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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

Mr. S simply let Khaleesi have her say. He put a hand on her shoulder and walked forward with her, both of them vanishing and appearing in his office. (Cobblestone walls and flooring, a small couch, some chairs, his desk, a bookshelf, just a generic looking vice principal office if it were inside a castle. Also it's cold) He walked to his desk and sat down in his chair. "Take a seat." He told her as he scooted in and waited. At the same time he was also making everything in the kitchen move and work. Breakfast was being made as the students moved towards the dining hall. Multitasking like this was a lot easier for Ms. Reed, who he wished was in good enough condition to do it all.
Khaleesi squeaked when she was transported somewhere else. She placed her hands on her arms, since she is in only a tank top and sweats, and started to rub them. Her teeth began to chatter with a rhythm. "Wh-why's it s-so cold...?" She asked as she sat down in a chair and curled up to get a little warmer, but who knows how long that's gonna be, those chairs may not have ever been in heat before. Her arms and body began to shake as she tensed up and got goosebumps. Her eyes a teal with an out ring of yellow green. Her stomach growled as hunger rose.

Nyo blinked at Jyn's demonstration of his power. It was definitely cool, and it seemed pretty useful. He followed the others to the dining hall, but froze after a few steps.

"I'll be through in a... um... a second," He told them, before walking quickly in another direction. He entered a hallway, scanning around until he saw her. "Hey, Emily." He called, "Are you gonna come and, uh, get some breakfast? Make some more friends?" he asked, not having seen what happened earlier.

@Echo Dreamsong
Julius walked into the dining hall and sat down at a table in the corner some of the students moved to different tables to give him space. He started eating his food when his phone rang, Julius pulled out a old flip phone that the top screen was cracked a little and answered it with a loud what. He started talking on the phone it was clear he was arguing with the person on the other end.
The food was finally served. The large dishes floating onto the table, the utensils were set as well. Just about every breakfast dish was there for everyone to partake.
Raven walked around detention. "It feels like the white room torture. I'm already insane as it gets...this room shouldn't bother me that much." Raven started to get bored, he started to think about breaking out, with Darkys help of course. Raven pulled something from his pocket and sat in the corner, staring at the trinket, as tear escaped his eye. Darky could feel Ravens sadness well up inside him, he then squeaked in another language. "Hm? Oh, i'I'm ok Darky, no need to fret." Raven reassured the goblin.
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He winced as she got hauled off, and sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"Well...that could have gone better..."he looked to everyone who was going to eat, and shook his head,heading inside.

He dragged a chair away from the table,taking a seat. "Well, if she misses breakfast,its only fair I miss. My fault she got in trouble anyway."he crossed his arms, leaning back against the wall, his hood covering his eyes as he tried to catch afew more z's

Khaleesi walked into the lunch room, a smile plastered on her face, her eyes a light pink as she walked over to Aiden and bent down, lifting his hood up. "Morning sleepy..." She said softly and grabbed a chair, bringing it over to him, "I already ate, but you should eat..." She whispered, her voice smooth and calming.

Julius wanted to yell in frustration into his phone in the dining hall but he restrained himself and just hung up the phone with a sigh. He didn't understand kids now a days and growing up, he couldn't since when he was growing up being over 10 meant you were an adult through and through. On the other end of the line was his 17 year old son, after the death of his older brother the child wanted to get to know Julius but he wasn't really accepting of the ideal.
"Hmm?" He shifted, mumbling in his sleep.

"N-no no,sortiara. I'm not hungry..."he rolled his head to the side, still on the edge of sleep.

"Eat your fill...I'll eat next...next time..."

He was obviously dreaming of someone else,but the words were odd. The way he said next time, as if there was no telling when that would be.

"I'll be...I'll be fine."

Khaleesi shook her head and took his in her hand. She felt his scars an then pulled her hand back before shaking Aiden lightly. "Wake up numb nuts..." She said loudly and slapped his good arm. She wasn't planning on hurting him, just wanted him to eat. "Come on!! You need to eat!!" She said loudly and smiled softly.

