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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

Mr. S peeled the child off with his hand. He held onto her casually and without effort in his right hand. "I think this little one has taken a liking to you. You're going to have to get used to physical contact if you want to make such a large family." He lifted the girl up in front of Reed like he were showing her a doll. "Go and take her to a room, I need to go to the kitchen real quick. You can talk to me there." He waited for Reed to take the child. Mr. S figured Reed would want to talk to him, otherwise she wouldn't have teleported. He was a bit jealous about it actually, since doing such a thing stung horribly for him.

@Daniel reaving @Agirl1107
Ballerina said:
((Is this two people or one with a voice inside?))
A small girl on the verge of tears walked from the main entrance. Each step she took became more tedious than the last, she longed to hold her mother's warm hand again and the urge to run back to the train station with her parent was unbearable. She slowly walks over to the sofa her vision was blurry from the teary eyes, making it hard to make out the figures around her.
(one with a voice inside, counted as two characters)

Eah noticed a presence and warned Jyn that was about to sleep "Jyn! wake up someone is near" Eah said to Jyn as Jyn suddenly woke up he looked around and saw a girl with teary eyes, he doesn't know what happened to her but he's willing to help "uhh...Hello there, is something wrong?" he asked the girl that was slowly walking to the sofa so he scoot a little bit to the side.
Sara hurried down the drive, a big smile plastered on her face, ear to ear. Yeah, she was already a day late, but she was here! She'd never even considered that there were other kids like her, kids who could do things that others would consider impossible. She was going to meet other people like her, people who she didn't have to hide around, who would be safe mo matter what. It was like a dream come true! She hurried forward, going even faster and almost tripping over her own feet, seeing that the door was open.

"Hey! Wait up!" She shouted a few steps from the door. She slid to a halt, almost running into the two by the door. They looked nice, both were smiling. "Sorry about shouting." She apologised, grinning at them both.

@Yoshiro @Echo Dreamsong

Nyo took a deep breath and looked over at Richard, propping himself up on his elbow.

"So, what, uh, classes are you looking forward to?" He asked the other boy, knowing he was terrible at small talk, but he wanted to get to know the people around him, they would be here for a while.

Ah good, more people.

Probably should roll down your sleeves.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/DabiCuerpoCompleto.png.39ec7f58a8168b9cb956196dcb1fe20c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135165" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/DabiCuerpoCompleto.png.39ec7f58a8168b9cb956196dcb1fe20c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Zack looked to where the new girl had just run in, his smile momentarily disappearing.

"Hey, its cool. We just entered ourselves."

Zack pointed to himself with his thumb, indicating he would be talking about himself.

"I'm Zack, nice to meet ya."

Oh it is NOT nice.

You'll only use the people here to get what you want.

Remember what that is?

My salvation.

The only way to be happy.


Don't ever forget that this is what we want.

Not friends.

Not a home.

We want-

To die.

@Echo Dreamsong @SecretRock



  • DabiCuerpoCompleto.png
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SecretRock said:
Sara hurried down the drive, a big smile plastered on her face, ear to ear. Yeah, she was already a day late, but she was here! She'd never even considered that there were other kids like her, kids who could do things that others would consider impossible. She was going to meet other people like her, people who she didn't have to hide around, who would be safe mo matter what. It was like a dream come true! She hurried forward, going even faster and almost tripping over her own feet, seeing that the door was open.
"Hey! Wait up!" She shouted a few steps from the door. She slid to a halt, almost running into the two by the door. They looked nice, both were smiling. "Sorry about shouting." She apologised, grinning at them both.

@Yoshiro @Echo Dreamsong

Nyo took a deep breath and looked over at Richard, propping himself up on his elbow.

"So, what, uh, classes are you looking forward to?" He asked the other boy, knowing he was terrible at small talk, but he wanted to get to know the people around him, they would be here for a while.

"Nice to meet you, the names Carolina, you can call me Lin though."

(Writers block is hittin hard today.)

(Also, I have two days left to live)

Sara's grin widened as the two introduced themselves as she was catching her breath. Physical exercise didn't really agree with her.

"Sara. No shortening that, really." She told them, a laugh entering her voice at the end. She gripped the strap on her bag containing the few precious items she owned and bounced on her feet, her excitement obvious. "So you have superpowers right? I didn't dream that did I?" She laughed at her own joke, then realised that the others wouldn't get it. "Oh, um, that's funny because I can make things from dreams..."

(The muse comes and goes on a whim, we all lose it at some point. And also, what do you mean?)

