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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Hunt's eyes narrowed as the man approached her and Nate. She didn't trust him, but didn't find him to be lying either. A quick skim through his thoughts helped her get at least a little background information on him. He was better at hiding things from her than she had thought. She did know that he and his blonde friend had been following them for a while now. He wasn't a scientist, thank god, and he was mutant like them. She didn't recognize him well enough to decided whether or not he had been apart of their subject group, but the fact that he was a mutant made her put a little more trust in him.

Her head still hurt like hell, especially with more and more people gathering. It wasn't something she enjoyed and she still wasn't quite sure how to shut her power off. A hand pushed through her short blonde locks and her blue eyes locked onto Nate's. She did her best to communicate that this guy, and his lady friend, were probably their best shot. Her focus was swapped from him to the girl yelling for them to come on. She bit her lip, it looked as if they were going to trust these people. So Hunt took Nate's hand and began to run after the girl.

It wasn't long before she was sweating and breathing heavy. Despite all the experiments, apparently they couldn't find a way to cure her asthma. Which was highly disappointing. Her little legs couldn't carry her very far, very fast and her short breaths didn't help her brain functions anymore than the screaming of thoughts that were echoing through her head.

They were in the forest now, she kept losing her footing on the uneven ground. Dirt was finding its way into her shoes and clothes. She was wheezing. Everything was a little fuzzy around the edges. But she couldn't stop. Not yet. Not until she was safe. She couldn't go back, wouldn't. There was no way in hell she was going to- Thump.

Dirt and debris filled her mouth as she crashed to the ground. A tree root had caught her off guard in the midst of her panic and now she was fumbling to get back to her feet. Damn it, Hunt. You had one job.

@Cicero @TromboneGeek @Cyber Wolf
Cicero seen the girl fall and ran up to her "Hey you ok?" He asked her stopping he didn't know why he became so worried about everyone around him he use to just ignore anyone who was in pain that's what he had to do he never let his guard down and he never did.'This girls gonna end up falling behind.'He told himself "Hey do you have asthma cause if you do I could always carry you up to Doggy boy and he could take you so you won't fall behind."He offered while helping her stand to her feet. He didn't like the idea of having to go up to that guy with his friend being carried by him
Blue eyes struggled to focus on this boy, the boy with funny ears. She mumbled a quiet "Thank you," as he helped her to her feet. She was frantic as she realized that they were further behind the rest of the group. This was no bueno.

Hunt frowned as he offered to carry her. She didn't like the idea of being helped, it wasn't something she was used to. She was independent. But at this point, it was either let him take her or stay behind and get taken back. Neither was much appealing but one more so than the other. Reluctantly she agreed to let him carry her up to 'doggy boy'. She wasn't quite sure who that was, if it was Nate or the other dog shifter, but she knew she trusted the people in this group and she was willing to do what it took to stay with them.

"Okay. How do you-" breath "want-" breath "to do this?"

"Well I could either bridal carry you or give you a piggy back up to him."He said looking back to see if the police here close "But really its up to you and by the way my name's Cicero nice to meet you even though this might be the worse place to have introductions."He stated offering to shake her hand. He still confused why hes being so nice then he remembered he had cookies in his pockets so he took one out and started eating it waiting for the girl to answer.
"Hunter," she said, shaking his warm hand quickly. She glanced behind her, hoping the cops were still far enough from them. She bit her lip, weighing the options. She had always struggled with piggy back rides, just because he legs were so short. The bridal carry, while awkward, was probably going to be the best option for her.

"Bridal carry it is, I guess."

A look of puzzlement crossed her face as the boy, Cicero, pulled a cookie from his pocket. Odd, but not the most unusual thing she had ever seen in her life.

"Ok then."He said sticking the cookie back into his pocket he picked her up and started running to Doggy boy.'Man please don't let me regret this decision to help her.'He thought to himself while he was running up to his new nickname Cicero gave him Doggy boy. "Hey Doggy boy your friend needed help so I brought her up to you so you can carry her since you seem not to have problem running through the woods."He said will running next to him. Cicero knew he most likely is going to get an ear full from this guy for calling him doggy boy and for carrying his friend but to be honest he knew he could just run around the next tree and follow them from afar.
The small Hawaiian girl rose from her seat, huffing a bit. "Where did they even g-?"

