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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

"Hmmm...I think you can figure it out, you're a lot smarter than you let on. It'll give you something to think about."He said and with that went over to derrick,tilting his head and his hands in his pockets. "...hey...I'm orious and you are?" He asked leaning down to face him with a curious expression.
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Tabitha gave a small smile to Cicero. She was still a little sad that Matt was angry at her, but she knew only time could mend the wounds she inflicted upon their relationship, and Cicero's interference would only make it worse. "I'll be fine. Go check on Vladimor, please." she whispered back quietly to Cicero. Out of the corner of her eye she was still checking on Matt. The boy was laying down on the living room floor with his eyes directed at the ceiling. Seemingly, he was relaxed, but Tabby noticed the way his fingers occasionally twitched and his shoulders were tense: Matthew was far from okay.

"Three more hours..." Matthew recited in his head. He wanted this day to be over, but he knew that even when they were on the buses he wouldn't be able to sleep. He took a deep breath, but when he breathed out the air came out jagged, like something inside him was preventing him from breathing- and maybe there was. He closed his eyes, imagining what it would be like if he just stopped breathing. Right now, it felt possible, if he just held his breath. It was no secret the boy had played around with the idea before: The scars on his wrists were proof enough. But before... before felt so much more bleak, so why was it when he actually felt like he had a chance that he didn't want to live? "I just don't want to care for others." he realized.​
Ella wasn't entirely sure what it was she was supposed to be thinking on, she watched at Orious went and introduced himself to Derrick. After a pause, she stood up and followed him, giving Derrick a small smile. Now she thought about it, Derrick might be more like her. He was a servant after all. Kind of like her being a weapon.
"I think I seen Calvin go after him...but I promise not to talk about anything that involves Ogre boy and Matt I promise." He said kissing her forehead before getting up "Texted me if you need anything i'm going to steal some more cookies or do you still need to pack cause i'll help you instead." The boy stated looking back at her before glancing out the window to see if Calvin and Ogre boy were coming up to the cabin but he seen nobody 'Weird shouldn't Ogre boy be freezing to death out there he did take his shirt off for some odd reason...oh well i'm pretty sure Calvin has in under control' He told himself before looking back at Tab smiling
"I'll be fine, I've already packed." Tabitha reassured her boyfriend, watching him leave contently before turning to face the serious problem that was Matthew. He wasn't doing anything, but Tabby was sure that whatever he was thinking about wasn't good. She needed to try to cheer him up, even if it proved pointless in the end. "How long are you going to be angry at me?" she asked the boy who was pretending to be asleep: No answer. "It's probably cold down there." she commented. He was laying on the hardwood floor after all. No answer. She sighed, feeling beyond exasperated by the boy's stubborn personality. Grabbing an extra blanket from off the back of the couch, she threw it over him, but Matthew immediately kicked it off of himself. "Don't touch me!" he shouted, sounding a lot more angry than he figured he would. He was angry- no, he was furious, but he didn't expect his emotions to be heard in his voice. He knew he was being childish, but he couldn't help it: His relationships were already damaged, so why did Tabitha have to shatter them completely? "Not that... I liked him like that." he reminded himself. He grabbed his wallet out of his pocket- he didn't have much, but if he gambled he was sure he'd be able to earn enough money to stay at a hotel for a while. He didn't care how decent it was: He just wanted to be away from him!


Vladimor just looked at him until he was pulled into the other man's embrace. After a couple of forced breaths, he whines out tears dripping down his face as he holds onto him tightly, "I'm scene, not emo...!" The little teenage boy cried, clinging on to him. It had been a while since he was able to just cry the way he did. Even longer since someone would hold him while he did. It didn't take long for him to cry himself out, being awkwardly clingy until he finished, pulling away to wipe his eyes, still sniffly. His face had been red from his excessive crying, especially under his eyes. "S-sorry...I'm really gross....I get upset over everything, uh.."He sniffles, breathing slowly as he adverts his gaze from Calvin. "Sorry, sorry, sorry." He covers his face with his hands, shaking his head.

Derrick looks up, startled enough by the boy to hit his head against the wall. "Owowow...!" He whines, putting his head down, covering with both hands. "My...name is Derrick King, servant of the King family." He says, looking back up at him. He glances at the girl behind him, waving.​
Cicero heard Matthew shouting most likely at Tab and it took everything he had to not run back and punch him in the face "Dang it." He muttered to himself knowing it was his fault she got yelled at 'Ok I can steal the cookies and pack everything that doesn't need to be in my pocket anymore so I also need a bag.' He thought to himself while he put his hat on and walked into the busy streets he finally got the cookies but he didn't have an appetite for them right now "Now the bag." He whispered to himself while he looked around until he found on in the streets he didn't look either way to check for cars he just ran into the road picked up the bag and looked up to see a car about to hit him he couldn't have helped it he used he cat speed to get out of the way before jumping unto a roof and continued this until he knew for a fact he wasn't being followed anymore when he knew he jumped down and walked into the woods taking off his hat and going into the cabin to sit down in the kitchen and taking random things out of his pocket and putting it in the bag he then found the same book he threw out a day ago maybe back into his pocket "I thought I threw this away....on the floor." He said to himself trying to remember if he picked it up but gave up and decided to open it instead 'Page 1...............' That's all it was he eventually decide to just put it in the bag and forget about it again before leaning back in the chair and looked at the ceiling trying to find ways to make Matthew forgive Tab and make it seem like it was all his fault
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Calvin shook his head. "We might have a sort of rivalry--" at least in the future-- "but everyone deserves a good cry when they can get one. Now, let's go back to the cabin before you freeze to death, we have to leave soon so don't forget that." Calvin obviously 'forgot' to mention what that rivalry would be about as he waved for Vlad to follow him back to the house. "Don't forget your shirt," he added.

