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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

Aiden wasn't in much of a hurry. Stepping into the room, He glanced about the students,his hands shoved in his pockets. He glanced at Mr.S, his good hand giving a mock salute as he stepped over to the wall.

"Sorry sir. Didn't mean to be late."

He hadn't caught the boyfriend comment as he took a place next to Khaleesi, leaning against the wall.

"Sorry 'bout that. Didn't mean to fall behind so drastically."

He gave her a grin, before looking back to the teacher,adjusting his hood slightly

@Tetro @PixieDusts
Raven looked at the crack in the door. He let a little growl out, before slamming his fist into it again, but not as hard. The crack only got slightly bigger. "Detention...for walking." Raven couldn't get his mind of that enraging moment.
Nyo arrived a little after Aiden, hovering in the doorway, not sure what all the noise he heard was about. He didn't really want to get involved, and he wasn't sure what he was seeing as he looked around the room. He took a deep breath and stepped deeper into the room, moving slowly towards the others and stopping next to Jyn, hoping the boy's fantastic arrival would draw attention away from his lateness.
Khaleesi's eyes were completely shut. Did she fall asleep? Or was she just resting her eyes? The short girls chest moved up and down slowly with every breath she took. She looked so peaceful. She must have fallen asleep, well, that was until Mr. S began to talk and she jolted up with a squeak. Her eyes were a light blue as she walked to the opening of the Grand Hall. "He's not my boyfriend..." She hissed, her eyes sparked a red. With a stretch the short girl smiled, "Welp, I'm Khaleesi... and I can summon... Yep, useless power if I say so myself..." A small yawn was placed into that sentence.

@Tetro @Mistory1997 @Whoever else I missed...
He watched her, and he released a sigh.

"Why don't you give us an example. Show off a bit,eh?"

He hated her opinion toward her power, and hoped he could change her mind in some way.

@PixieDusts @everyone

A small sigh escaped Khaleesi's lips as her eyes changed to a light blue, lime green, and a hint of magenta. "Show off what?" She asked as her eyes turned white and she had a blank look on her face. "I told you!! My power is useless!! It has no use here!! There isn't anything I can do!!" She growled and her eyes turned blood red, she turned towards Aiden and growled loudly, as the ground around her began to shake, and with a roar, the air began to swirl around her. "Happy?!" She screamed as a giant tiger formed around next to her. It's growl matched hers, her eyes still a blood red before she began to huff, and the tiger did as well. Their moments shared the same wave.


@Tetro @Mistory1997
He looked her over, and nodded."now...tell me why this, is useless,hmm? Your still you, and you can fight and defend yourself. So what's the problem? I mean, your friend looks comepletly capable of combat..."

He wanted her to see it, but still, he didn't want to push her to far.

"If you think this is useless, then who here has something that isnt?"

@Echo Dreamsong

Well, so far all that's really happened is the day has ended, after we got a glimpse of ms.reeds issue, and the next day has started. Students have gathered in the grand hall to start classes, first doing introductions.


Mr. S banished the tiger, walking over and standing beside Khaleesi. He towered over her, staring down at the girl. "Is there a reason why you are bringing such an attitude to your demonstration?" He asked calmly. A menacing energy came from him, similar to how he was when dealing with Emily and Chalice. "I can understand your insecurity. But such disrespect will not be tolerated, ever, under any circumstances." He put a hand on her shoulder gently. "And to answer your question... No... I am not happy. Now go over there and wait, you are finished with your introduction." His voice was a little quieter now as he held back a storm of negative emotion.


Mr. S made his voice sound beside Emily, "Get back in here now. It's almost your turn." He told her. He looked towards the boy, "You're next. Come up and introduce yourself, then demonstrate your power." He gestured for him to come to the center of the room like Khaleesi did.

@Echo Dreamsong @Mistory1997

"You will be after the girl who just left." He pointed to Nyo.

"Well...I guess in out ofbthe demonstration." Raven didn't mind missing it, he never really liked talking in front of people, even if it was three or four people watching.
<p>The teen gave a glance to the man, and nodded, stepping up. He gave a smile to the girl he had upset.</p>


"Your powers a lot better than you think. I'll get you to see that. Some how."he grinned, and set foot in the center of the room.</p>


"Hello everyone. Please call me Aiden. </p>


And what I do is simple, yet complicated. It takes abit of a class in its own to under stand, But I'll try and simplify it.</p>


My abilities focus around the soul. Some call it ones spiritual essence. Some call it are emotions. Some call it or conscious. But it's what drives us. And it produces energy. This energy usually disappears imidiatly, but if an object is being constantly hit by this energy, it can hold onto some of it,and the longer its absorbing energy,the better for me."</p>


He placed his bad hand to the side,wide open. Hos pouch emitted an eery glow, before something launched free, landing securely in the contorted,waiting palm.</p>


Aiden grinned, holding up what looked like a shard of copper for everyone to see.</p>


"This here, is a shard of metal. It was once a helmet. Not just any helmet, but one that belonged to a Spartan. No, not halo, but a Roman Spartan, one of the most terrifying warriors man ever produced. But to most, its just a shard of metal. </p>


See, my abilities thrive on ancient objects like this. This little sliver of bronze went through many battles, saw a lot of death, and the fall of roam. The anger, misery, and glee of victory,from hundreds of men, saved in the little peice of metal. That's what I look for."he clenched the shard in his hand, and the flesh began to glow. With a flash of light, everything shifted. Large hunks of metal lay on the floor, with no pattern to be seen. He gave a glance about, and nodded, raising his hand.the metal began to float, and swirl around him. Clenching his fist, the metal converged, creating a wide wall of bronze before him. </p>


