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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

With a sigh, Geralt flicked out his cigarette with a reluctant sigh. "You're right, I'd rather not spend another three months locked in between space." He regarded his coworker with a knowing eye. "So. See any promising kids this year?"

Khaleesi had showed up a little later than expected. She walked through the yard. Staring at the beautiful grass as it glistened in the sun light. Her hands were in the pockets of her jacket, she started to laugh lightly, walking up the steps of the school. Every step she took was accompanied by clanking like sound. She sighed happily, looking at the big building. There were so many people... Was that going to be a problem? Maybe, but knowing Khaleesi, she would make the problem.

Khaleesi's brown hair flowed down in a pony tail, reflecting the sunlight with a flash of nothing. Her eyes were the color of a light purple, which suddenly changed to a black as she stood there, staring at the entrance. She was tense, looking as if she was a tad scared she walked in, a fake smile plastered on her face. Khaleesi's eyes widened at the sight. She couldn't move. Her eyes were a nice teal.

Miya walked around the halls, meeting the new students. Smiling her normal happy, sweet smile. Her blue hair, shimmered in the light, as did her smile.

David's gaze turned to the students, "Physically? None. But they're all powerful in their own right." David replied disappointed "I won't lie, I was hoping for ONE student with super strength or speed. I haven't had a good challenge in a while". He noticed Miya walk in and waved her over to them.

@Aeshae @PixieDusts
Miya's attention was pulled to David. She smiled brighter and walked over there, her black reflected the light, making it see like a mirror. Making her way over, her heels clicked on the ground and stopped as she did. "Needed something?" She asked softly, starring at him with curiosity.

@Dafyddwilliams14 @Aeshae
"Just talking about the new students." Geralt nodded at his other colleague, welcoming the additional companionship. "Well like I've said before David, it wouldn't hurt to hold a live battling class. Never know when they'll need to toughen up." Geralt twisted the now burnt out cigarette in his hand, clearly disturbed by the prospect of no live combat class despite his previous requests.
Miya smiled and listened to them talk, leaning against the wall. For a moment she was calm, until she saw the cigarette. With a growl, she grabbed Geralt's hand and took the cigarette out of it. She walked off, her heels hitting the floor hard before she threw it away and came back with furry in her eyes. "Continue..." She said to David, and leaned back against the wall.

@Dafyddwilliams14 @Aeshae
David smirked at Geralts reaction and went back to the conversation, "I'll back you up on that all day long but without more support they'll be stuck doing laps and writing algebra untill they keel over" "The least the others could do would be to let them practice their combat against me, I feel like I'm gathering dust" He drew his claws and eyed them noting how sharp they were and the shine coming from them. Showing the other two teachers, he frowned "See, haven't used them in months".

@PixieDusts @Aeshae
Nyo glanced back at the teachers as he chewed on his sandwich. He counted three, one man, one woman, and one wolf. He didn't know why he didn't expect anyone with odd powers like that. He quickly turned back to the group of students he was sat with, not wanting to be seen looking at them. Some of them looked a bit scary.

"Uh, well, apparently my power is quintessence." Nyo volunteered to get the conversation going. "That's what came up on Google, at least." He gave a small chuckle before taking another bite of his sandwich.
Rex Geralt

Geralt sighed as the English teacher confiscated his lifeline as he turned over to his feline friend. "You should really find a sparring partner." With a quick look he added, "Not me of course."


Richards ear pricked as he sensed a newcomer approach the doorway. "Oh hey!" Quickly leaving the table from his classmates he bounded over to the tense girl, waving. "You missed the orientation... Thing that happened, but we're eating lunch right now if you want to join us."
Miya listened to the conversation, staring at the group of kids over there. Once one of them moved she smiled and stared at the other teachers. "I wanna see how well these kid know their powers. Maybe a small duel for each of them. Maybe after every week or month of training and learning another duel, see how well their powers grow?"

Khaleesi heard a voice and turned around to stare up at him. Her eyes turned from a Teal to a True Blue with a hint of Violet. It's fading was so obvious that her eyes changed, as she smiled, her brown hair was still in her pony tail, the bright light reflected off her skin as it shook lightly, a little cold a the moment. Was it just her? She shook her head lightly, not enough for someone to notice.

@Aeshae @Dafyddwilliams14
David smirked at Geralt and put his arm around him "Ahh come now Geralt, I distinctly remember you shattering one of my trees in a demonstration a few years back. With that sort of power it might be fun" He let the other teacher go and turned to Miya, "Bring it up with Ms. Reed when she comes back. I'd be more than happy to test these pampered kids" watching as the students laughed and chatted between themselves, "should be an interesting year".

