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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

"Nagi I can't believe you!" Raven saw the pack and then Emily falling. "Emily!" Ravens darkness softened her fall. "Nagi...go...before I hurt someone." The Wolf dissapeared. Raven appeared beside Emily with another shining rock. "I believe you know to crush this." He said, the worry in his voice becoming more and more noticeable. He felt his eyes burn. I can't believe I hurt her... He looked shamefully to the side, giving Emily the rock.
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Ballerina said:
Marina's face was now buried deep in the couch cushion as she let out wailing noise, completely ignoring the figure beside her. Even though it was hard to hear with her head submerged in a cushion, she still could make out some of the noise. She stopped pushing her face against the cushion and looked over at the source of the sound, leaving a face sized area of the couch's cushion soaked with snot and tears. It was a guy who appeared to be several years older, and he was coming towards her! Marina was completely unsure what to do, she always believed in stranger danger, but she never really had to worry about it up until now, in a school filled with big scary people she didn't know. She scooted further away from the male, but nodded in response to his question.
Jyn looked at the girl curiously and for some reason he was ignored "I think girls don't like you" Eah jokingly said and Jyn sighed "this is not a good situation to joke around Eah" he replied to the voice inside his head, Eah only replied with a hmph. Jyn smiled wryly when the girl scooted away from him "yep girls don't really like you" Eah jokingly stated but it's ignored by Jyn "don't be afraid...do I really need to calm you down?" he asked but does it anyway "Class Equip Druid" he whispered his body lights up and after the light fades his outfit change into that of a druid, he chanted a spell and a calming wind suddenly flows in the room this wind is special that creates a soothing effect "Better?" he asked the girl that is afraid of him.
WeirdisFun said:
Jyn looked at the girl curiously and for some reason he was ignored "I think girls don't like you" Eah jokingly said and Jyn sighed "this is not a good situation to joke around Eah" he replied to the voice inside his head, Eah only replied with a hmph. Jyn smiled wryly when the girl scooted away from him "yep girls don't really like you" Eah jokingly stated but it's ignored by Jyn "don't be afraid...do I really need to calm you down?" he asked but does it anyway "Class Equip Druid" he whispered his body lights up and after the light fades his outfit change into that of a druid, he chanted a spell and a calming wind suddenly flows in the room this wind is special that creates a soothing effect "Better?" he asked the girl that is afraid of him.
She looked at the male. In her teary eyes, he was being kind of strange since she did not have a clue about was going on in his head. It surprised her that he was kind enough to try to calm her down, he reminded her of both of her parents who were the ones who usually fell victim to Marina's crying fits. He whispered a strange term right before his body glowed. She did not know what to make of this, but it did strike her rather silly that he changed outfits as well. Whatever he was doing, it conjured up a breeze as well. The wind circling the room was had a calming effect that almost reminded her of the ocean. She slowly nodded when he asked if she was feeling better. Even though her nose was still stuffy and she would give anything to go back home, the feeling of hopefulness was also in the air as well, she anticipated the school year a bit more than before.
Ballerina said:
She looked at the male. In her teary eyes, he was being kind of strange since she did not have a clue about was going on in his head. It surprised her that he was kind enough to try to calm her down, he reminded her of both of her parents who were the ones who usually fell victim to Marina's crying fits. He whispered a strange term right before his body glowed. She did not know what to make of this, but it did strike her rather silly that he changed outfits as well. Whatever he was doing, it conjured up a breeze as well. The wind circling the room was had a calming effect that almost reminded her of the ocean. She slowly nodded when he asked if she was feeling better. Even though her nose was still stuffy and she would give anything to go back home, the feeling of hopefulness was also in the air as well, she anticipated the school year a bit more than before.
Jyn exhaled in relief that the spell work to calm her down he can tell by her expression "it's a bit silly that my outfit will change but that's not the point for now" he said as he whispered "Unequip Class" to turn back to his original outfit which is his usual one, he cleared his throat "so why are you crying when you arrived here?" he asked the girl that stopped crying because of his spell that calms her down.
"I'm not hiding." Sara called back after a slight pause. "I'm by the front door." The voice sounded like a little kid to her, but she couldn't be sure. She rolled the candle between her palms as she waited for a reply.

@Daniel reaving

Nyo watched Emily go with her new-old wolf friend. It was a little confusing, he really had no idea what was actually going on. He reached for his drink again, wondering how much crazy stuff was going to happen. It was only the second day and already he'd seen a guy absorbed by a book, a sentient fire, a girl being BFFs with a wolf, and the head teacher get mind controlled by... something.