@Yoshiro @Echo Dreamsong
SecretRock said:
Sara's grin widened as the two introduced themselves as she was catching her breath. Physical exercise didn't really agree with her.
"Sara. No shortening that, really." She told them, a laugh entering her voice at the end. She gripped the strap on her bag containing the few precious items she owned and bounced on her feet, her excitement obvious. "So you have superpowers right? I didn't dream that did I?" She laughed at her own joke, then realised that the others wouldn't get it. "Oh, um, that's funny because I can make things from dreams..."

(The muse comes and goes on a whim, we all lose it at some point. And also, what do you mean?)

@Yoshiro @Echo Dreamsong
Lin smiled, laughing a bit. "I control plants. Want a new poisonous one that looks just like a perfect strawberry? I'm on it."

(I leave for my boarding school then)
Is it time for show and tell?

Why not lie about ours?

They really don't have to know.

We already know what reactions people give us.

The horrified ones.

The shock and awed ones.

The 'we accept you' ones

The lying ones

We've seen them all, so why bother going through it all again?

Because trusting them will get us closer to what we want.

Zack sighed briefly, before opening his jacket to pull out a drink. The flask was easy enough to open, and the liquid was satisfying. Putting it away, he looked at the two girls near him.

"I uh, have a bad touch. Ever of of King Midas and his Golden Touch? I've got something like that, except much more deadly. I call it my 'Bad Touch'. My skin is highly toxic, and the slightest contact with another person or thing's skin will kill them. It's also in my blood, so no luck there."

He paused to give that huge exposition enough time to sink in.

Just call us Final Fantasy, 'cause we are explaining everything!

Well, okay, not everything.

I mean, we haven't told them anything except our name and our "gift".

Man, this really kills any chance of us kissing girls or getting laid.

We aren't here for any of that.

We're here to finish what HE started all those years ago.

If there was a prize for cliched background information, we'd be somewhere in the top five.

God I hate how right you are.


I hate you too!
Sara grinned at Lina's power, it sounded amazing, and a lot easier to control than Sara's. It took her so long to master lucid dreaming, even though she hadn't exactly mastered it so far. Zach's power was a bit of a downer though, and she wasn't entirely sure how to react to it. She decided to do what she always did: be an optimist.

"Well, at least nothing can hurt you. That has to be a plus, right?" She suggested, her smile a little smaller than before.

(I have never been to a boarding school, so I have no idea what they're like.)
(Yeah, this one's pretty cool. THEY HAVE AN ICECREAM MACHINE! Yeah, that sold me. Plus the paintball. It's like war, but nobody dies!)

"Hm, wouldn't it be awful to be hurt by your power? I mean, if I eat any of my plants, I'm fine." Lin said carefully before shrugging. "It sounds pretty awesome though. Does it kill plants? I wonder how you could use it."
Besides the emotional pain?

Then no, nothing can hurt us.


Have we actually tried it on plants?

You're asking me?



I don't know!

Zack scratched his head again, thinking deeply.

Told ya we shoulda lied.

We're like the Debby Downer of this trio.

Well, would you rather have them find out later, or right off the bat?


Can I choose Option C?

"Yeah, it kinda sucks. But it doesn't affect me in the slightest. Everything else though....I mean, if its organic, it'll die. I can't kill something that isn't alive, right?"

He smiled briefly, before putting on a blank expression and his hands into his jacket pockets.

"Sorry to bring you guys down. This is kinda why I stay away from people. I don't want to hurt them, you know?"

But yet we're wanting them to hurt us.

Annnd we're a cliche again!

God, I wanna throw up.

Not in here!

Your vomit gets everywhere!



Emily stood just outside the hall, mentally having a conversation.

Do you think we should have come here?

You're the one doing it, I'm not even there!

Oh yeah, where are you?

Remember, I'm still with the pack.

Yeah, but how close are you to being here?

Emily! I don't know! I never learned how to calculate distance!

Well hurry up! I don't like it here!

You are an idiot... You need to stay there. I'll guess I'm about a day away.

So I'll finally get to see you?

Yeah, I'll see you then.

Emily beamed, jumping up and down before running back to find Nyo.
"I know that feeling." Sara agreed, laughing slightly. She knew that this wasn't a laughing matter, but it was something she'd picked up over the years. People didn't worry if you laughed. She decided that this wasn't a subject to dwell on, so she swung her bag off of her shoulder. "Wanna see something cool?" She asked the other two with a smile as she routed around in it. She was sure that she'd packed it.

Nyo saw Emily reenter the room. She seemed happier, which was a good sign. He waved to her with a small smile, welcoming her back.

"Sorry about what I said." he told her when she was close enough to hear him.

(I've wanted to try paintball for ages now, never got round to it. Have you heard of the zombie experience in Reading/London and Manchester? From what I can tell, that's like paintball but people dress up as zombies and chase you.)
(Awesome! Yeah, apparently it hurts.)

