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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

All Khaleesi could do was stand there and smile. She had no idea what to say. Truth be told she was bored and felt that bonding with another student would be okay. Her eyes changed to a sudden violet and she waited for the boy to join her on the tour. Khaleesi's hair fell out of her pony tail when she had slid down the railing. It's brown waves drowned out her body, her eyes glistening in the light of the sun as it shown through the open door.

"Y-yes ma'am! No one is going t get hurt!" Khaleesi said, her smile bright and cheerful. Her hands behind her back as she was in front of the teachers, tried her hardest to look like a bright and colorful student.

@Maiza Avaro @CainMcknight @WeirdisFun (Night!!)
As Julius was watching the events in front of him unfold he pulled out a old gold pocket watch the glass was cracked and on the inside of the watch was a old civil war picture of Julius and three young children and two old men standing by his side. He sighed and closed the watch then looked to Alms "What are you up to this morning?"

@Maiza Avaro
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(@SecretRock yea I am pacific standard time so I am use to time differences. )

Threlm smiled. "Yea hay after we are done with the school wanna head down to the village to see if they got anything intresting?" Threlm smiled at Nyo not knowing the rules he didn't know he wasnt supposed to head into the town. He followed Nyo upstairs looking around.
Mr S. had set down his book and shifted reality a bit for him to appear at the bottom of the main staircase. He stretched a little, the process being relatively painful. He had a few questions for Ms. Reed involving class times. He might as well enter the outside world for the sake of Ms. Reed, and clarification so he could avoid any people who might bother him. He was stopped short at the sound of two people, obviously students, going upstairs to explore. He didn't mind, but when one of them mentioned going to the town he immediately turned around. He walked up the stairs, vanishing and appearing in front of them as if he stepped out of invisibility. Mr. S stared down at the two, standing in their way. He remained silent for a moment before speaking, "What is it that you two are doing?" He asked, looking back and forth between them both.

@Saruwatari Tomohisa

"Well, I already finished all my paperwork of the day a bit before lunch, actually." Alma said as she went and sat on the right side of the small couch near the entrance of the school, wordlessly inviting the older male to sit with her. "Now, I'm simply doing things as I wander through the school."

Nyo nodded again. Town sounded like a good idea. Then someone suddenly appeared before them and Nyo had to clamp a hand over his mouth to muffle the squeak he made. He lowered it a few seconds later after slowing his breathing and heart. He hated being shocked, it always made him look like a coward, and while he wasn't brave he didn't like looking weak.

"We're looking around, sir." He told the man. He looked like a teacher. "You are a teacher right? I didn't see you at the teacher introduction, were you busy? I guess being a teacher would be a busy job, all that planning and mark-" Nyo cut himself off by jamming his hand against his mouth. He hated when he started babbling. He cleared his throat and looked to Threlm for help.

@Saruwatari Tomohisa @Tetro
Threlm took a step back surprised by the sudden appearance of the man. "Yes sir that is all. I got here a few momments ago and we both decided to have a look around and then go into town later to see the shops." He said in a innocent voice as if he had no idea if he was doing anything wrong or not. He looked at Nyo listening to him babble. It was kinda funny.

@SecretRock @Tetro
"I am the vice principal..." He replied coldly. "Visiting of the town is off limits until the weekend. And even then, you must inform Ms. Reed or myself of it before you do. I take it I've made myself clear?" He stared at them both with a stoic expression. "Also no I was not at the morning introduction. You can call me Mr. S." He added. "Try to be more aware of the rules. I don't want to repeat myself, good day." He left them with those words. As he walked away, a spine chilling aura trailed.


@Saruwatari Tomohisa
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Threlm smiled looked back at the vice principle. "So you can teleport?" Threlm smiled using his own power he decided to draw in some of his not that it affected Mr. S in anyway it just allowed threlm to teleport. He could store the power but when he needed to use it he would have to use it all at once. He still wasn't in complete control. He can take a little bit and store it and then unseal it but he wasn't sure how to seal it.

(Just respond and walk away or something I wont be able to respond for the next hour or so. @SecretRock @Tetro )
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Julius followed her over and sat down on the couch next to the entrance of the mansion, he brought his left foot up and sat it on his right knee to make himself more comfortable. Julius looked next to him and gave a smile then said "Yeah, I just woke up." he said trying to make conversation with the young women sitting next to him.

@Maiza Avaro
Nyo nodded quickly in response to Mr S's question. He looked across the Threlm, shocked that he could be so casual to the vice principal, as well as wondering why he'd want to keep talking to him. Nyo was terrified of the man, but it slowly dawned on him. Threlm's power. Was he trying to copy the vice principal?