"A sliver of armor becomes a near impenetrable shield."</p>


Letting his hand relax,the metal began to float in orbit again, with no pattern. But getting a shot to him was almost impossible without getting caught in the debris. He smiled</p>


"Now, I'm not in any pain at the moment, but most of my spells do cause a great deal of pain. Defencive and support spells are the exception here..."</p>


<a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10615-tetro/" data-mentionid="10615">@Tetro</a></p>


<a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/31853-pixiedusts/" data-mentionid="31853">@PixieDusts</a> </p>


Jyn arrived at the Grand Hall, he knows that he is late so he used a skill of his rogue class called Invisibility, the skill doesn't last too long so he tiptoed and if he makes a sound then his Invisibility will be rendered useless "ok we're close" he said quietly to himself as he slowly positions on a vacant area and canceled his invisibility there and he watched what's going on.
Mr. S listened and nodded, "Greek... The Spartans were Greek. The Persian empire fell to Greece, Greece fell to Rome, and Rome simply crumbled over time due to it's size." He explained then turned to all the others, "If you want some of the details you can all go ahead and talk to Julius." Mr. S looked back to Aiden. "You have an impressive power, thank you." He gestured for him to go to the others and wait.


"Since you are so eager to show off your powers. You can go ahead and go next." He pointed to Jyn. "Come on up here and introduce yourself, then demonstrate your power."


Khaleesi growled at Aide, but as soon as Mr. S boomed over her, her eyes turned as pure as a ice blue could get. She walked over to the wall and slid down the side of it. Her knees were brought to her chest, as her arms wrapped around them, and her head was placed o n top of them. She squeaked quietly and shook her head. "I didn't mean to..." She whispered softly, her ice blue eyes almost filled with tears.

Khaleesi sat there, not a care in the world about you judged. She shook her head again and sighed, 'I can't control them...' She thought to herself and then continued, 'They only summon when my feelings are more powerful... I can't control them... it's not fair... why should I even be here? Like I said... Fucking useless!!' With that Khaleesi nuzzled her head into her knees and waited for class to be over.

Jyn was shocked that he was found out and Eah the voice inside his head just laughed at him "You failed I told you to unlock the Ninja Class" she said to Jyn and Jyn just sighed "yeah yeah I'm still finding a way" he said as he looked at Mr.S for a brief moment and just deals with it. He walks at the center of the grand hall, he took a deep breath before doing his introduction "Well looks like I was found out hehe In any case to make this a little bit quicker (or not) my name is Jyn T. Lohannes and my ability is..." he forgot the name asked the voice quietly as possible "what was my ability again?" he whispered to the voice inside his head "Class System...Seriously it's your ability and you just forget about it?" she answered with a sigh and Jyn clears his throat "So my ability is called Class System well to those who played rpg games with class systems in it kudos to you anyway I'll just demonstrate it since it's a bit easier" Jyn readies himself to change his class "Class Equip...Juggernaut" light engulfed his whole body and after the light faded away his outfit changed into a Bulky and Large armor with a Tower shield and a large Sword at his right hand "well is this enough Sir S?".
"Dr., Sir, Lord, any title is acceptable. But you may refer to me as Mr. S. Thank you for your demonstration." He nodded. Mr. S looked around at everyone in the Grand Hall. "Well it seems that the others won't be showing up... You are all dismissed to the dining hall. Go on now, eat and converse. Make friends and share secrets." He waved his hand at them, standing there and waiting. "Khal, I need to talk to you though about what happened." He added. "If you haven't gone yet I apologize. But I don't want to starve you all."
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Julius walked back into the school wearing a black two piece suit with a gray undershirt, His tie was loose and his suit was undone. Julius had just gotten back form the funeral of one of his grandchildren he had hated going to funerals and that his children wouldn't live forever like he would. Normally his children live longer then most humans, if its his first child then the normal lifespan is doubled but after a few generations the children would have normal lifespans. Although all of his descendants would also die if shot somewhere fatal unlike Julius himself. Julius walked back to his room passing the grand hall watching a lot of people flow out towards the dining hall, Julius walked into his room slamming the door behind him and looked up at the dried blood from when he shot himself in the head and sighed.

(Sorry bad lightning storm knocked out my power it just came back earlier this morning)
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Khaleesi looked up when he dismissed them to eat. 'Finally!!' She praised in her mind before a nickname was bestowed out. 'Ugh!!' With that small thought the short girl walked over to Mr. S. Her hands were in her pockets as she walked closer and closer, her eyes still an ice blue, with a hint of yellow green. Before she even got to him she began to speak.

"I didn't mean to do that, I was angry at Aiden. I know what you're going to say, bad demonstration, straight to detention. I know my power is useless so you don't have to tell me." As soon as she got to Mr. S, she stopped speaking and sat her hands on her hips. She looked at Aiden for a moment and smiled, gesturing to him she'll be at the dinning table later.

@Tetro @Mistory1997
"as you wish then, I'll call you Mr.S in the future" Jyn replied to Mr.S as he unequipped his class changing back to his casual outfit, he exits the grand hall and walks to the dining hall yawning "good thing you didn't use "that" class" the voice said to Jyn and when she said that Jyn paused "I'll never use "that" class unless I'm in a pinch" he replied then he continued to walk to the dining hall. Jyn arrived at the dining hall he sits on a vacant dining table and and slept since he didn't get any sleep "I hope no one disturbs you" the voice hoped and laughed lightly.
Julius changed into a black vest with a red tie and black slacks with shinny combat boots, He grabbed his gun holstering it at his side while putting his wallet and watch in his pockets on the vest. Julius then walked out of his room towards the dining hall wanting to get some food since he hadn't eaten since he got to the funeral.

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