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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Ooc:Well knowing Cicero hes just crazy he'll realize...eventually...i hope
After waiting Cicero decided to get pay back on Matthew so he crept up stairs attempting to punch Matthew 'Lets see if you ignore me know.' He thought laughing mentally 'Wait why would I do that...ok i'm bored again.' He thought while stopping and going outside and seeing a wolf sleeping "Hey wolf whats up?" He asked the wolf not caring that he had a chance of getting bit but now he had his knife and he could actually fight back so he put one of his hand in his pocket and clutched a knife waiting to attack if necessary 'YOU STUPID CAT YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER THEN TO STEAL FROM YOUR MASTERS! the scientist yelled at me for stealing some sort of knife from one of them You aren't my masters...NONE OF YOU ARE MY MASTERS YOUR JUST A BUNCH OF STUPID IDIOTS WANTING TO PLAY GOD SO YOU CAN FORGET ABOUT YOUR MISERABLY LIVES! I yelled back at them earning me a punch in the stomach and a kick to the face I couldn't help but laugh "You know if we really are that important too you guys...you most likely shouldn't be hitting us." He said the him looking directly in his face laughing' "no no no no STOP GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" I yelled grabbing at my head wanting to forget about the lab and everything about it
Leon woke up after hearing "Hey wolf" and rubbed his head with a hind paw before letting out a short snarl and trying to head back off to sleep. Leon didn't care who was trying to get him up, they did it again they were going to get bit. It was irritating to say the least, couldn't even get a hour of sleep!

"Hey you stupid wolf you can't stay here get already would ya." He said to the wolf poking it while his foot 'Why does the wolf have to be here seriously what is it going to get from sleeping here?' He questioned it in his mind while still poking the wolf getting ready to jump on the roof if needed "Seriously wolf move now." He said getting annoyed at the wolf kicking it in his side hoping that would make it leave "I SAID MOVE!" He yelled while kicking it again
Vladimor was tired of being alone. After his body had warmed up to a considerable amount, he decided to once again seek out Matthew. When he goes the kitchen and sees him, he nearly instantly noticed the fresh red lines on his fingers. 'This kid' he thought as he looks at the wooden block he was using to sharpen the knife of his. "Be more careful, will ya, Matthew?" He huffs in irritation approaching the boy. The long haired boy looks at the other with a disapproving look. "What am I going to do with you, you're sharpening it correctly, or even with the right tool...Stone, not wood." Vladimor takes the knife from his hand, a shadow raising and turning itself into a flat surface. He places the knife against it at the proper angle, sweeping across shadow and you could hear the solid scrape against something that's barely tangible. He does this a few times, flipping it and repeating the action with the other side of the blade before raising it to his tongue, barely applying enough force before it cut him. "Mmn, just sharp enough." He purrs, handing Matthew his knife back, ignoring the small amount of blood that leaks from his tongue. He just swallows it back.


Matthew simply stood there in silence as the knife was handed back to him. His expression was blank. "Why are you in here? Not enough shadows to use as pillows?" he asked bitingly. He may have seemed calm facially, but his voice gave away everything... He wanted this guy gone. "Why are you here?" he repeated, putting the knife in his pocket. If this guy wanted to practice fighting, the boy was all for it, but besides that he'd rather be on the other side of the world than with this guy.

Tabitha quietly watched their conversation unfold from where she was sitting at the kitchen table. She felt like she should leave, but part of her didn't trust Matt alone with this guy- what would he do to the poor man? She was a little confused by Matthew's pillow comment, but didn't raise her voice to ask the question. At this point, she felt anything she said would just make matters worse.​
Vladimor cringes at Matthew's tone feeling more than unwelcome. He understood it. "Are you still upset about that? Look, you were the first person to offer any sort of kindness to me, and all I did was sought solace in being close to you. I don't know shit about you, but you're the only fucking person in this entire world that I can trust right now." He sighs in an aggravated tone. He rubs his face, pushing up until he runs his hands through his hair, attempting to push it all back, though it just falls back into place. "I'm here," Vladimor points to the ground, brows furrowing. "Because I was lost, and afraid, and nobody would fucking help me, except for you!" He takes a breath, lowering his head. "I'm here, right now with you because I thought for once I could fit in. I thought, maybe for a second that you were someone who didn't care how much of a bother I am! Didn't care, that I was just another outsider...Didn't care that I was a mess." He straightens his posture, crossing his arms with a hard look, but surprised with himself that his tone was so strong and consistent. "I understand, and as many times as I've fucking said it; I'm tired of being a burden, and I will leave." His jaw tightened and there was a heavy weight on his chest as tears brimmed in his eyes, but that did not break him. With these final words, he turned and sought out the front door.

Leon snapped after being consistently kicked. The massive wolf bit down on Cicero's leg. Leon didn't even consider shifting back due to the wolf side taking over. Leon chomped down and jerked around with all of his might. Leon was furious.