She was cut off by the sound of sirens pounding in her ears and she flinced.

"Sheesh, thats way too much sirens for just a robbery.." She muttered in displeasure, glancing back at the cashier.

"You wanna check it out with me?" She asked, heading towards the door.


Matthew almost was tempted to keep running when Tabitha tripped. Somehow managing to stop himself, he extended his arm to her. "Come on!" he said, not even waiting for her reply before he slung her unto his back and started running. He winced- why was she so heavy?! He could hear more sirens and he knew that a few officers were coming into the woods. He looked back at Cicero. "Help me lose him!" he half-commanded, half-begged. If he hadn't met these people, things wouldn't have turned out like this, but regardless Matthew couldn't deal with those cops alone.

@Cicero @Xx\-Katherine\-xX​
"Yea yea fine."Cicero called back giving Hunter to Doggy boy. "Ok just continue running I got a great idea."He said laughing and smiling while pulling out a pan from his pocket and putting his hat in his hoodie running up to the cops smacking them across the face knocking them out "To be honest this is the most fun I ever had while running away."He said with his laughing growing louder and louder 'Dang it why did I think it would be a good idea to fight the cops...oh well at least Tab is safe and I guess the guy to since Tab has been with him longer I guess she sees him like a brother and I really don't wanna explain to her that he got hurt or killed trying to protect her." He thought while smacking more cops and jumping from tree to tree with super speed and his cat eyes out and his ear's perk up put he got to cocky and a bullet grazed him in the leg 'Dang it why know.'He thought to himself 'I have to get them off this path.'While thinking this he got a plan "Hey cops catch me if you can!" He yelled running further into the woods with the cops shooting at him.
Nate gripped Hunter tightly to his chest, pulling him into his arms despite the screaming protest of his arm. "I got you." He cooed quietly, so only she could hear. He slowed for only a second and brushed dirt from her face, before sprinting forward. He could hear then entering the forest and he became shaky. He wasn't going back, and neither where any of the others. He set Hunter down and in seconds he had shifted. He pushed her with his muzzle, forcing her forward and urging her to run with his large, puppy dog eyes.


Matthew wasn't pairing attention to any of them. He could already hear the gunshots- the tranquilizers that they'd use to drag him back. His chest was pounding. "I can't go back." he kept whispering to himself. He couldn't think. He could barely breathe. All he could do was run, run until he finally came across what everyone seemed to be looking for- a small house. Setting Tabitha down against the side of it, he took a good look at her. She was shaking, sweating, and pale. He checked her ears. Just as he suspected, they were bleeding. "Tabitha." he whispered gently, shaking her shoulder. Would she be okay? He dug into their bag of things for pain medication, but he couldn't find any- they probably used the last of it just to get rid of her headaches she had a few times during the week. Matthew stole all he could for her, but it never seemed to be enough- the experiments had made her week, and it was only a month since they had escaped anyway.

@Cyber Wolf @TromboneGeek @Cicero @Xx\-Katherine\-xX​
Hunt curled herself against Nate's warm body. When he put her down, she stumbled to her feet and bit her lip as she watched him shift. It wasn't something she enjoyed seeing. She knew it hurt him, and that hurt her.

"I really wish you wouldn't do that in front of me, Nate," she sighed.

Hunt didn't know what she felt for the boy. She knew it was more than just friendship. He was attractive and smart, although he was reckless. She just didn't know if it was that kind of like.

A wet nose rubbed against her hand. Nate was urging her to get moving again. It was now or never, she supposed, so she began to run, doing her best to keep pace with the wolf at her side. She felt much better now, the thoughts were quieter the further they got. There was no telling how far this cabin was though. They could still be miles from the place.

