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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

Sewell blinked at Reed, finishing the food he was eating at the moment before continuing his cooking. He wiped his mouth, "My uncle taught me a few recipes to replicate the taste of our native dishes. I don't need to eat, but I do it because I miss home sometimes." He answered with a shrug. "So what do you wanna talk about?" He dusted some of the crumbs off of himself.

Raven yawned, boredly, walking to a table where he could see some other students. He twirled his finger, making a miniature tornado of darkness on the table. He smiled at the creation. He moved the tornado around the table starting to get slightly bored, he morphed the tornado to a ball. He smiled at his powers again, as the darkness took multiple shapes. His darkness dissapated as he heard the slightest, most annoying noise ever. He looked around for the cause of the noise. I must be hearing things... He drowned the sound out, well, at least tried to, as he kept playing with his powers.
Ms.Reed pushed some hair behind her ear. "Well you must be wondering why I brought new students didn't you, the truth is Finnick is gonna be here tonight... and he isn't going down without a fight he has also has brought really powerful children with him as well so I guess it's gonna be an all out war" Ms.Reed said looking down at the ground.

Isabella pouted when the lady left then got up and quickly ran out the door to try and follow her but by then Ms. Rees was gone. "Hello?" She called into the hall shyly as she held her teddy bear tightly to her chest as she started down the hall slowly
Sara pulled the candle out of her bag as she heard someone calling out in the halls. She swung her bag back onto her shoulder after retying it closed and leaned backwards, trying to peer around the corner. She didn't see anyone.

"Hello?" She called back, wondering if there were ghosts, and if they were friendly.

@Daniel reaving @Yoshiro @Echo Dreamsong
When Isabella heard a voice call back she tensed her eyes widening as she stared down the hall in fear. "H-hello?" She called again as she hugged her teddy tightly and slowly took a step down the hall. "C-c-come out!" She called in a shaking scared voice as she looked around the hall while she continued to walk down the hall

Raven got up, and dissolved into the darkness, he appeared on the roof of the school. "Much better..." He looked around at the view. "I wonder if anyone else has tried this." He relaxed a little, just admiring the view. He hummed a song to himself, and darkness flew around him, swaying and changing shape.
Emily and Yasero wandered around, mentally communicating.

"Wanna go to the roof?"

Yasero nodded and the two climbed the stairs.

"Raven?" Emily asked, seeing him.
Raven was about to sing parts of the lullaby he was humming, but stopped when he heard Emily. "Hm?" Ravens faced immediately turned red, he hoped they didn't hear him almost singing. "Hey E-Emily..." He moved his scarf a little, hiding a little of the redness. The darkness also disappeared.
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Emily beamed and moved closer to him.

"I want you to meet my companion, this is Yasero. A frostwolf of the north."

She said with a nod. The wolf just glared at Emily.

Call me Alpha you idiot.

"Oh, she also says she is Alpha. And that she is an idiot."

I DID NOT! I will bite you!

The two smiled before Emily gave up.
"Are you two speaking through mind link?" Raven asked, his face turning to its normal color. He looked at the wolf, thinking of something. She looks like Leo and Nagi, partially... He got up, taking a step to the wolf, slightly curious.
Emily nodded, glaring at Yasero.

"She's pretty rude, but I love her anyway."

Yasero looked at Raven with a smug expression.

How can you not love your Alpha.

Hmm, rude personality? Smug expression? Should I continue?

Nope, I get your point.

Yasero glared at Raven, her green eyes narrowed.

"Yey, be nice to my friend."
Ravens eyes started to glow a light purple, one of the traits that signals he's an acolyte. Maybe I shouldn't... He didn't take another step, but he did look like he was scanning the wolf. "So Emily, how long have you and Alpha, or Yasero, been friends?"
"About seven months. We formed a connection through dreams. The necklace I have is the mental beacon." Emily and Yasero both nodded.

You still need more deer.

Back off, I'm not a hunter.
"That's really cool..." Raven marveled at both of them. He sat back down, and gestured for them to sit down beside him. His scarf seemed to cover most of his face again. "Does she have special powers?" Raven asked Emily, wanting to know more about the wolf.
"Really?" Raven looked at the wolf. "I wish I was that strong..." He looked at his palms, another dark tornado forming. "Hm...Fire and Ice..." Raven glanced at the wolf then Emily. "Really powerful Duo." One of Ravens Goblins peeked its head out from behind Raven. It squeaked, then walked up to Yasero, curious.
The goblin looked at the wolf. He squeaked angrily at it. "Darky don't insult her..." The goblin nodded at Raven and shot one more glare at Yasero with its dark yellow eyes. It then walked to Raven and hugged his arm. "Sorry about that...they can get a little mean." The goblin squeaked again, before dissapearing.
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Yasero snarled at Raven.

Can I bite him?

NO! Why would you ask that?!

I don't like his thingy!


Goblin! I want to bite that thing!

Well it's gone now, so don't!

"Sorry about Yey here, she gets what i'd call, protective."
"It's fine...oh and um...please don't be alarmed when about thirty more of the goblins come back..." Just as Raven said that a snarling wolf, made of darkness, appeared behind him with ten or twenty goblins on its back. "Yep...don't anger them, there's about five million more of them..." Raven seemed eerily calm about this situation. "But I am really sorry that Darky frightened Yasero..."
Yasero snorted and turned away.

Me? Afraid? Nope. Don't like this guy.

Be nice Yey!

The two had a silent staring contest before Yasero glared at the Wolf.

Bring it on dark breath.
The wolf almost exploded with dark energy. "Don't tempt Nagi..." Raven looked at his wolf. The wolf and the goblins turned into the size of elephants. "Guys I mean it..calm down..." Ravens voice started to have a little irritation in it. "Or I'll turn you into dust..." All the dark creatures looked terrified, except for the wolf. It shrunk to normal size and started to carry the goblins again. It huffed, and dark spikes came from its mouth, and cut a little fur off Yasero.
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Yasero growled before howling rather loudly. A pack of large wolves raced over the hill, frost trailing at their feet.

"YASERO!" Emily shouted, waving her arms around. Then she slipped on the ice and fell off the roof. She hit the ground hard on her left leg, and by the pain in her ankle she could tell it was broken. "owowowow! Nyo!" She sobbed, not daring to move as the pack formed ranks around their beta.

Yasero glanced down before looking back at her enemy.

WeirdisFun said:
(one with a voice inside, counted as two characters)
Eah noticed a presence and warned Jyn that was about to sleep "Jyn! wake up someone is near" Eah said to Jyn as Jyn suddenly woke up he looked around and saw a girl with teary eyes, he doesn't know what happened to her but he's willing to help "uhh...Hello there, is something wrong?" he asked the girl that was slowly walking to the sofa so he scoot a little bit to the side.
Marina's face was now buried deep in the couch cushion as she let out wailing noise, completely ignoring the figure beside her. Even though it was hard to hear with her head submerged in a cushion, she still could make out some of the noise. She stopped pushing her face against the cushion and looked over at the source of the sound, leaving a face sized area of the couch's cushion soaked with snot and tears. It was a guy who appeared to be several years older, and he was coming towards her! Marina was completely unsure what to do, she always believed in stranger danger, but she never really had to worry about it up until now, in a school filled with big scary people she didn't know. She scooted further away from the male, but nodded in response to his question.

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