Emily sighed and nodded. "It's alright, you didn't know."

Burn him.

NO! Why in hades would you say that!

I don't like him.

Why, jealous?


Haha! Yes you are! Alpha's jealous!

I could just go back north..

I take it back!

Thought so.

Emily huffed and crossed her arms before fiddling with her necklace.

"I, um, have a friend coming tomorrow."
"That's cool." Nyo nodded, then he paused and put his hand lightly to his chin. "Unless we're, uh, not allowed visitors, then it, um, it might be trouble. Given the teachers and everything." Nyo knew that this conflicted with what he was saying earlier, defending the teachers, but while he did think that they weren't completely evil, they could be pretty scary.
Emily shrugged, crossing her arms. "I'll do it anyway. Besides, they can't say no without being attacked." Emily said with a smirk. True, her friend probably would attack anyone who tried to keep her away. For, how many months now? About seven months the pair had been trying to meet, but with how much Emily had to move they couldn't do it. Until now, and Em wasn't gonna let anything stop that.
"Sounds like a very dedicated friend." Nyo laughed. He doubted that they could fight their way in, since at least two teachers would manipulate time and space on a whim, but if they were willing to try he wasn't one to stop them. Especially if they were one of Emily's friends. She seemed excited to see them, he didn't want to rain on her parade.
So many new students...now how am I going to stay alone, without making a scene of my powers... Raven thought to himself, one of his dark goblins allowed him to see each new student, and eavesdrop, without being caught. "Hmmm..." Raven remebered the little girl. "Her powers...are like mine but...she has a different edge to it..." Raven walked through the hallways, thinking to himself.
A loud howl sounded in the distance and Emily's face lite up.

"Yey!" She cried before dashing out of the room and outside.

Once out of the front door, she jumped up and down in excitement. Her face fell when a small brown wolf dashed up and began chewing on her leg.

"You are not Yey... And also, please stop?" The pup looked up at her with tail wagging before running back over the small hill. Another loud howl sounded and a large white wolf with golden tints to it's fur appeared on the crest. The most intriguing part was it's bright green eyes.

"YEY!" Emily shouted before running forward with the wolf doing the same.

EMILY! Oh god, you need more deer...

**** You Yey!

This place is odd.

Yeah, but they have food!

Oh, that explains it.

Come meet my new friends!

Emily and the wolf dashed in, both skidding a bit before dashing back to Nyo.

"Nyo! Meet Yasero! She's my companion!"

The wolf sort of glared at Nyo, giving him a look of distaste.

YEY! I don't like him better than you, I'm still your Beta, no matter what.

Then Yasero gave Nyo a smug look before nodding her head.
(Too bad, hope you have fun with whatever you're doing.)

As Emily ran off, Nyo half got up to follow her, but she seemed to be doing fine. Besides, its not like she was a kid, she could probably look after herself. He sat back in his chair with long breath. She came back soon enough, followed by a large canine. He was shocked to say the least, but he managed to hide it, if only for politeness.

"Hey there, Yasero." He said to the wolf with a small wave. "You must be great if you're Emily's friend."
Emily jumped up and down, beaming like crazy. For nearly a year the two had wanted to meet, finally the time had come.

Yasero looked around, then at Emily.

Alright Beta, who all is in the area.

Um, not sure. I know Nyo, Richard, Ms. Reed, and possibly a few others.

Which is your favorite?

U-um, you?


During their mental conversation they both wound up staring into space until Emily finally jerked up.

"Do you know where Richard is?"
Ms.Reed took the child and held her on her hip. She looked at Mr.S and gave him a slight smile. "Well I do want a big family so I guess I'll have to get used to it" Ms.Reed said while looking at the child. She Teleported to room 113. Putting the small child down she said "Now kiddo I know you like me but you're gonna have to stay here while I go do adult stuff like clean and cook so stay here for now" Ms.Reed said patting the child's head. She walked out the door and off to the kitchen.

@Daniel reaving @Tetro
Mr. S had gone to the kitchen as soon as Reed took the little one away. He began raiding every inch of the kitchen, eating a lot of the food and cooking the stuff he wasn't immediately eating. He never liked eating in front of people so it was normal for him to raid the kitchen at random times. Whenever he did most of the food was gone within half an hour. He continued eating as he waited for Reed.

Ms.Reed walked into the kitchen with a skip in her step. She when she walked into the kitchen her jaw dropped. "Sewell you eat food" Ms.Reed stated flabbergasted. She stared in awe at her coworker. Ms.Reed had never seen Mr.S eat before. Then she looked at the food being prepared. "You are also eating food you cook" Ms.Reed continued.


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