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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

David's eyes widened, now he remembered. He was a first year when he met Finnick, that year was a blur and he didn't remember much of it but he did remember Ms. Reed having a boyfriend and them breaking up, badly. David growled to himself, "What're we going to do? They're just kids and if you couldn't even stop him, how could they?" David didn't know what to do, all he was good for was killing and he was utterly useless when it came to this guy! He clenched his fist crushing the watering can in his hand. He noticed Miya coming over and smiled "You really should stop calling me that" He wasn't mad at her, she was the only one who called him that but he'd known her too long to care.
Miya smiled brightly, "I'm tired... And curious, may I run an idea by you when you and David are done speaking?" She asked, gleaming with joy. The sun smiled upon them and kissed Miya's cheeks, the wind blowing through her hair. Miya leaned against David and shook her head, "Yes ma'am! So... what's happening? You all seem stressed..."

@Dafyddwilliams14 and @Agirl1107
"Ah yes I have news, Finnick is back we must inform the other staff, so what was it you wanted to tell me?" Ms.Reed asked as she began to lazily spin around whilst floating.
Jyn arrived at the place where his parents mentioned with a bag and coat I think he's strapped the first thing he saw is a large mansion it was a bit old but it doesn't matter to him "hmm do I need a permission to enter or no?" he asked himself since he doesn't know if he needs permission to enter "just make up an excuse Jyn" the voice inside his head suggests Jyn but Jyn didn't do what the voice said "nah maybe I'll wait at the entrance and also I don't want my first impression to be unpleasant" he replied to the voice as he started to walk and waited at the front door.
Miya shook her head as a small laugh escaped her lips. "The thing is, I was thinking that maybe we should have a tournament soon to see how well the kids are doing with their powers at the moment, and then maybe at like the end of every two weeks, we should have another tournament to see how much they've grown." She smiled lightly, her hands started to pet David's soft fur.

@Dafyddwilliams14 and @Agirl1107
David looked down to see miya stroking his fur and rolled his eyes, "Ms. Reed, I have to agree with Miya, especially now. We need to accurately gauge the students current power levels and monitor their improvement. I volunteer to referee the tournament and I will take full responsibility for any injuries" He slowly followed behind Ms. Reed.
"Um excuse me!? I'm the one who had the idea, I'm the one who is responsible for anything that happens! I guess we can all help, put the skills we know to good use maybe..." Miya said a bit angry at David and ran over behind him, following them. Her eyes eyed his tail as it swayed with his move. She giggled lightly, smiling down at it.

@Agirl1107 and @Dafyddwilliams14
"Hmm and with the tournament I can use that as motivation to help the children use their powers, I like this Idea there will be prizes to help motivate the students even more, Yes the top prize will be getting to go to my private hot springs with a person of their choosing, Yes this is a great Idea I'll go make a Tournament hall be back in about a minute" Ms.Reed said excitedly.
Jyn waited at the front door maybe if someone will come out of it he might ask him/her, he waited for a minute while talking to the voice inside his head "you know should just enter there's no harm in it right?" the voice said to Jyn, he thought about it for a bit and he thinks that the voice is right "you know I think you're right" he said as he slowly opens the door and takes a peek inside "okay slowly" he muttered as he slowly walks step by step to the entrance and closed the door "now what..." he said to the voice inside his head "I...don't know" the voice replied, the voice just suggested Jyn to go in and that's it.
Julius woke up in his bed, as he has every morning for centuries. He sat up kicking his feet off to the side of his bed while running his hands through his hair trying to get it out of his eyes. Julius stood up and started to go through his morning routine he got dressed brushed his teeth hair an beard then put on his shoes and walked out of the teachers dorm. Still not knowing he was running late, Julius kept walking along the many halls until he got the entrance of the mansion he opened the door to go out on a walk and found someone blocking the path.
"Ah, Julius! Going out for a stroll, I assume?" Alma asked as she phased into the Main Entrance from the Dining Hall, carefully holding an antique ceramic tea cup in her grasp while occasionally taking a sip of the Earl Grey tea within it.

The intangible woman had just finished her second meal of the day just moments before, and needless to say, it had been very satisfying for her.

It had consisted of hot-smoked salmon nicoise salad with a few juicy fruits on the side along with the very tea she was drinking that very moment. It was a fine meal, if she does say so herself.

"Hmm? Who's this?" Alma thought aloud as she looked around the older man to see a young teenage boy. It took her a moment of intense observation to realize who he was and why he was here, coming to the conclusion that the boy was one of their soon-to-be students.

"Oh, you must be Mister Lohannes, correct? A little late now, aren't you?" Alma inquired curiously, an eyebrow arched up, before she lightly shook her head from side to side, her short, wavy locks swaying with her head.

Immediately after a bit of quick thinking, Alma put on her most welcoming and charming smile, extending out a hand for the younger boy to shake. "Miss Peregrine. Delighted to meet you."

@WeirdisFun @CainMcknight
As Julius was looking upon the young lad in front if him Alma appeared next to Julius. Julius liked Alma she was a good person better than himself, He started to think on his past and realized he was old this made him sigh Julius missed simpler times. "Ah, Julius! Going out for a stroll, I assume?" Julius laughed he wasn't going out for a stroll but he wasn't going to correct her on it. "You are looking as lovely as ever Alma." He said in a flattering tone while remaining looking towards the student in front of him. Julius watched Alma introduce herself when he saw Alma smile it made him remember a simpler time he unconsciously smiled at her.

