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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

Nyo glanced at Quinn as he pointed at the new kid, the one who definitely smelt like sweat, though not strongly enough to smell when he was in the entrance hall. Nyo chuckled at his introduction of himself, and Nyo was about to respond when he was slightly distracted by the way Richard was trying to shake Quinn's hand. Then their surroundings shifted, Nyo taking another deep breath, close to panicking, and they were in the great hall. He planted his feet in the ground, trying to fight his light headedness. He looked up to Ms Reed, only slightly taking in what she was saying until chocolate started falling and Nyo started floating. He stared at her as she asked for question.

"Um, yeah." Nyo told her, feet reaching for the ground and sticking his hand in the air. "Can you turn the... the uh..." He gestured down wildly to show he meant the gravity. "The Newton apple thing back on, please?" He asked.
Quinn laughed as he began to float, his laugh deep but he stopped laughing shortly as he saw chocolate raining from nowhere so he grabbed a chocolate bar as Ms. Reed asked if they had any questions. Quinn began eating the chocolate bar and then looked at everyone before back at Ms. Reed. He began signing to her, but stopped his Sign Language then wrote something down with a floating pen and pencil before giving it to her. The note reads as follows: Yes. One question. Do we have room mates? If so, whose paired up with who?

Quinn then proceeded to try and latch onto the stair case banister so that when gravity did finally turn on he would hang onto the banister.

@Agirl1107 @SecretRock @Aeshae

@Jeremy Jangle @Echo Dreamsong
Emily had begun grabbing as much of the chocolate as possible, almost like she was starving... Well, technically she was. Emily also rather enjoyed the feeling of floating. It had that feeling of freedom. Of course when Quinn began signing, she grew very excited and began signing back rapidly. 'You use sign language? This is amazing!' At that she beamed and grabbed yet another piece of chocolate for her collection.
Danny was about to comment something else but the room had suddenly shifted throwing him off his balance and face planting on the ground he began rubbing his sore face "shifting rooms huh? Don't tell me this is gonna be some episode Scooby doo" he said giggling to himself. He quickly stood up and brushed off his body noticing chocolate started to fallen.

He quickly jumped up to snatch some, but immediately felt the gravity lighten up causing him to swallow some chocolate whole. While chocking he felt the gravity come back making him land straight onto his back coughing up the lodged peice of candy in his throat.
"I hate this girl" he said mumbling under his breath
"Ahh Roommates yes you have them and your roommate is Nyo" She said as Gravity turned back on and chocolate disappeared.
"Please don't make us have to do stuff... Oh geeze..." Richard felt a hand on him which was a kind gesture, but not one he could return as he still felt as if the world was spinning, an offset of having heightened sense(they were pretty delicate). As the teacher began explaining and demonstrating her powers, Richard's nausea felt even worse. As she asked if there were any questions Richard responded with a much needed, "Make it stop ohmygodIhateyousomuchri- burp." it took everything in his power to hold his food back as Nyo asked to set them back down.
Quinn looked over at Nyo and held a thumbs up. Emily could use sign language?! This was amazing! Quinn smiled so brightly he felt like his heart might burst. He had someone he could talk to now, which meant he no longer felt so alone. Quinn signed to Emily 'This is amazing! Where did you learn how to sign?" He then walked over to Nyo who seemed so tense and nervous. He looked at the guy, patted his back once then looked at Emily to see her response. Quinn also thought that with Nyo the guy seemed like he had trouble talking to people. Both things they had in common at least, but hopefully Quinn could maybe...I don't make friends with everyone here.

@SecretRock @Echo Dreamsong @Aeshae @Jeremy Jangle @Agirl1107
Nyo hit the ground with his shoulder first, making a small sound of pain as he pushed himself into a sitting position. It took him a few seconds to process what Ms Reed had said and looked over at Quinn. He seemed like he'd be a decent room mate, probably better Nyo's little brother. That guy didn't seem to know that dirty laundry belonged anywhere but the floor even though they had a basket right next to their door. He slowly pushed himself to his feet and smiled at Quinn in thanks for the reassurance bfore glancing around at the others. Richard didn't look like he was doing too well.