When Calvin returned, Naomi had dragged her bag upstairs and was listening to some music, oblivious to the world around her. Cryx was reading, of course, curled up on the floor in a corner, also ignoring all of humanity.

"Three hours.. So long, yet so short.." Calvin murmured to himself, returning to his 'normal' behavior that, to Matt and Vlad (seeing as he had comforted them both), probably seemed like a cover-up to keep most people away from him.

And, if they ever asked Naomi about it, she would happily tell them how true that was.
"You okay?" The male asked after watching the other hit his head,he keeled down touching his forehead light."You're bleeding..." He murmured then smirked mischievously and leaned in giving him a little lick on the forehead.
Ella waved back at Derrick, her eyebrows raising a bit as Orious licked the man. She supposed it made sense, but still it felt weird to just do that. Would Orious lick blood off of her like that if she got injured? Ella was also starting to wonder about the practicalities of having someone like Orious around. He'd have to feed and they couldn't leave a trail of corpses or victims everywhere they went.
Matthew didn't even move when he heard the sound of two figures, whom he guessed were Calvin and Vlad, entering the cabin. Despite freezing his ass off because he wouldn't wrap himself in a blanket at least, the boy managed to enter into a half-asleep state. Tabitha stood when Calvin entered however. "Welcome back." she greeted with an insincere smile. She was trying to be energetic, but the girl found that between her friend nearly dying, them taking in a vampire, and her friend getting mad at her because he told everyone his secret, she found it hard to smile- Not to mention she hated any sort of transportation, especially considering they'd probably be in the buses for several hours.

With a nod, Vladimor heads for indoors, but was confused about the rivalry thing that Calvin mentioned. On the way he grabs both his shirt, putting both of them on before going inside. He didn't know what to do for these next few hours, but he was shocked when he saw Derrick speaking to that vampire kid, huffing in annoyance. Though he just decided to watch for now.

Derrick is flinches when he is licked, but wipes the ares with the back of his wrist, fidgeting about frantically. "I'm bleeding!? Really?" He asks, going into this silly little panic.

Ori smirked licking lips."not anymore, it was only a scratch, thanks for the snack...Your blood was quite yummy." He said with a smile ruffling his hair then got a band aid from his pocket putting it on the scratch.
Tabitha pretended not to be, but she had been quietly listening to how Derrick and Orious were interacting for a while now. She flinched when Ori licked the other, more quiet boy's blood, but said nothing. She didn't want to ruin the seemingly happy mood for the two, and along with that she figured she'd get to know Ori's true character better if he didn't know she was watching...

Derrick's face flushed red, not too sure how to respond to that. 'Experiments are odd, he thought in a sort of confusion. "Uh-uhm...thanks? For the band-aid, I mean. I'm not...really sure about the other thing. He averts his gaze by looking at the floor. "Wait you're not a cannibal are you?" He squeaks out, a frightened look on his pale face.
Shuzo was in his room packing his bags. He finished and walked outside of his room. He saw Orious and Derrick and decided to talk to them. "H-hello." He said timidly since he wasn't to familiar with either of them yet. @King Anthony @mewbot5408
Derrick stands up, and waves at the other small boy, bowing at him. (He'd do the same for Orious, but he was sitting.) "Hello, pleased to meet you. I am Derrick King, servant of the King household." (It's all he knows to say for an introduction.) "Please to meet you,...?" He trails off as if to inquire his name.
"He's a vampire" Ella said in an attempt to be helpful. She looked to Shuzo as he walked over, not recognising him immediately. After a few moments it dawned on her that this was the crying nightmare boy from the other night. What had been his name? "Hey Shuzo" she said with a smile, fairly confident that she'd got that right.
Ori shakes his head."nope. I'm just avampire, the only thing I can consume is blood......" He explained a bit disheartened at the fact he wasn't able to even have sweets without getting majorly ill. He then smirked and leaned in to whispered. " You're out right adorable" so only he could hear. He then patted Ella on the head."correct." He looked to shuzo."I'm orious."
Ella looked up at Orious, her head tilted slightly to one side in confusion as he patted her head. No one had really done that to her in a while, certainly anyone who wasn't a scientist... No, that Lord had done it too. It meant she had done well and had remembered her place. With that thought she smiled at Orious, glad she was finally doing something right.

She looked back at Shuzo and shrugged slightly, she was used to people not paying her much attention. That people paid her so much here was strange to her and uncomfortable. "It's okay" she told him honestly
Derrick frowns. "Oh, that's too bad..." He sais quietly. At least he won't eat him. Aside from drinking his blood till he runs out. Yikes. When Orious whispers to him, his face turns red all the way up to the tips of his ears and he begins to fidget about.

This catches Vladimor's attention. 'If he's flirting with my servant, I swear upon my family name-' He walks over quickly, forcing a smile. "Derrick! My loyal servant." That sounded a little too bitter and forced. "Come here, I have a task for you." Derrick snapped out of his shy daze and looks at the much taller male. "Oh? Yessir?" He asks. Then, quickly, his is grabbed by the wrist and pulled off to outside. "No way. I do NOT trust him. I don't want you like...to get vampire'd. Vampires suck, no pun intended. Let's justttt, not?"

Derrick is somewhat confused. "Well if we're going to be staying with them, he's gonna be hard to avoid, isn't he?" Damn you, Derrick and your logic! The noble sighs. "Fine. Stay safe. Stay alert. If he does something you don't like scream for me. Got it? Also no flirting, vampire romances are gay." He huffs before heading back inside. Derrick returns to the group he was at earlier.​

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