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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

"Ok stay right here I'm gonna grab that potion I'll be right back" Ms.Reed said as she floated upwards around some old looking cabinets.
Emily smiled slightly in Richard's direction. "Thank you." Then again she proceeded to repeat the alphabet in sign language. She slowly calmed down and glared at her hands. Dumb hands. Can summon fire but can't withstand the heat.
David, still shaking, hadn't noticed Geralt enter. "Yeah fine, every year something sets on fire and I always have to be there when it does" He tried to calm himself, "Is the girl okay?" He stood up and walked over to the fridge pulling out two beers, he flicked the caps off expertly and held out one for Geralt.
Threlm watched the scene unfold with a grin. "I can already tell I am going to have some fun here." He looked at his newfound friend. He raised his hand for him to shake, "so what is your name mine is Threlm." He smiled hoping that he would shske his hand.
Nyo took Threlm's hand and shook it.

"Nyo Dwyer." He replied, gazing sadly at the spilt food. Oh well, they could eat again later. "So, um, do you, uh, know what room you're in?" he asked. "You might end up sharing with someone."
"Hmm Lets see Inside out potion, Snake potion, Stake potion, Alicorn revival potion, Ahh here it is Healing potion" Ms.Reed said happily. Floating back down to her two students she looked like a jellyfish as her hair and dress trailed behind her lazily. "Drink this Emily you'll heal in no time" She said as her feet touched the ground.

Taking the beer with a small smile he took a large chug of it, mostly enjoying the cold familiar feeling. After, he took another puff of his cigarette. A life with renewing cells was pretty nice. "Well, it is a school of children with special powers. And yeah, boss lady is handling. And you know she always does." He looked at David seriously, regarding him. "Are you sure you're alright? Taking some time off isn't such a bad thing."


Richards eyes followed the teacher as she flew away. He then smiled at Emily who was doing something with her hands. "Going to the nurses office with a new friend isn't a big deal, don't sweat it!" He regarded her seriously, before tapping her shoulder. "Really, it's okay."
Alma LeFey Peregrine, otherwise known as simply Miss Peregrine, was sitting in the Teacher's Ward, having opted to skip out on lunch and the introductions in favor of planning out and organizing her classes.

As Alma finished up on her writing, her stomach decided that it was then the right time to let the world know of it's hunger, much to the woman's embarrassment.

Fighting down the blush that was threatening to color her cheeks, Alma stood up from her seat and collected her papers before checking the clock to see if there was still enough time left for lunch.

Phasing through the walls of the room, Alma couldn't help but feel as though she missed out on something rather important that happened during the time she spent in the Teacher's Ward.
Threlm smiled glad that he accepted him. "I am in room 111 you?" He looked at the food and sighed. He wondered wether more food would be placed on the table or not.

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David took a long drink and looked up at Geralt, "They'd find me before I even got to town. My only other option is to stay inside my room" David paused for a second, "These kids need me. They don't know the horrors of the world the way I do, and if I can pass on even the smallest bit of knowledge to them it would make a difference". David sighed standing up and finished off his beer, "I'm just going to head out to the garden and clear my head. Apologise to the students for me". He walked over to a cupboard beneath a sink and pulled out a pink flowery apron, putting it on and tying it around his waste. David sighed again and walked over to the door, "Thanks Geralt, don't worry about me I'll be fine" Without saying anything else he walked out of the teachers dorm and solemnly made his way to the garden.

Geralt sat there for a few moments, thinking about what David had just said. With a sigh, he trudged back to the lunch hall after depositing his beer in a bin.

Still smoking a cigarette he approached the other teachers, noticing Alma joining the others. "Miss Peregrine, joining us? I presume you've taken the initiative in your classes' schedule?" Of all the teachers, he most likely respected Alma the most for her hard working demeanor. Still taking long puffs of his cigarette he took a quick glance at an overhead ornate floating clock. The tour should be starting soon.
David reached the garden, filled his watering can, and began watering all of his plants. His mind was constantly jumping between the past and the present, he knew it would pass he just had to give it time.
(Sorry guys, gonna be away for a few days)

Emily sighed and nodded. "T-thanks for being nice to me... I, um, suppose I'm not quite used to it."
Alma looked over to Geralt and beamed brightly at his words of praise. Despite his rather rough exterior, the younger woman can see that the man truly did care for his fellow teachers, and soon enough, his future students as well.

