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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

"Uuuhhh Shuzo I really don't think this is a good time." He said looking at Ely and Matthew "I'll talk to you later once these two hot-heads cool down and aren't at each others throats ok." He said to the boy with a forced reassuring smile 'I can't help but feel Ely or Matt will be killed by the time the weeks up.' He thought to himself staring at the two boys that looked like they are about to kill each other "Guys be quiet the last thing we need is for Tab's ears to start bleeding again because of us." He said before the two of them got the idea to scream at each other making Tab suffer if they did he would gladly knock the two of them out

Matt didn't expect to see the bastard from earlier at least until the morning, but when he and the kid Tabby helped earlier walk into the room, he was, well, surprised, if only for a moment. Quickly taking off the blanket he had wrapped around himself, Matt wanted to reply with a snarky "What's it to you? Did you come in here because my 'doll face' was too hard to resist?" but he knew better. That would come off as a tease, so he simply started with a "What's it to you?"

He didn't expect to, but Matt felt his anger rise up again around this guy. He was just so easy to hate, and it honestly felt nice to have somebody to fight with after all this time- when was the last time he actually got into a real fight anyway? He couldn't remember it, but it was probably during his time in the facility. Shuzo had already left, leaving just Cicero and this guy here... "You have three shields this week before I shoot you." Matt informed him, a crooked smile on his face. "Consider this a warning, unless you'd like to harass me more and spend one tonight." He raised a fist, but didn't dare punch the guy. He wasn't fond of him, but in this house he'd at least have to deal with him until the end of these next few days, when he'd be grabbing his wallet and taking the next bus to Las Vegas. If he fought with this guy, his stay here was in jeopardy, and he knew Tabitha would be destined to follow him if he was kicked out.

@Cicero @Xx\-Katherine\-xX​
Ely chuckled at Matt's warning. He could care less about his 'chances'. It wouldn't be the first time he had fought someone, and sure as hell wouldn't be the last. He wouldn't go down without a fight though.

"Guess I better watch myself then. Wouldn't want to ruin that pretty porcelain, now would we?"

Ely had stepped forward and tapped the boys chin with his last words. With that, he turned on his heel and headed out. He returned to his own bedroom, laying down on the soft bed, arms behind his head. He pondered the current situation.

He couldn't help feeling that while Ely was just teasing, Matt was probably being serious. He didn't mind much though. If it came down to fight, so be it. He wasn't afraid of throwing a couple of punches.

"Uhhh...yea so anyway I guess I should be practicing how to hold a fork and what ever it is you call gentleman even though I have no clue where to start on that...are you sure I can't just be myself?" He asked Matt really not wanting to learn how to be a gentleman or how to hold a fork but if it was to make Tab happy he would be more then enthusiastic about it but he really didn't want to learn. 'Why everything have to involve practice...kinda want to steal something or practice fighting that was the only fun thing to do.' He told himself "Hey Matthew I don't know if you will be interested but care to practice fight so we can protect the group or ourselfs because I don't think Doggy boy will say yes or is in any condition and you seem like the only person who will take me serious in a fight so what do you say?" He said smiling like what just happened never accord

Matthew Branch Wise was not amused. No, more than "not amused". Matthew was bloodthirsty, and despite him trying to restrain himself, it was already plenty difficult to keep himself from punching the guy where he stood- or where he did a few seconds ago, before he had headed out of the room. At first, Matt didn't even notice that Cicero was still in the room, but once he did he almost felt... embarrassed? No, that wasn't the right word. It wasn't that he felt shame about liking men, but it was extremely uncomfortable to him to talk about or even acknowledge this fact he knew so well, especially when straight men were around. 'Why does he have to act so... gay?' Matt thought. It wasn't like the guy was the gay stereotype he saw on what few clips of shows he's seen. TV seemed to portray men as walking divas- they wore scarves all the time, swayed their hips, and cross-dressing was their favorite hobby. It wasn't like Matt didn't know he could sometimes act more feminine than other men, but he didn't think it was that noticeable- not that he minded the men on the TV clips. That's besides the point however. Why Matt was so uncomfortable with this guy was one fear- being confronted with the way he was living. Neither hiding nor ever speaking about his tastes, whether sexual or something like his favorite colour. Not being too loud but acting arrogant nonetheless. There were so many things wrong with him, but all traced back to the idea that he wasn't deciding anything for himself. Instead, he just let time pass by.