"AAGGH!" Cicero screamed while trying to get the knife from his pocket when he got it he stabbed the wolf's leg and continued to stab it until it let go "DANG IT LET GO YOU STUPID WOLF I CAN'T DIE BECAUSE I KNOW MATTHEW WILL EVENTUALLY LEAVE TAB AND I WANT TO BE THERE FOR HER WHEN IT HAPPENS SO SHE WON'T BE ALONE SO LET GO!" Cicero screamed while still he stabbed the wolf's side hoping that will make the wolf let go 'Dang it just let go.' He thought to himself while he started to punch the wolf in the face with his other hand

Ooc: Vladimor is an emotional wreck isn't he? Like damn, one comment and he's like THAT? X_X Yikes... I'd hate to see him on a bad day!

Bic: Matthew blinked a few times, unable to believe what he was hearing this guy say. First he called Matt kind, and then he plans on practically giving himself up because he was a "burden"? All the boy could do was stand perfectly still, his brain barely able to process all that this guy said. He expected a rude remark back at best, not... whatever hurricane of emotion he just got stuck in. "I..." He tried to come up with the right words, but what could he say? All he learned from his entire life were three things: Hide, scream, and fight. He reached a shaking hand out to the other boy, but did he even know what he meant to say? Whether it was lucky or unlucky, Tabitha seemed to find the words before he did.

"You don't have to leave!" Tabitha said, standing up, only to fall again. Between Vladimor's yelling and Cicero's screaming outside, the girl was quite overwhelmed. Still, she grabbed unto the boy's pant leg to stop him from leaving. "Matt... doesn't know how to find the right words, but I'm sure he's just playing hard to get!" Tabitha explained, giving the boy a large reassuring smile, and earning a glare from Matthew. She didn't know Vladimor well, but judging from their conversation, she realized they must be close. She'd lie about Matt's feelings if she had to, though honestly she didn't know if it was a lie or not. "Hard to get? Who does she think I am?!" The boy thought, pissed as all Hell. He didn't know why he was nice to this boy in the beginning, but it was not out of some petty pursuit game! He glanced up, waiting for Vladimor's reaction. He couldn't possibly believe that, could he?​
Leon was not expecting the knife. It stabbed his leg and side, which made Leon let go. The wolf suddenly shifted back to Leon with a hand over his side and another hand around his shin. He came hobbling inside, blood dripping onto the ground as Leon tried to find someone, anyone who could help. But before he could say anything, Leon fell onto the floor and passes out because of the many stab wounds to both his side and leg. His blood was beginning to spill on the ground, and Leon was slowly turning a ghostly white.
"Wait what Leon...great." He said while limping inside and found towels to cover Leon's stab wounds "Tab I know you can hear me please bring some more towels to the kitchen because Leon is hurt because I stabbed him because I thought he was a wolf and he bit my leg so please help." He said while putting presser on the wounds with a towel thinking it will help
Calvin, ever so unfortunate, had been making his way upstairs with the plan to spend the night away from the house; he arrived at the top just in time to see Leon stumble in and fall. With a quiet growl, Calvin turned around and was missing for a few minutes before returning with a towel, a wet rag, and bandages. He pushed Cicero aside, setting the towel against the wound until it stopped bleeding; he then cleaned it with the rag, and eventually got to wrapping the bandages around Leon's leg. He observed the various bruises on the boy's stomach, and his quiet annoyance and anger turned into quiet rage that seemed to darken the entire room. He stood, turning to tower over Cicero.

"What possessed you to kick an animal?" he asked in a quiet but bone-chillingly cold voice, his eyes narrowed dangerously. He would not stand for someone who had the potential to abuse an animal. A feather drifted from his shoulder; one, then two, and then a few more, showing his anger even more.

(Careful with your response, Fangers, or Calvin might just go off.)
Vladimor shakes his head but offers a hand to Tabitha. "Let's be real here, please. I'm tired of making everyone dislike me, I'll go-" He is startled when he hears a thud in the main room, followed by Cicero's call for Tabitha, then furthermore Calvin. His skin paled at the harsh voice, and he rushes into the room to see someone, the kid from earlier, being tended to by Calvin. The blood made him shifty and uncomfortable though he stuck around if he could have been of any service. "Uh, excuse me, sir? Do you need any assistance?" He offers, looking over the kid nervously.

(Do I ever)

"Oh that's easy he wouldn't move so I kicked i'm until he moved...but it didn't work as you can see."He said while gesturing towards his leg and laughing a little "The guy goes crazy when he's a wolf I know that much." He said laughing a little trying to ignore the pain in his leg "Pretty sure it's broken but not sure." He said looking back at Leon "Don't you think you should be taking care of him instead of trying to intimidate me?" He asked looking up at Calvin and started laughing
It took unbelievable effort for Calvin not to react very badly.

"Touch another animal with the intent to harm and I'll kick you out on the streets. Or, if you kill an animal when you're not hunting, or being attacked, or if you've provoked it, I'll kill you myself." Finished, not realizing how terrifying he could be when angry, Calvin whirled away and exited. All anyone would hear would be a boom, and all they would see would be a shower of feathers, and Calvin would be gone.

