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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

Chuck looked up and saw the black man and a tall lady. He stood up and tip toed a bit to the scene. She looked a bit scary so Chuck went up the stairs while looking a Ms. Reed and Nyo
"YES, they have" Snapping her head to the side "Hey don't avoid your Teacher Chuck it's quite rude" Ms.Reed said. "Now where was I oh yes now if you will both follow me I will take you to the kitchen" Ms.Reed said as she as she walked into a Green circle.
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Nyo glanced at Chuck, obviously uncomfortable to be near to Ms Reed. He took a deep breath and followed Ms Reed through the portal of some kind and into the kitchen. He looked around and saw the other three in there, some of them looking as lost as he felt. He raised his hand into a small wave at the group and slowly started to edge away from Ms Reed before looking around, not sure what to say to introduce himself.
Richard whistled after the teacher had left. "It's alright kiddo, it didn't look like she was mad." He said with a grin. Richard was busy trying to fix up some more food from the other cabinets before a young man around his age came in before exiting again. "Looks like the other students are already coming in huh? Things are gonna get hectic fast." Richard handed the girl an apple before turning to the door, hearing a couple of new students arriving, and one of them appearing to be exploring.
Emily whimpered and backed into a corner. Sure, Richard seemed nice, but that was about as far as she was willing to go today. When the spider fell in front of her, Emily squeaked in terror and ran to hide behind her 'friend'. Or at least she supposed they were friends. Closest she'd had for a month. So the girl clung to Richard and pointed frantically at the black insect.
Shooting his hands up in air with a yelp, the unknown girl grabbed Richard and pointed. Realizing she was talking about the spider Richard laughed sheepishly before patting the girl on the head. Tearing off a piece of the now empty, but clean, sack of flour he scooped up the dangling spider before approaching a window and tossing the spider out. "Yeah I hear you. Spiders are crazy scary, but they don't mean much harm you know?" Richard felt a presence near the doorway as a portal opened up, revealing the teacher and a few other kids appear. One boy raised his hand, which Richard responded with a hearty wave before standing next to the younger girl again.
"Darn it! I can't believe I'm late" Danny said sprinting in his cheetah form. "Stupid alarm clock. How dare you not be loud enough to wake me up" he mumbled under his breath. Danny had a problem with being late to things, especially one's involving anything school related. He had finally reached the school making him collapsed to the ground in exhaustion panting extremely hard. He reverted back into his human form which began to immediately start sweating cause of how over heated he was.

He was wearing red basketball shorts with a white tank top that showed a small part of his scar.
"Alright deep breathes. Don't let everyone know you're an asshole on the first day" he said as he began knocking on the door waiting for the door to open.
Emily grabbed Richard's arm again before whispering something inaudible. Then she ducked her head and refused to look at anything other than the floor. Then for no apparent reason, she shook something off her arm. Something that clearly panicked her. Once she seemed certain it was gone, she looked up at Richard and said a bit louder "I'm Emily"
"There is another student here already, WHY DID I HAVE TO MAKE SUCH A BIG CLASS, Maybe cause you are an air head" Said talking to herself. Noticing the students looking at her funny "Sorry I haven't been around people in a looooong time" she said childishly. "I'm gonna go greet the others new students be right back" Ms.Reed said as she ran out the door of the kitchen.
"Nyo." Nyo replied trying to give Emily and Richard a friendly smile. The girl seemed even more nervous than he was, which was saying something. He turned to look at Ms Reed as she exclaimed about having a large class before running out the door. Once she was gone Nyo sighed in relief and looked towards the other two, visibly more relaxed by his hand still tight around his bag strap. "Is it just me or is, uh, is she really creepy?" He asked the other two, laughing quietly and nervously, as if worried that she might hear him if he so much as whispered about her.
"Hello Damien" Ms.Reed said between her heavy breaths. "Y-you can follow me to the kitchen now" she said still panting.
Quinn was a bit over whelmed. He couldn't hear what anyone was saving but when a dark blue eyed guy waved his hand at everyone Quinn smiled and waved back politely. The guy's name was Nyo. A cool name Quinn thought as he then barely caught Emily's name. Everything was happening so fast. Portals, people moving around constantly this was nerve racking and Quinn could feel himself start getting itchy. Toxins were beginning to form just underneath his skin, but he willed it away and stayed calm. He didn't want to hurt anyone and he wouldn't. So, looking around he sat on a chair and looked up at Ms. Reed awaiting for her to speak and tell them all what the evenings plans were. Obviously dinner but, then they had rooms and with rooms, possible room mates so this would be interesting to see who he got paired up with. Everyone seemed a little tense and nervous, except one tall guy who waved energetically and stood near Emily who stood really close to him. 'Wow. Everyone is just as nervous as I am. Wonder if Ms. Reed can handle all these students on her own. ' Quinn thought to himself, playing with the sleeves of his skeleton hoodies, his hood down showing off his dark scarlet hair and two different colored eyes.

