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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

Her unresponsive reply made him simply sigh in irritation. "Tell me how it goes." He reached up and physically crushed the energy that allowed them to comminucate. He ate in silence and solitude. He would have to find out the schedule later it seemed.
David made his way into the main hall and took his spot between Geralt and Miya. He turned to miya "Have you seen Geralt? He wont want to miss this, he was there when we were discussing it" He noted that he hadn't seen many of the other teachers at the introduction, by his count, he hadn't seen Alma, Julius and S all day. Although they all had reasons why so he shouldn't really be suprised.

@Aeshae @Pixie
Miya shook her head, she sat next to David and closed her eyes, "Tell me when they start." She slowly fell asleep, leaning against the back of the chair her head tried to stay up. She wasn't a sleeper much, but these past few days of getting things ready for the new kids was tough. So she was all tuckered out. Her hands shook lightly, just the excitement and everything was about to make her explode.

"Did I miss out on anything important?" Alma asked curiously as she phased into the Grand Hall, her mind almost automatically placing names on the new faces she saw within the hall.

"I look forward to hearing it then." Alma told her, and indeed she was. There was rarely an announcement this big before, after all, and when it happened, either it was something really good, or really bad.

The intangible couldn't help but feel as though the announcement was going to be a good one, but it was a good one for all the wrong reasons. Whatever it was, she just hoped that it'll be as great as Miss Reed makes it out to be.

Julius followed Alma to the grand hall for the announcement curious as to what was happening, naturally Julius arrived a little latter then everyone else.
Ms.Reed looked around to make sure everyone was here. "Well everyone I have been talking with some other staff members and have decided to make some changes to the school, there is now an arena where students will duke it out for top place" Ms.Reed smiled as she yelled the good news.
"Let's go then!" Nyo said, heading back down the stairs to the Grand Hall, gently nudging Threlm as he passed. He arrived just as Ms Reed started her announcement. He stopped at the back of the gathered crowd and listened. His stomach twisted after hearing the news. He didn't come to this school to beat people up, or get beaten up as was most likely going to happen. He glanced around at the others to see how they were taking the news.
(Sorry i got busy I am still in school lol @SecretRock )

Threlm followed him. "Yea lets find out." He said on the way. When they got to the crowd he stood next to Nyo and listened he had a grin on his face the whole time. This was something that could be very useful to Threlm. He could use his vision and capture different peoples powers he could probably use them to reach the rank of 1. He sat there thinking about the possibilities.
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Emerald stood near Ms. Reed as she called out the announcement. She was pretty nervous, this being her first day and all. 'I hope they like me...' She thought scared.

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Emerald felt eyes upon her so she looked around. Although there were a ton of students and a handful of teachers. However she spotted a tall man with a beard, she knew him from somewhere but couldn't place it. She quietly got up and walked away. She walked down a hallway that led to the courtyard.

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Emerald stood up and bowed courteously towards the man. "I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention to worry anyone. My child is just being difficult..." She sighed rubbing her slightly inflated stomach. She smiled as the baby kicked her hand. She held out a hand to the man. "My name is Emerald and you?" She asked.


Geralt had joined the other teachers, walking swiftly and efficiently. He walked out briefly to take another smoke break to avoid Ms. Reed catching him, but he was once again idly holding another lit cigarette. He joined David's side, nodding to him. Under his breath he whispered, "I leave for 15 bloody minutes and we're already beginning a school event. Now what?" Geralt regarded the other students with a look of distaste. They were all so... excitable.


Richard was ecstatic. An arena to duke it out? Sure he didn't want to get hurt or to hurt others, but having a friendly fight sounds like it would be a good experience. Using his keen ears he could pick up tidbits of conversation. Some people were excited while others were nervous.
Nyo sighed heavily. He didn't like fighting unless it was for a good cause, and this didn't sound like a good cause, or like something he could drop out of. Maybe if he threw enough matches...?

"Well, this is a development." He muttered unhappily to Threlm. "I am not going to enjoy this. And what if we hurt each other? Like seriously hurt each other?" He added, babbling again. "I mean, we're inexperienced, most of us will be childish, we might get over competitive."
Julius didn't care about the arena much, since he was an immortal he would most likely have to be a punching bag for a student which made him sigh. "The true art of war is to achieve victory without combat." He mumbled to himself while watching all of the other students murmur about the arena.
"Also to make sure you participate the top prize is a private stay at my personal hot spring" Ms.Reed said in her childish tone looking at the murmuring crowd. huffing she looked around hoping for a response.
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Richard thrust his fist into the air as he howled,"Aaaalright!!! I'm going to win first place for sure!" A relaxing bath made by a woman who controlled all relative space? It was the obvious decision to go all in. Throwing his hands at his hips Richard threw his head back as he gave a toothy grin to his classmates, not to be challenging but instead as an invitation to join him.


Geralt practically stumbled in place as Ms. Reed spoke. "You dolt!" Rex growled as he grabbed Ms. Reed's shoulder to look at her. "No one is going to want to work for such a stupid and childi-" He was interrupted by a young man shouting his declaration of victory. Dropping his hand like deadweight he gave a long sigh, rubbing the crease in between his brows. "...Forget I said anything." Walking back to his place in the line of teachers he just stood looking tired and genuinely disappointed.
Mr S. was in his room, reading silently. So far the day was going relatively well. He had something to eat, he dropped by the listen in on the announcement, which he missed but didn't mind, and now he was able to relax. He never did like talking to Ms. Reed while she was in the mindset of dealing with the students. It removed the quality of their conversations, although he doubted she really felt that way. Despite the downs he figured it could be much worse. He could have had run into those two students again.
"Ha proves you right Geralt see all the students want to tryout the headmaster's private hot spring" Ms.Reed said victoriously. In her thoughts were these words 'eheheh they all wanna try my hot springs for sure I mean it's awesome not to mention relaxing'. Ms.Reed looked at the other students for some more approval for the top prize. "Maybe I should go to the hot springs now..." Ms.Reed said to herself as she made a portal.
Nyo couldn't help but laugh at Richard's smile. He seemed like a very easy going guy, and that put Nyo at ease too. He smiled back, then looked around. Everyone else seemed pretty excited about this, no one would mind if he lost on purpose. It would just make it easier for them.

"What's so great about hot springs?" He asked Richard. "Isn't it just a bath, but with rocks?"


Richard looked taken aback, as he stared right at Nyo in horror. "How. Dare. You sir. Just a bath with rocks he says..." Richard grabbed Nyo by the shoulders and looked at him dead in the eyes. "Hot springs are more than just a fancy bath. They're every man's dreams. They're what you strive for... They are..." A small tear formed in the corner of his eye as he looked away at Nyo, gripping hard. "They are... What we live for. And that is why!" Richard clapped his hand on Nyo's back grinning, "I'm going to shoot straight for first place! So? How about it?"
Jyn was surprised when he was grabbed at the wrist by the girl to quickly go at the Grand Hall "w-wait be at least be gentle" he said while running with her "isn't this a bad time to joke?" the voice asked Jyn and Jyn sighed "I'm not joking" he replied to the voice quietly. The two arrived at the grand hall and Jyn's face is still normal as ever. Jyn listened to the whole thing "hot springs huh...is that different from a swimming pool?" he asked Khaleesi.

"Well I'm off to my hot springs see ya later" Ms.Reed said nonchalantly as she began to walk through her portal not waiting for anyone's response. Her dress flowing behind her like a jellyfish .

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