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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

iiimee said:
If you want, you can hijack one of the two party buses. There are two- these are the characters in the buses:





It's midnight atm. There's still about a day's travel 'til they reach Las Vegas.
((OOC:I recommending not hijacking bus one because space stuff (No one likes bus 2 :( ), but if you wanna go ahead.

Though Vladimor might be really mad someone hijacked and probably beat the snot outta someone thinking that they're tryna capture them))
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Ori gritted his teeth,slowly pulling out one his knives and holding it with a low irritated tone. "Cut.it.out..."He hissed painfully.
Ella did not need telling twice. Without even the slightest hesitation she took the blade offered to her and dug the chip out of the back of his neck with a swift motion. She picked the chip out and looked at it closer, it really did look very much like her old tracker chip but she supposed all chips looked like that .
Matthew opened his eyes after feeling one of Vladimor's hands run through his hair. The boy was too drunk to realize it, but a blush had spread across his face. "What's he doing?" Matt thought, turning slightly so that he was looking up at the taller boy. His heart was beating fast, but the smell of the drugs calmed the boy enough to make him simply stay there for a while, until he heard what Vladimor said. "But- doesn't Derrick like you?" Matt blurted out the question, only to cover his mouth when he realized what he had said. Even in his drunken state, the words had come out clearly. Perhaps it was because of this drunken state that Matt even admitted to himself how he felt, and maybe that was why Matt looked so hurt when he realized, even when alcohol was in his system, that what he said made his feelings a little too obvious. The sound of a knife cutting flesh could be heard the same time a tear on Matthew's face could be seen, but he quickly covered his face. He struggled to untangle himself from the way he had been laying on Vlad, and quickly sat up. "I'm..." Matt took in a deep breath, forcing himself to not shed any more tears. He felt ashamed by the way he was acting, but he couldn't help it- He was an emotional drunk after all. "I don't know why I'm saying. Goodnight." he muttered, standing up and walking unsteadily toward the nearest seat. He turned on his side so nobody saw his face, but that was the final moments of composure the boy had before tears started to fall from his face. "What have I done...?" His thoughts were slow and calm, despite the way his body hurt, as if somebody had punched him.


While Derrick refused to look, Vladimor found himself watching with interest. Even in his mix of high and drunk, Vladimor couldn't help but to feel his shred of suspicious prodding at him as he eyed the chip, remembering seeing something similar last time he was in the experimental facility. He'd speak to him later when he's sober. "No, at least, I don't think. He's just always been like that. He heads over to his bag, pulling out a travel blanket and going over to place it over Matthew. He leans over, unaware of the poor boy's tears, and whispers into his ear "Night. If you'll have trouble sleeping, feel free to join me in baking." Both weed and alcohol lingered in his breath, and who was to say he wasn't feeling drunk? With a quiet chuckle, he brushes Matthew's hair behind his ears and places a sort of teasing, lingering before heading back to the middle of the floor. It was quite the night. It's making him think of all the times right before he'd became an experiment.

