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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Matthew growled and rubbed his head, not happy with the fact he just got plowed into. "Hey, watch where you're-" Matt turned to look at Tabitha, who was fleeing the café. "Hey, who's your friend Tabby?" he asked teasingly, standing up for a second before remembering he was angry. "You-" he said, pointing a finger accusingly at Cicero. "I know she's not that smart, but you're not thinking of running off with my friend are you?" he demanded, narrowing his eyes at the other boy. he didn't know what all the panic was about, but the fact that he ran out the door with Tabitha close behind him was enough to make him suspicious. Wasn't this guy the thief from earlier anyway? Matthew was so busy thinking about this that he didn't even notice the girl next to him had fallen to the ground. Tabitha did however, and quickly helped her to her feet. "Are you okay?" she asked in a hushed tone to the other girl. She didn't know what was wrong, but it wasn't like Tabitha to not help somebody.

@Cicero @Cyber Wolf​
Daisy pulled herself away from Tabitha. Trembling. She looks at the ground. "I'm fine." She doesn't look at any of them, before turning to leave. Trembling and her legs weak with fear and she tries to hurry off.

Nate is on his feet at the scream. He stomps out his Cigarette and turns around the side of the building. He sees Daisy hurrying to leave, While Matt is accusing another kid of trying to run off with blondie. He huffs, he watches as Daisy hurries to leave, and sirens ring in the distance. "No. Not good." He mutters.
Startled at Tabitha running away, Eddy calls out, "Wait, wait Miss! Please, the police need a description of the robber!" Holding the phone, he looks over at the, uh immigrant? Foreigner? Didn't quite catch her name. At any rate, he calls out to her, saying, "Excuse me, Miss. Could you please get that young girl to come back? The police need a description of the robber." Shifting his eyes, unable to look her straight in the face, he says, "I might get fired if I leave, so I can't chase after her." Yes, that was the reason. He wasn't scared, he wasn't. Really.

@dorkling @iiimee
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"Watch were i'm going how about you move out of the way of the door next time." He said giving the guy a death stare 'So this is Tabatha's boyfriend man I feel sorry for her now' He thought "And i'm not taking anybody we are just leaving right Tabatha." He said to her still looking at the guy in front of him 'Man I instantly don't like this guy i really wanna punch him but I guess the cops are here' He thought "Tab come on lets go." He said while picking her up and running into an ally way before jumping onto a roof where they can see the cafe. "I don't like your boyfriend Tabatha can I punch him in the face?" He asked her already know the answer will most likely be a no

After regaining her breath, Tabitha finally acknowledged what he said- and was utterly confused by it for a few seconds, before she realized she never clarified that with him. "Oh, he's not my boyfriend- he's gay." Tabitha said contently, sitting down and closing her eyes on the roof they were on. If she tried to forget they weren't so many feet above the ground, it didn't actually seem scary to her. Still, she was a little annoyed by the fact she had been brought up here once again without her permission. If she could, she'd make Cicero regret doing this to her right now.

Ali snorted a bit, pushing back a strand of hair. "You do realize they were messing with you right? I don't know why though..." She flicked her gaze to the bay window, searching for them.
Nate growled, "back off, cat." He barked. He looked toward Matt. "Ignore him, he's nothing but a worthless kid who runs after threatening." He growls. His eyes dark. "We need to leave, like now." He says looking at Matt, "the police are coming and i don't know if you've watched the news lately, buuuuut, it's littered with our faces." The sirens were getting louder and Nate was looking toward the forest. "They'll get your girl if you don't get her to run with us, and not with that thief."
"Hes...gay explains how he managed to deal with you without asking you out." He said looking over the rooftop to see how many police men they sent. "Dang it all this trouble for two cups coffee." He said and just then a chill went down his spine like someone was insulting him 'Is doggy boy back?' He asked himself looking around the cafe trying to find him "Hey Tabitha i'm guessing you will want to be with your friend again right?" He asked over his shoulder

Matthew nodded, understanding the other man's words clear as day. He needed to get Tabitha out of here, that much was clear. With a quick "thanks" to the mysterious stranger, the boy trailed off to find his friend.