@Agirl1107 @SecretRock @SomeAnimeWeirdo @Echo Dreamsong @Aeshae @Jeremy Jangle
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"Damien? What kind of sh- I mean.......that's not my name" he said laughing jokingly trying to cover up his rude remark.

He quickly walked in rubbing the sweat of his face
"so this is where I'll be spending my next few years with superpowered adolescent teens? Meh I've had worse. Speaking of which do I get my own room or do I have to share with another freak like me?"
With a huge grin he nodded at Emily, "Heya Emily. I'm Richard... Again." Looking at the new students he couldn't help but notice one boy's heart rate increase abnormally. "Hey, don't be too nervous alright man?" Richard said with a laugh. Richard jerked his thumb pointing at himself, "My name is Richard. It's nice meeting you all. I hope we can all get to know each other. And you know... Hang out? Sometime?" He nervously chuckled, obviously unsure of what to say in front of total strangers. His face however curled up with clear discomfort as he took a small whiff of something. "Geeze, someone coming in smells like he ran across the country."
Emily smiled at the others, though it was mostly hidden by the fact that she looked down. Being nervous was dangerous for that kid. And it became kinda obvious when her arm burst into flame. Lets say that she quickly let go of Richard and tried to pat out the flame. When that failed, she waved her arm around with an annoyed scowl. "Stupid fire!" She whisper shouted and covered the now blue flames with a hand.
Instantly feeling the flames at his side Richard's eyes widened as he realized Emily's arm was covered in a strange fire. "Oh wow! That's cool! Unless she's hurt, is she hurt?" Using his gut instinct he sprinted around the corner of the extremely large kitchen and pulled open a cabinet revealing a few pitchers which he then ran to a sink and filled halfway with water. In a desperate throw he splashed the girl with although did make contact with her arm, it also doused most of her body. "Oh... uh... My bad?"
"Wait damien wah I meant Danny... I uhh... TO THE KITCHEN" Ms.Reed yelled running back to the other students. "Wah I forgot to tell him he'll be sharing a room..."she said before Running back to where Danny is. "You will be sharing a room, now... TO THE KITCHEN" Ms.Reed yelled sprinting back to the kitchen.
'Ahh so Richard was the guy's name. Okay...Okay...Just...introduce yourself. You can do it. Come on man...don't be a pansy.' he thought, Quinn opened his mouth to say his name but closed it again, blushing a deep red as he became self aware of his deafness again. He opened his mouth and in his soft, deep voice he said. "Quinn. It's...nice to meet you...all...too." He spoke slowly unable to even hear what his own voice sounded like now and not knowing what his own voice sounded like made him self conscious. He blushed darker and nodded once at everyone before chuckling a bit at what Richard said about the new student. 'Yeah no kidding the new person does need to shower once everyone is settled.' Quinn then rubbed the back of his neck and shoved his hands in his pockets, looking at everyone's lips just in case they spoke but that seemed weird so he stopped that and ended up staring at his shoes.