Derrick tilts his head as he looks at the chip Ella removed.​
Zadock was running through the night his cloak flapping wildly behind him as he approached his target. A pair of bussed had caught his attention some miles ago and it had taken a lot of effort and quite a lot of charge to get close enough to it but now he was in range. Zadock released a charge and launched himself into the air towards the bus then he let loose a large EMP burst causing the busses to shut down. As they slowed down Zadock managed to land on one and used his attraction to barely hold onto the bus but he could feel his reserves of energy slipping he would have to get the supplies he needed and fast. Zadock looked up and noticed he was on the second bus. He quickly jumped down and forced the door open. "GIVE ME ALL YOUR FOOD AND WATER OR ELSE YOU FRY!" Zadock held his hands out with electricity dancing openly along them.
Ella jumped to her feet as the bus suddenly halted and the figure burst through the door. She pocketed the chip as she stood up and automatically took a combat position. However, the moment he issued his demand she took a bottle of water out of her bag and walked over to Zadock, offering it to him. It was all she had and she both seemed entirely unconcerned about her safety in doing so or in any way opposed to handing over her only water.
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Valkyre said:
Ella pocketed the chip as she stood up. She took a bottle of water out of her bag and walked over to Zadock, offering it to him. It was all she had and she both seemed entirely unconcerned about her safety in doing so or in any way opposed to handing over her only water.
Zadocks left hand returned to normal but his right hand concentrated the electricity "there are more of you there'd to there is more food. I'm not afraid to hurt you." He said but his voice wavered slightly.
Ori held a hand to the back of his neck with a hiss and stood with a annoyed expression. "I'm afraid you made a mistake..."He asked zadock his eyes burning a deep blood color and he smiled widely with a eerie hunger. "If you so much as try to hurt any of these people I will kill you.." He said in a calm cold manner and he looked like he would eat the intruder.
Ooc: Fuck, do I need to revise Matt's post to include that? I was going to just make Tabitha's post, until Valk did that to me. X_X
I didn't know the buses were numbered, you only told me who was on the bus with me. I just assumed they'd attacked the bus which actually has online people on it...)
Valkyre said:
I didn't know the buses were numbered, you only told me who was on the bus with me. I just assumed they'd attacked the bus which actually has online people on it...)
I mentioned on the last post of the last page the the second bus was the one with Cryx and Cicero and stuff. X_X Oh well, let's say he attacked the first bus. I deleted my post in order to revise it. Doing that now!

Derrick whines as the bus shuts down, stopping completely, was this safe? When some maniac came aboard with some stupid threat, he wasn't concerned about his safety, just the fucking price of the bus. Without any sort of fear he walks up to the guy(who was taller than him as well...) with an angered expression, poking him in the chest with an accusing finger. "Did you just break this bus!? Do you understand how much it costs to just rent this for a DAY!?" He roars in his face. Vladimor didn't think that such a powerless kid like Derrick should've been confronting a man who also seemed to be an experiment. He steps up instead, pushing Derrick back. "We are a bunch of teenagers who are fucking runaways. If we did have a lot of food, ya think we'd give it up. The rush of the situation had sobered him up quite a bit, and he wasn't at all pleased. "I recommend ya get lost before we'll have to force you to go." He grows, barring his teeth as shadows begin to snake about the floor of the bus.

"The bus...it was so expensive..."Derrick whines softly, covering his face with his hands. He obviously didn't see what the real issue was here.​


Matthew flinched when he sensed Vladimor behind him, but he didn't move, even when he felt the blanket being placed over him. His heart still hadn't calmed down. In fact, Vladimor's presence only made his heart race more, to such a speed that Matt had never felt before: It was as if the fragile organ that Matt depended on for life could understand the boy's emotions and were trying to mimic them. He closed his eyes, just wanting the night to be over. Vladimor didn't seem to be done with his teasing however. It took what little amount of self-control Matt had left to not respond to Vlad, even as he tucked Matt's hair behind his ear and leaned in close to whisper his offer of drugs and relaxation into the boy's ear. Being drunk had sounded like a fun idea at first when the boy convinced himself he didn't care for anything, but now that his feelings were so clearly defined on his face the boy just wanted to sleep and forget this happened. After that Vladimor left him alone, but Matthew still found he couldn't sleep. "What have I done?" he repeated to himself again and again. The tears that Matt didn't have the courage to wipe off for fear of them being noticed were slowly drying, and eventually Matthew's heart calmed down, but it didn't mean he could sleep. He pretended, but the boy knew he wouldn't get any rest tonight.