He almost dropped his glass when he heard Emily shouting from outside. He got up from his chair and ran outside to see her laid on the floor, Raven offering her one of those healing stone that he kept getting from somewhere. Where did he keep getting those? He took a few steps closer.

"What happened?" He asked them.

@Raven Daniel @Echo Dreamsong
Isabella shop in fear as she continued down the hall for the front door. "D-don't scare me or I'll-ill get my friends t-to scare you." She called back in a fear filled voice as she squeezed her teddy tightly to her chest, as tightly as her tiny muscles could take as she neared where the voice was coming from

"My Idiocy happened..." Raven wouldn't make eye contact. "One of my minions attacked Yasero...Yasero then retaliated, and I believe Emily slipped on ice." The worry in his voice was quite clear. "Should've stopped him..." Raven mumbled under his breath.
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WeirdisFun said:
Jyn exhaled in relief that the spell work to calm her down he can tell by her expression "it's a bit silly that my outfit will change but that's not the point for now" he said as he whispered "Unequip Class" to turn back to his original outfit which is his usual one, he cleared his throat "so why are you crying when you arrived here?" he asked the girl that stopped crying because of his spell that calms her down.
Marina lifted an eyebrow, maybe it was because she was so young and 'slow', but she really didn't see whatever point he was trying to make other than changing his outfit. Before she could ask him what his point was, he asked her the burning question. Why was she crying? She was still sniffling, but to a much lesser extent as she answered. " Because..." Marina paused for a moment, tears began to form in her eyes as the question led her to reflect on the situation she was placed in. "M-my... M-my... m-mommy and daddy..." She incoherently mumbled in a soft tone as the tears began to roll down her flushed cheeks. " T-they left me here! And I... and I... and I... don't wanna go to school!" The little girl whined, if it was told from the parent's perspective the story would have been anything but tragic: An eight year old girl is sent to a school for people like her by two loving parents.
Ballerina said:
Marina lifted an eyebrow, maybe it was because she was so young and 'slow', but she really didn't see whatever point he was trying to make other than changing his outfit. Before she could ask him what his point was, he asked her the burning question. Why was she crying? She was still sniffling, but to a much lesser extent as she answered. " Because..." Marina paused for a moment, tears began to form in her eyes as the question led her to reflect on the situation she was placed in. "M-my... M-my... m-mommy and daddy..." She incoherently mumbled in a soft tone as the tears began to roll down her flushed cheeks. " T-they left me here! And I... and I... and I... don't wanna go to school!" The little girl whined, if it was told from the parent's perspective the story would have been anything but tragic: An eight year old girl is sent to a school for people like her by two loving parents.
Eah sniffled "this poor girl...is" she can't form her words well, Jyn just chuckled at Eah but the little girl might misunderstand it which will turn him into a creepy so he cleared his throat "that was a bit rude I have a friend here I was just a bit amused" he said to the girl to clear it up. "such a young age..." he mumbled as he wiped off her tears there must be a reason why she's transferred here but he understands that it's private so he didn't want to hear much of it "well you don't need to worry there must be reason why they left you here but I know that they don't have any bad intentions so muster up everything and stop crying" Jyn said with a smile "but if you need someone, I'll be happy to help maybe not only me there are people that are willing to help here too ya know".

The girl woke up. Her eyes were as pure as white. There wasn't anyone around her. She was alone, in a room, by herself. With that the girl rolled over in pain, her stomach, completely bruised. She wasn't dressed in anything fancy, just the stuff she fainted in. Her breathing was low as she swung her legs off the bed and fell onto the floor with a thud. Her eyes glistened white, and a dark green. She hit the floor with a loud thud and screamed lightly in pain. Her eyes glistened to pure dark green as she laid there on the floor.

Khaleesi stood with her hands around her stomach. She waddled to the door and opened it slowly with a creak. Her eyes stayed a dark green before it shimmed to a teal, yellow green. She fell to the floor by the door, her breathing rougher and uncontrollable. Who would get up from such a nap? Apparently Khaleesi.

"Well... I think I might just have to fight him. I am the only one who can't fall victim to his mental abilities... Ms. Reed, I think it's time we had a serious talk..." He responded to her, his entire body shaking slightly. "Lets go somewhere a bit more private?" He looked at her with a seriousness in his eyes. Sewell and his uncle promised to never mention the curse they brought to life, but it seemed like now he had no choice. "The only way I will be able to defeat Fin might end with you and the students having to kill me...."