@Cyber Wolf
[QUOTE="Xx-Katherine-xX]Hunt curled herself against Nate's warm body. When he put her down, she stumbled to her feet and bit her lip as she watched him shift. It wasn't something she enjoyed seeing. She knew it hurt him, and that hurt her.
"I really wish you wouldn't do that in front of me, Nate," she sighed.

Hunt didn't know what she felt for the boy. She knew it was more than just friendship. He was attractive and smart, although he was reckless. She just didn't know if it was that kind of like.

A wet nose rubbed against her hand. Nate was urging her to get moving again. It was now or never, she supposed, so she began to run, doing her best to keep pace with the wolf at her side. She felt much better now, the thoughts were quieter the further they got. There was no telling how far this cabin was though. They could still be miles from the place.

@Cyber Wolf

Ooc: *Matthew quietly seethes with rage*
Cicero finally managed to knock out all the cops and so he walked down the trail no knowing where to go because he wasn't really paying attention to the girl giving directions one of his many flaws. "Heh all this work just to help some people out funny." He said while putting his hat back on and putting the pan away then he looked at where the bullets grazed him sadly he managed to get himself hit two more times after the first the first one wasn't that deep and stopped bleeding but the other two where at his sides bleeding a little so he covered them up with his hands 'I'm starting to think I got the bad end of the stick.' He thought then he seen Hunter and Doggy boy and he was shifting into his doggy form as Cicero liked to call it "Hey Hunter hey doggy boy."He called out walking up to them barely smiling still covering his body so the bleeding will stop 'Please don't notice the blood on my shirt or jeans.' He silently pleaded in his head
Hunt's first reaction when Cicerco returned to them was to roll her eyes. Which was quickly replaced by concern due to the sudden sound of 'Please don't notice the blood on my shirt or jeans' in her head. The voice was Cicero's. There was no mistaking it.

Blue eyes trailed over Cicero, taking note of his wounds. She knelt down to Nate and murmured something about needing to stop, needing to take care of the boy's injuries. She knew it was risky, but so was letting him go on with wounds like that.

@Cyber Wolf @Cicero
Calvin moved on to the coffee shop, catching two people who were also mutants--one who was Hawaiian-looking, and one who was a simple employee. "Even if you have a job, if you don't come with me they'll catch you and take you back. Your faces have been everywhere, and they've reached this place, too. I suggest we go, and now."

Outside, Naomi was still slamming into cars and policemen, round-housing one so hard that he flew through the coffee shop window. "Be more careful, Naomi!" Calvin shouted, turning back to wait for the two's response with strange calmness. Naomi nodded in response and continued her path of destruction, leading away from the forest. "We only have these last two, I believe!" Calvin added.
Nate saw the house in the distance and he could hear more police, backup. He gives Hunter a final shove, gentle, as if a goodbye.. Don't you dare follow me, Hunter. He turns toward the cars quickly, the distance closing on them was quick. For seconds it looked as if the cars were going to hit Nate, yet he proved otherwise. He leaped upward, his heavy paws leaving endentions on the hood of one car. Suddenly his paws slide out from under him and he hits the ground behind the first police car. Mud ruins his silky black fur and pain screams from his injured shoulder. The police car skids to a halt and throws itself into reverse. He quickly gets to his paws and is sprinting again, back toward the Cafe, squad cars, about four, fling past him before halting and turning to follow. He exhales heavily when suddenly, he's hit. He can feel the cool liquid seep into his blood stream. He shates off the dart and runs faster now. The blares were getting quieter and he was getting slower. His head felt light. Shadows seemed to be moving around him and his eyes felt heavy. He shifted into his human form, and slowly crawled. He didn't know where, but he hid himself back into the forest. His mind begins to show him things, and he can hear the police cars zoom past him on the road. Hunter. He could hear her voice. His memories were slowly playing in his head, was he dying? What was the substance in his blood. He laid quielty, the blares of police was far now, far from the cabin. He exhaled and his eyes fluttered shut.

Daisy heard the police before she saw them. She saw the wolf, and the police behind him. Oh no.. she bites her lower lip before hurrying toward where the police had come out of the forest.