Maybe there was some God or someone who was angry at Matthew. He didn't usually believe in those things, but after what happened once Vladimor walked away from him he wouldn't doubt it. Somebody had stopped the bus! Matthew got up to face the hijacker, but not before he got a massive fucking headache. "Damn..." he muttered, walking up calmly to the group. Derrick was whimpering something about the price, Vladimor was- well, being Vladimor, Orious looked like the calm jerk he was, and Ella... Oblivious Ella was handing the kid a water bottle like what he did was no big deal! "Hey, what are you-" The lecture Matt was about to give the thief was interrupted by the bus driver calling 911. "Hello, police? These mutants are on my-"

"Oh no you don't!" Matthew growled, wrestling the man and putting his hands behind his back. He didn't even look at the others, but he was sure everyone else was thinking the same thing as him. "We have to get out of here."
mewbot5408 said:
Ori held a hand to the back of his neck with a hiss and stood with a annoyed expression. "I'm afraid you made a mistake..."He asked zadock his eyes burning a deep blood color and he smiled widely with a eerie hunger. "If you so much as try to hurt any of these people I will kill you.." He said in a calm cold manner and he looked like he would eat the intruder.
"After what they did to me death would be a mercy as for the busses they are unharmed it'll just take them a few minutes to start up again and every electronic device will do a reset. Some lights might not work though." Zadock had enough with people touching him and threatening him. "Can't kill if you're not awake." Zadock touched the both of them and discharged electricity into both of them more than enough to cause a normal person to have muscle spazams and pass out. The downside was Zadock now needed to recharge.
Still stood right beside Zadock, Ella watched as he shocked both Orious and Vladimor. Whilst she had seemed so passive a moment ago, something changed in that moment and her dazed expression snapped into focus. Ella's leg swept around as her arm hit him in the chest, knocking him to the ground. Her body glowed with light as a snake sprung from her wrist and landed on Zadock's chest, ready to strike. Thorns dug into his skin and pinned him to the ground as Ella casually took out a knife and held it gently to his throat. Suddenly her focus was gone again and although she stayed in that position, she did nothing. Ella was awaiting the usual kill order.
Ori didn't pass out but endured the electricity with a low irritated growl and stood to his feet in almost a instant to watch Ella had already pinned the intruder to the wall. He approached closer to behind them and was obviously finally angry. He kept his cool for long enough and was infuriated by this point. He gestured for Ella to move to the side before slamming this zadock into the side of the bus with a punch forceful enough to tip the bus a little all the while break a nose. "I've had it with it all!"he snapped his eyes a blood red which then dimmed and he collapsed bleeding. Ori going unconscious from the blood loss.
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"Hey bitches, I hate to be a downer but our chauffeur just gave out our location!" Matthew held up the now unconscious bus driver by the collar. For the third time today his body had managed to produce adrenaline. In his hurry, he hadn't even taken the time to fix his appearance (aka wipe the dried tears off his face). Instead, he was focusing on his task- to keep everyone safe. "Grab your things- the police will be here soon." he commanded. He was barking out orders like a wild dog. Without looking at the others, he took out his knife and pointed it at the hijacker. "I don't know what part of Hell you came from, but freaks like you and me shouldn't be drawing more attention to ourselves." He made a noise that sounded suspiciously like a growl, before continuing. "You can come with us, but only if you don't pull a stunt like that again." With that being said, Matthew put his knife back in his pocket and knelt down to pick up Ori. He walked to the entrance of the bus, before turning back. "Are you guys coming?" he asked, a completely serious look in his face. The police would be here any minute, and he still needed to rescue the others on the bus. He would not leave Tabitha for dead! "God, this is a really bad hangover..." he thought miserably.

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Vladimor, when short circuited, seemed to go half dead, his eyes purely white out of the amount of shock(no pun intended) put on his body. His body was weaker and couldn't handle as much as most experiments. Though he just stood there, his muscles all relaxing as he falls to his knees. Derrick rushes over to him, shaking him, but it hadn't done anything. When he checked his pulse, it was fine. When he heard Matthew, he picks the noble up on his back. He may only be 5'6, but he can support quite the weight. "He's heavy..." He says in whine, following Matthew off the bus.


