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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

Nyo stared at Emily for a few seconds, trying to figure out if this was another joke or not. He eventually decided on 'or not'.

"You're... not meant to eat... the skin." Nyo quietly told her, not really bothering that much since she'd already eaten some and he was pretty sure that it wasn't toxic. How sharp did her teeth have to be to bite through mango skin? He cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck. "I went to the, uh, the arena, got beat up a bit by the tiger teacher, David, I think." Nyo told the two after having a drink.
Richard glanced at Emily's attempt at eating the mango skin before busting up laughing at Nyo's comment. Finally catching his breath and wiping a tear from his eye, Richard wheezed out, "The teacher huh? Man, that's tough. And on the first day! I got scolded by that Geralt teacher guy for running around, even though he was the one smoking inside! Our luck huh?" Richard glanced around the room. "Say, where are the teachers anyways?"

Location: Dining Hall

With: Nyo, Emily

@SecretRock @Echo Dreamsong
Emily blushed a deep shade of red before swallowing. "Well how should I know that!" She cried at Nyo before looking down at her mango. Well, at least she tried. "Aren't adults bad? I mean they kind of ignore everything and don't really help. I know from personal experience, kids are far more trustworthy and reliable." Emily finished with a nod.
Nyo reached across and handed Emily a small knife so she could cut the skin off the mango. He nodded with Richard. The teachers here did seem to be out to get people, especially the deputy head; all Nyo had seen him do was tell people off and shout.

"I do trust the kids here more, but I don't think adults are inherently bad." Nyo added. "I mean, David was teaching me to fight, though it didn't help much. And Ms Reed seems okay, if a bit crazy." He said, trying to think of an example that didn't have a downside. He couldn't really.
"Well... You know... Oh!" Richard exclaimed, joining David in attempting to defend the adults. "Ms. Reed helped you heal your burns with that medicine remember? Even if she kind left us to walk all the way back... With no direction... Or map... Or even tour..." Richard mumbled off, clearly agreeing with Nyo that the teachers were a bit strange.

Location: Dining Hall

With: Nyo, Emily

@SecretRock @Echo Dreamsong
"But what if I didn't want to be healed!" Emily cried a bit louder before covering her mouth. "I said that too loud, didn't I..." She whispered before turning away and working on peeling her mango without meeting anyone's eyes.
Mistory1997 said:
Well, somebody says they can't control thier powers. Your abilities are based on your emotional state. So we need to figure out how to make you upset on command. So think of something. Something so infuriating that your blood boils just at the memory. Or something so terrifying you wish you never see it again. Force yourself to relive that. I know it sounds bad, but... we all have these powers. We might as well learn what we can do with them,right?"

Khaleesi nodded lightly and stood in the middle of the arena. She let out a deep breath and thought of her father. The face she was forced to see every minute of every day. The face she wanted to kill, the face she hated the most. The thing she wanted to watch be torn apart and flipped inside out. She growled loudly, her eyes turned a dark red and black as she pushed her hands in front of her.

The ground shook, the wind blew. Khaleesi's hair began to flow with the wind as she continued to think of her father. She growled even louder and glared at Aiden, her eyes a pure red as her hands began to shake and a monster came storming out of the floor. It's black and red body shimmered in the light as it moved around Khaleesi. She and the beast both growled.

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He gave a smile as the beasts appeared.

"Now...calm down. That's the hard part. Calming down from this." He looked over the beast.

"I guess the first step is...find something that makes you happy. Something just thinking about brings a smile to your face..."


The beast growled loudly and stepped towards Aiden. It's heart beat could be heard from a mile away. Khaleesi's eyes glowed a red. She turned her body towards Aiden as the Beast towered over him. "It won't go away!!" She screamed as it's foot began to raise. She tried and tried to calm down but her dad's face wouldn't leave her mind. She growled louder and the beast grew.

Khaleesi couldn't control them. She told Mr. S that, and Aiden. Her eyes stayed a red, not turning any other color. Her eyes shifted to his as the beast grew more and more. It's eyes were the size of a big swimming pool, all red. It's heart began to pound, like a base drum. She growled louder and louder, not being able to get rid of her fathers image.

A car pulled out of the drive way of the foster home in a rather quick hurry and what it left was a child about the age of seven. A little girl with white hair and blue eyes. She had a small suit case, a back pack, and her teddy bear which she was holding tightly to her chest. There was a scare look on her face, she felt abandoned for some reason as she stood there staring at the home. She didnt know why she was hear, all she knew was that her former foster parents seemed rather glad to get away from her.

