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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Naomi's eyes opened as Ely's words drifted to her ears. She winced for a moment, all of her senses being assaulted as a side-effect of the mako, but when everything settled she slowly sat up, turning eyes that were currently that strange acid-green color to focus on the owner of the outburst. "It would be easier for Cal if he explains what's going on when everyone's here," she answered calmly, moving to sit up. She stretched, letting her arms drop back to her sides with a sigh as she stood up, walking towards the stairs. She stopped, though, and looked up at Ely. "Please don't be afraid. We're on your side, I promise." Finished speaking, she headed forwards and up the stairs, looking around at everyone. "Where's the puppy?" she asked Calvin, who pointed to the stairs that led to the rooms.

"Hope they're not doing anything intimate in your bed, Cal. That would be weird." She went up and knocked on the door. "Hey, I hope I'm not interrupting anything, but before anyone falls asleep we really should head downstairs. And please.. Don't flip out when you see what's down there. I promise, we're not going to do anything to you." The girl gave no explanation for what Hunt and Nate would see, but went back to the living room, sitting in front of Calvin's feet.
(sorry this is late I couldn't get on my chromebook.) When Cicero got punched by the petty thief "Hey what was that for?" He asked more rude the curious "Are you mad I managed to steal my cookie back." He said still rubbing where he got punched 'Whats her problem did I really make her that angry cause if so this will be fun.' He said smiling and laughing a little "Well nice to meet you again to." He said to her. Cicero wasn't the strongest he will admit but he learned to take punches and learned to throw a couple while he was surviving on the streets. @Lonely Star
((Okay, so Calvin opened the secret passage, helped Naomi recover, and came back up and told everyone to go down so they could hide when the government found the cabin. Naomi came up to get Hunter and Nate, since nobody had gone to get them. Basically they get to go down there and see the lab, thus Ely's reaction.))
Shuzo runs through the forest, his bare feet getting scraped up and brused. But he keeps running, determined to get as far away from the lab as possible. He soon comes across a cabin. He walks up to the door. He hesitates but then knocks a few times. @iiimee @anyone

A drowsy Tabitha answers the door, having just woken up and not heard was Naomi said. "Who are you?" was the foolish girl's initial whispery reply, only to stop in the middle of her sentence once she saw the condition their visitor was in. "Who... are you?" she finally asked again, but even without the answer she stepped aside to let the boy into the house. She looks over at Calvin, whom she could just vaguely remember was the owner of this house. "Can we help him too?" she asked him. Usually she wasn't so bold, but due to the condition she was in her mind wasn't working right, so she- very politely, but defiantly, placed one of her delicate porcelain-skinned hands on his shoulder.

Matthew rolled his eyes. It was just like Tabitha to declare allegiance to somebody if they merely looked weak! Still, sometimes it made him worry about the girl whom, though he denied it constantly, was his best friend. Without her, he'd probably have ended this game of cat and mouse ages ago...

Ooc: Emo Matt is back!​
Calvin sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Yes, please, let everyone into my home, and we can all have a grand party," he grumbled, but he waved his hand to beckon Shuzo inside anyways. "Go on downstairs if you'd like, or stay up here with everyone else and we can all go together. Your choice. Break anything downstairs and I'll kick you out." Calvin went on to mutter about sympathetic fools, waiting somewhat impatiently for everyone to get their asses downstairs. His nearly inaudible sigh made Naomi giggle.

"Poor Cal, it's so painful for you to be nice for once!"

"Shut up," Calvin snapped, crossing his arms. "I get how everyone's getting to know each other, but we really should get downstairs." As he spoke, Naomi stiffened up, eyes shifting to gaze through one of the windows.

"Lots of kinetic energy heading this way," the child murmured to Calvin, who nodded.

"Quickly, if you please," the scientist added for everyone to hear.

Tabitha went through the door that led downstairs quickly, clearly not as fazed by the idea of labs as everyone else was- despite how bad things turned out, she had always loved Science in school! 'It's funny.' she silently observed. 'The thing I loved ruined the other thing I loved- maybe it was jealous?' The thought, though bittersweet, managed to put a smile on the girl's face. It was a dark world out there after all, so she should be able to laugh at equally dark humour, if that's what it means to survive. Matthew however, was less worried about survival and more about... "How many needles will I find down there?" he asked suddenly, taking a step back from Calvin. He wasn't dumb- he knew if he wanted to survive, he'd have to follow the man's orders, but he wasn't about to just walk into a room full of his worst nightmare without knowing what he was getting into. Goosebumps already formed on Matthew's arms just at the thought of them, and his legs were beginning to grow weak at the thought of them. Needles... he could already feel the horrible phantom pains. The feeling of those strange liquids slowly being forced into his bloodstream... He closed his eyes, but it didn't help matters. He took a deep breath, then another- could he really do this? He understood facts, and the facts were that he had to be strong for Tabitha, and maybe even her newfound friends, but to go from one nightmare to another, he could barely take it. "I'll go last." he finally said, opening his eyes and giving a defiant stare to the mad scientist. No matter what happened, he'd make sure he didn't go down without this guy going down with him.

