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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Matthew ignored the little girl's ranting. To him, she was no worse than Cicero- except for her obviously much less naïve brain. Calvin finally came out of hiding, looking just as refined and cold as before. It didn't surprise him, but Matthew was interested to know how such a short-tempered man always seemed to retain his cool... he didn't take drugs did he? Matt was quick to look for an excuse to leave the room. "Shall I go wake up Tabitha?" he suggested, just now remembering the last time he saw the girl was when he woke up this morning. Ella smiled at him, but Matt was so eager to leave he barely acknowledged her, instead walking up the stairs to fetch his friend.

With a straight look on his face he just stared back at Naomi. "Who?" (There was no talk of religion around his home. He glances at Calvin, who seems that it weren't too long ago that he woken up. "Eh?" He steps back from Naomi. She wasn't supposed to be out?

Naomi looked at Ella strangely, somewhat confused, then giggled. "Only because I'm scary," she said with a grin.

Calvin looked around, noting how many of the people in the group were in the living room.
"While Matthew does that, does anyone know where the rest of the group is? We need to discuss where we're headed next." He took a moment to study Vlad, making sure that the boy was fine and uninjured, and turned back to Naomi. "Are you going to answer me?"

"Because," she said, and switched to as deep and threatening a voice as a twelve-year-old could do, "I am the devil and nobody can control me!"

Calvin sighed, facepalming, and moved to the kitchen in hopes of finding some food.
"I don't think you're scary" Ella said. She thought Naomi was a bit strange and hyper but not scary. A tad uncomfortable perhaps. "I guess I can't be the Devil then..." Ella mused quietly to herself at Naomi's declaration. It was a weird thought, after all, she knew she wasn't a fictional character. ( O.o )
"Tabby, are you in there?" Matt asked, knocking on the girl's door. "Shit!" she cursed in her head, grabbing the files and the translation book she had been studying from and kicking it under her bed. She did this just in time, because Matthew came barging in a second later. "You could've answered..." he muttered, but it was clear the boy wasn't actually annoyed. Grabbing one of her hands, he pulled her out of the room. "Where are we going?" Tabitha asked, but she had just barely finished saying that before Matthew's answer came rushing out of his lips. "Downstairs. We're going to Las Vegas." he said, not looking back to see if the girl was keeping up well as he dragged her along. He looked serious and focused, but Tabitha knew him too well: He was excited about something, and she had a good idea of what it was...


Vladimor begins to space out. "Can I take a shower? Do I have time for that? I do, fill me in whatever I miss." Without hearing anyone's disapproval, his grabs the bag Derrick brought for him with fresh clean clothes and goes to look for the bathroom.

Speaking of Derrick, he woke up, yawning and stretching. He found it extremely odd waking up without morning duties or such to attend to. It made him feel a little empty. So what. He pops his back, standing and goes upstair to look for Vladimor. When he noticed a lot of people in one place he felt sorta nervous, especially when the tall noble wasn't there. "Uh,uh excuse me? Where has Lord Vladimor gone off to?" He asks, looking around, chewing on his pale lips as he smooths his blonde hair down.​
Ella looked up at the new arrival. It wasn't that there were a lot of people or people she didn't know, she'd lost track of all the scientists she'd been involved with, it was that all these people seemed so strange to her. With the exception of the two that had just left. "Lord?" Ella asked curiously, maybe she'd been wrong about Matthew. Maybe it was this Lord Vladimor that was in charge. "He just went to shower" she added helpfully.
Derrick nods, tugging at the hem of his shirt. "Do you not call him that? It's sort of disrespectful to only call his name alone. He is a noble after all." He explains, tilting his head. He begins pushing all the folds down out of his shirt, looking between each person with timidness.

"I didn't know he was a Lord. I've only met one of those before" Ella told him with a smile. She'd liked that Lord, now she thought about it again, he'd been very pleased with how obedient she had been for him. She hadn't liked him at the time, but she realised now that that had been foolish. Men like him were meant to be in charge.
Matthew and Tabitha had just rejoined the group when something about lords were being mentioned. "Wait, who's a prince or whatever?" Matt asked, not sure if he heard right. The boy looked like he was about to die from the laughter he was desperately trying to hold in. "Are you okay?" Tabby asks, only to jump back when she heard the boy laugh... Wait, he could laugh?! "Sorry-" he managed to say, before holding a hand to his mouth to stifle the fits of laughter. "That's just... did I hear you right?" Eventually, his laugh receded into a low chuckle, but he couldn't keep an amused smirk off his face. Vladimor, a noble?! The idea sounded insane to him, but at the same time Vlad had already surprised him before.

