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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

He smiled, and geastured for her to follow"someone thinks to Little of thier abilities. I need to make sure they get a better opinion "

"Who's that...?" Khaleesi asked as she followed Aiden, her eyes were a light pink as she thought with a nice smile. She looked around for a moment and continued to walk with Aiden. She shook her head lightly and looked at the ground as they walked.

Nyo gently patted Emily's shoulder, leaning back against the table.

"Don't worry, it's only, uh, the second day. I'm pretty sure, uhm, that there'll be plenty of drama for you to, uh, to see later." He told her, and glanced at Ms Reed again before looking back at the food to see if there was anything else he wanted. "After all, I get a feeling that something's going on here that we don't know about."
Emily frowned and muttered, "I wanna know." Before grabbing a plate of honeydew and nibbling on that. Of course that leads to more fruit and happy little noises. "Dis is weally good." She cried, not bothering to swallow first.
Sewell had been in his office, reading quietly and enjoying himself. He figured Ms. Reed had everything covered for the time being. He would occasionally glance up at a tiny reality window that revealed, room by room, each part of the home in case anything crazy was going on. He wasn't paying too much attention to it honestly.
"Yeah...I guess." Raven always found something bad in whatever he did, it was just him. He sighed. He looked at the food again, not that hungry amymore. Nyos really good a cheering people up...I actually feel more accomplished...
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Nyo nodded in agreement, with both statements. He glanced down at the melon Emily was eating and smiled.

"Yeah, I just had some. It was really nice." He agreed, vaguely gesturing to the table with his hand. He reached across and picked up a roll of some kind. It was soft and seemed to have something in, raisins or chocolate or something. "I doubt that, uh, there's anything we can do to find out though. About the thing going on." He continued, off the topic of food.
Jyn looked at Ms.Reed and smiled "yes Ms.Reed that was good how did you make that anyway?" he asked her wondering about the recipe and the process to make his intentions includes feeding Eah since she haven't been eating for years.

Emily shrugged and took another bite. "I managed to de-summon chalice. I got burned a bit, but at least nothing else is on fire." She giggled, looking up at Nyo for approval.
"Eheheh" Ms.Reed had an eerie smile fit her face. "I have spatial manipulation my dear Jyn" Ms.Reed the made the gravity off this room disappear.
Jyn slowly floats up in the air "manipulating space huh that's pretty neat Ms.Reed" he complimented Ms.Reed's ability as he slowly floats upwards he tries swimming in the air and it worked the only thing is that no one might do that anyway "can I get down now? please" he requested Ms.Reed.
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"Sure" Ms.Reed said before snapping her finger as everything fell to the ground. She snapped her fingers again to put food back on to the tabled.
"I told you that you could control your powers." He grinned down at Emily. He took a bite of the roll he'd taken and immediately regretted it. It was raisins, not chocolate. Why did people insist on putting raisins in things that didn't need raisins, like everything. Nothing needed raisins. He slowly put the roll down. He gasped as he felt gravity turn off, and barely managed to keep his balance as it turned back on. He took a deep breath to make sure he didn't panic and laughed nervously.
Jyn landed on his chair after the gravity was returned by Ms.Reed "that's cool...is there a way to learn that?" he asked Ms.Reed, he is planning to unlock another class that uses Spatial Magic and that will be one of his goal "if there is can you teach me Ms.Reed?" he wants Ms.Reed to teach him Spatial Manipulation just to unlock a new class and also unlocking a class can weaken the seal of Eah which he promised her to break the seal as quick as possible.
Ravens darkness him down. "I'm guessing Ms.Reed is feeling much better." He looked around and when gravity turned to normal, his darkness vanished. "Pretty useful if you catch someone of guard with it."
Jyn sighed maybe it's impossible to learn it anyway "well I can do it but just unlock easier ones for now" Eah spoke inside Jyn's head even though she wants to be free from being sealed,she doesn't want Jyn to try too hard just for her "okay Eah" he said quietly to Eah and looked back at Ms.Reed "okay I have another question do you know an easier way to break a seal?" this time Jyn asked if there's any way to break a seal.
He led her to the arena, and sat down in the center, looking to her"now. What pisses you off?"

He knew abit about emotion based abilities. And if he could figure it out, maybe she could

"Jyn just try to unlock easier once then once I can go to the real world I'll do it for you got it?" Eah said to Jyn and Jyn just did what Eah said "now I'm wondering how does spatial magic transport items...some kind of interdimensional storage?" Jyn got curious of how the hell Ms.Reed just transported food out of nowhere.
"I don't know... I mean... I guess maybe annoying and rude people... people who always nag at me about my abilities. People who push me to far, people in general..." Khaleesi said with a small giggle as her eyes turned to a light pink. "Why?" She asked, her smile as sweet as she could make it be.

Well, somebody says they can't control thier powers. Your abilities are based on your emotional state. So we need to figure out how to make you upset on command. So think of something. Something so infuriating that your blood boils just at the memory. Or something so terrifying you wish you never see it again. Force yourself to relive that. I know it sounds bad, but... we all have these powers. We might as well learn what we can do with them,right?"

Max pulled her hood up as she walked towards the massive building. She let out a small breath "This place is absolutely astounding..." She had always had a small appreciation for nice architecture. She stopped right in front of it and waited for a moment as she looked around. It was so quiet and cold. Two things she loved most. She walked up to the doors and knocked a few times. @Agirl1107

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