(There is a lot of clutter in the previous page. Can something be done about it?)
Ms.Reed shifted feeling Sewell's seriousness consume the room. She couldn't believe him "What do you mean kill you I don't know if... if I or the students can kill you, I've know you for a long time Sewell I can't just kill you even if it is to protect the school" Ms.Reed rambled as she felt confusion control her mind.


(Yreah I'll fix the clutter)
Mr. S took Reed by the hand gently and walked forward with her, both of them appearing in her hot spring. They were of course walking on the water, "Alright it's time I explain." He sat back, sitting in a wooden chair he made appear. Sewell made a chair appear for Reed to sit down in. "This goes back before I was born, but I'll tell you when I get involved in the story." He took a deep breath before he started telling the story.

"Ah you're a lot like me Sewell" said after listening to the story. Closing her eyes Ms.Reed let out a sigh. "I guess if we have to then we must... even if... even if it means losing you" Ms.Reed said. She didn't want to lose anyone in this fight especially faculty since they were the front lines thus getting the most fight time.
"Go gather all the students together and, I don't know comfort or inform them or whatever. It's time you actually get involved with them all and we start acting like a family. I need to rest, I have spent a lot of time socializing and speaking. I need a month's worth of rest." He laughed softly. "If anyone asks about my whereabouts, just tell them to knock on my door." He stood up. "Maybe after this whole Fin ordeal, you take them out for a picnic or something."

"Yea a picnic sound nice" Ms.Reed said looking a Sewell in a saddened face. Ms.Reed then teleported into the grand hall. "ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS THERE IS A VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM THE HEAD MASTER HEAD TO THE GRAND HALL IMMEDIATELY" The loud speaker blared.
"I'm not.. trying to scare you..?" Sara called back, tilting her head and smiling slightly in confusion. Had she one anything to scare this girl so far? All she really knew was that she wasn't in sight. She looked down at the candle between her palms, still rolling it. It looked brand new, store bought. She liked this candle. She looked up as the speaker sounded, then at the two with her. "Ready to meet the headmaster?" She asked.

@Yoshiro @Daniel reaving @Echo Dreamsong

Nyo sighed, gritting his teeth and rubbing his eyes. There was so much going on. Then the speakers sounded, summoning them to the hall again. That was like the fourth time in two days. How unorganised were these people? When were classes going to start? He stepped forward and knelt next to Emily, checking her ankle.

"Are you okay?" He asked Raven.

@Raven Daniel
Soon Isabella got to the entrance hall and looked around before the announcement blared out making her jump with a scared yelp before she looked around then suddenly she was gone leaving a sort of black mist where she had been. Then she appeared in the grand hall and looked around shyly

Khaleesi pressed her body against the wall and pushed her shaking body up. She wheezed lightly as she opened the door, leaning on it's creaky wood for support. She looked around the halls, her bruised arm stretched out for help from the wall. She moved quickly, but still ended up on the floor, groaning from the pain.

The short girl's eyes were a teal blue as she looked around. She noticed kids, but tried to hide her pain as she crawled to the wall. Pressing herself against the wall the short girl walked along side it. Her eyes glistened as she plastered a fake smile and hid her bruised body. The shadows consumed her as she looked around for a familiar face.

Ravens darkness wrapped around Emilys leg, helping her walk. He then felt Khaleesi in the shadows. "Hm? Nyo take care of Emily, I believe their is someone else hurt." He grabbed the healing stone and appeared beside. "Hello..." He noticed Khaleesi was in great pain. "Are you ok, what happened?" He could see her bruises, even though they were covered in darkness.

Khaleesi jumped back against the wall and growled, sliding down into a sitting position in pain. "No Honey, this happened almost a week ago..." She said softly and pushed herself up, pressing her side against the wall as she pushed herself forwards. "Just looking for Mr. S... Have you seen him...?"

@Raven Daniel
Khaleesi dropped the rock. "My body heals on it's very own... But thank you for caring..." She said as she pushed on down the hall. Her eyes glistened in the light as she hid the pain and stayed in the shadows. Her eyes stayed on the ground as she continued to walk, still looking for Mr. S and Mrs. Reed.

@Raven Daniel
Ms.Reed floated in the middle of the grand hall wait for the students. They filed in eventually and she began to speak "I gathered you here today to tell you that Finnick will be here any moment and he has an army I don't know how big or how strong it is, You must be ready for the worst to happen we must beat Finnick and win this or our family will be as good as gone". Ms.Reed's face became dark and foreboding 'this could be the last time I see my students' she thought as she floated there.

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