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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Standing behind the counter of the coffee shop in employee uniform was Eddy, currently digging through a lovely leather wallet that was a gift from his dad. Appraising his funds, he counted it up to $5.54. Enough to buy food for a while, but not enough to pay a bus to take him home. Sighing, Eddy closed the wallet and tucked it back into his pants pocket. This job was fairly poor in the pay, but he had to do something to get home. Of course there was always the other option, the option gifted by those scientists. Eddy could feel them, sitting in pockets and wallets and purses. Eddy just had to call and they'd come to him. Shaking his head, Eddy dispelled those thoughts. Dad would be ashamed of him if he got money that way. Well if he was still, around that is. Looking for something to distract him, he saw two new customers had come him. Putting on a smile, he called out, "Hello, can I get you two anything?"

@iiimee @Lonely Star
Nate growled, he was protective of the other experiments. He was used to guard the perimeter of the lab, accompanied by two actual guards to ensure he wouldn't misbehave. He felt the muscles in his back tense and flex. His teeth ached and he could feel them aching to enlarge and sharpen. He swallowed down the urge to shift, not out in the open like this. Especially with hunters going around. He could hear a man whispering roughly to a female, demanding answers of their blown up lab. He growled louder, quickening his pace as he neared the cafe. They were coming into view now. He pushed away the desire to wince from the pain in his shoulder. The blood was slowing, now only trickling. Blood covered his arm, from the wound down to his finger tips. His shorts splattered with blood.

@Cicero @iiimee

Somehow during their talking they had walked back into the coffee shop. Matthew barely noticed however, waiting for the girl's response. A man tried to speak to him, but besides glancing at the man, Matthew didn't acknowledge him. All he wanted was answers- why were experiments other than him and Tabitha here?

@Xx\-Katherine\-xX @Cicero @Cyber Wolf​
Nate snapped. It sounded like a dog, or a monster canine. The type of sound a starving wolf would make if another wolf got too close to its food. His cheeks flushed with color, he was showing his teeth. In his human form, fangs like a dog was frightening. Yet he wasn't afraid to show his difference to the pair, he knew what they were. He could smell them. The way their blood flowed different than any human. "Watch it." He growled under his breath. "I-I'm fine." He lucked his lips slightly, as his blushing cheeks regained his average color.

'Why did I have to jump down and talk to this girl'He thought to himself before seeing the bloody man when he did he whispered in Tabitha's ear "I think we should leave like now."He said in his lowest voice possible with his voice full of urgency. As far as he was concerned he just wanted to get away what that thing was but knowing leaving the girl here he might regret it later and he really doesn't want to find that boy and tell him what happened. "Heh sorry to bother you sir me and my sister will be leaving." He said with a smile on his face as he grabbed Tabitha's hand and walked into an ally way and picked her up in a bridal carry to jump on the roof and setting her down "Do you know you touched that guy in one of his wounds right?" He asked her confused by her actions
( Note: If Ali'ikais words are italized when speaking, it means she is speaking her native tongue ("Hawaiian language/Polynesian )


A feminine figure stood against the wall in a dark alley, counting the money she has

earned, sighing at the lack of it.

The non-natives goal was to return to her homeland and help her brother..

Her chocolate colored gaze began to fill with tears at the thought of family.

Is my brother even still alive?

Is the diner still there?

Is my brother walking the streets of Hawaii, home and job-less?

Has he given up on me..

Thoughts like this and similar rushed through her brain, tears beginning to slip down her chin, burying her face in her hands.

She sniffled a bit, shaking her head.

"Stop being a cry baby.." She muttered to herself. "Moping about doesn't do me any good..."

After a few moments of straightening herself up, she heard voices nearby. Male and female. A group of people

The caramel skinned female peeked behind the wall, her gaze sweeping over the area.

Thats when a coffee shop caught her eye, smiling a bit with hope.

She hurried past the group, her mind set on one thing.

Ali'ikai burst through the coffee door and rushed up to the cashier.

"Do you know of any airports nearby? Possibly cheap?" She completely forget she wasn't speaking English, too hurried to notice it.


@everyone else?

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Nate reacted quickly, he released Hunt and was shifted in seconds. While the process was painful, it was like a release. The massive wolf leaped onto the roof along with them. He shoved himself between the pair and bared his fangs at the guy who had taken Tab. No point in lying to me, thief. Nate's voice erupted in the guys head, Nate firmly rested his gaze on him. I know what you are. I am you. You are me. We are all the same. His fur brushed against Tabithia reassuringly, warmth flooding from his massive, furry wolf body.

@Cicero [/size]
'What the...'He thought to himself 'how did he get in my head' He was so confused but all he knew is that most likely was this wolf guy was going to hurt Tabitha and he did not want to see they guys face when he told him Tabitha got hurt. "Ok you caught me i'm a thief what about it but I do have on small problem you better leave her alone its for your own safety trust me." He said in a plain voice completely losing all emotion he took off his hoodie and hat to show his ears and tail "If i'm right you want something what is it?" He asked the guy while his eyes changed to cat eyes letting him see better then with human eyes.

Ooc: I think we're all soulmates. It's the only explanation for why we're all posting at once.

:P @Cicero


Tabitha only grew more curious when the boy showed off his teeth. Matthew didn't seem to like them, but Tabitha loved learning about her fellow experiments. Before she could ask him about anything however, the thief-guy had grabbed her and jumped unto the roof with her. Afraid of heights, Tabby clung to him until they were on the roof, when she had hurriedly let go of him. She wanted to yell at him in her quietest voice possible, but before she could the wolf-guy followed them, beating her to it. What was with all of these experiments today? She had been fearless before, but after that encounter with heights she just wanted to go back to her and Matthew's shelter.