Tabitha's eyes flew open to the sound of sirens. For a second, they reminded her of something... With her heart racing, she looked at the person next to her. It took her a minute to recognize him, much less acknowledge what he just said. "Oh, yeah..." she answered, not paying attention. Her mind could barely register anything except those sirens. She put a hand over her heart, trying to calm down her nerves.

Ooc: Sorry I'm not posting a ton guys, but it's hard to keep up with everyone on lol. :P Fun though

@Cicero @Cyber Wolf

OOC: Yeah, for real. I'm taking a break from this pace for a bit. Need to slow down before I burn myself out X_X
Nate watched the guy start to wander off and he swallows hard. He crosses the street quickly, standing on the other side encase they decide to follow him in. He can hear them clear as day now, blaring and getting closer. He chews his lower lip, bouncing in the balls of his feet. As much as he refused to admit it, he hated being alone. He was craving for anyone to join him.
Ooc: I'm going to go to sleep. Please try not to go too far without me.. I usually hate catching up on pages and pages. Goodnight all.
Warb said:
OOC: Yeah, for real. I'm taking a break from this pace for a bit. Need to slow down before I burn myself out X_X
Ooc: Says the one who hasn't been posting as much as the others lol
"You do know if your scared of heights just imaging your on the ground." He said trying to calm her down 'Ok now I need to find that jerk so Tabatha can get away from the cops.' He thought then he starred at the street below seeing the guy and even doggy boy. To get their attention he decided to throw something at them he looked and seen a small rock he picked it up and threw it at the guy's head then he waved his arm showing him where it came from "Hey Tab I found your friend." He said to her.
Hunt's eyes flickered between everyone, recognizing some and not others, unsure who to trust and who not to, but she quickly followed Nate when he left the group. Everyone's conflicting thoughts were making her head hurt. At least with Nate, it was quieter. Her tiny legs struggled to keep up with him, thankful for when he finally stopped. She stooped over, hands on her knees, and huffed for a moment before pressing herself against a wall. Her head hurt so much. Between the thoughts of Nate, herself, the police, and all the sirens...well, it was more than a little overwhelming. She cringed and rubbed her temples, desperately trying to calm the rushing and pounding in her brain.

@Cyber Wolf
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Calvin had been careful to keep close tabs on any experiments he had seen out and about, using help from the small blonde at his side to track them. They had been causing quite a commotion, Calvin had noted from his place on a bench across the seat from the experiments' apparently favorite coffee shop. The wailing of sirens was a testimony to that.

"All right, then, Naomi. Let's get started." Calvin hardly waited for the blonde child's barely perceptible nod before walking swiftly away to the experiment that Calvin liked to nickname 'Hound.' He gently placed a hand on the man's shoulder to take his attention, hoping the absence of a lab coat and the mutated blood in his veins would be enough to keep him away from the thought that Calvin was a scientist. "I need you, and your brothers and sisters, and I don't have time to properly explain why but know that if you run, the police will find you." He hoped that was enough, but for many it wasn't; he just hoped Hound and his buddy (who he didn't currently have a nickname for) would trust him. (OOC: You will always be called Hound out-of-dialogue for Calvin just because his mind is weird @Cyber Wolf ... @Xx-Katherine-xX )

