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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

Emily stayed near Richard, looking at Danny with an annoyed expression. It pained her to see someone so careless of others emotions and anything other than looks. Sounds like a stereotypical teen. With an irritated huff, she turned away and began running her fingers through the tangled mess of brown hair.
Threlm walked through the main entrance alightly annoyed with himself. He had missed his original flight and had just made it to the school. His time zone was completely off and he looked around the courtyard wondering what time it was. But all the while he was excited to be there. He had never been invited anywhere or to do anything. The few friends he had ever made he is slightly unsocial.

Nyo returned Khaleesi's wave, and raised an eyebrow at Danny's comments. At first it had been funny, but now it seemed like the guy wasn't joking. Nyo didn't like to judge people, but his experience with guys like Danny never really panned out well. He glanced at Ms Reed and then over to the guy he assumed that she was talking about, the human man who looked like he should be a student but had made no effort to interact with them so far. He looked back as he heard the door and saw another person there. He quickly pushed himself up and walked over.

"Hey, new guy." He greeted as he got within ear shot. "Well I assume that you're new, you might not be but the rest of us are. Anyway, welcome, you hungry?" He spouted, aware that he wasn't really giving the other guy a chance to reply to anything but being unable to stop himself. After the question he hurriedly cut himself off so the boy could reply.

@Saruwatari Tomohisa
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"Alright simmer down... I SAID QUIET!" Geralt roared, crossing his arms behind his back demanding the full attention of the students. He made eye contact with the young man walking in and eyed him to sit down at the table where the others sat. "My name is Rex Geralt. Call me Professor Geralt. Or Professor. Anything else and I'll arrange it so you'll be running laps for hours. Now then, I teach math, and I also task myself with dealing with anyone who steps out of line and threatens the safety of our school and it's students. Before you ask, yes I am certified and yes, I am old enough. By over several decades. My power is manipulation of my cells short and simple. Next."


Richard kind of smiled at Danny who had wanted to hit on the new coming girl. "Maybe, uh, maybe not right now." He whispered, flinching as the teacher yelled. Richard followed along with the introductions, but was more so getting a little bored by the regularity of it all. Hearing Emily huff and Nyo's discomfort, Richard shot the two a supportive grin in hopes to ease their tension.

Miya jumped off the wall as Geralt screamed. She gestured David to go so she could finish up. She rubbed her blue sleepy eyes, smiling at the group of kids as she pushed David forward.


Khaleesi squeaked when she had heard the teacher yell, her eyes flashed a sign of black and then faded back to her violet. She smiled lightly, listening to the teachers as they began to talk, talking and talking is all they did, her eyes turned to a dark blue as she stood there, her hair over her shoulder.
Danny jumped when he heard the man yell as he began rubbing his ears "man if he keeps yelling like that I just might make him my new alarm clock" he said chuckling to himself. "Anyway if you think it's best that I wait I got no problems with keeping it in my pants" he said jokingly slapping Richard on the back
David took that as his cue to introduce himself. Glaring at the students to ensure silence "My name is David Argall. I do not care much for formalities so call me what you like, except for names such as 'kitty' or 'furball', I don't find it amusing. I am your physical education teacher and I am the one who will be making you run those laps Professor Geralt mentioned. I am not a strict teacher but I expect you to partake in any classes of mine and complete any tasks given to you. You may approach me with any concerns you may have about your physical health and I will address them accordingly, your safety is my uppermost priority while at Mr. Reeds home. Most of all enjoy yourselves and study hard, it could be you stood up here one day addressing the next batch of extraordinary students. Thank you for listening. Ms Micadi I believe it's your turn" @PixieDusts
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Miya sighed and walked over to the kids, standing on the table. "The name is Ms. Micadi!! I am you're English teacher, which I tell you this, Kitten and Geralt need some help with." She giggled lightly and continued. "I am probably going to be the funnest teacher here. But yes, just like them, I do expect you to be respectful, and I do expect you to want to learn. Please work hard, be kind, study hard, and give these teachers a hard time, especially kitten..." She smiled lightly as sarcasm flowed out her mouth. "Kids, I tell you this now. You are not judged at all. You will be loved by most people around you. So please, don't be such a... Never mind... So! In doing so, that's me!" She giggled lightly and jumped off the table, standing there for a moment, a smile on her face.
Threlm looked at the other student approach him in slight shock. Of course he didn't know what to expect not many people have ever approached him in his life. He listened as the barrage of questions was flung his way. He smiled slightly trying his best to not look pathetic. He wasn't wearing his skull. "Yea I could eat something. And I am new." He looked around at sll the dofferent things some not entirely human. He didn't know what to make of it. "So... what is this place actually?"

Nyo had heard the teacher's introductions from the entrance hall, and now it seemed like they were all over. He offered a nervous smile to Threlm along with a shrug as he turned and lead the boy to the dining table.

"Well, to be honest, I have no idea what this place actually is." He told the other boy. "Got a letter, and it, uh, seemed like a good idea. Y'know, meet other people with super powers and such." He shrugged again and chuckled nervously. Why was he so nervous? It seemed that no one else except the teacher knew what was going on, so why did Nyo feel so useless not knowing what was going on? "It seems like it will be fun, at least, if the teachers seem a bit weird." The last part was meant to be a joke, but he said it in a whisper anyway, just in case one of them took it the wrong way.