@Aeshae @PixieDusts
(A few teachers are talking about the students, Richard went to greet the new student Khalessi, and the others are still sat at the table with Nyo just having said his power.)

Emily stood awkwardly to the side, feeling quite out of place without her new friend. Out of habit she began signing the alphabet slowly. She had once considered never speaking again, something she was rather close to doing. She stared at the ground, every once and a while looking at the table group.
"I took care of the pests" Ms.Reed said teleporting into the Dining Hall. "Oh the teachers are here, Hi guys" she said smiling.
As he chewed, Nyo heard something. He paused and listened harder, finally realising that it was Emily singing. He glanced at the girl, unable to hide a smile. He quietly cleared his throat to get her attention.

"You, uh, have a nice singing voice." He told the girl, then fell silent for a few seconds, glancing at the floor before looking back up. "Can I ask why you don't talk much?" He asked, then added quickly, "You don't have to answer!"

@Echo Dreamsong

Noticing the shift in the new girl, Richards smile faltered, understanding that everyone here had their own situation. Not wanting to repeat Emily's fire situation he waved over to the table. "Come on, follow me." Turning back to the table and striding back he grinned at Emily, tapping her shoulder and nodding to the table. "Nyo right? My power is just really, really good senses. And a sixth sense. Kind of like an animal I guess. What about you all?


Nodding solemnly with his fellow teachers he yawned, clearly bored. Acknowledging Ms. Reeds return Geralt began," So. Should we begin introductions and start the tour? Or do you have something else in mind?"
SecretRock said:
As he chewed, Nyo heard something. He paused and listened harder, finally realising that it was Emily singing. He glanced at the girl, unable to hide a smile. He quietly cleared his throat to get her attention.
"You, uh, have a nice singing voice." He told the girl, then fell silent for a few seconds, glancing at the floor before looking back up. "Can I ask why you don't talk much?" He asked, then added quickly, "You don't have to answer!"

@Echo Dreamsong
(ASL, American Sign Language! Sorry! I mixed it up didn't I!)

Emily looked up at Richard and smiled slightly. "You saw mine...." Then she went back to signing her alphabet. She had taught herself with a dictionary from a library near her old alley, so it had become habit. Em tended to repeat certain patterns and phrases, one of the things that classified her as autistic, or meaning she had Aspergers.
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"Yeah, alright then." Geralt walked from the wall where the teachers stood over to the main platform where Ms Reed had spoken. He gestured for his fellow coworkers to follow before clearing his throat loudly attempting to gain the attention of the students.
(@Echo Dreamsong Sorry! Might have been me misreading. I tend to get similar spelt words mixed up a lot.)

Nyo nodded as Richard made sure he'd gotten his name right. It was an odd one for sure, but his mother had figured that naming him after his grandfather was a good way to honour the old man. He thought back to the kitchen and realised what Emily must have meant by what she said. With Richard's power, there was a nice variety so far. Nyo had expected there to be some overlap between powers, but what he'd seen so far had been very different. He was dragged from his thoughts by a teacher clearing his throat and looked over at the man.
David adjusted his armour and walked behind Geralt standing beside him and looking out over at the students, staying silent until he could be introduced.
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"Well if no one is going I'll go first" Ms.Reed huffed.

"I am the awesomest teacher Ms.Reed I will teach you ability studies: Understanding what you came from. You know I have spacial manipulation as my ability but I can do a whole lot more than making it rain chocolate and shift the gravity of the room and teleport but that is another story for another day. I guess I'm done Geralt, you can go"
Before Danny could answer what his powers where, his draw dropped when he saw a rather short chick join them at the table "hubba hubba" he said elbowing Richard and giving him a weird look. "Please tell me I'm not the only who just saw her walk in?" he said giggling to himself eyeing back to the short girl. "Bro should I say something" he said eyeing back to Richard not even trying to tone his loud voice down.

@Aeshae @PixieDusts
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Miya had fallen asleep, leaning against the wall. Her soft snores echoed in her ears, her hair flowing past her shoulders. Her eyes lids closed shut.

Khaleesi walked with the new boy and looked down, giving a slight wave to the people at the table. She smiled lightly, her eyes faded to a more violet color, with a hint of Emerald Green, and she tried not to make it seem so obvious. A soft giggle escaped her bright pink lips with a shimmer in the light. Her brown hair glistened down and over her right shoulder. She listened to them talking about their powers and kept her mouth shut.

@Aeshae @Jeremy Jangle @Aanyone else around the table...

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