"I think I've had enough fighting for today." Matthew said. This time, his voice was extremely quiet but strangely assertive. Meeting Cicero's gaze with uncaring, cold eyes, Matthew spoke slowly. "I told you everything you need to now for more- If you bother me again tonight, I'll put you on my hit list too." He gave a crooked smile- one he's used a hundred times before. It wasn't friendly- instead, it meant he was ready to kill somebody.

@Cicero @Xx\-Katherine\-xX​
"Ok fine so when can we have a practice duel then because the only fun I had fighting anyone was the cops...if you even call them a challenge but ok anyway night Matthew...and its ok to like guys...OK DON'T Hit me I just saying i'm not judging you." He half yelled almost forgetting Tab had better hear then everyone 'Man I hope she didn't wake up from that.' He thought while he walk out of Matt's room closing the door and beginning to practice how to hold a fork by sitting down and placing and picking up the fork...but every time he does he holds it like hes going to stab someone "Why is this so hard?" He whispered yelled to himself but he kept trying and he even tried to think of what movie to go see 'I have to get this stupid fork holding down before I can even think about asking Tab on a date.' He told himself giving him more reasons to continue practicing

Luckily, Tabitha was so overcome by the warmth of the blankets that even with her hypersensitive ears she was barely paying attention. 'This feels like home...' she thought somewhere among the world of dreams. If she was more conscious, she'd probably realize she hasn't known what home feels like for years, or that her family had been murdered a long time ago, but when she was warm like this, something she hasn't been in who-knows-how-long, she could finally relax and forget her troubles, even if she'd remember them once she was awake again.

"Damn... dammit all of them!" Matt cursed quietly, hoping nobody would hear him. Unbuttoning his shirt and taking it off, he finally gave up and crawled into the bed. He again was shocked for quite a while by the warmth alone, but he recovered more quickly this time, not because he was used to it, but because of how much his thoughts were distracting him. "And it's okay to like guys..." Since when did Cicero have the nerve to say that to him? Maybe he'd been too nice to the guy- did he think they were friends or something? The only friend Matthew had was Tabitha, and even then that was more of an alliance. 'I can't trust any of them.' Matt thought in silence. Only minutes ago their fighting could've been heard by anyone who was awake, but now it was completely silent. Rolling over so he was sleeping on his stomach, Matthew finally let himself fall asleep, despite knowing the nightmares that would await him.

Ooc: Time-skip or...? :/​
Ooc: I wouldn't mind a time skip I have a perfect idea of what Cicero will be doing
Ooc: Time-skip to da morning! @TromboneGeek @Cicero @Xx\-Katherine\-xX I have a lot of good scenarios for what my characters would be doing lol...

Ooc:Great this will fit my character even better

Cicero had been practicing how to hold a fork for the whole night and fell asleep still holding the fork like he was going to stab someone while he dreamed of cookies and other random things "Ta...b y... beautiful." He muttered in his sleep smiling forgetting where he was just in his insane dream world of shiny things cookies but nothing compared to seeing the only thing there that made his heart race it was Tab he knew why she was in his mind all the time he just didn't know how to ask her and Matthew help but he was still confused but never the less he did what the boy said and he practiced how to hold a fork and still fail

Ooc:Ok not as good as I thought but hey i tried right

The second Tabitha woke up, she went into the kitchen, yawning. She looked around- nobody was looking for food yet? Realizing this was the perfect opportunity, Tabitha opened the refrigerator and took out the carton of eggs she found in there. Considering how many people were here, it wasn't that much, but immediately she set to work to prepare them, grabbing a frying pan and setting it on the stove.

Matthew woke up a little after Tabitha, quickly getting out of bed and looking through his small backpack for some clothes he could wear. There wasn't much, but he had recently spent a small portion of his money to wash them, so at least whatever he wore would look nice. He walked out of the room in skinny jeans and a flannel shirt. He glanced at the bathroom, but didn't go in- He could take a shower later, considering the fact he'd probably spend the day practicing fighting moves with Cicero, since the boy was persistent that he do so.​
Cicero was still mumbling in his sleep about shiny objects cookie and tab one sentence he regrets saying "Ta...b I wa...s wond....if you wa...n to go....a date?" He said sleeping and falling to his side asleep dropping the fork and smiled like he got the answer in his head (Sorry this was short I couldn't think of what else to say).