He inhaled sharply, his hand coming to his pouch. He jerked, his good hand coming forward and gripping her shoulder, his eyes showing murderous intent.

After a moment, they softened, and he released"I...I'm s-sorry...I didn't m-mean to..."

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Khaleesi squeaked and shook as her eyes instantly turned to an ice blue. Once he released, she scooted back a little and stood up. "I shouldn't have woken you up... Forgive me..." She gave a slight bow and walked out of the diner, her eyes filled with tears and fear. She grabbed her shoulder and leaned against the wall. 'What happened...?' She thought and looked at her shoulder as it began to bruise up.

Nyo started walking towards her, smiling.

"You should at least come talk to people." He told her. "Most of them seem really, uhm..." He paused, looking for the right word, but he didn't fine it, "...nice. And we are going to be living with them." he reasoned. He then gestured to Chalice, "Besides, keeping your power going for so long must be making you tired."
Emily shrugged and shook her head while Chalice chuckled in a high pitched sound. "I,um, don't really eat much" She lied, fiddling with her thumbs.
"K-Khaleesi!" He reached to catch her, but stopped. He looked at his own hands, and sighed, shaking his head.

"I...I'm sorry..."he let his shoulders fall,.and sighed,turning to leave.."Idiot..."

Khaleesi looked at Aiden and turned her head. "You shouldn't be sorry... I told you that I shouldn't have woken you up..." She said lightly and smiled, her eyes were a yellow-green with a hint of grey. "I should've just let you sleep... You said you didn't need to eat and I should have listened..." She said lightly and growled at herself. "I'm very sorry..."

"Then at least come and say hello to, uh, to some people, show off Chalice or something." He said with a shrug. "You shouldn't, uhm, spend all your time, you know, alone. It's not good for someone." He told her, then turned as if going to leave and waved his arm as a signal for her to follow.
Raven looked at the door, leaving right now was just so tempting. I can't risk it...I don't want to get detention again. Raven stood up, pocketing the item. He wiped the tear away, as he walked to the cracked door. "Heh...i'll probably get in trouble for that though..." Raven thought he was in the room forever.
Mr. S went to his room to relax. He lied down in his bed, after a moment he realized that the sheets kind of smelled like Ms. Reed. He got up and decided to give her a visit to see how she was doing. Also he took note to change the sheets the next chance he got. He phased through the walls and to the hallway, walking to Ms. Reed's room and knocking lightly on the door, "It's Sewell, can I come in?" He asked. He made sure his voice wasn't too loud or sudden.

Ms.Reed's eye were red and swollen from the fear and the crying. She heard Sewell knock and ask if he could come in. "Yes, you may come in" Ms.Reed said as she wiped her face and looked at her messy room. She sighed at the thought of have to clean this up. She snapped her fingers organizing everything and making the room spotless.
Sewell walked in, closing the door behind him slowly. He walked over and sat down beside her, "...." He remained silent. After a few moments he gave her a big hug. "I won't let him harm you. Okay?" He held her a little, hoping that it might make her feel better. He was still new to comforting people. The only thing that he was used to doing to help someone was kill the person causing the problem or destroy the problem.

Ms.Reed hugged him back. She was empty right now so this little hug made her feel a little bit less empty. "It's ok i'm a big girl I don't need saving... I only had one person save me and that was my brother, He and I don't talk anymore nor do me and my sister for that matter... I'm rambling, are the students ok?" Ms.Reed asked curious and nervous for the answer.

"They're fine." He sat back so he could look at her. "And you may be a big girl. But I am a big boy and I haven't slept ever since my family died. Sometimes, whether we are big or not, we need someone to rescue us. This man can get into heads, which means that I am the only one who can stop him for good. Can you please let me help? Please?" He put his hands on her shoulders, looking her in the eyes. "If you don't then even the students will be at risk. But the last thing any of us want is to lose you."


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