"Apparently Lord Vladimor is a Lord, sir" Ella nodded, a little disconcerted by his outburst of laughter. She wasn't at all sure what was funny about that but she supposed that wasn't her concern .Her gaze moved to the girl beside him, whose name she couldn't quite recall from last night. The one that had wanted to play games and then collapsed. Everyone here seemed to collapse a lot.
Cicero finally got bored of looking at the sky so he went inside and went to go bug people then he found everyone sitting on the couch and someone saying that the Ogre was a lord and he just started laughing and walked in "ok ok that was the best joke ever who said it?" He asked looking around while laughing like a mad man he couldn't fit the idea of the Ogre boy being a lord of anything other then the lord of complete stupidity and that was hard to top with Cicero here but Ogre boy beat him to it
Leon heard talking and walking around as he woke up once again. Leon had to find out what was happened so he climbed out of bed and slowly limped out of his room. The pain had faded a bit, but it still had a small burning sensation on it as Leon approached the stairs. Leon's bruises were much smaller now as he managed to go down stairs to see everyone. He came down just in time to hear someone say something about Valdimor and a lord. Leon walked in and raised an eyebrow,"What's this about now? A lord and Vladimor? I'm not following."
Cicero noticed and started laughing again "This girl thinks Ogre boy is a lord or something its hilarious the best joke I ever heard." He said looking back at Leon while he was on the ground laughing and holding his stomach "You guys.....are killing.....me with......these jokes." He said in between breaths when he finally calmed down he got up and walked over to Ella "Please tell me your the jokester that made the joke." He said while sitting down on the top of the couch

Derrick nods, wondering why Vladimor hadn't mentioned his title among so many lower ranked people. "I don't find it funny. I am bound to serve Lord Vladimor, forever and always. Although, here, I don't think you have nobilities in this country. You see, we're from Europe?" He shakes his head, sighing softly. "I find it actually insulting that you jest on such a matter. Disrespectful. He and I are bound by his family mark." He takes a step away, pulling down his pants on the side only in the slightest to show off the whole of a symbol branded into his skin. "This represents his family. I will take a guess and say that you haven't noticed his too? His is further down for his own convinience. For family members, it's tradition to be on either chest or back, and servants put it in a more vague area." He explains, hiding the mark again. "Lord Vladimor is such a kind person, though. He wasn't only respected for his title, but for being so fair. He's a very admirable person." He says, crossing his arms.

Not too much later Vladimor finishes his shower rather quickly, only putting on his jean when he leaves, his hair still wet as it clung to his skin. "Anything started yet?" He asks before he greets Derrick with a simple good morning. Derrick seems proud of something.​
Cicero burst out laughing and fell off the couch after Derrick said that "Sorry buddy but we don't have nobility or what ever it is you called it so to use hes just little ol Ogre boy to me and to everyone else calls him Vlad or what ever." He said while getting up chuckling to himself

Ooc:Sorry this is short I have to take some stupid review sorry
Matthew listened closely to what Derrick said. As if a reflex, Matt's fists began to tighten at his side. "Why hadn't he mentioned this before?" Matt thought, but he didn't dare say that aloud. He just barely managed to regain his composure when Vlad came into the room. He didn't even look at the male though. They were technically on even ground now, but Matt felt a little insignificant. He was the son of a drug addict and was now a runaway experiment- what right did he have to even speak to Vladimor, especially after how cruel he had been to him earlier? "Did... he tell you why he's living with us, Derrick?" Matt asked, keeping his voice clear and without emotion. He gave a small crooked smile, but he knew it wouldn't reassure anyone. As it were, Tabby was grabbing unto the sleeve of his shirt, giving him a face that seemed to say "What's wrong with you?" Matthew couldn't give her a reply though. Instead, he just stood there, hoping he didn't stand out enough to make things awkward.

"So what exactly is happening here then?" Mickie said in an unsual voice as he entered the room where everyone was speaking "Something about a guy called Vlad and him being royal or something like that?"
Calvin came back into the living room, looked around at those who were laughing and those who were not so happy, for some reason. Well, mostly just Matt; everyone else was either laughing or calm; or, in the case of Vladimor's friend, annoyed.