@Saruwatari Tomohisa

Completely foregoing his serious demeanor, Geralt slapped his face in disappointment after Miya introduced herself. She was, in fact, an excellent teacher. However her seriousness was much like a certain other headmaster...


Grinning at his understanding roommate, Richard nodded at the new boy who approached the table. He felt a change of... Feeling in the girl who had arrived. Her eyes were changing colors, which he noticed briefly as she hid her face. 'Everyone's a bit different.' He commented mentally, grinning at the new company. Richard replied to Nyo with a laugh."Same here! Just... Intuition! How about you all?"
Threlm followed him. Remembering that everyone here held a power like him he became overtaken with curiosity. He looked at the guy leading him and when they got to the table he offered a small akward chuckle. "Speaking of. What is your power seeing as we are all supposed to have one?"

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Emily stood behind Richard, kicking at the ground. She was just about ready to run off to find a corner to hide in, the only thing holding her here was signing alphabet and the fact that she didn't want to burn the school down as her arm caught fire once more. Lets suffice to say patting at the blue flames only made it worse.
"Quintessence. Like, um, those flashes in the sky. The ones that come with storms." Nyo got gradually quieter as he spoke, his face heating up as he tried to remember the name of that thing. He paused for a few seconds before trying to pretend it never happened. "What about you?" He asked before taking a big drink of his water to try and cool down. Jeez, he needed a carry around dictionary or something. He was seventeen, he should know his words by now. Despite his inner screaming, he tried to keep his smile in place.

Richard held his breath as if all of time had stood still. This feeling was his sixth sense, a gut instinct something was going to happen. Feeling time return to normal he reached over grabbing a pitcher of water as he felt flames erupt behind him, becoming increasingly larger as Emily pat at them. Richard, with a fierce intensity as if playing a game, tried repeating what was done in the kitchen: chucking water at Emily.
Emily squeaked and tried to shield her face with her arms. The water put the fire out, but water hitting blistering arms is rather painful. Still, she gritted her teeth and tried for a smile. It looked more like a grimace. Emily felt as though all eyes were on her and her heart rate sped rapidly. So, to calm down, the girl went back to attempting sign language with her painfully burned hands.

Richards victorious feeling faded as he heard the grinding of teeth come from Emily. Realizing her hands were burnt he understood immediately. Standing upright he held his own hand up and looked at the teachers. "Excuse me! One of our students is hurt! Can we get some help?"
"Wagh" Ms.Reed said as she snapped out of a small snooze. " Help?" Looking at Emily for a second. "You burned yourself.... I have to help" Ms.Reed said as she opened a portal. Grabbing Emily careful not to touch the burns Ms.Reed headed to the nurses office.
Emily squeaked and tried to hide behind her hands. "N-no! I-I'm fine!" She whispered, making the mistake of trying to press her hands against her face. That earned her a small cry of pain and more of a stinging sensation. Then Ms. Reed grabbed her and Em shot one last glance at Richard and whispered. "Help?"
David watched as the flames erupted from the girl, time slowed, he saw the flames and flashed back. He was in the facility, scientists standing over him, talking about him. One of the scientists held a blowtorch to his face. He roared both in his flashback and in real life. One of the students threw water over the fire and David snapped out of it, his eyes wide and his heart pounding. He walked quickly out of the room bumping into a table as he went. Without even thinking he gripped the table with one hand and flipped it easily sending it into the far wall shattering it completely. He continued walking out of the room and went back to the teachers dorm. He splashed his face with cold water and sat down in the chair, his heart rate still high and his breathing erratic.
Threlm just sat there and smiled. He hadn't had a conversation in awhile so this was very intresting and exciting for him. "Oh umm I have the ability. To..." he looked around the room for something to copy seeing nothing of value at the moment. "I can copy anyone elses abilities if I see them. Only for a set amount of time but It has its uses. And I have to see it for it to work..."

"Don't worry little marshmallow you will be fine I just gotta get that healing potion from the nurses office but it might take about thirty minutes to kick in" Ms.Reed said when she heard Emily mumble help.

Geralt saw his coworkers face as the situation occurred, suddenly going pale. David then left the room stiffly and quickly. Geralt followed a few seconds later, careful to be quiet as Ms Reed attended the situation.

He looked over the broken table and David, who seemed extremely distraught. He walked over and sat on another nearby chair, not looking at his friend. Lighting a cigarette, Geralt began,"You alright?"


While not many people would be able to hear Emily due to her small voice, she spoke clearly to his stronger ears. He ran over with an apologetic smile to Ms Reed and flashed a thumbs up to Emily, joining the two at the table to the nurses room.
Nyo nodded as he heard Threlm's ability, and was about to reply when he noticed Emily on fire again. He felt useless as Richard threw water over her again since he had no idea how to help. As Ms Reed manhandled Emily away to treat her burns Nyo considered following them, but he knew that he'd just get in the way. After all, he had no idea how things worked here. He turned away as they disappeared through the portal, pretending to know that she'd be okay.

"Things suddenly got busy." he mumbled.

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