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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

Emily finally caught Chalice and dropped him with a yelp before extending her hand. "Horin Ya to!" (Hor-En Yeah-Toe) She shouted and the fire person slowly dissolved into small flaming specks that floated back to Emily's hand. Each one was about the equivalent of touching hot glue, but the pain stopped once they absorbed into her hand. With a small sigh, she trudged into her dorm and cut out a piece of fabric to wrap around her burns. Then she raced down to the dining hall to witness food everywhere. Yep, no stopping her hunger now. The only problem was what to choose! So Em wandered past the food with wide eyes.
"N-nothing..." Khaleesi said softly. Her eyes were now an orange as she stood up and walked out the door. She sat in the hall, awaiting for something, anything. It didn't feel right, being in the room. To many people... She looked around the hallway, up and down the hall, watching the walls carefully. She smiled lightly, trying to calm down. She didn't see anything,, nothing but the wind, swirling around her. She shook her head and put it on her knees. 'No matter what anyone says... Your power is useless...' Came a voice from inside her head.

He watched her go,and looked down, pulling his hood up.

Had he said somethibg?unlikely...but still...

He ended up st a ending, heading to the exit.

"You...you ok?"

Khaleesi said nothing, just nodded. She looked up at Aiden for a quick second and then back at her knees. 'Don't talk...' Continued to voice in her head. She shook it lightly and sighed softly, "Y-yeah... I'm g-good..." She said and sniffled lightly. Her hands were shaking, her body was stiff though. "Just... Thought about something..." She said very quietly and looked around with her eyes, a pure grey. She smiled though, trying to hid her eyes.

Nyo found himself chasing after Emily and Chalice too, losing them before he got to the dining hall. he looked around and sighed, going to the table and getting some melon before looking around at everyone. The melon was nice, sweet and juicy but not overpowering. He saw Emily come into the room, at least she wasn't trying to hide. He looked around, trying to see who else was there now that Aiden and Khaleesi had run off together.
Raven left a patch of darkness at the door big enough so that when Smoke wakes up, he would see it. The darkness keep the door slightly ajar. "Finally...out of that horrid, blank room!" Raven saw all the food, and then saw Nyo,and he walked up to Nyo. "What all happened...the vice principal put me in detention..." All Raven knew was that people introduced themselves.

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Nyo glanced at Raven, wiping juice off of his chin before he spoke. He'd always been a messy eater.

"About, uh, two people introduced themselves, Khaleesi got upset, she was, you know, saying that her power was useless, and then we, uh, we came to eat." Nyo told him with a shrug. He took another bite and quickly swallowed it as he remembered something else. "Khaleesi summoned an, uhm, a pretty cool... what's the big cat with the stripes?" He asked Raven, then continued without an answer. "One of the big orange ones with stripes, she summoned a cool one of them."
"A tiger? Hmmm....i'd hope I get to see it...i've seen on of multicolors." Raven sighed. "I'd kill to have summoning powers at the progress i'm at now...I mainly summon small creatures." Raven felt like he was ranting on and on. "Well, Khaleesi's power can be really powerful, once she get's the hang of it." Raven kept looking around warily. "Did you introduce yourself yet?"
Nyo shook his head, abandoning the skin of the melon. He'd stripped it clean of the edible stuff and the table was right behind him, so there was no point hanging onto it. He wiped his hands on his jeans to get the juice off.

"Mr S told me that I was going after Emily, but, uhm, only Aiden and Khaleesi actually showed off their powers." He told Raven. "So, uh, detention? I thought that, well, that detention took place during lunch or something."
Raven was almost instantly glaring. "I was trying to walk around, to let off steam...he kept me from walking with some type of gravity magic, I tried to keep walking, using my ability to help, and he put me in detention." He kept glaring at where the vice principal was standing. "But, I escaped...and yeah, normally detentions at the end of classes or lunch..."
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Emily tripped and fell on her face, managing to spill her drink all over her. Brilliant. With a few murmured curses, she grabbed some sushi and stuck to the wall before walking to hide before Nyo. "H-have you ever tried sushi before? Fish is nice."
Nyo frowned. Mr S didn't seem like a very nice guy, not the type of person you'd want as a head teacher in a school, or a deputy head, or whatever he was.

"I don't know what it is about that guy..." He muttered, then glanced at Emily as she came over. He shook his head. "Uhm, I don't really like, uh, fish."
Raven looked at all the food. "That's quite a bit..." Raven looked at some of the fruit, and ate a slice of pineapple, it tasted like it was just picked, sweet and juicy. Woah...never had anything that tasted that fresh... He then saw Emily hide behind Nyo. "Hm? Hello Emily."
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Emily shoved a roll in her mouth and chewed it slowly. "It's weally goob." She mumbled through the food. Last time she'd had anything like that was, well, before she accidentally murdered her friend. (He gave her the food he stole) Technically it had been in self defense, (He was trying to kill her), but still. Another death on her soul.
Raven picked up a bowl of ramen, and ate the ramen silently. "Hey...since were surrounded by it...whats your favorite dish?" Raven gestured to the food. "Mine would be this, ramen, i've always liked it." He ate a few more noodles.
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He sighed,looking to the floor.

Taking a seat beside her, He let his head rest against the wall.

"You think they were smart...gathering all of us here?I mean...with normal people, fights end pretty quick...but with us...if someone goes off it causes a lot of problems...are we really better being grouped up like this?"

"You want me to speak personally?" Khaleesi asked the boy with a kind smile as her eyes turned violet. "I think they did the right thing... Bringing us here. A lot of kids might get in fights, but we have people to stop that now... I think that it was amazing that they brought us all together... Some of us might have used it for something bad, and then hurt people. Now we can teach them good... and the good things to life." Her words were soft, sweet, with a small laugh at the end. "I don't know, something..."

Jyn burped when he finished eating his food "oops...excuse me" he said and Eah is still grumpy "If only I can last long" she said hoping that she lasts long in the real world "I'll find a way for that seal don't worry" he said to Eah to comfort her since he promised "I guess we'll just wait here for a bit" he stared outside the window in the dining hall because he has nothing to do anyway.
Ms.Reed watched the kid eat before saying "You enjoying yourself kid?" in a tired voice. She waited for Jyn's response.
"Never would have guessed." Nyo joked at Emily as he watched her stuff the food into her mouth. "I just like, well, plain things, not, uh, too much at once." He told Raven. Movement caught his eye and Nyo turned his head, seeing Ms Reed talking to that kid he'd followed to class. He raised an eyebrow. "She looks better." He commented to the two with him.
"Yeah..." Raven looked down disappointed in himself. "One of my goblins tried to follow to magic energy left behind from the mind link...He couldn't find whoever it was." Raven looked around again. "But, they're far away who ever did it." Raven tried to find the upside in his failure.
Nyo shrugged, smiling halfheartedly but trying to be reassuring.

"At least you, uh, tried something, you know?" He told Raven, nudging him with his elbow. "The rest of us couldn't do anything." He reminded him.
He nods,looking to his bad hand"yeah...I guess your right. Some of us have done bad. Maybe we can learn to be better..."

He looked to her,and smiled, before pushing himself up.

He turned,holding a hand for her

"Come on."

Khaleesi stared at Aiden's hand for a moment before she lifted her hand and grabbed his, "Where are we going...?" She asked him quietly and stood up, letting go of his hand as her eyes turned magenta and she looked away swiftly. "It depends on where we're going..." She said and smiled faintly.


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