"Need a hand?" He asked him, slowly walking over.
"You others must be wondering who your roommates are as well...

Richard and Danny are in room 105 togehter

Chuck is gonna be with Nikoli who hasn't showed up yet in room 106

Elizabeth is with Carter who also hasn't show up yet in room 107

Nyo is with Quinn in room 101

and finally

Emily is in Room 103 by herself until we get more students" Ms.Reed said.
"Oh man... Ugh yeah thanks." Taking the hand gratefully Richard stood back up, the nausea finally seeming to settle after hitting the floor with a resounding pah. Finally listening to the teacher, Richard grinned at Nyo before grinning at the young man named Danny. "Looks like I get hot shot huh?" He joked before noticing Quinn and Emily were signing. With a nod of approval, Richard raised his hand. "So, this is a school right teach? Are we going to actually, I dunno, learn school stuff? And when can we move in? And when's lunch?!"
"Better you than me." Nyo joked back as his hand drifted back to his bag's strap, wringing it again. This was one of the oddest schools he'd been to. He looked at Richard as he spoke and another question occurred to him: was Ms Reed even qualified to teach? Didn't someone have to have degrees and experience in that subject to work in a school? As well as background checks. He scanned Ms Reed, trying to look past the eccentric, clumsy woman they'd seen so far. She didn't seem like the kind of person to pass a background check.

(I gtg. It's like 2 am. Bye.)
"Your stuff is already here, today you meet each other, tomorrow you learn, and lunch is now" Ms.Reed said snapping her fingers once more to reveal the Dining Hall. The Table was filled with all sort of foods from all over the world. (Bye Secret)
Danny sat up still kinda pissed at his whole choking accident. He heard his name and his roommate's name. "So which one of these fine gentlemen happens to be this Richard? I gotta know who my wingman is" he said jokingly

He was suddenly interrupted by the changing room again causing him to once again land on his face
"son of a bitch" he mumbled to himself while laying down in pain.
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Richard, beginning to feel better, was delighted to see a whole banquet of different foods at the table, completely forgetting that a moment ago he taught to keep similar food in. He went over to the guy named Danny and offered him his hand and a smile. "Nice to meet you. Richard." The person in question had been quite the joker, and Richard could sense his muscles were lax and his heartbeat was calm. "Looks like we're happy go lucky huh? Guess I can't copy your homework then!" Richard joked, laughing heartily.
Danny took Richard's hand in helping him get up "so you're Richard?" he asked checking him out and giving a smirk "I was hoping for an ugly roommate to make myself feel better in the moring, but I guess a handsome wingman will work out even better" he said giggling.

"Also if you let me copy anything having math I'll gladly let you copy off anything concerning biology. Anyway let's eat" he said rubbing his hands together starring at the delicious food
"I'll be gone for a bit there seems to be pests on the property, you can talk among yourselves" Ms.Reed said as she teleported away.
Quinn had took some Mee Tu Noodles which are Chinese noodles. He then grabbed some egg drop soup, broccoli and got himself a glass of water with lemon. He sat down and was enjoying his lunch while the other students talked among themselves. His world was silence. He enjoyed the peace he got, but sometimes he felt isolated being cut off from the hearing world that he was once apart of. Swirling the noodles around the fork he slowly ate taking a sip of his water as he thought about classes that he would take. He was after all a poison manipulator. He could create poisons and toxins on his skin at any given moment if he was stressed out. A final test, a quiz during class...any of these simple things and people would have to avoid touching him till he calmed down. If any of these students touched him while he was secreting those toxins on his skin...God he didn't want to see anyone have a seizure again. He hated causing anyone pain or suffering both physically and emotionally. Quinn finished his noodles and began drinking the broth of the egg drop soup. Tomorrow is a new day and for now he would just rest and then the real challenges would begin.