"Can we also have a copy of the rules?" Nyo added. He did want a copy since he had no idea what they were, but it would also buy Threlm some more time if he needed it.
"It's not teleportation... And ask one of the other staff." He replied bluntly as he walked out of sight from the two. He already disliked that one particular student who acted casually. Mostly because he felt there was something about hin that would piss him off later on. As he walked to the kitchen, he ignored the teachers sitting and talking only a few feet away. He would deal with pleasantries later. Perhaps an anomaly would catch Reed's attention. The location didn't matter, he was just hungry so the kitchen would work fine.

He made himself a sandwich, consisting of only vegetables. As he snacked he made a small orb of anti-matter form in the middle of the kitchen. He poked at it randomly, pieces of furniture all around the building starting to shift and move out of place noticeably. He kept at it for only a moment before stopping, hoping it was enough to get Reed's attention.
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"Really? How peculiar..." Alma murmered to herself in slight confusion and curiosity as she placed her tea cup down on the table next to the couch with a clink, her British accent thick in her smooth voice. "Were you busy with something last night? Or did you simply feel like simply sleeping in?"

Julius laughed at the comment, ever since he been immortal all he had was time to do whatever he want. For Julius he chose not to be a tyrant or a god but to watch humanity grow from a distance. "Alma dear when you get to be my age you realize two things, one all you have it time." Julius said not elaborating on the second thing.

@Maiza Avaro
"Ah, I see." Alma muttered softly as she nodded once in understanding, picking up her tea cup once more to take another sip of the drink within it, before setting it back on the table. "I understand."

Alma didn't question what the second thing was, of course. If Julius wasn't telling her, then she would be a good friend and not press him on the matter. It wouldn't be very nice of her if she pried him on something that he didn't want to talk about.

"Ever feel as though you're in some odd sort of play?" The British woman randomly blurted out before she quickly slapped a hand over mouth, wondering where that had come from. "I apologize for my outburst, it happens from time to time."

"Ever feel as though you're in some odd sort of play?" Alma said which made Julius laugh, after she apologized for the out burst He said "No, No, its okay and i do sometimes feel that way." He said trying to make Almas outburst feel like a normal part of the conversation. Julius looked to Alma who was sitting next to him waiting for her response on the subject matter at hand.

@Maiza Avaro
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"Testing 1...2...3... All students and staff report to the grad hall for an amazing announcement" Ms.Reed said excitedly.
David held out his arm for Miya after hearing Ms. Reeds announcement "Shall we get going?", He was excited for the tournament, he'd finally be able to see what these kids were made of. He waited for her to take his arm so they could set off for the Grand hall.

Mr S. spoke to Reed, "I'll show up shortly after my sandwich, can I know the schedule for the classes?" He was able to make a window for them to speak only because she made one that was public. Only she could hear him though. "Also what's the announcement? Or is it a surprise even for me?" He playfully asked, showing the kind side of himself.

"... Are you waiting for me to say something?" Alma asked, a tiny bit confused about what to say as she carefully cradled her cup in her hands, occasionally taking a sip of the steadily cooling Earl Grey tea from it. "Becuase I have nothing to say at the moment, to be honest."

That was when Miss Reed's cheery voice echoed through the school. The intangible woman was curious as to what this so called "amazing announcement" was about, since the older woman rarely ever made such things in person.

"We should be going now, Julius." Alma said with a smile as she stood up, her tea cup now empty for the world to see as she placed it on the table, opting to take it to the Kitchen afterwards. She turned to the older man with a smile. "Shall we?"


Miya excitedly jumped to the announcement. "Yessss!!" She said and pulled David's arm along with her. She giggled at him trying to be a gentleman. Her hand gripped his fur, moving fastly as she smiled, making it into the building. "You're so heavy Kitten!" She said loudly and stopped to take a breather. Miya moved behind Kitten and began to push him to the Grad Hall.

Khaleesi jumped at the voice of the Head Master and yet, smiled at the kids who all ran to the Grand Hall. Her eyes flashed from a pure black to a light purple. (I'm just going to bring that one dude along. I'll explain everything to him when he gets back....) She looked at the boy and sighed, "Come on!!" She said and grabbed his wrist, pulling him along with her.

Khaleesi's eyes once a light purple then turned to a blue-violet as she made it into the Grand Hall. She smiled widely and looked around at all the kids. "So big..." She said softly, her mouth almost dropped.

Threlm smiled and looked away. "Well lets save that for later." He said after the vice disappeared. He looked at Nyo and grinned. "So no village. Shall we continue?"

Once again, Nyo was interrupted by a teacher's voice. He frowned as Ms Reed's voice echoed through the building. An 'amazing announcement'? Nyo hated surprises. They made him feel nervous, nothing good usually came from surprises. He took a deep breath and hummed quietly in displeasure.

"No village. How about we go see what Ms Reed is going to tell us?" Nyo suggested to Threlm, turning back around towards the stairs. She sounded happy about whatever it was, so he reasoned that it probably wouldn't be anything bad. Probably.

@Saruwatari Tomohisa

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