"Well, looks like a good portion of us are here. Would anyone like to go get Leon, Shuzo, and anyone else who has wormed their way into my house?" Calvin sat down on the couch, crossing his arms and observing Matt, watching closely for any signs of hostility.

"You should all find a place to sit so we can discuss what we're doing next."

"Will we be leaving?" Naomi asked curiously, and Cryx's attention had been grabbed as well.

"We have to. Our position is becoming more clear to those who are hunting us."

Cryx looked towards the door. "We can only hope we leave in time," she remarked. "With our numbers, though, leaving quietly'll be pretty hard. We'll have to split up to even fit together. Public transportation is out of the question; it could ruin everything, or kill innocent pedestrians if we end up in a fight. You all know the police won't spare 'em and give us all the chance to escape."

"But how're we gonna steal, like, two vans, and then ninja our way out of this place? Someone'll notice and call the police."

"It makes sense that we would want to leave, meaning increased security plus quite a lot more if we are caught."

Calvin looked over at Mickie, one of the people he hadn't met. "That adds to the count.." he grumbled.

"Can we wait for everyone to get in here first, Calvin? It'd make more sense that way."

"Fine by me."
Leon was speechless, there was royalty among them. that in and of itself was amazing. When Calvin entered the living room and said for someone to grab him Leon raised his hand,"I'm right here. I totally didn't limp my way down stairs." Leon sat down on the couch as he waited for whatever news that Calvin was about to announce.

@Trombone Geek

Derrick nods. "I know. I know what he is, and all of you are." He looks at Vladimor, who seemed to be confused. "I have his files. I mean I bought them off of some strange people who didn't seem all that nice."

When Vladimor hears all the commotion, he does seem too pleased. "You told them? I didn't want to ment-" He was about to start until Calvin walked in, so he chose to hold his tongue. He gave Derrick a glare that spoke 'We'll speak later.' And Derrick found himself somewhat frightened.​
Matthew ignored Calvin's curious gaze, Cryx and Naomi's arguing, and Vlad just because of... Well, he was sure he had a good reason! If somebody hadn't met Matthew before he came here, they'd probably assume he was always this antisocial, but unfortunately for him there was somebody among this group that knew him very well, and that was Tabitha. Grabbing the boy's shirt and dragging him before he could protest, Matt soon found himself sitting on one end of the couch beside Leon, while Tabitha situated herself between Leon and Calvin. With a smile, she turned to speak to their host. "Sorry- It seems my baby brother hasn't had his nap yet." She spoke these works shamelessly to both Calvin and everyone who was gathered around, much to Matt's embarrassment. "I'm small, but I'm older than you and we're not even related!" The boy's eyes seemed to scream at her, but she didn't even look at him. Instead, she continued to speak. "Seriously though, if he gets on your nerves, he's quite easy to punish." Tabby gave a quick bow to Calvin before standing up, going over to Matthew and pulling his ear. "Ow! What the heck, Tabby?!" Matt yelled at her, but luckily the girl was wearing her earmuffs this morning. Walking over to Vlad and dragging Matt by his ear with one hand, she stuck out the other toward him. "It's nice to meet both you and your servant Derrick." she said happily. "I know we have kind of met before, but it wasn't really a formal meeting, was it?"

Cicero saw Tab drag Matthew by the ear and heard what she said and started laughing again "Good job Tab who would have thought you had a baby brother and Matthew above all its him." He said while laying and the floor looking at the ceiling waiting to see what would happen next "Oh yea Calvin I can steal a van or something so why do we need one?" He asked because he pretty much just tuned out Calvin and he wasn't really paying attention to begin with 'Maybe I should have payed more attention to the plan...if it even was a plan oh well.' He told himself in his head and started eating his last cookie "Oh yea can we get more cookies if we are leaving i'm out and cookies are really good so pppllleeeaaasseee." He begged while looking at the ceiling
Vladimor waves it off. "Don't address him as my servant. That's something further into the past, really." He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Anyways, It's rad to meet you too." He chuckles a little, "Again." He shakes her hand and ends up pulling it into a hug. When he pulls back he flashes a smile, then returns back to the topic on hand. "Enlighten me, I haven't really been told where we're off to?" He asks curiously. Derrick sits down by the couch, keeping silent.


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