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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

Khaleesi heard Ms. Reed's voice from the Grand Hall. Her strength grew as she pushed herself forwards and ran to the entrance. She pressed her body on the wall, her bruises and almost healed cuts stayed like glue on her body. Her groans hidden by Ms. Reed's booming voice. She stood there and shook her head, her eyes widened. 'Where's Mr. S? Where's Aiden?' She thought and stared at Ms. Reed, eyes widened at what she was saying.

Ms.Reed looked a the girl as she dashed through the door. She was a bit surprised and then processed what she was saying. "Sewell is preparing for finnick's arrival as for Adien I don't know, You have to focus on Finnik for no-" A crash was heard above Ms.Reed. "Hello My sweet it's been a while hasn't it, Sorry for the mess you know kids they can't control themselves much but I am here to take you back and win your heart" Finnick said nonchalantly. Ms.Reed curled in horror at the sight.
"I swear..." Raven appeared in the grand hall, confused about most things. Oh boy more fighting... He saw Ms.Reed frightened. "Shadow bolt." Raven held a ball of darkness, waiting to strike.
"Raven don't" Ms.Reed yelled but it was too late Finnick was already in motion. He made his way towards the teen with the intent to kill. Ms.Reed tried to stop him but was held back by a boy with black hair and yellow eyes. "Let me go you little brat"Ms.Reed yelled to the boy. He simply grunted in response.

@Raven Daniel
"Darkening Spike!" A dark spike out of no where impaled Finnick, darkness wrapping around him, keeping him still for the time being. Raven was then behind the kid holding Ms.Reed back. "Let go!" He struck the kid in the back of the head, with the help of his darkness, making the child unconscious. "Ms.Reed that spike won't hold him for long, we need to move before more kids come in aswell!" Raven looked around for more people. "My minions should be able to fend off some of them, which would but us some time." He tried to stay calm.

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Ella was walking around the school gloves over her hands hiding her uneven nails, her hands behind her back, as she entered the Grand Hall, she saw something going on what was it? "W-wh-....." She had just stopped speaking, not really sure what to even do, she didn't know these people she couldn't talk to them! She was already feeling uneasy, she couldn't be in the place she called home....what was going on, just looking around the room, after so looking down.
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Well this is great.

Our school was just attacked.





Wait, what?

None of that will happen.

Okay, maybe the action part.

But where does romance or suspense come in?

Chapter 2?

Dude, don't ask me.

I'm just a voice in our head.

Danny and Danny? Please shut up. I'm trying to focus here.

Hey, how long has it been since one of us was in control?

I really wanna eat some food again.

The hell are you talking about?

You literally are surrounded by chips and salsa!

I'm not even sure where you got half of it!

The fridge.

You filled the fridge with chips and salsa?!

Where did my yogurt go?!

See, about that....

Seriously you two, shut it.

Danny watched as the chaos unfolded around him, unable to look away. Somehow the stranger had been stopped by some form of what looked like dark magic, but seeing as how he'd just nonchalantly broken into the room, it wouldn't hold him forever.

"Ms Reed! What can I do to help?!l

"You have to stop Finnick he is gonna-" The boy knocked Ms.Reed out and Glared at her. She was limp in his arms but she was still breathing and that was all that mattered. "Tsk Tsk woman you must give such confidential information away it can be seen as rude" The boy said in a prude tone.

Ella watched as the older women in the room seemed to be knocked, now just looking down she looked up, the women seemed to be being held in the arms of that male, what was, her eyes peering of to Danny "Wh..." Still not feeling up to speak to these new people, just standing, was this what a fight was? Now looking at Danny, like she wanted him to do something without even speaking. @Agirl1107 @Yoshiro
Ah, crap.

How much should we bet on our lives?

What lives? We're just voices!

Soooo, you're not going to bet anything?


Put me down for 30 bucks on Finnick.


You both suck.

Danny ran straight at the intruding male, his right fist cocked back. When he was in range, he let loose the missile. It traveled from Seattle to Houston, gaining power as it neared Finnick's body.
Finnick dodged and jumped up high making him end up on one of the upper places of the Grand Hall. "Tsk Tsk boy you mustn't attack I mean I already have what I came here for but you will follow me so I guess I must kill you as well" Finnick began to focus on the puny boy in front of him. He will have his mind then use him to kill the other. "Listen to me boy" He said in a strict voice.
"Hm..." Raven then noticed. He's the one who messed with Ms.Reeds mind...must've been obvioud... Ravens darkness spiked all around him. "Darky, Nemea, get ready!" His two tiny goblins appeared in their own fighting stances.
Emily finally got tired of trying to leave her new friends and walked back towards the school. A blank state had come over her when the hunter got Yasero. She couldn't feel anything. Just a heavy emptiness. Probably why she had begun with the knife once more. Imagine having every limb ripped off and hidden. Hidden so you'd never find it. If that doesn't ring a bell, imagine never feeling anything. Having skin like stone. Without Yasero, Emily was nothing. Half her life was gone, her whole heart going with it. Eventually she just sat outside, still completely deaf in her left ear.

(FUDGE! I hate my new school! It's the worst! The kids are awful and I just want to feel something again!)
Did this guy just threaten us?

I believe he did.

Shall we kick his ass?

Oh we'll kick his ass alright.

Straight to the moon.

"Sorry man, there are a few things I don't do in life.

Number one: I don't do homework.

Number two: I don't do social gatherings

Number three: I don't listen to anyone but me.

Or us.

You listen to us right Danny?

I'd be worried if he actually did .

We are just voices in our head after all.

Oh my god you two, I was trying to be heroic and stuff, and you've ruined it. Great job, truly fantastic work.

Well, we couldn't let the audience think we're too edgy.

We are not edgy.

And what do you mean audience?!

Are there other people in here?!?
Yoshiro said:
Did this guy just threaten us?

I believe he did.

Shall we kick his ass?

Oh we'll kick his ass alright.

Straight to the moon.

"Sorry man, there are a few things I don't do in life.

Number one: I don't do homework.

Number two: I don't do social gatherings

Number three: I don't listen to anyone but me.

Or us.

You listen to us right Danny?

I'd be worried if he actually did .

We are just voices in our head after all.

Oh my god you two, I was trying to be heroic and stuff, and you've ruined it. Great job, truly fantastic work.

Well, we couldn't let the audience think we're too edgy.

We are not edgy.

And what do you mean audience?!

Are there other people in here?!?
(Yeeees, yes there are!)
Jyn heard sounds from the Grand Hall, he got curious so he opened the door and when he opened the door he saw students, 2 goblins and Ms.Reed fighting someone but he already knew which side he will take "well... I wasn't expecting this but okay" he said as he ran and changed his class into Time Mage ,his outfit changed into a black and purple robe with stopwatches and a staff "Hasten!" he used hasten on everyone but Finnick which is the guy who they are fighting, Hasten increases speed drastically which can be useful at some situation. Jyn looked at Finnick "Slow!" he said to slow down Finnick to support the students and Ms.Reed.

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