Slowly she reached down grabbing her tiny suit case in one hand then started for the school slowly. When she got to the door she stared at it for a sec before she lightly nocked on the door. She was to scared for her to cope as the sky's started to slowly started to darken as her fear only grew more. Then the darkness started to grow more and more. Black circles appearing in the distance of the woods with out her knowing. She was to scared of why she was here to notice that she was bringing manifestations of darkness into this realm. Hideous deformed being's made out of physical darkness slowly started to rise from these black holes in the ground as the sky's only darkened more as Isabella stood there waiting for the door to be answered.

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He stared up at the beast, unflinching. He sighed, and pulled his hood back, his scars beginning to engulf his eye once again.

"I guess I should take this dog to obedience school."

He glared up at the beast, his golden eye narrowing into a slit.

"Go ahead. Take a bite. See how far you get


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The beast didn't bit him. It just stepped over Aiden and then laid down. It's heart pounding. Khaleesi wasn't in the mood to fight, so neither were the beasts. Only thing, is that they were draining Khaleesi by being just there. Khaleesi's eyes stayed red, the wind still blew around her. Her eyes followed every speck that was around her before they landed on Aiden.

Khaleesi smiled brightly, "I'm sorry..." Is all that came out of her lips before she was on the ground. Cuts and bruises circled her body as they sat there like a painted picture. She laid there, on the ground, breathing ever so softly and the creature disappeared with a flash. The wind began to slow and the ground was back to normal.


(I actually thought about killing her off right there...
xD )
Nyo stared down at his feet, thinking about how Emily didn't want her arms healed the day before. He wrung his hands together before glancing up at Emily before looking back down.

"Is this about... you know, uh, your... mother?" Nyo regretted the words almost as soon as he said them.
He sighed, and moved to her side, looking her over. He shook his head, before picking her up, and heading off back to the dorms

Richard glanced between Nyo and Emily, clearly confused. "Um, huh?" Richard said blankly, with no clear expression on his face. 'I guess I missed more than I thought I did. And I was gone for like, an hour.'

Location: Dining Hall

@SecretRock @Echo Dreamsong
Nyo took a deep breath as he heard Emily leaving, he fell into a chair at the table and leaned one elbow on it while rubbing his eyes.

"Nice going, Nyo. Remember, not peaches and cream." He muttered to himself, before glancing at Richard. He grimaced at him before staring down at the table with a large sigh. He needed to learn not to stick his nose into other people's business.
Raven felt the dark creature presence. His eyes widen and he gasped, he hoped he didn't alarm anyone. "I gotta see something...Nyo get prepared to fight just in case!" And with that Raven dashed to the door, opening it to see Isabella. His face had a pink tint to it. "H-hello..." Raven wasn't a teacher, and he hoped the girl didnt think he was one. "Are you knew here?" He asked trying not to stutter, as he looked at the dark creatures. His own dark being, a little goblin covered in darkness, ran out to look at them.

@SecretRock @Daniel reaving
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Jyn exited the dining room and wandered around "Eah how long will it last?" he asked Eah about the seal that when will it wear out "hmm...another hundred years" she said to Jyn and Jyn sighed "I don't know if I can last that long but I guess I have no choice" Jyn said as he stumbled at two people a boy that is carrying a girl with cuts and bruises he shared a class to the boy which is Aiden and the class he shared was cleric class, he turned into a rouge class "use heal on her" he whispered to Aiden's ear and used invisibility and disappeared without a trace, secretly helping them as he escaped.

@Mistory1997 @PixieDusts
Isabella looked up when the boy answered the door all the dark manifestations immediately looking to the boy that approached the tiny girl. Bashfully she hugged her teddy tightly and nodded to him. One of the manifestations that the goblin had ran to looked at it with eyes darker than space as it growled before it just disapered as the sky's started to revert back to there normal state and the other manifestations dispersed in an instance. "A-Are you a teacher?" She asked him shyly as she looked up at him with a shy and sort of lost look on her face. "C-can I come in?" She asked him quietly
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Mr. S had fallen asleep. There were occurances that may have gotten his attention but they were missed by him completely. He was out for a while before jolting awake. He blinked a few times before opening a reality door and walking through it. He appeared in the main entrance, noticing the tiny new arrival. He decided to stay around to introduce himself. There were plenty of others he hadn't really met yet so he felt a need to catch up quickly. He also noticed a strange energy coming from the girl. It was familiar, and unstable in its own sense. He walked over and looked down at both of them, "He is not a teacher, but I am. Please, come on in little one." He opened the door a bit more. Mr. S stared at the boy, "Go find Ms. Reed."

@Daniel reaving @Raven Daniel
Raven looked at Mr.S and nodded. "Yes sir." His voice was quite, he headed off to Ms.Reed, he remebered seeing her with a student eating together. "Ms.Reed..." Ravens voice was still quiet. "Mr.S is at the main entrance with another student, and I believe he needs to speak with you." Raven felt like it was the end of the world. What were those creatures...maybe I could find on near her again. Raven got there right as Jyn left. His aura seems a bit strange, like there's another person inside him.

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