"Cicero, you awake yet?"

Standing right outside the room was Matthew, looking awake and arrogant as ever. "Hey, if you want, we should go prac-" His words were interrupted by a loud crashing sound, which immediately put Matt into survival mode. "Come on." he commanded, quickly going over, grabbing Cicero's hand, and running down the stairs to investigate the unknown source of the noise. What Matthew saw surprised him. Standing with her hair neatly pulled back in a ponytail, and an apron around her small but curved waist, Tabitha had, from the looks of it, been putting plates out unto the table- only to drop one, sending shards of glass everywhere except at her, luckily. Matt blinked a few times. Was this really the girl he took on stealing missions? He always knew guys found her attractive- that much had always been obvious, but her beauty seemed to double overnight, and though Matt wasn't actually attracted to her, it still shocked him to see how different she looked- but only for a moment.

"What have you done now?" he scolded, quickly crouching down to pick up the pieces of glass. Tabitha kept her hands behind her back, looking guilty, but her mood quickly lifted once she saw Cicero. "Hey, you're awake!" she said happily- only to realize she hadn't put the eggs on the table yet. Grabbing a large plate, she quickly put them on it, before setting it in the middle of the table. "I don't have much experience, but I think they came out good!" she said, putting her hands on her hips to over exaggerate her achievement. She turned to face Cicero once again, only to realize something. "I heard you mumbling something in your sleep- do you remember what you were dreaming of?" she asked, grabbing his hand while she spoke and looking up at him.

Cicero woke up the moment he got grabbed by Matt and pulled up the stairs "Uuhh...yea I remember.." He said his face instantly turning red because he remembered clearly what he said and thanks to Tab's better hearing she must of heard to 'Dang it if she broke the plate she must be in shock.' He thought bracing himself for the no he is about to receive but before Tab could say anything "Look Tab i'm sorry I know you must not likely me like I like you...heck I love you and I know it will make everything awkward between us by telling you this but I know an amazing,cute,funny girl like yourself could never love an insane,kleptomaniac,neko." He said looking down his whole face red with embarrassment and he didn't want to look at the anger or laughter in her eyes when he told her 'I knew this would of been a mistake why didn't I go to bed when I had the chance instead of practicing.' He yelled at himself mentally
Naomi walks out of her own room, arms stretched in a yawn and her short blonde hair a-wait, no, it looked kinda normal.. She smelled the food, and her shuffling zombie-walk quickened into a hurried padding, and she burst out into the kitchen in a ball of hungry child. She seemed to teleport into one of the seats, thanking Tabitha quickly before yanking Cicero's fork away and eating, in a rather pig-like manner.

Calvin was less graceful as he stumbled out of his room, wearing a plaid pair of pajama pants and a shirt that was too large for the thin man. He was rubbing his eyes, having forgotten to put his glasses back on, and nearly cursed as he opened his eyes and realized that, if the other people in the room weren't distracted, they would have seen the acid-green irises. He quickly shoved his glasses on, grumbling about mornings, plopping into a chair and nearly falling asleep then and there.

"You should spend more time sleeping and less time thinking, Cal."

"Shut up before I throw you at the sun," the scientist-who-wasn't-very-scientist-like-right-now snapped groggily in response. He never made sense in the mornings.

"Where'd you get that one from, Cal?" Naomi asked in an amused voice, ignoring Calvin's glare of a response.

"If I burn your mouth off you might shut up for once," was his reply.

"Yeah, that's cool, but where'd you get the sun part of everything?"

"Because your stupid blonde face hurts my eyes!"

Naomi laughed, nearly falling out of her chair, but Cicero's sudden proclamation stopped that suddenly. She turned to look at him, covering her mouth with her hands as she got up out of her chair and bounced excitedly.

"It's love at first sight!" Except she went on to say in a deadpan voice, "That, or Cicero's just a creep, because he's known Tabitha for all of two days."
Ooc: Not sure if I should make this romantic, or just embarrass him... God dammit, Trombone ruined my chance of the second one. :P

Bic: Matthew's eyes widened as he stopped picking up glass to stare at the two of them. Sure, he knew Cicero had liked her but... was he that open about his feelings? Tabitha was blushing furiously, clearly not sure what to say. Matt knew he had to take this opportunity before either a disaster or a make-out session occurred in the kitchen. "Excuse us." Matt said, grabbing the boy's arm and dragging him out of the room- actually through several rooms. "What are you thinking?!" Matt scolded him in a whisper so quiet he doubted even Tabitha could understand what they were saying. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. This boy needed to learn what the phrase meant "There's a time and a place for everything."