Matthew ignored Derrick's whining. They were in a life or death situation- didn't this guy realize that?! Matt walked up to the second bus, which had stopped briefly due to traffic. He banged on the door with the hand that wasn't supporting the surprisingly light vampire. "Let us in!" he mouthed the words to the bus driver, not wanting to cause a scene, though people were already staring at the two boys and those who had followed. The bus driver merely shook his head however, pointing toward the phone he had in his hand. "Ambulance." was the word the bus driver mouthed back to Matt. Matthew only shook his head. He didn't want to do break any windows, but-

Tabitha had noticed the scene before the bus driver from outside of her window, if only by seconds. She wanted to ask the bus driver to let them in, but before she could the frantic old lady was dialing 911, requesting an ambulance for the two "poor boys" she saw slung over both of the shorter boy's shoulders. Clearly she thought Matt and Derrick were saints or something like that, but it didn't change the fact she was going to get them killed. "I'm sorry." Tabby whispered, knowing the woman couldn't hear her, before she used the force of her backpack to knock the woman out. "Latin textbooks aren't just good study material." she observed, before turning back to the matter at hand. Tabitha used the lever she saw the woman use earlier to open the door. "Come on guys!" she instructed her friends to follow her, before stepping outside first. "What happened to them?" she asked Matthew, before taking Orious off his hands. The boy just shook his head: It was too early to talk. "Let's go guys!" he yelled back at the large group behind him, taking the job of leading them to the nearest safe place he knew: An alley.​
"So my suspicion was correct... Fine I'm coming with." Zadock drained the second buses battery and tore himself free of the wall as his nose began to fix itself he then went closer to the battery of the first bus and drained that too. As Zadock followed the group he made a mental note to shock Ori later.
walking around near by sniffing the area,a pair of lovely baby blues blinked when izabell stopped at a corner then turned walking down the sidewalk. izabell was 5 feet tall with blue eyes and messy dirty blonde hair,he was extremely cute and pateite wearing a hot pink cami with a baggy coat and shorts with sneakers and a floral belled choker. izabell stepped down the sidewalk humming a little tune swinging a panda purse and sniffed the air again stopping and noticing the experiments with a shocked expression. ".....orious?" a small voice asked and the "girl" moved in with a frantic look. "WHAT HAPPENED?! is he okay?!" some how the female knew the vampire. izabell then turned and waved. "come with me...you'll be safe.." she told the group
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Derrick quickly leaves the bus with all their stuff in the bag, following Mattew still. Vladimor barely did any number on his speed, surprising of a boy of his stature. "What's that plan now?" He asks Matthew as they ran, a little less than pleased that they ended up in an alleyway. He sets Vladimor down for a moment, startled by the white blankness of his eyes. On further inspection, in this dark alleyway, they seemed to have a faint glow. "Vladimor?" He asks softly, shaking him. Derrick felt that he was nearly dead, but his pulse said otherwise. There was nothing wrong, but seeing Vladimor like this was something terrifying to him and reminded him of something vaguely remembered.

Derrick stares at the young boy on the bed. The beeping noise he heard drove him crazy and it felt like with every beep, the further Vladimor was away from waking up. "Vladimor?" He calls out, tears welling up in his eyes. lip quivering where there isn't a response. "Derrick, your visit time is almost up." Said a man in all white. Derrick would refuse. Tears fell from the boys dull red eyes. (They're pretty. I don't know why you don't like them, Vladimor would say.) The 13-year old recently had an asthma attack and had passed out due the fact he couldn't reach his inhaler in time. That's when Derrick walked in and found him. Thank the stars he did when he did. The small boy reaches his small hands to the other's face, gently running his fingers over the cold skin. "Please wake up soon."

Derrick was snapped out of his small flashback when an unfamiliar voice called a familiar name. "Huh...?"​

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