"...But I was being attacked...Oh well." He said to himself while picking up Leon and now noticing Vladimor "Oh hey i'm Cicero and I guess Leon will be fine now...if not we can blame scientist dude for leaving." He said while walking past him and set Leon on his bed and walked out and noticed everyone "Hey guys what I miss?" He asked smiling and putting his hands in his hoodie pockets and smiled 'Kinda hope they don't ask why Leon is bleeding an unconscious...WAIT MY KNIFE!' He thought while pulling it out and limping upstairs to clean it really fast before going back down stairs "Anyway i'm bored you guys got any ideas?" He asked them looking around the room before falling on the floor and rolling around for no reason
Leon woke up in a room, it wasn't his...after all, he had only gotten here today. He looked around for a while before feeling a horrible burning sensation on his leg and his left side. It didn't help that Leon also felt a large sting throughout his stomach. It all hurt. Leon couldn't move his leg either, if he did it exploded into pain which made Leon yell. Leon sat on the bed and waited for someone, anyone to come and help him.
Vladimor had chosen to stay around just a while longer, only so he could tend to Leo when he needed it. When he heard his call, he went to answer him with haste. "Hey are you okay?! how are you feeling? Do you need anything?" He offers, worry on his face as he steps into the room, looking over him sort of frantically to check his condition.


Tabitha came rushing in with wet towels the second she heard Leon yell. The loud sound hurt her ears, but she figured the boy was in more pain than she was. "What hurts?" she asked frantically, but she already knew what the problem was. The boy had received quite a nasty stabbing from her boyfriend, and while she regretted not being there, taking care of him was all she could do now to make up for it. He was stabbed in the leg, so his whole side should be hurting. Taking a pain pill out of a plastic bag in her pocket, she put it in the boy's mouth. "Swallow it." she directed, going to the bathroom and quickly giving him some water so he could do as she said.

Matthew stayed at the entrance of the room, watching the scene carefully. Vladimor was here for now, but Matt doubted the boy would stay for very long. That wasn't important right now however. Instead, Leon's injury was much more important. He didn't know the whole story, but it apparently had to do with Cicero. He sighed. The boy would probably not be able to fight for a few days, and while Matt didn't exactly like him, a wolf would've been a great fighting partner, at least from his perspective. "That damn cat..." Matthew thought, obviously annoyed, but he secretly wanted to thank him. After all, without this huge scene, Vladimor would've basically turned himself into the scientists by now.​
Leon was happy to see Vladimor, at least someone knew about his current condition. Leon had some color returning to him but was still bleeding from both his leg and his side. His stomach had turned a dark purple due to the kicks he received to the stomach, and Leon had a black eye and a swollen cheek from being punched in the face while in wolf form. When Tabitha gave him a pill and some water Leon smiled,"Thank you." He was even surprised to see Matthew outside of his room. Leon was happy to be here for once, there were people who actually cared about him here and that's all he wanted. For some reason, Leon's eyes began to water as he hugged both Tabitha and Vladimor as he once again repeated,"Thank you." They could have just let him fall. They could have, but they didn't and that alone was enough to make Leon happy. Leon snapped out of his little moment by clearing his throat and wiping his eyes,"I don't want all of you to see me as a burden. I'm sure I'll be able to handle things."

@iiimee @King Anthony
Tabitha was touched by the hug, but the mood quickly died after everyone heard Matthew's response to Leon. "You better be able to 'handle things' Leon- I don't like useless people, even if those people are experiments." were the cutting words that left Matt's lips. Walking into the room, he ignored Tabitha's glares as he continued to speak. "I could pity the boy, but honestly I don't have time. I'll be gone the second Calvin tells me what his plan is for you guys." He turned to point at Tabitha. "You better not spread lies about me again, and you-" He was going to be just as ruthless to Vladimor, but found that he couldn't when he remembered how hurt the boy looked earlier. It would only make the situation worse if he was cruel like that again. Clearing his throat, he began again. "You're not allowed to run away from here, understand? I can't have anyone, even an experiment, dead because of our... disagreements." Avoiding the other young man's gaze, he continued. "If anyone sees Calvin, please tell him I'd like to talk to him. Otherwise, please don't bother me unless it's an emergency." Storming out, Matt immediately went to the room he had claimed as his during his stay here. He didn't know what that was, but it was perhaps the closest thing to an apology the boy had given anyone. Sitting on the bed, he quietly unzipped his backpack and counted what was in there. It was boring, but it was a great distraction at a time like this.

Vladimor was quite surprised when he had been pulled into the hug. "P-please don't move around too much!" He worried, but when he heard the last little line Leon said, he couldn't help but to see a relation in Leon and himself. He gives a small smile before he hears Matthew speak. He just crosses his arms and waits out his 'instruction' until he leaves, huffing when he walks out. "Do what you do best, Leon. Also thanks for watching him out too, Tabitha." He flashes them both a smile, before taking a look at the door. "Do either of you need anything at all before I leave? I think I'm gonna take a nap, today has been a lot for me."

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He walked into his room again to see everyone in there "Hey guys...oh yea sorry Leon about you know stabbing you." He said trying to laugh like it was a joke but it didn't quit work out "Anyway how can I help?" He asked looking around everyone to see if he can find an answer in their faces 'Maybe it was a bad time.' He thought to himself punching himself mentally

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