Matthew regarded the woman who was yelling calmly, not because he thought she was crazy, but because he was bored, and when Matthew was bored he didn't care for anything. "We can't understand you miss." he said politely, though it wasn't out of kindness- he just wasn't happy with how his day was going, and any distraction from the fact there were other experiments around would make him happy.

OOC: Or we're a bunch of insomniacs xD

Startled at the crying girl suddenly rushing in, Eddy flinched back. Appraising the girl babbling to him in some unknown language, crying in a panic. Biting his lip, Eddy thought about what to do. He didn't know this girl, she had just rushed in. But she looked lost and panicked, probably an immigrant. Eddy thought back to stories from his parents, how hard it was to get used to America when they first arrived. Sighing and looking to his side, before staring straight at her. What kind of man would he be if he turned her away? Putting his hand on her shoulder, hopefully in a comforting manner, he pointed at a chair in the shop. Smiling at her, he said, "Just take a seat and try to calm down."

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Nate scoffed, shifting into his human form. He was muscular, and lean. Tall, and clearly cunning. "I want nothing from you, or the girl. Well, not in items." He rolled his eyes. "I'm sure neither of you remember me, yet I know all of you. I saw you both more than once, while you were drugged and conscious. So. If I wanted to harm either of you, I'd have done it before you even saw me." He glanced toward the girl. "I can smell your blood, neither of you are human. You are what her and I are." He points toward Hunter. "You are experiments. You both are in danger. Just like the rest of us." He was completely ignoring his bloody arm and the wound that was now hot to the touch. "So, instead of telling me suggestions, maybe you should take mine.. you know.. for your own safety." His voice was tough, and his dark eyes portrayed nothing, not even the pain he was feeling.

@Cicero @iiimee
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Ali'ikai tilted her head a bit at the male who commented about not understanding her, confused.

Oh wait-

Her mind slowly processed and inwardly facepalmed.

Well that explains why the cashier boy looked a bit confused..

Ali'ikai snapped from her thoughts as she felt his hand touch her shoulder, flinching back a bit.

She noticed his hand extended, pointing to a chair and crossed her arms. "I am calm." She stated in almost perfect English. Her Hawaiian accent is quite thick.

Sorry about that outburst.." She sighed softly and sat down, running a hand through her dark hair.

I kinda forgot I wasn't speaking English.. "


"Nope sorry I was never good at listening to someone else's suggestions and I kinda don't worry about my safety when I protect someone" He said with no emotion "So I guess see ya dog breath...but I do have a suggestion you might wanna take its called a breath mint I think you can use one." He said while putting his hoodie and hat back concealing his ears and tail while also turning his eyes back to human eyes "So if you don't mind I think we will be on our way." He stated while grabbing Tabitha and jumped into the ally way and ran in to the crowd 'The only way I can get way from this guy and make sure she's safe is giving her back to that guy but where is he' He thought to himself running through the people

Matthew rolled his eyes at the boy at the register's chivalry. Maybe it was because he didn't like girls, but the fact this guy was being so nice to her annoyed him somewhat. Still, he'd just pretend it's part of his mean exterior and move on with his life. He had bigger issues than whose pants he'd get into. Taking a seat himself, he watched the girl carefully. Why was she here, of all places? "Well, don't forgot next time." was Matt's blunt reply. Her being polite only irritated him more.

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Ooc:Heh Sorry I guess i'll type after you respond from now on xp
Ooc: Ok hang on let me copy paste...im joking to much work just pretend its after that until it makes sense or what every WWWOORRDDSS
Cicero said:
Ooc: Ok hang on let me copy paste...im joking to much work just pretend its after that until it makes sense or what every WWWOORRDDSS
Ooc: X_X But my post is kind of a response to yours... *Gasp* Did we create a paradox?!
Ooc:I looked up the definition and i'm still confused but lets go with that so my head wont explode just thinking about it
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"Yea yea I hear ya." He said while putting her down "If your looking for your boyfriend or what ever I have no clue where he is but I can help you search for him then we go our seperate ways and you won't have to deal with a thief carrying you around...who would of thought I find the one person scared of heights I wonder if your boyfriend know...anyway not my problem do you want my help finding him or not?" He asked her 'Wait why am I asking to help her dang it well at least she hadn't hit me yet' He thought to himself while eating a cookie he got from his pocket.
Nate rolled his eyes "what people do when they don't know what's coming." He leaped from the roof, landing on the balls of his feet, he watches as the female yelled at him and he laughed. "Dumb kid." He looked toward Hunter. "Do I have to protect them all? Or can I let the dumb ones die?" He spoke without care, only half joking.


He hoped she'd answer what he wanted to hear, yet he knew she was all about 'protecting them all'. He leans against the building and pulls out a cigarette, chuckling at how the hybrid said he had dog breathe, yet the thief smelt worse than him. He shrugs of the thoughts, the children will either flock together, or die alone. Personally, Nate will live, with or without them. He merely tried so it would satisfy Hunter, the short, gorgeous blonde he was accompanied by.
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Tabitha couldn't help but laugh. Matt Wise, her boyfriend? The thought sounded utterly absurd, but at least it took her from her foul mood. Stifling her laughter, she replied quietly "I am fine- plus, all you're good for is a lift anyway." Giving a sincere smile, the foolish girl with a heart of gold ran off, determined to find the person she called "friend", and apparently "boyfriend", according to the cat-guy... She was still trying not to laugh by the time she spotted him in the café.

@Cicero @Cyber Wolf

Lol atm I am imagining a forced wedding between Tabby and Matt. xD Tabitha's innocently waving to boys and girls with no clue how flirt she looks, while Matt looks like he'd rather be anywhere else. :P Also, since they're runaways the wedding takes place in a train station with their clothes being ratty and old... Just the picture sorry lol.
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