"I will if you tell me why I have to go downstairs with a smelly dog I mean unless that's the way you plan to kill us." He said to Calvin meaning it more as a joke as he always does. He then sat up "Ok any way i'm bored so I wanna see what the police are doing Tab wanna come I might end up doing something stupid if I don't have someone to keep me in check." He said smiling "I could even carry you for ol time sake...and jump on buildings." He said messing around completely ignoring what everyone will do since he just said that but at the back of his mind he knew Matt was must likely going to punch him but he waited and started eat his cookie he even offered one to Tabitha
Calvin fixed cold brown eyes on Cicero, shrugging off Matt's question for the moment. "Do not ever joke about something like that again," he snapped, and continued talking. "You go out there and you will not be welcome back here. We can't risk anything." He then turned to answer Matt. "The needles down there will not be used on you without your permission unless your life is in danger," he replied. Naomi, at his feet, nodded up at Matt, standing.

"I'll go down there with you, if you'd like. The lab is out in the open, but it can be covered with a curtain, but we'd prefer for everyone to get comfortable with its existence first." She smiled reassuringly at the man.

'I hope they have the idea to at least be a bit nice to Calvin, even with his past. He suffered, too.'
"Ahhh come on not even the tiniest peak i'll be right back if not Tab can hit me if she wants to go to." He said completely ignoring the fact that he hadn't treated the wounds the bullets made when the grazed him he just put his sad cat face "pppplllleeeeeeaaassee." He begged something he didn't do in forever only when he was little trying to get food before he started stealing."I'll even give you one of my cookies and I don't like sharing my cookies...except with Tab i'll share with her." He said really wanting to go see what the police where doing'Yea I just want to see if the police are close and with Tab she will be able to hear them before I do...Totally no other reason.' The thought to himself while he didn't even know he was looking at Tab

Tabitha took a cookie from Cicero- then a second one, before running downstairs with a mischievous grin on her face. She acted naïve, and while not all of it was an act, she was a lot more sly than most people gave her credit for. Matt, luckily, was one of the very few who noticed her devilish nature right off the bat, and because of this, he was always the one carrying around the wallet full of money they stole together.

Matthew glanced down at the small girl- what was with her and her idea that she could somehow convince Matthew by being polite? Clearly, these two had never truly experienced what it was like on the street. "I'll be entering last." he said firmly, eyeing the scientist with a look that dared the man to disobey him. Survival be damned, Matthew Branch Wise would not play into these people's hands, friendly or otherwise. He would also, not even over his dead body, get used to any instruments that damned scientist used!

@Cicero @TromboneGeek​
Ooc: Oh sorry I didn't know you where still here I thought you went to do something I can delete my second post if that will make you feel better me sorry :'(
Cicero said:
Ooc: Oh sorry I didn't know you where still here I thought you went to do something I can delete my second post if that will make you feel better me sorry :'(
Ooc: It's fine... just... X_X Now my post isn't as important... GUD DAMMIT! This is why I ask for things like posting orders y'know. X_X
Ok I'll make you a deal I won't post until after you post when i'm talking to your character cause i seem to be the only one doing that
Cicero said:
Ok I'll make you a deal I won't post until after you post when i'm talking to your character cause i seem to be the only one doing that
Ooc: Anyway, @TromboneGeek better start replying! >_>
Ooc:Let me guess Cal will punch me in the face and give me a death stare while he holds me against the wall choking me
Calvin's eyes narrowed dangerously, and he actually considered removing his glasses to up the intimidation factor. "You will not be going out there unless you want to be on your own," he growled, Naomi's hand on his shoulder silently begging him to calm down. He sighed, leaning back against the wall and rubbing his temples. He looked back at Matthew. "Naomi didn't say you had to go right now, only that she would go down there. Stop being a whiny emo bitch, because I'm not in the mood for dealing with that."

"Another headache, Cal?"

Calvin nodded in response, and Naomi inwardly--and almost outwardly--flinched.

"I guess it's catching up to you, huh?" Calvin didn't reply, though, and Naomi didn't press. She looked back up at Matt, and her words would probably surprise him.

"Stop being an insensitive asshat, you jerk."
TromboneGeek said:
She looked back up at Matt, and her words would probably surprise him.
"Stop being an insensitive asshat, you jerk."
Ooc: thats funny only to him when i'm the brat wanting to go outside and he just wanted to go last that's hilarious
Hunt looked up at the girl who had just entered the room. Apparently, they needed to get downstairs. Why, she had no idea. Her focus was more on what exactly was down there that she thought would scare them.

Hunter turned to Nate and sighed. She had just gotten him down in the bed and now she'd have to pull him back out. The poor boy was exhausted and in pain. It wasn't fair that he was constantly having to keep going. He needed rest.

She crossed her fingers, hoping that getting downstairs wouldn't be as bad as she thought it would, and helped Nate up. She led the boy out of the hall and into the room where everyone was gathered.

The boy who had helped them here was leaning against a wall, rubbing his temples, a familiar gesture for Hunt. The blonde girl who had came and got them was saying something about being an 'asshat'. Cicero was standing around begging for something or other. Tabby was no where to be seen, and Matt looked pissed as hell. A scene she figured she would soon get used to.

Hunter, desperate to get Nate back down, led him down the stairs. The first thing she noticed was the lab tables, and, as she continued looking around, needles and tubes not unlike the ones from the lab. Fear struck through her like ice. It was obvious now this is what the girl had been talking about. Her breathing quickened and she quickly scanned the room for somewhere she could put Nate. There was a couch nearby, which she led him over to.

Once he was down, Hunt stood and took another look around. There was Tabby, and some other boy, dressed in camo. She assumed this was the boy who had hurt Nate. He was the least of her problems though. She was more worried about the fact that they were back in a lab.

@Cyber Wolf @TromboneGeek @iiimee
Crow Terminus walks along the hallways, trying to stay unseen, staying low and hiding in his coat as well as possible.

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