while he sat down next to him. 'I have no clue why i'm being nice to this guy is it because Tab is friends with him or am I becoming to soft?' He questioned himself while looking at the sky like it had the answer to his question

"I'll come inside- thanks for taking care of Tabitha." Matthew said with such a neutral voice that it was hard to tell if he was being sincere or not, but at least he wasn't acting visibly sarcastic of snarky. He brushed past Cicero, planning on just heading inside, but something made him stop. Turning back to the boy, he asked "Where are you heading after this? I'm not sure if I'll bring Tab along, but I'm going to Las Vegas- there aren't as many facilities out in that area."

Tabitha had done as her cat-boy doctor prescribed, but as she wrapped some of the extra blankets around her and started to dream, the images in her head were plagued with things she didn't remember.

"Doctor, how is she?" a man's voice could be heard saying. Slowly, Tabitha opened her eyes, only to be confused by the white all around her. She looked around the room while she lay there, if it could be called a room. There was nothing except the white walls, floor, door... and a whole pile of surgical tools next to her. She tried to get up, but a sharp pain made her keep her head down... it was cut open! Before she could say anything two men marched into the room. "She's fine, see?" an old, silver-haired man said. With a smile, he grabbed a syringe. "It seems she needs a stronger dose of morphine..."

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