At this moment, a desperate Matthew was pacing by the house that the mysterious female mutant from earlier had instructed them to go to. Leaned up against the side of the house was the origin of his worries- an unconscious Tabitha. Would she be okay? Her ears had stopped bleeding, but her breathing was still shallow and she had a fever. Matthew was tempted to call out for help, but the fact there were officers all over the place silenced him. 'Is the house unlocked?' he wondered, trying to open the door. No luck. Sighing and running his hands through his hair, he tried to keep himself from screaming in anger.

@TromboneGeek @Cicero @Xx\-Katherine\-xX @Cyber Wolf​
"Hey Hunter I think we should go after him I heard a lot of noises like the cars are going into buildings and that sorta stuff if he gets in the fight he's most likely going to get taken away."He said not really caring that Doggy boy might have been captured but he guesses it was because Hunter looked up to him 'Why did that idiot have to do that when he knew she would be sad?'He thought to himself forgetting she can read his mind and not really caring but he tried to focus on a plan to get Doggy boy back here and safe. "I got it we can go get him I distract more cops if their are any and you bring him to the shack sound like a plan to you?" He asked her trying to give a reassuring smile. 'Still don't know why i'm helping Doggy boy but what ever that just means he owns me.'He thought to himself smiling
Naomi screeched in semi-childish rage as the cars hit one of the mutant dogs, slamming into cars with more violence. When things were calm for a moment, she ran over to Daisy, gave the girl instructions to the cabin as quickly as she could, and ran over to heft the dog onto her shoulder, stumbling slightly under the weight. "Damn it all," she muttered, having to use her power to help her sprint into the forest to the cabin. She eventually got there, setting Nate down gently. She looked back into the forest, digging into her jeans' pocket and shoving a key into Matthew's hand. "Get in there, open the wardrobe in the living room, knock on the back panel three times, get everyone downstairs, close everything, and stay hidden until Cal and I give the okay," she ordered, turning back into the woods and using her powers to detect any energies before knocking out policemen with hard whacks to the head.

Ali'ikai rose an eyebrow at the incoming male, crossing her arms. "Who the hell are you? What do you mean they'll take us bac-" The dark haired female cut herself off and sighed, closing her eyes.

She cursed in her native tongue, the stress adding up. "Please don't tell me those crazy haloe's are after us again.. " A nearby cup of coffee exploded, Ali'ikai raising her head.





Matthew didn't hesitate to do whatever the woman said. Grabbing his unconscious friend, he quickly tapped on the black panel three times and set Tabitha down on the floor, not even caring to look at his surroundings. Going back up and getting out of the secret room, he stood at the door of the cabin, quietly waiting to lead whatever other people came in to the secret destination. He didn't like any of them, but the scare with Tabitha made him realize how quick life can end- he'd do what he can to help, at least until Tabitha recovered.

@TromboneGeek @Cicero @Cyber Wolf @Xx-Katherine-xX @dorkling
(This post will describe what Nate's seeing.)

Nate was standing in the lab again, his vision was brighter, lighter now. He could feel the choking collar around his mighty wolf throat. He was staring at a shirt blonde that was sprawled on the table, scientists hovering over her, writing down stuff on a notepad. "She's beautiful, isn't she?" One body guards spoke beside him, holding the gun tightly against his broad, armored chest. Nate remained quiet, watching them injecting her with several different colored substances. He guessed she had just come out of being experimented on, and they were fighting to keep her alive. He tilted his head, carefully. He couldn't remove his eyes from her. "Nate, let's go." The guard ordered, walking away from the glass chamber. Nate hesitated. "Nate." The guard spoke with warning, causing Nate to pry his gaze off the sleeping blonde, and to follow the guard out.

He watched her more. From a distance. He'd look for her while he was scouting the perimeter.

He sees her hurrying toward him on the road, and suddenly he couldn't feel the pain in his shoulder anymore. He could only feel her presence. The bubbling gush of his dark blood was gone, and replaced with peace. His heart felt light, and invincible.

Ooc: Wait... so did she put Nate in the room with Tabby and Matt or is she still carrying him?


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