@SecretRock @Aeshae @Echo Dreamsong @Agirl1107 @Jeremy Jangle
Emily coughed a bit before smiling and looking at her charred arms. Fire can be rather bothersome when it also burns up your arm. With a sigh, she tore off the sleeve that had burned up. "Man, that was a nice one too..." She sighed and wandered over to Richard again, rather conscious of the stares she received.
Nyo breathed out, taking Richard's advice. It wouldn't do any good to be nervous or sacred on the first day, or any day after that really. He nodded, and smiled genuinely, his smile faltering a bit as he saw what looked like fire on Emily's arm, but she covered it up before he could get a good look. Then Richard threw a pitcher of water over her and Nyo had to jumped back to avoid getting splashed.

"Damn girl, you're, uh... Sorry, I'm really bad with words..." He trailed off lamely before hearing Quinn speak. He nodded a few times. "Cool name." he told him before hearing someone run down the hall and moving out of the way of the door.
"I'm back with a-" Slam Ms.Reed fell on her face. The contact with the floor was painful and loud. "Ow" Ms.Reed said as she got up. "Noticing the water everywhere Emily's clothes Ms.Reed sighed. "Well I guess I have to get you all to the grand hall now" she said as she snapped her fingers making the room warp and shift until everyone was in a different room.

"Welcome to Ms.Reed's home for special children".
Feeling rather sheepish for Emily being crestfallen he tried to change the subject. "Quinn huh? That's a coo-" Richard stopped suddenly as he saw Quinn drop his head. "...name. " Richard studied Quinn inquisitively as he felt something was off. The sound his muscles were making weren't like everyone else's. Almost as if he was... "Oh." Richard stuck out a hand at Quinn and offered a big grin, suddenly becoming aware that his ears weren't working somehow. Although he didn't necessarily have cool powers like that portal thing or Emily's flame hand, his powers were useful in situations like this. Hearing the slam of their teachers face on the floor Richard could only laugh.

As the man who possessed the odor introduced himself ('Really wishing I didn't have super smell...') Richard couldn't help but laugh at his dumb introduction. "I think I can get along with this gu-" Suddenly as the room shifted into an even larger room, Richard fell onto his back, his whole world moving. Not even able to take in the exquisite structure or the mysterious room, Richard got onto all fours hold one hand over his mouth as he tried to hold in the food he snuck in from the pantry earlier. "Ohmygodwhatthehellwasthat" He managed to choke out as his vision continued to warp and shift.
Emily frowned at the newcomer and had an odd desire to smack him in the face. She probably would have if not for her burned hands. Honestly controlling fire and still having it burn her got really annoying. The shift didn't bother her much. She slowly raised her hand in an attempt to get the teacher's attention. "U-Um, do we have to fight? Or-" Feeling that sentence was too long, she cut herself off again and looked over at Richard. Tentatively, she kneeled down next to him and put a hand on his shoulder with a nervous expression.
Quinn nodded as Nyo said his name was cool. 'Man...fire girl...that's new..well I mean I deal and generate poison soo not to weird. Kinda pretty the way the flames danced but...terrifying that it shot out of her arm like that.' Quinn saw Ms. Reed come back and with the new guy too. 'Hmm this should be interesting.' Quinn stood up from his chair and stood over by Nyo, leaning over and tapping his shoulder and pointing to the new guy as if asking what Nyo thought of him. (In Deaf culture it is not rude to point at someone. It's how they ask about people they are talking about.) Quinn then smiled and patted Nyo's shoulder once to reassure him to relax a bit. Quinn was about to shake Richard's hand when the room shifted and they all were in the Grand Hall. Quinn lurked and grabbed onto the wall next to him and then shook his head smiling. Quinn smiled at what Danny had said. ' Funny. But not that funny, more like dumb funny.' Quinn chuckled and coughed to hide his chuckle, smiling as he then paid attention to Ms. Reed.

@SecretRock @Jeremy Jangle @Aeshae @Agirl1107 @Echo Dreamsong
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"Ahh you see My ability is spacial manipulation which means I control space and I am awesome at it because I'm really old and stuff but! I have a lot more control over my ability than you guys, an example is I can make it rain chocolate" Chocolate proceeded to rain from nowhere. "I can also shift gravity like so" Gravity began to stop working a everyone began to float. "You will one day be able to control you powers as well as I do but for now you will be limited to what you have" Ms.Reed said as Chocolate still seem to come from nowhere and gravity was still off. "Now any questions"

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