@Agirl1107 @Aeshae @Echo Dreamsong @Jeremy Jangle @Dafyddwilliams14
Richard decided to plop himself down near Quinn, waving at him as he worked on his food. Grinning, Richard grabbed some mustard nearby and an empty plate, spelling out sloppily "Chinese? Nice Choice"

Richard helped himself to some salad and a few vegetables, being a vegetarian. Waving his arm about, Richard shouted,"C'mere you guys! Let's all eat together since we're gonna be in classes and all."
Quinn smiled nodding as he finished his egg drop soup then began sipping his water and lemon. He then took some mustard and wrote back. "You need practice writing. It's more sloppy than a hog in a pen full of mud. " Quinn chuckled quietly, teasing Richard not really meaning anything cruel by his teasing. He then looked as everyone else would file in and he began to distinguish vibrations they made with each person. Emily was light and fast, Danny sauntered with arrogance or confidence whatever wasn't rude to say, Richard was pretty chill and laid back so he walked normally. He went back to sipping his drink tapping his fingers three times for each person who walked into the room.

@Aeshae @Jeremy Jangle @Echo Dreamsong
Danny looked at the boy that Richard had sat next to and delivered a heavy sigh as he made his way over towards them. "Damn. Does every boy here need to be cute and handsome. I mean don't get me wrong I'm all for competition, but this is ridiculous" he said laughing to himself.

He made his way to where Quinn was and offered out his hand
"You already know who I am, but I don't exactly remembering catching your name" he said giving the boy a warm smile

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Quinn felt the vibration through the seat and looked up to see Danny sit beside him. 'My god he talks fast...' Quinn smiled and held out his hand and shook it. He looked at Richard for help because he didn't like talking. He didn't know how he sounded. 'Don't be a pansy. Just freaking say your name.' Quinn looked back at Danny, his different colored eyes focusing on him, and opened his mouth. "Quinn." His deep voice was soft and husky. He blushed though, not knowing how his voice sounded and he quickly took his hand back feeling stupid for not being able hear... He felt self conscious again and he looked at Richard, giving him a look that asked if he had sounded stupid.

@Aeshae @Jeremy Jangle
Laughing he clapped Danny on the back, welcoming the companionship brought to the table. "Hey sit down, pull up a chair!" Noticing the sudden change in mood in Quinn, Richard tried changing the subject. "So! We're all gifted here right? What are your guys' powers? Or... you know, whatever you call them. I'm pretty curious as to how you all ended up here!"

@AceSpades @Jeremy Jangle @Echo Dreamsong @Agirl1107
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Nyo started at the change of scenery, but it was a change he welcomed as the smell of a verity of different food assaulted his nose. He watched the others walk over and start eating and followed them as they began to talk, taking a seat on the other side of Quinn. Content with just listening for now he reached across the table for some food, taking a crusty bread roll, some chicken, and some cheese. He also poured some water into his glass, then leaned back, watching the others and started tearing open the roll to make a sandwich.
Professor Geralt

Geralt strode into the room, observing the new class with a cynical eye. The tables were filled with countless foods, and more seemed to appear as several dishes vanished, each one catering to the students' tastes. Crossing his arms over his chest, he grunted as the kids continued to talk. "So this is the new class huh... Bunch of no good snot nosed brats..." Geralt pulled out a cigarette which he proceeded to light, puffing out long bursts of smoke.
David Argall (Mr. Argall)

David walked in and looked over the students, they had no idea what they were in for. He walked over to the edge of the table and stared at them all for a few moments eyeing them and making sure he kept track of their scents. He picked up a roll and speared a slice of ham with his index claw. He took one last look at the students, grunted and walked over to stand next to Geralt. "You know she hates it when you smoke next to the students" he said with the best smile trying to avoid breathing in the smoke from the cigarette himself, "It'll be your funeral if she sees you"

@Aeshae @Agirl1107 @SecretRock @Jeremy Jangle @AceSpades @Echo Dreamsong
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