"I don't care if you like her, but don't embarrass her like that." he practically hissed, keeping his voice at the quietest whisper possible. "She may like you, I have no doubts, but you just opened her up to nonstop harassment until she answers you- you get that, right?" He stepped back from the boy, but continued to glare at him. "I'll see you downstairs." he muttered, turning and walking back to the kitchen.

When he got there, Tabitha was seated in one of the chairs, not eating but drinking some orange juice she had gotten from the fridge. Her blush had gone down just a little, but a small smile kept coming back to her lips, no matter how hard she tried to push it away and keep a straight face. Matthew ran a hand over his face is exasperation. This was going to be so much harder than he imagined.

@Cicero @TromboneGeek​
'Did I really but her in the bad of a spot DANG IT WHATS WRONG WITH YOU CICERO!' He mentally yelled while hitting himself in the head while he walked back to the kitchen he couldn't help but go up to Tab "Umm..i'm so sorry I didn't mean to be that open...if anyone is giving you trouble for me liking you tell me i'm pretty sure I can make up an excuse to safe you more embarrassment then you already went though." He said trying to make a happy smile but it ended up turning into a sad on "Well is it ok from the master chef if I eat later?" He asked her trying to lighten the mood between them "Because i'm going downstairs to train with Matthew...and by train i mean get wrecked completely." He said to her laughing a little
Naomi watched Tabitha's reactions with glee, whereas Calvin had fallen asleep and was lucky he hadn't gotten egg in his hair or smushed between his plate and his face. Naomi reached over, slowly lifted Calvin's head up, and slid the plate away, in a seemingly kind gesture..

Until she lifted his head up higher than she needed to and let his head bang down hard onto the table.

"FUCK! NAOMI!" Being the half asleep idiot that Calvin was, he didn't realize Tabitha was sitting right next to him until it was too late. The man had enough humility to murmur an apology to Tabitha and restrain himself from smashing a plate over the child's blonde head.

"I swear to God.. That child.." Naomi was giggling madly.
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Tabitha nodded quickly, trying desperately to hide the fact she was blushing. "I'll save some for you." she promised. Matthew found himself smirking, despite himself. There interactions were almost too simple right now. He knew Cicero probably felt sincerely bad for what he'd done, but Matt was wise enough to know that after at most a day they'd be chasing after each other again- only this time with more interest in their relationship with each other, now that at least one of them knew they had a shot. He got up, not clearing his plate simply to spite the scientist and his brat for earlier. "Let's go train." he said cheerfully while wrapping an arm around Cicero, and with a quick forced smile to Tabitha, he dragged the boy downstairs.

"Lovebirds, I swear..." he muttered, stretching out his shoulders and legs before turning to face Cicero. "You ready?" he asked, or more accurately, he challenged the other boy. Despite how much Matt avoided fights, today he felt a particular urge to build his muscles- and it would be a challenge too. Cicero had the ability to jump and do other things, while all Matthew could do was mimic people's bodies and voices, and even that was limited! If Matthew ever wanted to become the most physically strong man in the group, he'd need to work on his muscle from the ground up. "Come at me." he ordered.​
"Okkk as you wish." He said smiling taking off his hat and loosening his body his tail was free and his eyes were like cats "I won't use weapons because it might to loud for Tab's ears when I smack it against your face." He said laughing like he wasn't in a fight he didn't know why but every time he was in a fight he went to his insane side but still managed to hold control over his body after a few moments of silence he disappeared from sight only to be right behind Matt and throw a punch at his face only for it to be a fake for him to punch his leg instead.

Matt, sensing Cicero was being more tricky than usual, didn't dodge the punch but instead jumped high into the air, avoiding the leg kick by only inches. "You're going to have to try harder than that." he taunted, a full smile on his face for once. Matthew had forgotten the joy he got when he was fighting. These weren't the streets, or even the facility however- Matt knew that Cicero would control himself, and he should too. If one of them injured the other, they'd probably be out of the streets again.

"Aim, like this." Matt said, throwing a direct punch at the boy's face.​

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