Naomi had nodded in response to Calvin's orders, pulling her hood over her head to keep her headphones in place and to help hide the '02' tattooed on her cheek. She took off running, slowing a ways away from a roof where she saw some of the experiments. She walked quietly into the alleyway, looking like nothing more than a wandering child.. Until she suddenly rocketed up and onto the roof with little to no trouble. "Just figured you guys might want to know that me and a buddy are trying to stop the experiments, and that you should help us unless you want to have a really bad time. For example, the cops finding you. They know they can't stand up to the labs, so they don't fight back. We're the only ones who can put a stop to this." She even managed to whisper, paying mind to Tabitha's sensitive ears. Naomi was thankful that her blood was nearly undetectable when it came to mutations, being born and raised on experiments and all, but right now it was just a curse. She managed to blend in perfectly with normal children; she was wearing a yellow and orange hoodie to keep the cold out (even though she couldn't feel it), a picture of a chocobo from a game boasting itself proudly on the back; she was wearing a simple pair of jeans, nothing special to hint at her power; and even wore shoes, as much as she hated them. Only her intelligence and obvious authority when speaking, despite being a small child.

@iiimee )

Matthew quickly swerved his head in the direction of the rock that had been thrown at him. His expression was far from happy- it was the thief with Tabitha again. Hearing what he said, Matthew was planning on quickly running up the stairs a nearby rooftop and jumping across the roofs to that one, but before he could a woman had landed next to Tabitha and Cicero. Not excited about the prospect of having another monster to deal with, he glanced behind him for a brief second due to him hesitating. Standing a distance away from him was the guy who told him about the cops and some blonde woman next to her. 'Of course he has a girlfriend.' Matthew thought before taking off. He didn't know why, but he somehow felt a little disappointed.

Getting unto the roof, Matthew approached the girl who was whispering to the others. "Who the fuck is this?" Matthew asked in his most arrogant voice. Ignoring the way Tabitha cringed when he spoke, he didn't wait for any replies. Instead, he was practically in the girl's face. "Listen miss," he said, a little quiet and a lot more mean than before. "Unless you plan on helping us get out of here, we'd rather not." He pointed a finger toward the people in and nearby the café, some looking like they were ready to head into the forest.

@Cicero @TromboneGeek @Cyber Wolf @Xx-Katherine-xX @Warb @dorkling
Naomi looked up at Matthew, her normally innocent eyes narrowed oh-so-slightly in warning. "I would prefer it if you show some intelligence and realizing just how much danger you're all in right now," she replied calmly, stuffing her hands into the pockets of her hoodie. "I would appreciate it if you got out of my face so Cal and I could help you." She turned to face Tabitha and Cicero. "I apologize in place of this brute, if this is the way he treats people." Naomi walked to the edge of the building, peering down. "We've used too much time. See that stop sign down there? Go to it, and take a straight path from it into the forest. Keep going until you come to a cabin. Cal and I will meet you there when we can. I'll be busy distracting the police from you bunch." She didn't wait for an answer, but jumped down among people in order to cause the biggest commotion possible. She sprinted to the road, timing everything perfectly as she slammed into a police car and somehow knocked it off course completely, causing it to spin into an old, unused brick apartment. Calvin watched Naomi from a distance, continuing his words quickly as he relayed the same directions that Naomi had said before walking swiftly away to help the girl. (@Cicero @Xx\-Katherine\-xX @Cyber Wolf )

Shrugging off her comments, Matthew finally swallowed enough of his pride to follow her. "Come on!" he yelled to Cicero and Tabitha, before sprinting down the stairs and toward the forest path. He didn't care about these other monsters.

But Tabitha did. Despite being weak from the loud noises all around her, sirens included, she quickly grabbed Cicero's hand and ran down the stairs with him- there was NO way she'd let him pick her up again! "Come on!" she yelled to Nate, his friend, and the shaking girl from earlier. He didn't care if the others heard- the police were a much bigger issue than civilians. Running as fast as her legs could carry her, she somehow managed to guide Cicero into the forest, too panicked to even check if those she called out to were following.

@Cicero @Xx\-Katherine\-xX @Cyber Wolf @TromboneGeek​
"And you yell at me for picking you up when your just as bad pulling me around." He stated breaking out of her grasp and running along side her 'Why does this day keep getting worse and worse.'He thought to himself all he hear was everyone running into the forest away from the sirens of police. He then wondered why he got involved in this when he could run in the opposite direction or use Tabatha's friend as a decoy while we run away.

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