@Maiza Avaro
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@Maiza Avaro @CainMcknight

Jyn just stood there not knowing what to do "ok Jyn there are two teachers in front of you and remember first impression must be pleasant" the voice in his head said to Jyn "I know, I know" he said quietly to the voice he cleared his throat "G-good Morning dear teachers and yes I'm Jyn Lohannes it's a pleasure to meet you good ma'am and sir" he said as he bowed and shakes Ms.Alma's hand "Great impression Jyn" his voice complimented Jyn.
"Quite the gentleman, aren't you, lad?" Alma complimented the young boy, smiling warmly at one of her new wards as she shook his hand, before letting her own fall to her side. "They say that chivalry is long gone nowadays, but I can now confirm that that fact isn't true."

"And thank you for that flattering compliment, Julius, I truly appreciate it." The younger woman showed her gratitude as she turned to face him, giving him a bright smile in thanks, a light pink, barely noticed, dusting her usually pale cheeks as she beamed brightly at the older man. "Rather charming, as always."

The intangible woman wasn't complimented a lot. At least when it was still the Victorian Era, and even then it was only out of politeness. So it was refreshing for her to be honestly complimented, even if it was only for petty and trivial things.

@CainMcknight @WeirdisFun
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Saruwatari Tomohisa]Threlm smiled glad that he accepted him. [COLOR=#5900b3]"I am in room 111 you?"[/COLOR] He looked at the food and sighed. He wondered whether more food would be placed on the table or not. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/29550-secretrock/ said:
Nyo thought back to Ms Reed's announcements about rooms. He was sharing with Quinn in...

"Room 101." He answered. "So the rooms go from one to at least eleven. I wonder how many there are." He glanced around the room, noticing all the teachers rushing about. "Since there's no more food, how about we explore?" He suggested. Nyo wanted to get to know the building since they were obviously going to be staying here for a while, and nothing too important seemed to be going on at the moment.

Khaleesi made it all the way to the top of the stairs. The railing was pretty thick. An evil smile creased her lips as her eyes turned Dark pink with a golden yellow around the outer rim and a Emerald green around the inner rim. She smiled lightly before she sat on the railing and slid all the way down it, giggling lightly. 'That was fun!' She thought before moving over to the door where a few people were. The short girl didn't want to be rude and she had noticed that the kids seemed nice per-say, so she waltzed over there, a smile plastered on her face. When she noticed it was a boy and teachers she smiled even brighter.

"Um... Excuse me... Do you th-think I could... I don't know... Sh-show him around... and l-let you guys go do wh-whatever you were going to um... d-do...?" She didn't realize her eyes changed to teal. The short girl had to look up at the teachers, her eyes wide with teal, her smile slowly disappearing as she tried to keep it together. "N-not trying to be r-rude or a-anything!!" She said, a bit nervous as she did so.

@Maiza Avaro @CainMcknight @WeirdisFun
Mr. S was alone in his room, reading quietly one of the books from his bookshelf. He didn't make much of an effort to welcome any of the students or say hello to the other teachers. It had been quite a while so he knew Ms. Reed might come knocking to get him to be social with the others. He imagined what it would be like having to deal with them all. As he thought about it he simply sighed and rolled his eyes. Ms. Reed wasn't the problem, it was the others that bothered him a little. It might have been because he had been cooped up in his room for whoever knows how long. That usually kept him in an anti-social mood.

(Lol sent me that message at 3:02 am for me @SecretRock )

Threlm nodded. "Yea that sounds good enough for me." He would wakt for Nyo to make rhe first move. He wondered if they could run about the campus all they wanted or.... well any of the rules he had missed the announcements. "You were here from the begging right? You know the rules?" This place seemed intresting so he didn't want to get kicked out just yet.
"There is no need to apologize, child." Alma reassured as she crouched down slightly to meet her level, her deep, cobalt blue eyes boring into the girl's teal ones, a kind and understanding smile upon her lips. "And of course you can show him around, I don't have any objections to it."

"Mister Lohannes, I hope you don't mind if Miss Belew showed you around the school campus." Alma inquired of the young boy with a small, but pleasant smile as she took another sip of her favorite brand of tea, which was Earl Grey, from her antique ceramic tea cup.

"Do try not to antagonize each other. It wouldn't do any good to have two more injured students on the first day here." Alma firmly, but kindly told them, one hand rested atop the curve of her hips while the other daintily held her cup of tea. She smiled softly as she waved them off, "Now, go ahead, be sure to get along, alright?"

@WeirdisFun @CainMcknight @PixieDusts
"Am I a bit lucky today?" Jyn asked himself quietly and the voice replied "maybe....I was sure your luck stat was low" Jyn chuckled a bit to what his voice said giving a good first impression and having someone to show him around the school great right?. "ahh yes Ms.Alma I don't mind also It will be a great experience to bond with a fellow student" he replied to Ms.Alma with a smile and looked at the girl that just arrived to show him around the school. "yes ma'am I assure you that there will be no conflicts or whatsoever".

@Maiza Avaro @PixieDusts @CainMcknight
(@Saruwatari Tomohisa Ah, time zones. It was 11 am for me.)

Nyo shook his head slowly as he racked his brains. None of the teachers had said anything except names, and what names not to use. No rules. He didn't doubt that there were some.

"Well, we can't be told off for breaking rule we don't know about." He joked as he headed for the staircase. "There's probably something interesting upstairs." He suggested.

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