"Of course, I only want the best for them, after all." Alma replied, her British accent still quite thick in her voice despite having lived in America for years now. "Though, I do admit that I am quite famished now."

Just as those word's left her mouth, Alma's stomach once again growled in hunger, causing her cheeks to flush a bright, cherry red that stood out on her pale skin, her embarrassment increased tenfold now that she was in public and not in the comfort of privacy in her room.

"Forgive my stomach, it has not been fed since this breakfast." Alma said with as much dignity as she could muster, coughing once to cover up her embarrassment. "Now, if you would excuse me, I have to satisfy the beast that dwells within my midriff."

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"Holy shi..." David cut himself off when he realised it was just Ms. Reed. "You really have to stop doing that" He went back to watering his plants, "I'm fine though, just didn't know we had someone with THAT ability. Took me off guard is all." He looked as Mr. Reed and smiled, she was beautiful but David had never seen her in that way. She had taken him in and kept him safe for close to a decade, she was the closest thing to a mother he'd had. "Is the girl okay?" David said with genuine concern in his voice.
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"She is fine but I think that healing potion is gonna knock her out for a few days, I mean it is the kids first healing potion... look if you feel uncomfortable working with Emily I'll work with her, I want what is best for both my employees and my students" Ms.Reed said in a melancholy tone. "Oh and also make sure the students are in by curfew we had some pest today" Ms.Reed added her voice carrying a foreboding undertone to it's calm tone.
"No, no I don't want her to feel different to the others. I can cope I just wasn't expecting it. I'll make sure the kids are in their rooms when they need to be.". David paused and glanced in Ms. Reeds direction, "Are we expecting trouble? Should I warn Geralt and the others?"

Nodding at her as she left, Geralt decided to join the other students to see how they were doing. Striding up to the remaining kids, he plopped himself down on a chair, propping up his feet on the table still smoking away. "Tell me kiddos. How do you feel about all this? It's alright to be honest." @Saruwatari Tomohisa @SecretRock @Jeremy Jangle @PixieDusts @Aanyone


Richard smiled at her. "Well, with all things come time you know? Let's head back to everyone else." Richard led the way through the open portal, rejoining his classmates as he sat down.

(We'll just have Emily be on autopilot for a bit)
"Lets just say he is not someone I want around the children or anywhere near me... were you here when I met Finnick?" Ms.Reed asked.
"Yes, I think I was. It's been a while and I'm not the best with names but it does wing a bell" He stared at Ms. Reed concerned, if she didn't want him near her then this wasn't good.
"He was my psycho ex emphasis on the psycho part... I thought I got rid of him but he managed to get out of my spacial lock and is hell bent on getting me back... I teleported him to Jupiter but I know he'll be back soon, I just hope the kids can defend themselves when he gets back from there which should take about a couple months maybe" Ms.Reed said in annoyance mostly but there was a hint of worry on the woman's face.

Khaleesi looked down for a moment, her eyes turning the darkest of blues. She wandered around, staring at the kids, teachers, trying not to get anyone to notice her. She pressed herself against the staircase, walking up it. Every step of hers was accompanied by a click and a sigh. Her hair was no longer in a ponytail, it's ragity ends sprayed out like waves. Her eyes followed nothing of a speck.

Khaleesi's hands creased against the railing, a small smile to keep people away appeared on her face. Her short body slowly moved up the steps, heading in the direction of what she thought was the rooms. Unaware of where they were, she wandered around, her eyes still a dark blue.


Miya was looking around, trying not to get in the way of the students. She wondered where David was and decided to venture out. Making her way to the garden she noticed Ms. Reed and David speaking. "Hey Kitty..." She said with a light giggle and sighed lightly. "Hello Ms. Reed..."

@Dafyddwilliams14 and @Agirl1107
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